Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
Brazilian Journal of Rural Education
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical
Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
Danieli Cristina de Souza1, Dimas de Oliveira Estevam2, Kelly Gianezini3
1, 2, 3 Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense - UNESC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Socioeconômico
(PPGDS). Avenida Universitária, 1105, Universitário. Criciúma - SC. Brasil.
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. Pedagogical guidelines for the education in/of/to
the rural areas must be based on the socio-educational
development and on a constant dialogue between scientific and
empirical knowledge. In this context, our objective is to identify
formative interlocutions in the rural/countryside education in
undergraduate courses of Agricultural Sciences in Brazil,
through the analysis of their Political-Pedagogical Projects
(PPP). This is a qualitative research with a descriptive and
exploratory approach. It focuses on the theoretical background
about rural educational project. It is also a document-based
study that has as its source data from Anísio Teixeira Platform,
connected to the Ministry of Education, as well as PPP emitted
by the higher education institutions. The criteria chosen to
establish the study’s time frame was the accessibility of the most
recent information that were available during the process of
information gathering June, 2020. The results show that
twelve of the studied courses had as their formative reference
agricultural education in terms of hegemonic production
processes such as agribusiness, adopting a technicist approach.
Only five of the studied courses were characterized by a
formative framework aimed at the education of the rural areas
encompassing several expressions of rural life, such as family
agriculture, peasantry and so forth. These courses make
reference not only to these specific methodological approaches,
but also to public policies related to this issue. Furthermore, we
also identified in the institutions’ PPP a chaotic duality of
concepts of education in/of the rural areas, on the one hand, and
agricultural education on the other; such chaotic mixture of
concepts is prone to be reproduced in the praxis of the teachers.
Keywords: countryside education, rural education, licenciate
degree in agricultural sciences.
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
Interlocuções formativas contidas nos Projetos Políticos
Pedagógicos dos cursos de Licenciatura em Ciências
Agrícolas/Agrárias no Brasil
RESUMO. As diretrizes da ação pedagógica voltada à educação
do campo para o campo devem estar pautadas na construção
socioeducativa em diálogo constante com os saberes científicos
e empíricos. Nesse contexto, objetiva-se identificar
interlocuções formativas à educação do campo/rural para o
campo nos cursos de Licenciatura em Ciências
Agrícolas/Agrárias no Brasil por meio da análise de seus
Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos (PPPs). A pesquisa tem caráter
qualitativo, com abordagem descritiva e exploratória, cujo
referencial teórico tem como foco o projeto educacional rural e
do campo, bem como documental, cujas fontes foram obtidas na
Plataforma do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas
Educacionais Anísio Teixeira, no site do Ministério da Educação
e nos PPPs emitidos pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES)
pesquisadas. O critério ao determinar o recorte temporal do
estudo foi baseado na acessibilidade das últimas informações
disponibilizadas no momento da coleta, ou seja, junho de 2020.
Os resultados apontam que dos doze cursos investigados, todos
se referem à formação para o ensino agrícola, sendo que cinco
deles apresentaram características para a formação da educação
do campo, citando não somente as abordagens metodológicas
para essa formação, como também o eixo das políticas públicas
vinculadas ao tema. Constatou-se a dualidade desordenada de
conceitos e de concepções de educação do campo/rural e de
ensino agrícola, estabelecidos nos PPPs, cuja reprodução tende a
estar presente nas práxis dos educadores.
Palavras-chave: educação do campo, ensino rural, licenciatura
em ciências agrárias.
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
Interlocuciones formativas comprendidas en los Proyectos
Político Pedagógicos de los Cursos de Grado en Ciencias
Agrícolas/Agrarias en Brasil
RESUMEN. Las pautas de acción pedagógica dirigidas a la
educación rural deben basarse en la construcción socioeducativa
en constante diálogo entre el conocimiento científico y el
empírico. En este contexto, se pretende identificar las
interlocuciones formativas respecto a la educación rural en los
cursos de graduación en Ciencias Agrarias en Brasil a través del
análisis de los Proyectos Político Pedagógicos (PPP). La
investigación es cualitativa, descriptiva y de enfoque
exploratorio, sobre el marco teórico del proyecto educativo rural
y campesino. Y documental, tomando como fuente los datos de
la Plataforma Anísio Teixeira, del Ministerio de Educación, y
los PPP emitidos por las instituciones de educación superior. El
criterio para determinar el rango de tiempo del estudio se basó
en la accesibilidad de la última información disponible en el
momento de la recogida, junio de 2020. Los resultados indican
que, de los doce cursos investigados, todos se refieren a la
formación en educación agrícola, y cinco de ellos presentaron
características para la formación de la educación campesina,
citando no sólo los enfoques metodológicos para esta formación,
sino también el eje de las políticas públicas vinculadas al tema.
Asimismo, se observa la dualidad desordenada de conceptos, de
concepciones sobre la enseñanza en contexto rural y la
educación agrícola establecidas en los PPP y que tienden a
reproducirse en la praxis de los educadores.
Palabras clave: educación en el campo, enseñanza rural, grado
en ciencias agrarias.
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
The constant fight for the formative
right of citizens of rural areas, given that
the dialogical educational process has
social, economic, and political principles
characteristic of the community where the
school is located; as well as the access to
an emancipatory education, not dictated by
the dual and widespread reproduction that
opposes the rural and the urban, and an
education that aims at empowering the
local identities of the different kinds of
rurality, is one of the challenges in the
creation and praxis of formative and
methodological conceptions in different
levels of education.
The pedagogical, technical and
sociopolitical precepts present in the
practices and guidelines of formal and
informal education endorse a constant
formative process of its egressed students.
In the future, these students will be active
agents in society, along with other
individuals, communities and institutions,
and may mobilize, reproduce and/or
mistakenly try to transpose, to the rural
areas, paradigms disconnected from the
local reality.
In this context, perhaps the
curriculum of undergraduate courses such
as the teaching degree in
Agrarian/Agricultural Sciences and the
teaching degree in rural education, which
aim at the training of teachers to work in
disciplines of the primary sector
(agriculture, animal agriculture and
zootechnics, for example) and the basic
education, are sometimes contradictory to
the yearnings of rural social movements.
Besides, they have a constraining effect
towards the diversity of existing ruralities,
and they impact the demands for the
advancement of basic educational public
policies for rural areas.
Regarding the aforementioned
courses, it should be noted that the
determination for teacher training in
disciplines of the technical curriculum or
the basic education was published in the
Higher Education Census, issued by the
National Institute of Educational Studies
and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP) and
the Brazilian Ministry of Education
(MEC). In 2000, this determination
established a national classification of
higher education courses in Brazil, based
on the International Standard Classification
of Education (ISCED), in cooperation with
the United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and
the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Among the courses selected for the
professional disciplines' teacher training is
the teaching degree in
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences. This
degree falls within the general area of
education; the specific area of teacher
training and the area of educational
sciences; and in the sub-area of teacher
training in disciplines of the primary sector
(Brazil, 2019; 2020). Therefore,
professionals graduated in these courses
have multidisciplinary approaches of
performance possibilities. In order for
these courses to enter institutions of
education, research and extension in the
three educational levels, there is need for a
dynamism that fosters and values a field
that presents historical, cultural, social,
economic and political complexities.
In face of the circumstances that
differ and at the same time complement the
central premises about Brazilian rural
contexts, the pedagogical work must
establish a formative path that
encompasses as much as possible teaching
and learning strategies that contemplate, in
a balanced way, the singularities and
heterogeneities of the relations and
structures of the agrarian space. This
pedagogical work is supported, in its limits
and possibilities, by the legislation,
institutional conditions and its social
capital of technicians and professors.
In order to do so, it is also necessary
to build a formal structure that guides and
instigates actions that, among other
aspects, transparently deal with the
conceptions, conjunctures and technical,
political and formative views
recommended in the set of perspectives
that constitute, for example, the scope of
Political Pedagogical Projects. In this
context, this article aims at identifying
formative interlocutions in rural
education/education for rural areas in the
teaching courses in Agrarian/Agricultural
Sciences in Brazil, by means of the
analysis of its Political Pedagogical
Projects (PPPs).
The teaching degree in
Agrarian/Agricultural Sciences was created
as a consequence of art. 59 of Lei de
Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional
(LDB), law 4,024, from December 20th,
1961 (Brazil, 1961), which mentions the
necessity to train professors to teach in
agricultural schools, hence contributing to
the technical-pedagogical process of rural
Therefore, the need for professionals
with technical-scientific formation to
respond to the progress of agriculture in
Brazil as well as the job market's demands
is comprehensible - Lei de Diretrizes e
Bases da Educação Nacional, 9.394,
from December 20, 1996 (Brazil, 1996).
However, the social and economic changes
partially reflected on the legal
complementarities of educational policies
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
intended, in part, to attribute new meanings
to agricultural and rural education for the
education of rural areas These changes
were in consonance not only with the
critical and emergencial view aimed at the
fulfillment of the unified right of access to
education, but also, and especially, with
the views connected to the economic and
political expansion of agribusiness (Brazil,
2007; 2009).
The controversial and sometimes
contrasting debate on terms such as Rural
Education, Agricultural Education and
Education of Rural Areas prevails before
the theoretical, legislative and practical
frameworks of these pedagogical
proposals. Currently, throughout the
Brazilian territory, there are 79 courses
aimed at teacher education for basic
education and 21 for teachers of disciplines
in the primary sector. These are
undergraduate courses classified as
teaching courses, aimed at rural education,
whether for basic or specific subjects in the
agrarian field (Brazil, 2019; 2020). It
should be noted that among the diversity of
courses aimed at this kind of training, there
are some entitled: “Education of Rural
Areas”, “Pedagogy of rural areas”,
“Interdisciplinarity and Education of Rural
Areas”, “Teaching degree in
Agricultural/Agrarian and Environmental
Sciences”. With regard to the binomial
insertion of courses in the area of
education, there is the sub-area of teacher
training for disciplines aimed at the
agricultural segment or - making use of the
term of INEP/MEC - the primary sector, as
is the case of the teaching degree in
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences.
The centrality of this study, then,
includes the concern about the obviousness
of teaching the syllabus of the subareas of
agrarian sciences, although this educational
action is not limited to technical
rationality, since the importance of the
formative process is highlighted by the
formative interlocutions. It means
recognizing the interrelationships of the
conceptions of educational policies that
denote the legislative guidelines, the
conceptual and practical aspects of
educational conceptions, taking as example
the education of rural areas, rural education
and agricultural education, which are/have
been institutionally established.
In this sense, it is relevant to reflect
on the formative interlocutions present in
the context of the conceptions manifested
in the objectives of the referred courses,
which imply the technical and scientific
approaches of the pedagogical relations of
teaching and learning in view of the
conjunctures and rural contexts.
As methodological procedures, this
research has a qualitative approach. As for
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
the objective, it is characterized as
exploratory and descriptive (Gil, 2010).
The data used in it predominantly come
from documentary sources, using the
accessibility of the information at the time
of collection as a sampling criterion. Thus,
the databases searched were the Platform
of the National Institute of Educational
Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira
(INEP), more precisely the Statistical
Synopsis of Higher Education of 2018
(Brazil, 2019) and the complete reports of
the Ministry of Education (MEC),
especially in the e-MEC (Brazil, 2020).
Regarding the courses' screening,
when consulting the INEP Platform and
the MEC reports, it was decided not to
include three courses that were being
extinct. In addition to them, it was
necessary to discard six other courses, as
their PPP had not yet been published when
the websites of the proposing institutions
were consulted, in June 2020. Of these
courses, seven were on-site and the other
two were distance learning, including the
teaching degree in Agricultural Sciences
and Environment.
Therefore, twelve on-site courses
were evaluated, distributed as follows:
three courses in the South region; three in
the Southeast; one in the North; and five in
the Northeast region. All the twelve
courses were entitled: "Teaching degree in
Agricultural Sciences" or "Agrarian
The methodology used for data
collection was based on content analysis
(Bardin, 2002), resulting in the
construction of the analytical scheme,
which was first elaborated based on careful
reading of the theoretical and legislative
framework. Through the sample choice
and the analyzed documents, the revision
of educational concepts for rural education
and the educational project for rural areas,
as well as the citations expressed in the
PPPs, articulations and connections
between topics and themes were
established, chosen for their relevance,
homogeneity and representation in the
investigated context, in order to constitute,
as presented by Bardin (2002), the
expression of relations and categorical
To this end, the most coherent and
integrative analysis categories were
established with the research assumptions,
contained in the PPPs of the teaching
degree in agricultural/agrarian sciences of
the researched HEI. It is noteworthy that in
this study the defined categories emerged
in the course of the analysis or, as pointed
out by Moraes and Galiazzi (2005), they
are “emerging from the data”. In order to
identify the formative interlocutions that
intend to attend the formation of the
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
graduate, regarding the objectives of the
courses and the pedagogical technical
dimensions presented in the PPPs, the set
of categories that emerge from the data as
a field of analysis of the objectives are:
Rural Education; Agricultural/Agrarian
Education; Teaching; Research and
Extension. In terms of pedagogical
technical dimensions, the following
emerged: Agricultural and Husbandry
Techniques; Sociocultural and Political
Context; Rural Development; Agroecology
and Environment.
In order to fulfill the objective of the
study, the text is organized into five
sections, including this introductory one,
which addresses the theme, objectives and
methodological procedures of the research.
In the second section, then, we discuss the
conceptions of educational policies and the
theoretical aspects of rural education and
education of rural areas, in the technical
and socio-cultural axes, for the educational
project for rural people. In the following
section, the teaching courses in
agricultural/agrarian sciences are described
and analyzed in the context described in
their PPPs, connected to the their
respective higher education institutions,
and the conceptual approach of agricultural
and agrarian. Subsequently, the following
section highlights the formative
interlocutions about the objectives and the
pedagogical technical dimensions
mentioned in the referred courses. In the
last section, the final considerations of the
work are presented, with a summary of the
results, limitations and questions still to be
considered in future research on the theme.
Interlocutions in the legislative and
educational conceptions of rural
education and education of rural areas
The view of the educational project
for rural areas was conceived in order to
counter the proposal and view of rural
education and agricultural education,
established in the legislative guidelines and
in some curricula and practices of courses
related to teacher training and/or to
technical training in the agrarian area. It is
important to clarify that this is not a
dispute between one educational proposal
and the other, but rather different projects
oriented towards different purposes.
The question posed at the interfaces
of these conceptions regards the objectives
and struggles of social movements in
relation to presenting these principles as
main instead of complementary axes in
basic and higher education, be it in the
establishment of the theories and/or
practices of the training process, which,
consequently, are reproduced in the praxis
of their professionals.
The concept of rural education still
tends to stand out in the curricula, due to
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
the fact that its creation was possibly based
on the pedagogical reproduction of
perspectives analogous to the experiences
in/of the field, with the predominance of a
technicist view of teaching, aligned with
the productive arrangements of
agribusiness. This view limits the
dimension of cultural knowledge of the
reality of this population (Alencar, 2010;
Arroyo, 2012) and distances itself from a
social-pedagogical proposal for an
educational project in the rural areas.
The education of the rural areas, on
the other hand, must be thought and carried
out from the perspective of the struggles
and movements of its people throughout
history. Caldart (2009; 2012) shows that
the terminology and the performance of
education of rural areas must be
recognized by the development of an
educational project, reflective and active in
the social and productive space for those
who identify themselves as part of it. He
also highlights the need for this education
to aim at building schools and solid public
policies for humanistic training, with
critical and emancipatory reflection.
Social movements fight for basic and
higher education systems to discuss and
enforce a curriculum for the rural area that
is not a mere adaptation of the curriculum
designed for the urban area, and that the
training of teachers is not based on the
fragmentation of theoretical knowledge,
informed by a traditional tendency of
education, or on the particularities of the
disciplines, leading to the denial of the
socio-historical and political reality of the
people of those areas. These new curricula
must train professionals capable of
instigating and influencing new
educational policies, that is, of reaffirming
the socio-political bond of these subjects
(Alencar, 2010; Arroyo, 2012).
Thus, the formative process
reproduced in praxis will overcome an
inferior view of teaching in such areas.
Consequently, it was conceived as an
integral formation, capable of fostering the
articulation between school and
community, and education as a social
practice of interrelation of popular
knowledge with technical-scientific
knowledge, thus creating the possibilities
for permanence as well as productive and
social survival in rural territories (Molina,
2008; Pistrak, 2000).
On the other hand, the school
experience interferes creating barriers that
hinder the educational processes for the
working class, especially the people of the
waters, the countryside and the forests, for
example. This is due to the dichotomous
possibility of objectives and proposals
found in the PPPs of the training courses of
teachers - Educação das Agrárias -, with
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
the values of corporate projects present in
the target audience of this teaching.
The context of historically
established rural education, as well as the
professional education of rural workers,
has the challenge of breaking through the
hierarchy of values and the production of
life in the city over the circumstances
(ethical, political, cultural, economic) of
the countryside (Caldart, 2009). This must
be done through the development of
curricula and practices that can mediate the
needs of this population in relation to
hegemonic government policies, instead of
imposing a rural education that envisages
the training of professionals dictated by the
In view of this situation, it is urgent
to understand work as a formative and
educational principle through a
pedagogical matrix with teaching
methodologies that consider the land as a
living space, combining the experience of
oppression to social movements and
structural bonds of agrarian work. In the
emancipatory formation in favor of a
constructive process of omnilateral
education, there is the autonomous and
integral subject in view of the productive
and socio-cultural skills (Santos, 2012),
who is challenged by the present
hegemonic agrarian system, but also
instigated by the action of the social
movements, fostering new theoretical
approaches and pedagogical practices.
Educational policies for rural areas
had their historical, political and social
construction linked to curricula whose
educational intentions were based on the
inseparable bond of maintenance of rural
people settled in the countryside. Until the
1990s, the conditioned power in legislative
acts regarding the denial of an educational
project for the rural individual was
predominant. However, in the following
decades, this situation was softened by the
struggles of social movements and a
project of socio-political representation
beyond the dimensions of agricultural
production (Matos & Rocha, 2020).
It is evident the dispute between the
education of rural areas, which is in favor
of the interests of the working class, social
movements and the rescue of the
peasantry, and the structure of public
policies strengthened by the interests of
agro-industrial productive chains and
agribusiness. This discussion gives rise to
dilemmas established between and by the
forces in defense of public education,
which refuse the conceptions of rural
education in favor of not losing the
particularities of the rural areas by the
productivist elements established in the
educational project.
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
From this perspective, authors such
as Duarte (2008) and Kerstenetzky (2005)
point out that state intervention should
grant a proposal for specific public
policies, especially for groups whose
universal rights have historically been
neglected. Taking the Brazilian case as an
example, the constitutional right of access
to education has met historical difficulties
to actually guarantee, minimally, the right
to education. And in practical terms it
shows limitations when it comes to
meeting the particularities of the rural
Authors such as Calazans (1993),
Gritti (2003), Petty, Tomnim and Vera
(1981) present the concept of rural
education, which transcends the
availability of access to education for rural
subjects, based on basic education
guidelines, and aligned with management
and agricultural techniques. Rural
education must be thought, discussed and
implemented throughout the different
spheres (municipal, state and federal) and,
above all, by its different agents (people
from the rural areas, water and forests,
public administration, educators and social
This action was consolidated to
establish a dialogue between scientific
knowledge and productive, socio-cultural
and historical experiences of families and
communities. For this reason, the training
of teachers to work in this environment and
the reproduction by the State of the
hierarchical model of conceptions external
to the regional/local reality are central
In this sense, the motivation of social
movements towards implementing an
education of rural areas different from the
rural education constituted by public
policies is evident. That said, it should be
based on the pedagogical and formative
conceptions underlying the praxis of its
educators, in which the dichotomy between
the struggle of social movements and the
State's attempt to offer a minimal
education to the rural environment
permeates multiple directions and
meanings. At the same time that it is
considered a universal right, when it is
exercised, the identity of the subject that
belongs to this environment is
mischaracterized, in the context of a
schooling system conditioned to
urbanocentric elements, which, when
inserted in the curriculum of agricultural
activity, provide the technical aspects
without considering the students'
experiences and knowledge.
The “structuring triad: rural area -
public policies - education”, discussed by
Molina (2012), allows us to analyze the
advances and setbacks of this dispute
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
between legal devices, with emphasis on
legislation, such as the Lei de Diretrizes e
Bases da Educação (LDB), 9.394, from
December 20, 1996; Opinion No. 36, from
December 4, 2001, which contains the
Operational Guidelines for Basic
Education in Rural Schools - Education of
Rural Areas; and Decree No. 7,352, from
November 4, 2010, which ensures the
project of education of rural areas,
acknowledges the social and cultural
specificities and modes of production of
this environment, as well as the
intentionality and state action to minimize
the consequences of historical inequalities
in the face of the particularities of rural
peoples, and the struggle of social
movements in favor of identity in the
socio-educational environment.
However, the challenges go beyond
the forms, being inserted especially in the
curricula, in the formative process of the
subjects who participate in this teaching.
And, in this context, in addition to
legislation, it is necessary to overcome the
reproduction of technicist methodologies
and content that are distanced from the
local reality (Souza, 2019).
From this perspective, the insertion
of educational processes for rural workers
involves techniques with cultural, political
and productive experiences and knowledge
inherent to the community, so that they can
break through the abstract model of
contents and methods, bringing together
the scientific approaches and the intrinsic
experiences of the learning process. Such
education should not be restricted to a
merely productivist technical and
technological education. Rather, it should
be conceived for the rural areas, their
subjects and their multiple relationships.
Therefore, planning, execution and
reflection of a curriculum that includes
social, cultural and economic elements of
the context discussed is essential. The
project of rural/education of rural areas
must be perpetuated through the training of
future teachers who will be directly or
indirectly working in the agrarian segment,
so that in their formative trajectory they
transcend the hegemony of the agricultural
productivist model rooted in vocational
education, enabling the rising of an
education connected to the reality and
demands of the population in/of the rural
Among these and other factors, it is
constant the organization of the working
class for an education that reformulates
and enables alternatives to traditional and
liberal pedagogies and practices, which are
at the service of maintaining the structures
of political power, the exploitation of labor
and cultural domain (Paludo, 2001).
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
For Frigotto (1999), education as a
social practice is an activity liable to
integrate the educational institution with
the community. The combination of
several factors that articulate scientific and
popular knowledge creates the possibility
of changing the context in which they are
inserted. In the construction of
relationships that aim at this development
of work, education and policies in a
multidisciplinary way, consequently, it is
almost exclusively the teacher and the
student who are provoked by the
insurgency of understanding the existing
cultural, social and environmental
diversities, in view of the dichotomy
created for the understanding of theories
linked to the courses, be they for the
formation of teachers of basic education or
of disciplines of the primary sector, in the
tendency of the reproduction of technical
and pedagogical methodologies to the
Brazilian ruralities.
When analyzing aspects related to
rural/education of rural areas, the need for
an education integrated with the territories,
ethnic values, and the productive, social
and rural life conditions in the countryside
is evidenced. Rural education has been
developed from an urban perspective,
hence ignoring the countryside's
specificities and directing its pedagogical
actions according to rural and agricultural
education. This has been a characteristic of
teaching agendas in many countries,
particularly in Brazil. It can be perceived
when analyzing the curricular contents of
Elementary and High School, which value
aspects and urban knowledge to the
detriment of those of the countryside
(Estevam, 2012).
At another level as well as
educational conception, it is also evident
that, traditionally, rural and agrotechnical
schools have not been able to prepare
young people to remain in the countryside.
The contents of these schools' syllabus are
commonly inadequate for the reality of
family farming and traditional peoples.
They take young people away from their
realities, since the applicability of the
knowledge produced in these institutions is
hardly adaptable to small rural production.
In addition, they create conflicts between
the parents' knowledge and the knowledge
learned by the children, thus causing the
young person, in most cases, to leave the
field (Estevam, 2012).
The evidence reported for basic
education, not always in the rural areas, but
reflected in the daily life of these areas,
reveals the lack of articulation between
pedagogical proposals, technical content
and the students' lived reality, and arises
from two synchronous pillars. One is the
perspective of the economic model of
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
agricultural production and the other
regards teaching practice, which refers to
experiences of teacher training in the
formative trajectory.
In this respect, there is an
educational limitation, since when socio-
cultural and political interactions
connected to the survival and maintenance
of families in the countryside are not
considered, there is a tendency towards the
teaching of purely technical precepts,
focused on agricultural production, in a
purely productivist and technical context
(Braga & Souza, 2017). And within these
formative limits, they follow an emerging
path of transformation, as mentioned by
Wanderley (2009), which essentially
encompasses the valorization of those who
live in the rural areas. For that, it is
necessary the approach of contexts and
practices that "... is about the construction
of new facets of a social identity that
intends to represent a critical position in
relation to the dominant model of modern
agriculture" (Wanderley, 2009, p. 194),
(re)signifying the social, political,
territorial (agrarian) and economic
(agricultural) singularities, articulated to a
socio-educational project in the rural areas.
Regarding the second aspect,
Hernández (1998) points out the
primordiality in “… considering that
teachers do not start from scratch, as they
have their training and experience during
which they acquired beliefs, pedagogical
theories and work schemes” (Wanderley,
2009, p. 4). These and other issues must be
observed in the process of training teachers
for rural areas, so that professional
practices disconnected from their reality
are avoided.
In this context, the articulation of
such needs to the formation of teachers to
work directly in the education of rural
areas, or of citizens who have technical
relations and/or through the rural
experience, must encompass, among others
aspects, the challenges of the above-
mentioned approaches. This study,
therefore, reflects on the conceptions of
courses such as the teaching degree in
Agrarian/Agricultural Sciences, courses
that aim at the training of teachers in
technical disciplines and that are directly
contributing to the formation of active
citizens in several spheres connected to the
fostering of rural development in Brazil.
Consequently, in face of the
specificities and distinct needs of existent
ruralities, the education for rural areas has
its own intentionalities. The central
question is identifying how the objectives
as well as technical and pedagogical
dimensions are expressed in the PPPs of
those courses.
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
By means of the analysis of the
PPPs, the interlocutions between different
theoretical conceptions and methodological
possibilities will be evaluated. The PPPs
present the legal normative procedures and
the conceptual, procedural and attitudinal
deliberations that guide the actions of
teachers and all other actors involved in the
educational process. The analysis of the
PPPs must encompass the conceptual
objectives related to the epistemological
principles of the conception of education,
of the teaching process, the planning of the
pedagogical action, the guidelines on the
relevant content for the formation of the
individuals, of the proposals of how
institutions aim at and make possible these
sets of documental, structural and
interpersonal relations that take place in
the formative interlocutions of the
Characterization of the agricultural and
agrarian concept and the territorial
distribution of the studied teaching
MEC (Brazil, 2020) classifies
twenty-one courses as "Formation of
teachers in educational sciences for
vocational disciplines". In terms of
regional distribution, the Northeast region
predominates (with eight graduation
courses), followed by the North (six
courses), South and Southeast (three in
each region) and the Midwest (one course).
These courses are referred to by
different names, fourteen of which are
entitled “Teaching degree in Agrarian
Sciences”; six are entitled “Teaching
degree in Agricultural Sciences” and one is
“Teaching degree in Agrarian and
Environmental Sciences”. In terms of
modality, nineteen of them are on-site and
only two are distance learning. It is worthy
mentioning that out of all the registered
courses, three are in the process of shutting
In the Brazilian context, the
difference in the names reveals that older
courses are entitled "agricultural", as a
result of their alignment to the process of
economic and social development of the
country's agricultural productive chain
between the 1960's and the 1970's. Such
terminology (agricultural/agrarian)
implicates not only the actual and literal
meaning of the words, but also the
narratives and debates about Brazilian rural
agricultural and agrarian environment.
Within this, it is important to
mention that among the "Teaching degrees
in Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences", the
older courses are entitled "Teaching degree
in Agricultural Sciences". The first course
was created in the Southeastern region, in
1963, in the Rural Federal University of
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
Rio De Janeiro (UFRRJ). The second
course was founded in the Northeast
region, in 1970, in the Rural Federal
University of Pernambuco (UFRPE).
Later, by means of the Law n.
11,892, from December 29, 2008, which
established the Federal Network of
Professional, Scientific and Technological
Education, creating the Federal Institutes
of Education, Science and Technology,
from 2010 onwards, teaching courses in
Agricultural Sciences were opened in the
South and Southeast regions; and in the
Midwest in 2011. With regard to the
institutional status, the 21 registered
courses belong to public institutions of
education. 9 of them belong to federal
universities, 8 to federal institutes and 4 to
county universities.
We also noticed that some of the
studied courses were initially entitled
“Agricultural Sciences”. Later on,
however, they requested to the Ministry of
the Education (Brazil, 2020) to alter their
name to “Agrarian Sciences”. Among the
six courses that initially had this name,
three requested to change. Regarding the
PPPs' approach, the use of the term
"agrarian" predominates among the texts'
expressions and proposed actions.
In addition, the physical, productive,
socioeconomic changes in the
agricultural/rural environment influenced
the concerns about the use of terminology
in theoretical and empirical studies about
what is intrinsic in rural contexts and
subjectivities. The term agricultural refers
to agriculture, while agrarian, in turn, is
related to the countryside, to the rural
territory, involving not only its agricultural
activities, but its territorial, social,
environmental, cultural and political
relations (Ferreira & Ferreira, 2009).
From the meaning of the terms
agricultural and agrarian, it is possible to
perceive that the second term is presented
in a more generic and comprehensive way,
allowing an approach beyond the
productive processes of agriculture, and
enhancing the existing ruralities in
different spaces.
It is necessary to understand
“rurality” as a dynamic process in constant
restructuring of the elements of local
culture, with the incorporation of new
values, habits and techniques (Carneiro,
2008). It is different from the founding
duality of rural sociology expressed in the
differences between the rural and the urban
which, in turn, are sustained by a set of
oppositions. Indeed, as pointed out by
Martins (1981), the critique of rural
sociology, historically instituted by the
logic of social, economic and cultural
opposites, provides new visibility and the
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
overcoming of what is considered dual or
Therefore, a more dynamic approach
to the term "agrarian" is necessary, in line
with the professional profile of the
technical pedagogical dimensions, aiming
at valuing cultural diversity, as well as
guaranteeing social conditions within the
historical, political and economic context.
In other words, performing
multidisciplinary actions from the
perspective of socio-political issues present
in Brazilian rural areas.
Thus, when rural and agricultural are
seen as synonymous, "rural" is reduced to
agricultural activities. In other words,
"rural" is being defined from the
perspective of scarcity, lack and
backwardness (Carneiro, 2008). Likewise,
when replacing the term agricultural by
agrarian, in terms of terminology,
"agrarian" would be closer to "rural", and
"agricultural" refers to a training reduced
to aspects of production.
For the training process of
professionals who will work in teaching,
research and extension, the view of
integrality is intensified beyond the
productive aspects, aimed
at/fostering/intervention and at the
participation of rural development without
distinction, above all, of social integration
and spatialities. This context is significant
when analyzing the information contained
in the interlocutions investigated along this
Formative interlocutions regarding the
objectives and the pedagogical technical
dimensions in the teaching degree in
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences
Based on the information contained
in the PPPs of the twelve on-site courses
entitled Teaching degree in Agricultural
Sciences and/or Agrarian Sciences, five of
them are located in the Northeast, three in
the South, three in the Southeast and one in
the North. According to the information in
the analytical chart below, in all courses
there is mention of the training for
agricultural education.
Some courses present characteristics
for the formation of education of rural
areas, citing not only the methodological
approaches of such formation, but also
specifying them through public policy
examples linked to this educational
concept. Two of them are located in the
South region, while the Southeast, North
and Northeast regions have one course
The studies carried out by Caldart
(2009; 2012) point to the emergence of the
expression "education of rural areas" as not
being a theoretical category, but a practical
one. This expression is dated from the
1990s, and it is considered recent in formal
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
discussions and curricular use, as well as in
the early 2000s, when there was a change
from Basic Education for Rural Areas to
Education for Rural Areas.
The foundations that support the
rural educational project are present more
actively in debates that point out the
contradictions in the process of formation
of the rural peoples. In other words, it is a
formative education built collectively in
opposition to a technicist and productivist
model. Therefore, it is a conception of
training that emerges from the logic of
peasant, quilombola, indigenous family
farming, forest and water people and
traditional peoples.
The purpose is to oppose the model
of rural education in agricultural education,
in a movement to break with the displaced
assumptions present in curricular and
pedagogical proposals. This does not
necessarily refer to the understanding of a
transition of educational conceptions or,
simply, the inclusion of contexts and
subjectivities of all types of rural
population. What is in place requires a
complex interaction between variables that
traverse the knowledge and experiences
(both by teachers and students) in symbolic
and concrete combinations of productive
practices and community solidarity.
In this sense, the centrality of the
PPPs of agricultural education reveals the
consolidation of the dominant logic of
agricultural hegemony, which makes it
difficult to build new references. In
consonance with this interpretation, in the
PPPs' objectives there is an absence of
reflective and concrete approaches to
traditional peoples and family farming.
They use generic terms related to the
productive chain and to agrarian issues.
Adding to this, it is necessary to consider
the entire scope and possible perspectives
of the debate on rural territory, which is
not always understood as a social, political
and economic space.
As expected due to their modality,
the predominant axis of all the
undergraduate courses studied is teacher
training. Eight courses also mention the
importance of considering the profile of
such professional for research and
extension actions in rural areas.
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
Analytical chart of the formative interlocutions in the PPPs of the teaching degrees in Agricultural and Agrarian
Source: Official course documents. Chart by the authors.
In the analysis of the categories
attributed to the technical, socio-cultural,
political, rural development and
agroecology, and environment dimensions,
addressed by the institutional documents,
according to the analytical chart, a relevant
and singular connection was found
between all the technical and pedagogical
dimensions. However, this integration is
present in only four courses, three of which
have a directive approach to education of
rural areas.
On the other hand, the courses more
focused on technical aspects also have a
justification built on the axis of rural
development. And the courses connected
to rural development, for the most part,
correlate the interlocutions of these
technical pedagogical dimensions with the
agroecological axis.
When addressing the theme of rural
development, which is a broad and
dynamic concept, we seek to reverberate a
set of social processes that respect and
articulate not only the productive aspect,
but also consider the socio-political
spheres and the lifestyle of rural areas. Our
purpose is to assist in understanding the
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
objectives of the teaching degrees in
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences.
Still related to this, it is very clear the
predominance and/or integration of
approaches to rural development, focused
on agroecology and principles aimed at
conservation and protection of the
environment. In total, seven courses with
these characteristics were identified, in
addition to two with a profile focused on
agricultural techniques. Nowhere in their
PPPs did the courses mention a connection
between rural development and
In the formative interlocutions
studied, regarding the objectives and the
technical pedagogical dimensions of the
teaching degree in Agricultural and
Agrarian Sciences, there is, in its totality,
the concept of agricultural teaching and
teaching by the graduates.
In terms of the concepts of education
of rural areas, only five courses mention
this proposal, concomitantly expressing
pedagogical technical approaches aligned
with the socio-cultural and political axes
and the context of rural development. It is
noteworthy that among the five courses,
only two do not make reference to
agroecology and the environment. And one
course does not establish any guidelines
between the dimensions of the agricultural
segment with the environment and
The profile intended for graduates is
connected to principles described in a dual
and complementary way in their PPPs,
with an emphasis on rural development,
with a predominantly economic and
productivist character. However, it is
possible to intervene through the
educational action in the socio-political
dimensions, since the multicultural process
of the rural areas requires dynamism from
these professionals, so that they do not
limit themselves to the reproduction of the
dominant economic model of the agrarian
The courses need to overcome the
focus on technical approaches, and
emphasize, instead, environmental and
social issues. Whenever possible, they
must integrate different conceptions,
considering the specific characteristics of
the work of professionals with a teaching
degree in Agricultural/Agricultural
It was found that even within the
current educational system, there is the
challenge of proposing practices aimed at
the integrality of teaching, research and
extension. It was also found that the
objectives and purposes of the courses are
still directed towards the modernization of
the processes of agricultural production.
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
However, the challenges are immense and
encompass several dimensions - political,
social, economic and pedagogical - when it
comes to overcoming the urban-centered
and merely technical view on the
antagonisms between countryside and city,
towards a proposal of an integral and fairer
education of rural areas.
The profile of the future professional
ends up largely linked to the conceptions
of institutions that operate in professional
and technological education, whose
founding bases are still dictated by the
dimension of rural education in agricultural
education. It is necessary to move forward,
fostering the transformation of the
theoretical and empirical backgrounds by
contemplating the multidimensionalities of
the rural space. Or, as Secretariat of
Professional and Technological Education
(SETEC) states, enhancing principles that
emphasize the importance of technical
knowledge as a tool to value the traditional
knowledge of communities, being an
active professional in favor of the
democratization of knowledge (Brazil,
In the formative interlocutions that
embody educational praxis, what is sought
is an interactive education, built for social
practice through the exchange of
knowledge and not the appropriation of
scientific knowledge as the only truth or,
as often happens, the theory without the
experience. We reiterate that the courses
studied have their focus framed by the
MEC for the training of teachers in
disciplines of the primary sector
(agriculture, livestock, zootechnics etc.),
which will act in a range of relationships
with different meanings for their subjects,
since the agrarian reality is not
Supporting Souza's (2019)
arguments, who observed that the
theoretical interlocutions and the
institutionalized documents present
barriers, and dualist concepts of education
of rural areas, this lack of consensus in
respect to the terminology (rural education,
agricultural education and vocational
education for rural areas) creates
operational difficulties. Thus, it influences
institutional proposals, contributing to the
reproduction of the praxis of these
educators (Souza, 2019).
Far from encompassing the totality
of the discussion, however, it is worthy
stating the need for reflecting on the
importance of establishing clear formal
criteria regarding the meaning of the
concepts of the formative processes. When
these processes are not well defined
institutionally as well as to the individuals,
their interlocutions are under the
subjectivity of PPPs, and hence interfere in
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
the construction of curricula and
methodological learning guidelines
established in the educational and
formative process.
In general, the free offer of teaching
degree courses in Agricultural/Agrarian
Sciences by the State refers to a duality of
paradigms that does not take place in a
peaceful way. These are issues of social
conflicts existing in the rural areas that,
with regard to the educational aspect,
represent the conditions of
acknowledgement and the interests of the
pedagogical processes in specificities and
particularities that are not always
emancipatory for the subjects.
In a way, technicist training within
the professional education for the rural
areas - a term and category not directly
addressed in this study, but with an impact
on the debate - stands out in social
demands as the place of resistance aimed at
a more humane training regarding social
practice, the exchange of knowledge and
the non-appropriation of technical
knowledge as an absolute truth, which, at
times, disregards elements and structures
of the reality of the field and ruralities.
Thus, formative interlocutions are
intended to expand spaces in institutions so
that they are not grounded on official
criteria but, instead, seek in their material
and immaterial bases the construction of
new possibilities by enhancing the
visibility of educational concepts and
creating strategies as a practice
experienced in the heterogeneity of
relationships - socio-spatial - as a
formative principle.
Final considerations
In order to have an education from
the rural to the rural, it is necessary to go a
long way towards the construction of an
education based on the valorization of
formal and informal socio-educational
dimensions (in a constant dialogue
between scientific and empirical
knowledge), aiming to potentiate the socio-
cultural relations between theory and
practice that contribute to the social,
economic and political transformations of
the existing structures.
The literature establishes the school
as a space for social reproduction and, at
the same time, a place for the exchange of
knowledge, the plurality of conceptions of
society. The formative process of
integration of the technical and social axes
is a fundamental element in the PPPs and,
therefore, a prerequisite of the experienced
practices. This narrative is not limited only
to the courses discussed here.
In the formative interlocutions
contained in the PPPs of the teaching
degrees in Agricultural and Agrarian
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
Sciences, the objectives were
predominantly guided by the view of rural
education, in technical education, which is
based on the agricultural segment.
However, it is important to highlight the
effort clearly made by SETEC and by
higher education institutions towards a
more dynamic, interdisciplinary character,
especially in rural and agrarian contexts,
evidenced in the pedagogical technical
dimensions for non-homogeneous rural
development. In general, we can notice
that categories present in the objectives
and in the pedagogical technical
dimensions tend to limit the valorization
and integration of the practical and cultural
knowledge of rural communities.
Finally, it is possible to conclude that
the challenge lies in the rupture with the
dominant logic of the agricultural and
agrarian segment, in favor of the visibility
of the multiple realities of the rural space,
with the inclusion of the State's agenda and
intervention for the universalization of
basic and higher education in the education
of the rural to the rural. Concomitantly,
also, in the reconfiguration of PPPs,
curricula and methodologies.
The notoriety of this study lies in the
social and pedagogical function that it aims
to reveal regarding the courses that involve
the training of teachers, extension workers
and researchers in areas and sub-areas
considered eminently technical and
scientific (disciplines of the primary
sector). In this sense, their purposes and
effectiveness are not questioned, but the
concern about the one-sidedness of the
guidelines is emphasized.
It is necessary to understand that
there are different formative projects and
that they are constantly being constructed
and reconstructed, so that they intertwine
and acquire different representativeness in
each space in which they operate.
Therefore, the commitment of formative
interlocutions cannot be restricted, and in a
responsive way, only to higher education
The State is responsible for the
promotion of a legislative outline aligned
with the desires and transformations of the
different ruralities, so that a constant and
omnilateral dialogue is established with
education, where the countryside is viewed
as a locus of life amidst the diversity of
agrarian society.
The limitations of this research lie in
the documentary analysis of the PPPs. By
means of this analysis it was possible to
discuss the conceptual and procedural
deliberations in the educational projects of
the afore-mentioned courses. However, it
was not possible to measure whether the
guidelines institutionalized by the
documents are actually being practiced in
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
pedagogical terms. Further researches,
therefore, could analyze the disciplines and
their syllabus.
Graduates in Agricultural and
Agrarian Sciences should inquire about the
formative interlocutions of their formative
process in view of the political and
economic interests that prevail in the
context of educational policies and in the
subjectivities of the rural environment.
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This article is linked to the research line
"Development and Social Management" and to the
Research Group on Socioeconomic Development,
Family Agriculture and Rural Education
(GIDAFEC), of the Graduate Program in
Socioeconomic Development (PPGDS) (master's
and doctorate) of the University of the Extreme
South of Santa Catarina (UNESC). The authors
thank the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e
Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (FAPESC)
and the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoal de vel Superior CAPES for granting a
master's scholarship to the first author. There is also
gratitude to the fellow researchers - professors and
students - for the attentive critical reading of the
material - to the anonymous reviewers who
contributed with suggestions relevant to the final
version of the article, to Carolina Garcia de Souza
for the revision of the abstract, to Andreá Rubert for
the revision of the Resumen, and to Margareth
Maria Kanarek for the Portuguese language.
Finally, we highlight that a very succinct
preliminary version of the article was published in
the IV Coimbra International Congress on Human
Rights: a transdisciplinary view, held in October
2019, at the University of Coimbra (Portugal).
Article Information
Received on September 16th, 2021
Accepted on March 15th, 2021
Published on November, 30th, 2021
Author Contributions: The author were responsible for
the designing, delineating, analyzing and interpreting the
data, production of the manuscript, critical revision of the
content and approval of the final version published.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
Article Peer Review
Double review.
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021). Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses of
Agricultural/Agrarian Sciences in Brazil
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado
de Santa Catarina - FAPESC.
How to cite this article
Souza, D. C., Estevam, D. O., & Gianezini, K. (2021).
Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical
Projects of undergraduate courses of Agricultural/Agrarian
Sciences in Brazil. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., 6, e10495.
Formative interlocutions in the Political-Pedagogical
Projects of undergraduate courses of Agricultural/Agrarian
Sciences in Brazil. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.,
Tocantinópolis, v. 6, e10495, 2021.