The monitor shared about the limits that, in
her point of view, impacts in the technical
education provided by the institution:
... there are some limits inside the
EFA, I believe they happen because
of the teachers’ team, the way things
are put aside… There is the
pedagogy of alternation which works
pretty well, I believe we connect well
with the pedagogical instruments and
with being away from school, at
home. But at the same time I feel it is
quite a lot and that sometimes things
end up getting lost. There are many
teachers who are not interested in
following-up with the new ways of
teaching and in inserting the identity
discourses in all the disciplines, the
matter of identities, of women's
rights, LGBTQIIA+ matters, race and
ethnicity, the black culture and art,
even because more than 90% of the
students are black, so we still fail a
lot in this matter. (Carmen, 2020).
She reinforces the need of the school
working in a more specific way with the
construction of the projects, such as the
writing and the resources for data
structuring, which could be treated in a
more emphatic way during the orientation.
This situation affects the development of
the activities developed by the EFA.
Larissa’s narrative about the technical
formation at the EFA points to a few
challenges faced by her during her
Regarding the contributions the EFA
brought about the technical practice I
believe it was really weak, because of
the teachers and their influences. The
teachers should be more well-
prepared. Regarding the technical
part it was weak, but when I think
about the social part, it was good, I
had improvements. About my
learning process at the EFA, it was
not satisfactory, specifically for those
reasons. (Larissa, 2020).
Regarding the contribution of the
Narrative Productions Methodology in the
research process developed at the EFA, in
the perspective of some students, the
narratives helped them to rescue some
meaningful memories and brought them
the opportunity to rethink their practices.
With the narratives I was able to
understand how much I have
changed, I have grown. It helped me
to remember my past and see where I
am now. In the PPJ the narratives did
not contribute as much, but mostly
because it was something more
technical, more specific for the PPJ,
but for my life project I believe it has
helped because when I rethink what I
have lived, I have more
determination following what I want
to achieve. (Margarida, 2020).
The narratives helped me to think
more about the project, and thinking
more, we realize we need to change a
few things. It has influenced the
writing process and made me think
more about the theme because of the
questions asked. (Larissa, 2020).
Regarding the contribution of the
Narrative Productions Methodology as a
pedagogical tool for the EFA, Carmen
reflects about the similarity of the
narratives proposal with what is proposed
by the EFA; regarding an education based
in the importance of the life experience in