Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
The Brazilian Scientific Journal of Rural Education
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of
History textbooks
Cícero da Silva
, Ilário Dias Cardoso Filho
Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT. Departamento de Educação do Campo. Avenida Nossa Senhora de
Fátima, 1588. Céu Azul. Tocantinópolis-TO. Brasil.
Universidade Federal do
Tocantins - UFT.
ABSTRACT. In this paper, the aim is to analyse history
textbooks (LDH) used by Elementary School (6th grade) in rural
schools located in the municipality of Tocantinópolis-TO.
Considering that the training in the Rural Education perspective
has made it possible to recognize and value knowledge and
culture, seeking the emancipation of the peasants, this
investigation of the selected teaching material includes an
analysis of the following elements of the textbooks: (1) contents;
(2) activities; (3) teacher-student interaction; and (4) images.
The research is of bibliographic nature and qualitative approach.
The corpus consists of two LDHs: one produced for the
Programa Escola Ativa and another for schools located in urban
areas, but also used in the rural schools of research context. In
view of the reality of rural schools and the social, political and
economic context in which the peasants have lived, the research
results have revealed that only one of the LDHs analyzed
follows the principles defended by Rural Education.
Keywords: Textbook, History, Rural Education.
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
Educação do Campo e material didático: uma análise de
livros didáticos de História
RESUMO. Neste artigo, o objetivo é analisar Livros Didáticos
de História (LDH) utilizados no Ensino Fundamental (6º ano)
em escolas do campo situadas no município de Tocantinópolis-
TO. Considerando que a formação na perspectiva da Educação
do Campo possibilita reconhecer e valorizar os saberes e a
cultura, buscando a emancipação dos camponeses, o estudo do
material didático selecionado compreende uma análise dos
seguintes elementos das obras: (1) conteúdos; (2) atividades; (3)
interação professor-aluno; e as (4) imagens. A pesquisa é de
natureza bibliográfica, de abordagem qualitativa. O corpus é
constituído por dois LDH: um produzido para o Programa
Escola Ativa e, outro, destinado às escolas situadas no meio
urbano, mas adotado também por escolas do campo do contexto
da pesquisa. Tendo em vista a realidade das escolas do campo e
do contexto social, político e econômico em que vivem os
camponeses, o estudo revelou que apenas um dos LDH
analisados atende aos princípios defendidos pela Educação do
Palavras-chave: Livro Didático, História, Educação do Campo.
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
Educación Rural y material didáctico: un análisis de libros
didácticos de Historia
RESUMEN: En este artículo, el objetivo es analizar Libros
Didácticos de Historia (LDH) utilizados en la Enseñanza
Fundamental (6º año) en escuelas rurales situadas en el
municipio de Tocantinópolis-TO. Considerando que la
formación en la perspectiva de la Educación Rural posibilita
reconocer y valorar los saberes y la cultura, buscando la
emancipación de los campesinos, el estudio de material
didáctico seleccionado comprende un análisis de los siguientes
elementos de las obras: (1) contenido; (2) actividades; (3)
interacción maestro-alumno; y las (4) imágenes. La
investigación es de naturaleza bibliográfica, de abordaje
cualitativo. El corpus está constituido por dos LDH: uno
producido para el Programa Escola Ativa y, otro, destinado a las
escuelas situadas en el medio urbano, pero adoptado en escuelas
rurales del contexto de la investigación. En vista de la realidad
de las escuelas rurales y del contexto social, político y
económico en que viven los campesinos, el estudio reveló que
sólo uno de los LDH analizados atiende a los principios
defendidos por la Educación Rural.
Palabras clave: Libro Didáctico, Historia, Educación Rural.
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
The struggle and resistance of social
movements that represent the peasants
against the oppression and the denial of
rights have generated effects. The
“Conferences by a Basic Education of the
countryside”, carried out in the country
since the first that happened in 1998, in the
city of Luziânia-GO, signal in this
direction. From it and, under strong
pressure from the rural social movements,
the Brazilian Government has established
actions aiming to support technically and
financially the States, Municipalities and
the Federal District on the execution of
public policy of Rural Education to meet
the demands of the people of the
countryside, although the current
management is dramatically reducing the
resources allocated to this public policy.
To promote this specific educational
policy in order to meet the demands (in
Elementary School) of the peasants, the
Federal Government implemented some
programs, such as: Programa Escola Ativa
(1997), Programa Nacional de Educação
na Reforma Agrária - PRONERA (1998),
Projovem Campo Saberes da Terra
(2009), just to name a few. In addition,
programs were also created aimed to the
training of teachers of the Rural Education,
as well as the distribution of some teaching
materials (MD) specific to attend schools
in the countryside. Obviously, this set of
actions aims to increase access and the
qualification of the offering of basic
education and higher education to the
people of the countryside. However, we
support the premise that the success of the
training in the perspective of Rural
Education also depends on the MD
elaborated based on the reality of the
context of the countryside.
Thus, the aim of this study
is to
analyze history textbooks used in the sixth
grade of the Elementary School of the
Rural Education in rural schools and in
training program for peasants in the
municipality of Tocantinópolis-TO,
microregion of the Bico do Papagaio. It is,
therefore, of a bibliographical nature and
of qualitative approach. The corpus
consists of two different copies of History
Textbooks (LDH) selected for analysis,
namely: Caderno de Ensino
Aprendizagem: História 5 LDH 1 (of the
Programa Escola Ativa) and Vontade de
Saber História LDH 2, of the sixth year
(produced for schools situated in the urban
environment, but also adopted by schools
in the countryside of Tocantinópolis-TO).
Based on theoretical-methodological
approach taken in the research, in the
analysis of this teaching material of the
sixth grade of Elementary School we focus
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
on constituent aspects of both works, such
as: (1) contents; (2) activities; (3) teacher-
student interaction; and (4) images, whose
intention is to understand
differences/particularities among the
contents submitted by LDH analyzed in
relation to purposes of Rural Education.
The work is organized in two parts.
The first, in addition to this Introduction,
brings a synthesis of research carried out
about the Textbook (LD) of the Rural
Education, including the production and
distribution of LD by the Ministry of
Education (MEC). The second part
presents methodological aspects of the
research, characterization of the works
analyzed, as well as the discussion of the
research data. In the end, we present some
considerations regarding the study.
The Textbook (LD) in the Rural
The Textbook (LD) consists of a
multitude of knowledge gathered and
selected, conditioned by social theories,
beliefs, values and ideological
intentionality in a limited amount of sheets
of paper (see Arboit & Pacheco, 2013).
Generally, it is divided by area of
knowledge (History, Geography,
Mathematics, Biology, Languages) and
functions as a guide to lead the teaching-
learning process of teachers and students,
with the contents that includes.
Whereas our research object is the
History LD of the Elementary School, we
will not treat about books from other
disciplines in this article. Research
regarding the production, circulation and
uses of History teaching materials (MD
of Elementary School, above all in the
Rural Schools, still present a reduced
number. We highlight here the works of
Arboit and Pacheco (2013), Costa (2014)
and Berbat and Feijó (2016).
The study of Arboit and Pacheco
(2013, p. 140) aims to “... know how the
life and work daily of the countryside is
depicted by the schoolbooks used in rural
and urban schools”. According to the
authors, the results of the research showed
that the LD spreads stereotypes which
favor the perpetuation of a dichotomized
vision, conveying beliefs that overvalued
the urban, as natural environment, and
unique of development, economic success
and progress. The rural context in the LD
is minimized, highlighting difficulties,
suffered life, hard work and low
remuneration. According to the authors, it
urges to resign educational public policies
in order to establish in the LD “... a policy
of valuing of the diversity, able to point
new paradigms, which appear on the
horizon as proposal of overcoming of the
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
social inequalities, impregnated in this
capitalist system, aiming to promote social
inclusion” (Arboit & Pacheco, 2013, p.
On the other hand, the research of
Costa (2014, p. 10) has as object of study
the LD of the 5th year of the Elementary
School of the Foundation of the Programa
Escola Ativa, whose aim is to “identify the
discursive strategies turned to the
contextualization of these books prepared
specifically for the Rural Education
evaluating the assumptions leaders of the
choices that characterize them as included
in a specific reality”. In the analysis, the
author uses two LD of the fifth grade of
Elementary School of Escola Ativa, being
one copy of Portuguese Language and one
Differently of what revealed the
study of Arboit and Pacheco (2013), the
findings of the investigation of Costa
(2014) showed that there is an attempt in
the works analyzed privilege experiences
of peasant students, as well as adding to
them new visions regarding the context of
the countryside and bring themes linked to
struggles of social movements by land and
the Agrarian Reform, to the struggle in
favor of the polyculture in contrast to
monoculture, to the protection of the
collective work done by the family in the
community and its participation in school,
as well as the need to specific public
policies turned to meet the demands of the
Berbat and Feijó (2016) also
developed a research on MD, whose
purpose is to identify the whether the
relevance or not of the LD from the
countryside regarding the educational
reality of a rural school of municipal public
education network situated in a
municipality in the State of Rio de Janeiro.
The research takes into account the cultural
and social space lived by the students. The
data of this research include LD used by
students, interviews with a teacher and
students of the countryside school.
According to Berbat and Feijó
(2016), the results of the study revealed
that, although the National Textbook
Program of the Countryside (PNLD
Countryside) has the goal to distribute
works that contemplate the specificities of
the field, having in view the reality of the
context “some works do not consider the
multigraded organization, nor are related
so pertinently to the peasant context in his
fights, forms of reproduction of the
existence, identity and culture” (Berbat &
Feijó, 2016, p. 476). So, they are
observations that concern and need to be
In relation to the public policy turned
to the MD, the Federal Government
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
instituted, at different times of the
trajectory of the Brazilian education,
committees and programs linked to the
Ministry of Education (MEC) with the
assignment of facilitate the evaluation,
purchase and distribution of LD for the
basic education all around the country (see
Freitas & Rodrigues, 2008; Filgueiras,
2013). Although recent, the enhance of the
National Textbook Program of the
Countryside (PNLD Countryside), which
makes the distribution of LD (including
History) for schools located in the
countryside. This program has as its main
to consider the specificities of the
social, economic, cultural, political,
environmental, of gender,
generational, of race and ethnicity of
the Countryside People, as reference
for the elaboration of textbooks for
the early years of elementary school
(graded and not graded), of
countryside schools, of the public
education networks (Brasil, 2012, p.
It is about a public policy of
fundamental importance, since it can
promote the production of LD to include
the specifics the rural context, although the
search of Berbat and Feijó (2016) has
revealed in its analyses, inadequacies in the
LD of the PNLD Countryside.
Besides the PNLD Countryside, in
recent years the MEC programs turned to
the Rural Education also produce and
distribute some teaching materials (LD,
classnotes, among others) for the schools
in the countryside. The general
coordination of the Rural Education, for
example, in partnership with the
Secretariat of Continuing Education,
Literacy and Diversity (SECAD) and the
MEC elaborated the LD of the Programa
Escola Ativa
for the initial series of the
Elementary School, of the education in the
countryside. These LD are part of the
compilation Cadernos de Ensino
Aprendizagem, which brings specific
volumes of: History, Geography,
Portuguese Language, Mathematics,
Sciences and Literacy (see Brasil, 2010).
The LD of the Escola Ativa had its first
edition published in the year 2010, with
pedagogic themes and theoretical-
methodological guidelines turned to the
work in multigraded classes. Therefore,
one of the History LDs analyzed in this
research is part of that referred collection.
Research Methodology
The research of qualitative approach
(Bogdan & Biklen, 1994) and
interpretative analysis of data, it is
characterized as bibliographic. We
understand that the bibliographic review
allows you to present conceptual
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
framework settings, giving support to the
woven analyses regarding the selected data
in the study. In addition, in the qualitative
investigative approach “... everything has
potential to build a clue that enables us to
establish a more insightful understanding
of our object of study” (Bogdan & Biklen,
1994, p. 49).
The corpus of the research consists
of two different copies of History
Textbooks (LDH) used in the sixth grade
of the Elementary School of Rural
Education in countryside schools and
training programs of peasants in the
municipality of Tocantinópolis-TO,
microregion of the Bico do Papagaio,
namely: Caderno de Ensino
Aprendizagem: História 5 LDH 1 (of the
Programa Escola Ativa) and Vontade de
Saber História LDH 2 (produced for
schools situated in the urban environment,
but adopted also by the rural schools from
Although there are other elements
that deserve attention in researches about
LD, the study of teaching materials (MD)
chosen involves the analysis of the
following elements of both works: (1)
contents; (2) activities; (3) teacher-student
interaction; and (4) images, whose
intention is to understand
differences/particularities among the
contents presented by the LDH analyzed in
relation to the purposes of the Rural
Teaching material (MD) chosen for the
In view of the formative proposal of
Rural Education, the importance of History
teaching and the MD used in the Programa
Escola Ativa in the context of the research,
the LDH 1 chosen for analysis is the
Caderno de ensino e aprendizagem
História 5, of the sixth grade of the
Elementary School, published in 2010 by
the MEC/SECAD (Silva, 2010). The
author of this work is Lulia Queiroz Silva,
the same who writes the other books of the
area of History for the initial grades of the
Elementary School of the Programa Escola
The Cadernos de Ensino e
Aprendizagem of the Escola Ativa, used by
educators of the Rural Education, of
History field, make up a series of 05 (five)
volumes. According to the guidelines of
the referred program, the collection has
been developed to help the student to
develop its activities in the classroom and
in the community, favoring also the
development of its autonomy (Brasil,
As regards the choice of the second
book of History adopted in schools located
in the countryside, in the municipality of
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
Tocantinópolis-TO, was also selected one
LDH of 6th grade of Elementary School.
However, the LDH 2 was not produced
exclusively for the schools in the
countryside, in addition to not integrate the
textbook Guide: PNLD Countryside 2013
(see Brasil, 2012). Nevertheless, this book
is used by teachers who lecture in schools
situated in rural area of the referred
The LDH 2 chosen for analysis is
part of the collection Vontade de Saber
História, which consists of four volumes
(from the 6th to the 9th year of Elementary
School). This LDH is by authorship of
Marco César Pellegrini, Adriana Machado
Dias and Keila Grinberg and was
published by the Editora FTD in 2012.
This is a work that integrates the National
Textbook Program (PNLD) of 2014. It was
evaluated and chosen by teachers from
various schools in the public school system
from all around Brazil, to be worked in the
years of 2014, 2015 and 2016 (Brasil,
During the collection of the MD for
the research, we verified that the LDH 2 is
used by children of the 6th grade of the
Elementary public Schools of the urban
educational network and some schools
located in rural areas of the municipality of
Tocantinópolis-TO, although it was not
produced in attention to the Rural
Education guidelines. These schools from
the public education system received this
LDH through the PNLD, whose
distribution is made by the MEC, through
the National Fund for the Education
Development (FNDE).
Discussion and data analysis
Following a common feature of the
MDs, in both LDHs the authors do in the
space reserved the presentation - a preview
of the contents and leave a message about
the importance of the study of history. The
LDH 1, Caderno de Ensino Aprendizagem:
História 5, there is a message of
rapprochement with the daily life of the
child of the countryside, in which seeks to
situate it in a universe of responsibility
about the contents that will study. The
LDH 2, Vontade de Saber História 6th
year, the authors also comment about the
purpose of the study of history, to show
respect to the cultural diversity, as the
basis for the exercise of citizenship and the
construction of a better world.
The LDH 1 Caderno de Ensino
Aprendizagem: História 5 6th grade is
organized into four units, divided into
sixteen chapters (see Silva, 2010). In each
unit, the author presents an Introduction”
of the issues that will be studied and a
proposed activity to be developed by
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
children. The chapters always start with
questions about the topics that will be
discussed by the students, introducing then
a brief introduction of the text-based
content, with a sequence of exercises,
panel mounting or documentaries. At the
end of the completion of the units, the
author congratulates the students and calls
for it to be performed at a school one event
on the subject that was studied in the
chapter. This event is called “Day of the
conquest”, in which the students present
the works (developed) to other peers and
educators from school or invite someone
from the community to tell experiences on
the subject. The end of the book is
composed of a Caderno de Avaliação, with
an objective and discursive questionnaire
related to each one of the units studied.
On the other hand, the LHD 2,
Vontade de Saber História 6th year is
organized into twelve chapters (see
Pellegrini, Days & Grinberg, 2012). The
chapters always start with two or more
images (photography, painting, drawing)
on the main theme to be studied, followed
by the section “Talking about the subject”,
which consists of a small questionnaire.
After this introduction, the authors develop
the contents, and, at the end of each
chapter, is presented the section:
“Exploring the theme”, spaces related to
curiosities, as well as the “activities”. And,
finally, in the subsection “reflecting on the
chapter”, students are invited to perform a
self-evaluation of their learning.
Contents of the LDH and relationship
with the Rural School
The Rural School presents an
innovative formative proposal which,
through a modality of education with
specific grounds, has the purpose of
forming conscious citizens. Because
politically conscious citizens and aware of
their rights, are able to, in collective
Union, fighting to defend the ideals of the
countryside and of the peasants. The
school recommended by the peasants
values its experiences and knowledge-
generating as elements of organization of
its pedagogical structure and its
Thus, the struggle for the
construction of the Rural School,
appreciation of culture, knowledge and
identity of the peasants, must pass through
the selection of the contents (Arroyo,
2013), because the theories present in the
contents are not neutral. They have a
political purpose, that can be linked to a
project that masks the social injustices
produced by the capitalism, especially in
the countryside, showing us the necessity
of struggling against the oppression
(Caldart, 2000).
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
Considering both LDH selected for
analysis and respective contents, Caderno
de Ensino Aprendizagem: História 5
LDH 1 and Vontade de Saber História
LDH 2, the first book (LDH 1) brings
contents turned to the understanding of the
formation of the Brazilian society, starting
with questions about: “How the human
beings occupied the entire planet?”,
“Where did the first people of the
Americas come from?”, “How the human
species came to Brazil?”, until get to the
period of the colonization. The book traces
a historical route from the use, occupation
and domination of the lands of Brazil, in its
various aspects. Therefore, in the LDH 1
Silva (2010) seeks to demonstrate how
every people has its relationship with the
Earth, starting with the Indians, Portuguese
and Africans, whereas these last ones were
brought to Brazil as slaves.
In the chapters of the LDH 1, the
historical narratives about each subject
studied are brief because in this volume it
is explored intensively the use of exercises,
group activities, activities with the family,
whose purpose is to make the classroom a
space reserved for debates, so that through
shared experiences everyone (students and
teacher) enrich their knowledge. How is a
LD turned exclusively for the children of
the countryside, Silva (2010) works
instigating the deconstruction of some
concepts that, of the historiographical point
of view served to legitimize the political
domination and the control of the lands by
the Portuguese people, as “the discovery of
To demonstrate the difference
between the concepts, such as, for
example, folwark and smallholdings,
dating back to the Portuguese colonization
in Brazil at the time of the Capitanias
Hereditárias, the LDH 1 shows the social
contrasts of the agrarian conflicts in the
country. With this, the child may realize
the political sense of the struggle of its
parents in the settlement and in the social
movement. However, it is important to
note that the discussion and the deepening
of these matters depend on the way the
teacher will approach them with his
Unlike of what Arboit and Pacheco
(2013) found in their search, it is important
to note that, at no time in the LDH 1
Caderno de Ensino Aprendizagem:
História 5 the countryside is presented as a
place of but as a place of backwardness,
but as a place marked by a rich cultural
diversity, due to the presence of the
Indians, river people, sharecroppers,
quilombolas, fishermen, among others.
On the other hand, the LDH 2
following the dominant trend in LD deals
with contents focused on the study of the
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
classical history, spreading knowledge and
discoveries of the Western and Eastern
cultures. The book begins with the study
about “The origin of human beings”, how
did the evolution of humans happened over
the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, i.e.
the cultural development that starts with
full contact of man with nature. The work
also presents some findings, as the fire and
the invention of the writing, and with the
population growth on the planet Earth the
life will become more complex, arising the
first villages, and then cities. In fact, this
story describes that, with the passage of the
time, the man tends to deny the
nature/countryside where it came from.
In both the LDHs (1 and 2), the
authors discuss the evolution of man. They
portray the possible hypotheses that
describe how the man held or reached the
Americas. They still talk about Bering’s
route Hypothesis, Coastal Route
Hypothesis, Transpacific route Hypothesis
and Atlantic Migration Hypothesis. These
scenarios are described in the LDH 1, for
example, showing how, did the domination
of the Americas happen.
In turn, in the course of the chapters
of the LDH 2 this work focuses on other
people, showing the historical and cultural
transformations of the following
companies: “The peoples of
Mesopotamia”, “Ancient Greeks”, “The
ancient Romans”, “The ancient Chinese”,
among others (Pellegrini, Days &
Grinberg, 2012). The chapters of the LDH
2 are organized by contents whose
historical narrative deepens enough each
theme approached, being accompanied by
many concepts, glossary located at the
margin of the text and several images. The
narratives gravitate around social aspects,
political, economic, cultural and religious
societies studied. Somehow, that allows the
student to accumulate knowledge whose
purpose is the preparation for the labor
market, and not a content-based formation
thought for the reality peasant.
In the LDH 2, when there are
references to the countryside and to the
peasant culture, they appear in connection
with the Egyptian, Greek, Phoenician and
Chinese societies. Therefore, very far from
the political, social and cultural contexts,
of the peasant communities in Brazil,
marked primarily by agrarian conflicts.
One of the few possibilities of
contextualization of the content with the
reality of Brazil appears in the section
reserved for the exercises, in which are
stated some questions about Brazilian
politics, culture, religion and music.
The activities of the LDH
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
The LDH 1 Caderno de Ensino
Aprendizagem: História 5 systematizes, for
students and teachers, how the activities
should be developed during class.
Throughout the work, there are icons that
make reference to the way each activity
must be carried out. Altogether, six
different types of activity are proposed,
such as: “Individual activity”, “Activities
in couples”, “Activities in small groups”,
“Collective Activity”, “home Activity” and
“reading” (Silva, 2010, p. 6).
The “Home activity”, for example,
enhances the importance of the Alternation
Pedagogy (PA), which in the formative
course the child spends some time at
school and another time with its family, in
the community, sharing the knowledge
learned at school (see Silva, 2011). The
“Collective Activity” demonstrates for the
child the feeling of participation, that the
knowledge is expanded when shared in
group in the exchange of life experiences
and knowledge. It directs us, to reinforce
the conception of work and/or training in
social movements, in the settlements and
communities, the fight is collective. For
this reason, the students are motivated to
learn to work collectively.
The chapters of the LDH 1 always
start with the section: “Collective
Activity”, which introduces the content
with a block of questions, as seen in the
example of Figure 1:
Figure 1 Typology of activity questions LDH 1.
Source: Silva, 2010, p. 117.
In General, the questions are
introduced by the pronoun who, what, why,
how, what. In a way, require cognitive
skills and whose solution can sometimes
be found in the text, in addition to such
questions motivate the socialization of
responses among students (see Costa,
On the whole, the LDH 1 presents a
of 43 “Individual activities”, 41
“Collective Activities”, 83 “Activities in
couples”, 27 “Activities in small groups”
and 05 “Home Activities”. The
methodological proposal of these activities
involves: discussion in groups, reading of
short texts, research accomplishment,
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
questionnaires, analysis of charts, graphs,
drawings and works of art that appear in
the book. In relation to the “Home
Activities”, considered important by
involving the participation of the family
members, we realized that the book brings
a reduced number.
Another relevant aspect of the LDH
1 is that it brings some activities that aim
to portray the life and trajectory struggle of
the people of the countryside, as shown in
Figure 2:
Figure 2 - Systematization of activity LDH 1.
Source: Silva, 2010, p. 74.
This type of activity shown in Figure
2 includes the design of Rural Education
proposed for Programa Escola Ativa,
... is understood as a form of political
and social action, as opposed to the
traditional rural education,
implementation impoverished of
education constructed for urban
areas. In the context of Rural
Education, the school becomes
recognized as a space for reflection
of the reality of the people of the
countryside, of its work, its
languages, its ways of life and, above
all, of a new political project of
development (Brasil, 2010, p. 18).
Still in the LDH 1, content fixation
exercises require skills and knowledge to
solve them, consisting of recalling or
recognizing information in the text or of a
fact (Costa, 2014). Some issues require
research in other books, magazines and
newspapers, because the texts of the
chapters of the work are summarized.
Analyzing other activities, we
observe that this work also demonstrates,
for example, how should be accomplished
the analysis activity of the maps, which
appear followed by an “Activity in small
groups”. That is, the images are not in the
book only as illustration purpose; for
example, after presenting two Brazil maps
that show the distribution of indigenous
peoples in the national territory: one of
1500 and another current, the book
proposes the following activity on the
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
Figure 3 - Activity: analysis of Maps LDH 1.
Source: Silva, 2010, p. 24.
According to Carie (2008, p. 30), this
format of activity “proposes the debate and
the exercise of skills involving the
judgment and the criticism, the relationship
between past and present, allowing
students to position themselves on the
themes studied”. It seems also that the
activities of map analysis bring a proposal
of interdisciplinarity, because they relate,
directly, with texts worked on Geography,
especially with regard to the concept of
As for the proposal or activity format
present in the copy of the LDH 2 Vontade
de Saber História, we verified that they
appear divided into two sections. The first
section “Talking about the subject”,
begins with the introduction of the chapters
in which are presented two or more images
about the central theme to be studied. The
images are followed by questions, being
common the use of pronouns to introduce
them: what, which, who or words as
compare, describe, identify, whose purpose
is to provoke reflection about the contrasts
between past and the present.
In the section “Activities” of the
LDH 2, are proposed various exercises
compound of approximately 20 objective
questions (each) about the content of the
chapter. It seems that solve such activities
means, in a way, to find in the text the
information requested.
Figure 4 - Systematization of activities LDH 2.
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
Source: Pellegrini, Dias & Grinberg, 2012, p. 152.
We must point out that the section
“Activities” of that LDH is divided into
five subsections: “Understanding
Exercise”, “Expanding the content”, “In
Brazil”, “Discussing the Story and
“Reflecting about the chapter”. The
authors in subsection “In Brazil” in an
attempt to bring closer the contents of the
Brazilian reality, relate the subject studied
with some fact of Brazil. For example, by
studying the Greek democracy is requested
that the students do a research to know
how the Brazilian democracy works; in the
study of Roman society and its struggle for
territorial expansion, the connection is
made by highlighting the importance of
agrarian reform in Brazil. However, as
highlights Costa (2014) in her search, the
LD needs to present new approaches
regarding the context of the countryside
and bring themes linked to the struggles of
social movements, such as the struggle for
land and Agrarian Reform. Obviously, the
struggle and access to the land cross over
the democracy.
It is also noticed that in the section
“Activities” of the LDH 2 there is not a
clear proposal so that the same be carried
out in groups, couple, collectively, not
even home activities, although the PNLD’s
Guide recommends that “in the activities
include individual and group works to aid
in the learning of important concepts to the
history” (Brasil, 2013, p. 131).
Finally, in the subsection of activity
named “Reflecting about the chapter” the
students are invited to perform a self-
evaluation of its learning acquired about
the chapter studied by checking if they
could understand the contents. The figure
(5) below demonstrates how are made the
questions of evaluation of the learning at
the end of each chapter:
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
Figure 5 - Systematization of activity: reflecting on the chapter - LDH 2.
Source: Pellegrini, Dias & Grinberg, 2012, p. 93.
According to the proposal illustrated
in Figure 5, the information must be shared
with classmates and teacher. Despite being
a systematic activity to the “collective”, we
can point out that this book prioritizes little
the knowledge construction of collective
way in the interaction with the other, for
example. Although the teacher is the actor
responsible for leading the approach of the
text and of the activities proposed in the
LD in the classroom, and the contribution
that this type of activity of the LDH 2 can
provide to the peasants seems fairly limited
considering the formative proposals of the
Rural Education.
Teacher-student interaction
The interactions established between
teacher-student in situations of teaching-
learning in the classroom, and that involve
the LD, this type of MD fulfills the role of
mediator of this dialogue on basic
education, because in it, it is hoped that be
included the content/knowledge needed to
be seized. On the other hand, the teacher
acts as interpreter of the information
present in the LD, since during the
university and continuing education the
teacher must have accumulated theoretical-
methodological knowledge sufficient to
perform “transmission” of knowledge
necessary for the training of students.
In the LDH 1 Caderno de Ensino
Aprendizagem: História 5, the
organizational structure of the contents and
activities aims the debate and the reading
in the classroom. Therefore, numerous
activities are proposed in groups, collective
and in the Community (see Silva, 2010).
The role of the teacher is to mediate the
discussions; to the students, is the
responsible by following the guidance
contained in this LD signalized by icons or
words, as for example, when it is time to
read it is presented the Tip: “Read”.
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
To answer certain activities, learners
interpret and find some answers in the text,
while others require broader reflection.
Hence, it is responsibility of the teacher the
task of stimulating the students to the
development of responsibility and
autonomy, in the search of answers to
solve the problems.
The LDH1, considering the teacher-
student relationship, brings all the
guidelines that indicate how to work at
certain times the content, because the
material is very interactive with figures,
maps, drawings, comics, which contributes
to facilitating the access to the information.
Especially, regarding to the use of
drawings of children; showing some
information, as in a comic book, a question
suggesting a search. This aspect of the
work is shown in the image below:
Figure 6 - Teacher-student interaction LDH 1.
Source: Silva, 2010, p. 43.
The teaching-learning process in the
LDH 1 is focused on the student, since this
is handled along the work as active subject
and constructor of knowledge. This student
is what lives in the context of the
countryside and shares with its families
innumerous knowledge linked to the Earth,
nature and peasant culture. The contents of
the LDH 1 also bring an approach linked to
the General History of Brazil. Based on the
contents present in the work and depending
on how these are developed in the
classroom by the teacher, it is possible that
the child understand the concepts linking
them to the process of struggle for agrarian
reform, the Rural Education, why the
existence of so much land concentration
currently in the country, for example.
The texts of the LDH 1 also have a
language that is peculiar to that which we
find in the social movements of the
countryside. Silva (2010) employs words
or phrases such as “occupation of the
Brazilian territory’, “struggle of the social
groups”, “valorization of the contribution
of the cultures”, “mobilization”. This
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
language is the language of the social
movement, who speaks in a variety of
ways, with the rituals and mystique, with
children, with the symbols (Arroyo, 2011),
since the words are not only symbolic
characters, but carry with them a meaning
of political and ideological world, liberator
or oppressor. Furthermore, these words are
related in the activities of an objective way
to the context of the peasants, promoting
the student-teacher interaction and pupil-
countryside-social movement.
On the other hand, it seems that the
teacher-student approach constant in the
LDH 2 Vontade de Saber História is
centered mainly in the figure of the teacher
as keeper of knowledge. This can be
determined based on how that LD is
organized, beginning the content of the
chapters with a general reflection, followed
by several titles and subheads that bring a
historical narrative (see Pellegrini, Days &
Grinberg, 2012) in which the teacher
assumes the role of performing the analysis
of contents and the concepts presented.
But, in the PNDL guidelines,
The pedagogical proposal values the
mediator teacher and approaches of
the socio-interacionist proposal. It
proposes to working with the reading
and the interpretation of images
favoring the construction of historical
knowledge. In the activities, are
included individual and work in
groups to aid in the learning of
concepts important to the story
(Brasil, 2013, p. 131).
As the LDH 2 does not present a
systematic path to be followed regarding
the teaching of contents that gives
autonomy to the teacher use the most
appropriate methodology to its educational
practice: individual reading, reading in
couples, text annotations, text summary
In the analyses, it was also found that
the activities of the LDH 2 follow the same
trend, presenting a formal language in the
text and the focus turns to the definition of
many concepts that arise throughout the
book. This makes the figure of the teacher
central in the classroom, since students
may find it difficult to understand the texts.
As the contents of the LDH 2 are
extensive, in the reading of the texts, the
students may lack certain previous
knowledge for interpretation. Therefore,
the teacher can use as teaching resource,
the reading in group to facilitate the
understanding, what enables to improve
the teacher-student interaction.
The images on the LDH
The use of images in the LD is
justified also by the role that assume of
“transport our imaginations” to a historical
past, a current reality or a future time.
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
They give visual and imagery grounding,
enriching the cultural capability of the
students and educators, besides of
encouraging playful interaction with the
In addition, to present images in MD
is a form of legitimate historical speeches
(Ströher, 2012), that is, they validate with
visual evidences that is being said, even
that is not part of the everyday reality of
the learner. The images compound of
pictures, cartoon/caricature, billboard,
newspaper page, magazine, map and
graphics, educate our way of thinking and
perceiving the world around us, because
the human mind is “formed” by words and
pictures. So, we can read the world through
both the words and the images, assigning
meaning and concepts to the things that
surround us. In this dialectical process, we
transform the world and ourselves.
According to Ströher (2012), you can
set three categories of analysis of how the
images are used methodologically in the
LD, namely:
Picture-illustration, with only
decorative function, without direct
relation to the accompanying texts or
that are unnecessary for the
understanding of the same;
Image-proof, presented as a portrait
of the past, confirming or restating
what the text argues, acting as
confirmatory element of the speech
of the author;
Image of monument, which
discusses the source and questions it,
but without taking it as the only truth
of the past (Ströher, 2012, p. 51, bold
in the original).
Following this criterion, we verified
that the LDH 1 is a rich volume
Iconographies. The purpose of them at the
work seems to be to provide to the students
more relaxed learning situations, showing
them the “Little group of the countryside”,
that will accompany them throughout the
course of the initial series. This little group
is presented already in the first copy of the
Coleção Cadernos de Ensino
Aprendizagem História, volume 1. The
name, Little group of the countryside, is a
designation that reinforces the identity of
the peasant culture in the social imaginary
of the child at an early age can learn to
value its people, its culture and the place
where it is living. The figure below
illustrates the actors who make up the little
group of the countryside:
Figure 7 Little group of the countryside LDH 1.
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
Source: Silva, 2010, p. 7.
As we verified in other parts of the
LDH 1, the use of photographs, maps,
graphics, paintings and cartoons
(contemporary or not) also presents
themselves as a resource to make reference
directly or indirectly to the subject studied
in each chapter. Because it is a volume
whose theme is developed specifically for
the students in the countryside, most of the
images are used in order to develop a
critical consciousness in children for the
understanding, for example, of how
happened the territorial domain of Brazil,
the slavery, the development of the cities
and the achievements of social rights.
However, some images present in the
LDH 1 seem to be simply laid out on the
work at the criterion of illustration
(picture-illustration), making it
unnecessary the presence of the same to
the understanding of the texts. In some
cases, is not made available for certain
images the methodological feature
appropriate to the interpretation of the
same, that is, it is not proposed any activity
that can involve the interaction in the
classroom, such as is the case of the image
(Figure 8) used when the subject of the text
is the homo’s sapiens (clever man, who
knows, you can know):
Figure 8 Rupestrian paintings - LDH 1.
Source: Silva, 2010, p. 12.
Nevertheless, considering the overall
scope of the work, we can say that most of
the images of the LDH 1 present good
reflective proposals, suggestions of
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
individual or in couple activity,
representation with sticking or drawing.
For example, when the topic of study is the
growth of the cities, are presented pictures
preceded by a brief explanatory content
about the development of Brazilian cities,
framing within the criterion of image-proof
(Ströher, 2012), which validates the
narrative of the text. At the same time, it
proposes an activity to analyze the images,
very positive point of this LD.
It is important to point out that some
images of the LDH 1, such as maps,
photographs and paintings, do not have a
detailed description about its theoretical
approach, in order to facilitate the
understanding of the content, although they
are important to performance of the
exercises. It can instill the kids to argue
(“Talk about”) the issues from what is
shown; that is, taking into account the
reality of the countryside, the teacher can
help students deepen the discussion about a
particular subject linked to the Brazilian
In the texts about territory, the LDH
1 also presents images that make it
possible to take the students to understand
that, in the countryside, there are different
forms of occupation of the land. Figure 9,
for example, brings the differences
between the territories of the peasantry and
Figure 9 Different territories LDH 1.
Source: Silva, 2010, p. 74.
These images of the Figure 9 show
that rural areas are taking varied social and
cultural contexts of empowerment in
accordance with the form of occupation by
man. In this case, the teacher’s role is vital,
because it can explore in the readings and
discussions with students: the story of the
MST in the struggle for Agrarian Reform
in the country, the importance of the
family agriculture which employs more
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
than the agribusiness, the importance of
polyculture for family agriculture, among
other aspects.
The other book of our study, the
LDH 2 Vontade de Saber História 6th
grade, is also rich in images, photographs,
drawings, maps. The identification of some
paintings and photographs is done by the
use of subtitles, as is the case of the images
that appear in the introduction of the
chapters, following the section “Talking
about it”. The figure presented below
demonstrates how the picture-proof is used
in order to prove the veracity of the
narratives that are developed around the
contents. However, it is important to stress
that, “Although they are not only
illustrations, once the images prove the
data transmitted by the text and
complement their ideas, there is not a
keeper work of analysis of them” (Ströher,
2012, p. 56).
Figure 10 Proof-image LDH 2.
Source: Pellegrini, Dias & Grinberg, 2012, p. 131.
The use of the images is quite used in
the LDH 2. However, most of the images
seem to be merely illustrative, without the
intention to elucidate or instigate debate in
the classroom, as shown in Figure 10. For
Ströher (2012, p. 47), “Despite the good
visual treatment of the images, it is
important to stress that the role that these
occupy in relation to the texts that
accompany it is, often, the one of mere
illustrations, or as of evidence that supports
and confirm the written information”.
Often the work does not offer for the
educator and the learner elements which
enable problematize the proper reading of
the images in order to deepen the
discussion of the texts.
Still in the LDH 2, it is frequent the
use of the images in the section
“Activities”, but not for the purpose of
producing a dense interpretation of them,
because what is usually proposed with the
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
use of them is the observation, questions
about the content, questions to compare
them and describe the differences among
As regards the category image-
illustration (Ströher, 2012), the
Iconographies below present in detail the
type of image-illustration commonly used
in the LDH 2, when approached in an
activity accompanying the content:
Figure 11 - Image-illustration LDH 2.
Source: Pellegrini, Dias & Grinberg, 2012, p. 90.
According to Ströher (2012), there
may be resizing of the images to prove the
ideological conceptions that the texts
present. The way how certain authors stand
on the content demonstrates their current
of thought. A phrase, a concept, a photo, a
painting, a charge and a map, can be used
“tendentiously” in order to reinforce a
thought or a bigot idea, depending on how
it will be worked the interpretation by the
Figure 12, presented below, shows a
group of bushmen in the northeast of the
years of 1940. This image depicts the
hardships of life in the backwoods, the
hard work to remove water from the well,
the barefooted woman with a pot of water
on the head, leaving explicit the difficulty
of living in the northeastern backwoods:
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
Figure 12 - Image-illustration LDH 2.
Source: Pellegrini, Dias & Grinberg, 2012, p. 21.
Analyzing how the Figure 12 appears
in the LDH 2, it is noted that there is no
text to explain why these people depicted
in the image are living in this situation. It
is therefore an attempt to corroborate or
legitimize the view that the countryside is
suffering, even if it is not the intention of
the author.
The school, the textbooks and the
curriculum of the Rural Education, as
advocated by the social movements of the
countryside, it must work the pedagogy of
the social movement, the peasant culture,
the identity of the peasants. For this reason,
we analyze in this article two textbooks of
History of 6th grade of Elementary School,
taking into account the following elements:
contents, activities, teacher-student
interaction and pictures.
The LDH 1, Caderno de Ensino
Aprendizagem: História 5, has its graphic
project designed for the schools
multigraded of the countryside. It is a
teaching material whose base texts to
comment regarding certain subject are
reduced, since it explores as the
methodological resources the innumerous
exercises, that can be done through
activities in couple or in collectiveness
(through the exercises and some images
the countryside is approached in the book).
The work meets, even if partially, the
longing of the movements of social
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
struggles of the countryside (landless,
bordering, quilombolas, affected people,
extractive), because some themes of this
book let you work the culture, the identity
and the peasant struggle. However, we
know that in some cases the LD is the only
teaching material of the teacher who
teaches in rural areas.
On the other hand, the LDH 2,
Vontade de Saber História, it is a book
prepared for an urban school, to form
holder subjects of an instrumental
knowledge and technical. The contents of
this LD and their activities do not instigate
the student to question the current reality,
filled by the social inequities, because the
book promotes the memorization of the
concepts, dates and facts of the past.
Therefore, the LDH 2, when used as a
teaching tool in schools in the countryside,
especially in those schools near the town,
do not present theoretical and
methodological subsidies that favor
strengthening of the peasant identity, the
struggle of the working class, the agrarian
reform, the deconstruction of stereotypes.
As we know, the scientific knowledge is
not neutral, but must dialogue with the
multiple contradictions experienced by the
people in the countryside, that seek new
ways to overcome the social injustices
created by the capitalist system.
The research also reinforces that the
success of the teaching materials in the
classroom, regardless of the social context
of the school and the community, it also
depends on the teacher and the teaching
methodology implemented, including
specific aimed objectives and teaching
vision about the process teaching and
With these lines, we realize that the
defense of the social movements by a
Rural Education comes with a school that
is of and in the countryside, in which the
challenge is even greater: “When is
discussed what to teach in those schools?”;
“How to organize a curriculum that
respects the cultural diversity?”; “How to
elaborate textbooks respecting the various
rural contexts that exist in Brazil?”.
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Aprendizagem: História 5. Brasília, DF:
Silva, W. R., et al. (2014). O que são
materiais didáticos? Uma abordagem na
Linguística Aplicada. In SILVA, W. R.,
Santos, J. S., & Melo, M. A. (Orgs.).
Pesquisas em Língua(gem) e demandas do
ensino básico (pp. 263-293). Campinas,
SP: Pontes Editores.
Ströher, C. E. (2012). Aprendendo com
imagens: a função das fontes visuais nos
livros didáticos de História. Aedos, 11(4),
We thank two anonymous reviewers of RBEC for
the contributions to the work.
Conflicts of interest: Cicero da Silva is a member
of the National Editorial Board of the Revista
Brasileira de Educação do Campo, however, it did
not have any participation in the evaluation process
of the manuscript.
This research is part of the scientific activities of
the Group for studies and research in Rural
Education - Gepec (UFT/CNPq).
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural Education and teaching material: an analysis of History textbooks
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.
p. 76-103
ISSN: 2525-4863
We understanding the teaching material (MD),
according to Silva et al. (2014, p. 264), as: “...
embedded artifacts to the work of the teacher,
serving as an aid to the teaching and learning
process in training contexts”.
The Programa Escola Ativa (Active School
Program) was deployed in Brazil in 1997, through
the Northeast Project of the Ministry of education
with the World Bank, being adopted by the School
building Fund FNDE/FUNDESCOLA (Brasil,
2010). The Secretariat of Continuing Education,
literacy and diversity (SECAD) is responsible for
the program management. Brazil adopted this
program having as model the experiment of
Colombia, country in which the Escola Ativa was
launched in 1975 (from 1986, the program receives
funding from the World Bank to expand) (Melo &
Souza, 2013). Of the 5,565 municipalities in Brazil,
3,106 joined to the program in 2008. The Escola
Ativa is intended for multigraded classes, or small
schools, in places of difficult access and with low
population density, with only one teacher. Students
are organized together in the same classroom and
must work in groups, facilitating the flow of
information, which will be shared by other grades
(Brasil, 2010).
As the “reading” involves directly the
development of many activities linked to excerpts
from historical, journalistic and literary texts
throughout the chapters of the LDH 1 we do not
need the total number of activities of the modality
“reading” in this work.
Received August 22, 2017
Accepted September 15, 2017
Published December 15, 2017
Como citar este artigo / How to cite this article /
Como citar este artículo:
Silva, C., & Cardoso Filho, I. D. (2018). Rural
Education and teaching material: an analysis of
History textbooks. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., 3(1), 76-
Education and teaching material: an analysis of
History textbooks. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.,
Tocantinópolis, v. 3, n. 1, p. 76-103, 2018.
Cícero da Silva
Ilário Dias Cardoso Filho