on site and by using the alternation
pedagogy, as it is emphasized in the
following excerpt:
From our history and our course,
MEC has invited us, in 2008, to
participate in a pilot project in Brazil,
together with UFV, UnB, UFBA and
UFS with resorts from MEC, no
longer with financing by PRONERA.
The objective was to provide
grounding to the programme of
formation of professors by
PROCAMPO. These pilot projects
were fundamental to amplify the
support from federal government for
the formation of the rural professor.
But it was still a project, and not a
regular course. Only in 2009, with
the REUNI (Restructuring and
Expansion of the Federal
Universities), we have entered with
the request of a regular course and
received 11 vacancies for professors
for the Faculty of Education, not
specifically for the course, because
the professors act in the many
courses offered by the Faculty. So,
we were the first to offer a regular
course of Graduation in Rural
Education in Brazil. This experience
has been extremely successful and,
pedagogically, he have been
redefining our pedagogical and
political project. (Açucena Lima
Duarte, interview, November 12
According to the coordinator of the
graduation, this course had its first class
destined to social movements:
The first class was destined to MST
and Via Campesina, with 60
students. But we knew that we
couldn’t stay only as a project. Rural
education had to take root and to
consolidate, and to write its history at
the Faculy of Education. From 2005
to 2008, there was a negotiation and
a maturation in terms of the
consolidation of the course. And one
of the discussed aspects was about
the subjects that should be attended
by this course. We knew about the
diversity and heterogeneity of the
subjects that live in rural areas, that
struggle in these areas. In 2007, there
was a mobilization, mainly from
trade unions, social movements and
other organizations, which
consolidated the occupation of these
movements and organizations in the
university. (Açucena Lima Duarte,
interview, November 12
of 2015).
Initially, the selection process was
realized through a specific exam. Now, the
entry in the course is done by the Enem
(National Secondary Education
Examination). For the coordinator of the
Another characteristic of the course
is that we would offer only one
habilitation, in an alternate way. In
each year, there is one entry for each
habilitation (in 2009 with the
habilitation in Life and Nature
Sciences; Languages, Arts and
Literature, in 2010; Social Sciences
and Humanities, 2011; and, in 2012,
in Mathematics). In 2015, UFMG
had four classes, with a total of 142
enrolled students. The annual entry
comprehends 35 students with the
aim to maintain the quality of the
course. (Açucena Lima Duarte,
interview, November 12
of 2015).
According to the coordinator, the
university funds mobility, accommodation
and meals for the students; documents that
prove that the student live or work in rural
areas are required. The coordinator