should I do with concrete? What has
remained in my heart and awakens
me to a new way of being and
acting? " She asked the witnesses to
register in the notebook and, finally,
suggested that they choose a phrase
to memorize. (Field Diary, 11 Nov.
Margarida reported that with the
priests, nuns, and walking companions, she
learned how to read prayerfully from the
Bible, a practice she performs individually
and collectively, especially in times of
retreat and worship. It is pertinent to
emphasize the importance that the uncle,
the nuns and the priests had in the life story
of Margarida, instigating it, mainly,
through the example to deepen in the
practice of the reading. The following
excerpt illustrates well our statements: "I
do not forget my uncle Abilio, who learned
to read by himself and who taught the
children and many nephews and other
people in the community. He was a wise
man." According to Margarida's speech,
we understand that the relation between the
taught and acquired practices of reading
and writing does not take place in a linear
way, but rather occurs in function of the
religious context in which they appear.
For Acacia, one of the originalities of
CEBs is to articulate Bible reading and
celebrations with popular struggles and
movements of improvement of the
conditions of life and work of the people,
mainly, in the field and in the periphery.
According to the interviewee, the current
challenges of the Church invite us to
rediscover the taste of sharing life with
others in the dynamics of otherness,
making the Christian community the space
to strengthen friendship, sharing and
fraternal communion. Let us look at the
speech of Acacia:
Praying is not only praying when
getting up, when going to sleep, it
goes much further: it is to transmit
the life to other people in the day to
day. To talk with the companion to
share the lunchbox with those who
do not have lunch, that is to pray ... I
pray when I am in the Church and
when I am denouncing the injustices
and the low salary, because there I do
not pray only for me, but I pray for
others. .. Meeting of the Biblical
Circle is prayer, when we achieve a
victory, it is prayer ... Love and
praise to God should not be
expressed only in worship, but in
everyday life ... In my opinion, of
there is no use praying if we do not
help each other, so I see the need to
participate in associations, union and
politically. If, on the one hand, this is
the most difficult, the most delicate
and the riskiest part, which can
generate more divisions and
conflicts, on the other hand, is the
most important, because of the
collective good that through it we can
Referring to Chartier (2001), we
understand that these "reading figures"
refer to their own styles that reveal the
relationships between the reader and the
object read. We can contrast these forms of
reading, in which the quantities of reading
access and the various forms of