Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
The Brazilian Scientific Journal of Rural Education
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to
training monitors of Agricultural Family Schools
Diego Gonzaga Duarte da Silva
Lourdes Helena da Silva
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Avenida Purdue, s/nº Campus
Universitário. Viçosa - MG. Brasil.
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. The licentiate degrees in Rural Education are a
recent achievement in our society and have been arising from
the protagonist of the peasant social movements and trade
unions. They had their expansion marked by the announcement
MEC/SESU/SETEC/SECADI n.º 02/2012, which enabled the
creation of new training courses for rural educators in 42
Brazilian Education Institutions. Considering these licentiate
degrees, we highlight the Licentiate in Rural Education of the
Federal University of Viçosa (LICENA), which in its creation
and institutionalization process had the involvement and
participation of diverse social and union movements. Among
them, the Agricultural Family Schools (EFAs) have become a
partner in the construction of the training processes of the
course, as much by the experience with the Pedagogy of
Alternating, as by the necessity of the initial formation of its
monitors. Aiming to understand LICENA's training processes,
we analyzed the evaluations of the monitors on the contributions
of the course to the pedagogical practices developed in the
EFAs, by conducting interviews that were submitted to the
Content Analysis method. The results indicate that LICENA has
contributed to the formation of the monitors both through the
appropriation of didactic-pedagogical knowledge and through
the stimulation of interdisciplinary practices.
Keywords: Agricultural Family Schools, Licentiate Degree in
Rural Education, Monitors.
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
Licenciatura em Educação do Campo: contribuições à
formação de monitores de Escolas Família Agrícola
RESUMO. As Licenciaturas em Educação do Campo,
conquistas recentes em nossa sociedade oriundas do
protagonismo dos movimentos sociais e sindicais camponeses,
tiveram sua expansão marcada pelo Edital
MEC/SESU/SETEC/SECADI n.º 02/2012, que viabilizou a
criação de novos cursos de formação de educadores do campo
em 42 Instituições de Ensino Superior brasileiras. Dentre
esses cursos, destacamos a Licenciatura em Educação do Campo
da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (LICENA) que, em seu
processo de criação e institucionalização, contou com o
envolvimento e participação de movimentos sociais e sindicais
diversos. Entre eles, as Escolas Família Agrícola (EFAs) têm se
constituído uma parceira na construção dos processos
formativos do curso, tanto pela experiência com a Pedagogia da
Alternância, quanto pela necessidade da formação inicial dos
seus monitores. Na busca de compreender os processos de
formação da LICENA, analisamos as avaliações dos monitores
sobre as contribuições do curso para as práticas pedagógicas
desenvolvidas nas EFAs, através da realização de entrevistas
que foram submetidas ao método Análise de Conteúdo. Os
resultados do estudo indicam, dentre outros aspectos, que a
LICENA tem contribuído para a formação dos monitores tanto
pela apropriação dos saberes didático-pedagógicos, quanto pelo
estímulo à realização de práticas interdisciplinares.
Palavras-chave: Escolas Família Agrícola, Licenciaturas em
Educação do Campo, Monitores.
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
Licenciatura en Educación del Campo: contribuciones a la
formación de monitores de las Escuelas Familias Agrícolas
RESUMEN. Las Licenciaturas en Educación del Campo,
conquistas recientes en nuestra sociedad, originadas del
protagonismo de los movimientos sociales y sindicales
campesinos, tuvieron expansión con el Decreto
MEC/SESU/SETEC/SECADI n.º 02/2012, que posibilitó la
creación de nuevas carreras para la formación de educadores del
campo en 42 Instituciones de Enseñanza Superior brasileñas. De
estas carreras, destacamos la Licenciatura en Educación del
Campo de la Universidad Federal de Viçosa (LICENA) que en
su proceso de creación e institucionalización involucró diversos
movimientos sociales y sindicales. Entre ellos, las Escuelas
Familias Agrícolas (EFAs) han constituido una alianza en la
construcción de los procesos formativos del curso, tanto por su
experiencia con la Pedagogía de la Alternancia, como por la
necesidad de formación inicial de sus monitores. Para
comprender los procesos de formación de la LICENA,
analizamos las evaluaciones de los monitores relacionadas con
las contribuciones del curso para las prácticas pedagógicas
desarrolladas en las EFAs, por medio de entrevistas las cuales
fueron sometidas al método de Análisis de Contenido. Los
resultados obtenidos indican, entre otros aspectos, que la
LICENA ha contribuido en la formación de los monitores tanto
por la apropiación de los saberes didácticos-pedagógicos como
por el estímulo para la realización de prácticas
Palabras clave: Escuelas Familias Agrícolas, Licenciatura en
Educación del Campo, Monitores.
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
This study, originating from a
research on the contributions of the
Licenciate Degree in Rural Education in
the Federal University of Viçosa for the
formation of students who will work as
monitors in Agricultural Family Schools
(EFAs), is part of the program of studies
on Licenciate Degree in Rural Education
in the Federal University of Viçosa:
Subjects, Representations and Pedagogical
Practices” which aims to analyze the
subjects, the social representations, the
processes and the pedagogical practices
created in the course.
The Licenciate Degrees in Rural
Education (LEdoCs) are recent victories
of the social and peasant farmers union
movements which have promoted, over
the last twenty years, a set of motions and
protests for more public policies
addressing the education of the rural
peoples in our society (Molina & Sá,
2012). Created in the context of the
Support Program for Higher Rural
Education (PROCAMPO), the expansion
of the first experiences of the Licenciate
Degrees in Rural Education were marked
public edict 02/2012, which made
possible the creation of 42 undergraduate
courses in several higher education
institutions in Brazil (Molina, 2015). It is
within such context - of the Licenciate
Degrees in Rural Education created in
accordance with the publication afore
mentioned - that we highlight the
Licenciate Degree in Rural Education of
the Federal University of Viçosa
In its creation and
institutionalization processes, LICENA
relied on the partnership of several social
and trade union movements, such as the
Agroecological Movement of the Zona da
Mata of Minas Gerais - especially the
Zona da Mata Technological Center
(CTA/ZM); the Rural Workers' Trade
Unions; the Agricultural Family Schools
(EFAs); the Brazil’s Landless Workers
Movement (MST); the Pastoral Land
Commission (CPT); the Quilombola
Network, and others. Among these
partnerships, we highlight the EFAs
which, with the participation of their
alumni, monitors
and former monitors,
have effectively collaborated in the
conception of the training processes of the
course, both for the experience
accumulated by these schools with the
alternance training dynamics (Köll, 2016)
and for the need for the initial training of
their instructors, aiming to promote
advances and improvements in the
pedagogical practices of these educators.
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
It is paramount to add that the
training process at LICENA is important
for the EFAs monitors, especially because
many of them do not have higher
education and/or, when they do, such
education is not in courses aimed at the
training of rural school educators. In this
regard, it is important to state that the
Alternation Pedagogy - one of the pillars
of the EFAs - aims to implement an
educational dynamic tailored to link the
knowledge derived from the life and work
reality of the learners, with the knowledge
developed in the school daily life in the
training process (Silva, 2003). In order to
achieve this purpose, it is necessary to
have a process of training the monitors
which, by favoring a better understanding
of the pedagogical dynamics of the
alternation, allows them to develop skills
and knowledge which extrapolate the
activities performed inside the classrooms
(Begnami, 2003). This is due to the fact
that, in addition to providing compulsory
curricular content, the monitors are
responsible for the orientation and follow-
up of the students in the activities carried
out both in the daily life of the EFAs
during School Time and in their
communities and territories of origin
during Community Time.
In this educational proposal, one of
the responsibilities of the monitors is the
mediation of the teaching-learning
processes, which are carried out in a
dynamic capable of recognizing and
taking into account the knowledge and
practices of the life and work of the
students, their families and their
communities and territories (Sousa, 2014).
Furthermore, the role of the monitors is to
promote the motivation for the associative
life of the school, the motivation for group
life and the mobilization of institutional
partners to contribute to the formative
process of the EFAs (Begnami, 2003).
According to Begnami (2003), the
promotion of associative life requires the
monitors to articulate, plan and hold
assemblies and meetings with the
pedagogical team and associations that
maintain the EFAs.
The promotion of group life, on the
other hand, demands from the monitors
the development of activities to excite the
life in boarding school that occurs in the
EFAs, making this space experienced by
the young students favorable ground to the
teaching-learning process; while the
mobilization of partners requires the
monitors to identify and involve
employees - such as interns, families,
leaders, etc., in order to contribute to the
training process of the EFAs.
Recognizing, therefore, the
complexity of the monitors’ role and the
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
multiple attributions they perform in the
context of alternation training, we discuss
the contributions of the LICENA training
process to the performance of these
professionals in the context of the EFAs.
In its origin, we carried out an
investigation which analyzed the
evaluations provided by the monitors of
EFAs on the contributions of the
Licenciate Degrees in Rural Education for
the development of its pedagogical
practices. In methodological terms, the
research involved interviews with nine
students from the 2014 LICENA class
who acted as monitors in EFAs. These
interviews, in turn, were submitted to the
technical procedures of the Content
Analysis method, within the theoretical-
methodological perspective of Bardin
Thus, in the context of a study
which analyzes the contributions of
LICENA training to the performance of
EFA monitors, the present work is
organized in four sections other than this
introduction: in the first section, we talk
about the processes of constitution and the
principles which guide the Licenciate
Degree in Rural Education in Brazil; in
the second, we present the proposal for the
formation of the Political-Pedagogical
Project for LICENA, characterizing its
main objectives; in the third, we describe
and look into the evaluations of the
monitors about the contributions of
LICENA to their pedagogical practices in
the EFAs; and in the last section, we
present our final considerations.
The Licenciate Degree in Rural
Education in Brazil
The trajectory that culminated in the
creation of Licenciate Degrees in Rural
Education (LEdoCs) was marked by
numerous mobilizations of peasant social
movements and trade unions seeking to
guarantee a quality educational model for
the rural people, either by the creation of
new schools in the countryside and/or by
not allowing the closure of existing ones,
either by increasing the level of schooling
of the schools in operation and, mainly, by
creating training courses for rural
educators (Molina & Sá, 2012).
As Molina and (2012) observed,
from the numerous demands made by
peasant social movements and trade unions
to ensure the fulfillment of the guidelines
established during the "2nd National
Conference: For a Basic Rural Education",
in 2005, a Working Group (GT) is created.
GT is responsible for the elaboration of
proposals to assist the Secretariat for
Continuing Education, Literacy, Diversity
and Inclusion (SECADI) in order to
negotiate with the Ministry of Education
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
(MEC) the creation of a public education
policy towards the formation of educators
for Rural Education.
This GT was made up of
representatives of various social and trade
union movements, such as the Council of
State Secretaries of Education (CONSED),
the National Confederation of Agricultural
Workers (CONTAG), the Union of
Municipal Education Officers (UNDIME),
the Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement
(MST), the Family Agriculture Farm
Workers Federation (FETRAF), the
Educational Network of the Brazilian
Semi-Arid (RESAB), in partnership with
the University of Brasília (UNB), the
Federal University of Minas Gerais
(UFMG), the National Forum for Rural
Education (FONEC), the Family Centers
for Formation by Alternation (CEFFAs),
the National Secretariat for Youth (SNJ),
the Ministry of Agrarian Development
(MDA) and the Ministry of Social
Development and Fight Against Hunger
(MDS) (Brazil, 2013).
Based on the discussions carried out
by the GT, the Support Program for Higher
Rural Education (PROCAMPO) was
created with the collaboration of the
Ministry of Education in 2006, with the
objective of promoting the training of
educators to work in the final school years
of elementary and secondary school of
rural areas (Santos, 2012). Since 2007, this
policy made possible the creation of the
LEdoCs, on an experimental basis, in four
universities indicated by the peasants
social and trade union movements: the
Federal University of Minas Gerais; the
University of Brasilia; the Federal
University of Bahia and the Federal
University of Sergipe (Molina, 2015;
Molina & Antunes-Rocha, 2014). The
experiences of these four universities made
it possible for SECADI to broaden the
offer of these courses through public edicts
in 2008 and 2009, in which they invited the
higher education institutions (IES) to offer
this new undergraduate course. By 2010,
the 2008 and 2009 Edicts have made way
for other 30 IES to offer Licenciate Degree
in Rural Education (Molina & Sá, 2012).
Subsequently, with the creation of the
National Rural Education Program
(PRONACAMPO) in March 2012 and
with the incorporation of PROCAMPO
that same year, the
N.º 02/2012 was published making it
possible the creation of 42 Licenciate
Degrees in Rural Education in Brazil
(MOLINA, 2015). The purpose of
PRONACAMPO is to support the State
with technical and financial resources in
the implementation of Rural Education
policies, in order to increase access to
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
basic education for rural peoples and to
promote the professional qualification of
these people. This program is structured
around four main axes, namely: 1)
Management and Pedagogical Practices; 2)
Initial and Continued Teacher Training; 3)
Youth and Adult Education and
Professional Education; 4) Physical and
Technological Infrastructure (Brazil,
2013). PROCAMPO, which provides for
the creation of LedoCs, is inside Axis 2.
The Licenciate Degree in Rural
Education is a new undergraduate modality
which is present in the Brazilian Higher
Education Institutions which focuses on
the initial formation of educators for a
professional performance which goes
beyond teaching. A formation which
enables the educators to work also in the
management of the educational processes
happening in the school and its
environment(Molina & Sá, 2011, p. 36).
This modality of higher education seeks to
guarantee the initial formation of educators
who are committed to the struggles of
peasant social movements and trade
unions, and educators who are able to
develop practices and theories that
contribute to the organization of an
educational model which suits the ways of
life of the rural people (Molina & Sá,
The LEdoCs seek to form at a higher
level the educators who already work in
rural schools and who do not have a
college degree, such as the monitors of the
EFAs; the leaderships linked to the social
and union movements and the subjects
who develop educational activities outside
the formal education domains in
partnership with the peasant social and
union movements (Santos, 2012). With
that in mind, as explained and analyzed by
Molina and (2011), a training is
proposed which enables the educators to
perform a professional activity capable of
articulating the school's educational
processes to the community in order to
integrate everyday community life into
school life. In the pursuit of such
integration, these courses curricula
organization is thought out in an
alternation regime divided between School
Time and Community Time. This
contributes, among other aspects, to the
permanence and performance of future
educators in the countryside (Molina & Sá,
2012). Thus, the alternation in LEdoCs
aims, through the articulation between
school/community and theory/practice, to
provide mechanisms to their students, in
their academic activities, so that they can
perceive and intervene on the problems
experienced in the schools where they
work and in the social environments within
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
which they live (Molina & Antunes-Rocha,
Combining the integration between
school and the community through
alternation, the Licenciate Degree in Rural
Education has the "purpose of building a
development model for the countryside
committed to the economic, social,
political and cultural sustainability of the
land and of the subjects who work on
them." (Antunes-Rocha, Diniz & Oliveira,
2011, p. 22). These objectives conflict with
a conception of country and of society
postulated from the capitalist principles
which see country as a commodity,
provided that said principles disregard the
cultural and social practices of the rural
peoples, who live and are inserted in the
rural environment, and their social and
union movements. Therefore, the
formative processes in the LEdoCs must be
articulated to the living conditions of the
peasant peoples, in order to empower the
rural schools and contribute to the process
of appreciation of the livelihoods and
production of the people who resist the
capital-imposed logic of countryside and of
society (Molina & Antunes-Rocha, 2014).
Consequently, the proposal of
training for educators in the LEdoCs is
placed against a counter-hegemonic
perspective, marked by the presence of
peasant social and labor movements in
Higher Education Institutions in the North,
Central-West, Southeast, Northeast and
South regions of Brazil (Molina, 2015).
For this purpose, these courses are
committed to organizing a pedagogical
work coherent to the ways of life of the
peoples of the countryside, in order to
protect and cherish their forms of work,
values and traditions.
The Licenciate Degree in Rural
Education at the Federal University of
The Licenciate Degree in Rural
Education at the Federal University of
Viçosa (LICENA) inaugurated in 2014,
after its approval by the
02/2012, aiming at a teacher formation
to coordinate formal and non-formal
educational spaces (Lopes, 2016;
Carvalho, 2017). In its previous proposal
the course provided for a teacher formation
qualified in Natural Sciences to act in the
final series of Elementary and High
Schools of the rural schools (PP/Licena,
UFV, 2014).
In addition to the teacher formation
course preparing educators to work in rural
schools, as well as in other Licenciate
Degrees in Rural Education, LICENA aims
to train educators for professional practice
beyond teaching (Molina & Sá, 2011) and
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
which, in partnership with peasant social
organizations and movements, is involved
and committed to the reality of rural
peoples and their social struggles
(PP/Licena, UFV, 2014). In order to train
educators committed to peasant dynamics,
the LICENA formation process uses the
alternation regime, which allows, among
other aspects, the incorporation of the
realities of the life of the students in the
course, with the intention of valuing the
ways of life and production of the people
of the countryside (Carvalho, 2017).
The alternation regime of LICENA
has favored the development of a process
of interdisciplinary formation capable of
intergrating the knowledge, struggles and
labor practices of the rural people with the
formative processes of the course, in order
to contribute to the valorization and
recognition of the rural environment and
the social struggles of peasants (Lopes,
2016). From this perspective, Carvalho
(2017) points out that one of the objectives
of LICENA is the development of
interdisciplinary practices through the
integration of the knowledge and social
practices of students which are developed
during the Community Time - when they
are doing agricultural activities, working in
rural schools and militating in peasant
social and union movements - to the
training processes experienced during the
School Time, in the academic activities
carried out at the Federal University of
In the development of the
interdisciplinary formation process, aiming
at the integration of the activities of
Community Time and School Time,
LICENA uses in its alternation dynamics a
set of pedagogical instruments, such as
Thematic Study Projects, Common
Placement, Reality Notebook, Travel and
Study Visits, External Interventions,
Feedback Activities and Experiences,
Professional Project and Study Overtimes
(PP/Licena, UFV, 2014). These
instruments favor the integration of the
disciplinary knowledge with the
knowledge of the students' experiences,
based on the problems experienced by
them in their life and work contexts. This
knowledge integration seeks a systematic
and constant recognition and appropriation
of the forms of work, experiences and
cultures of the rural people, contributing to
the human formation of the students of the
course from the construction of knowledge
integrated with the social contexts in their
ways of living (Carvalho, 2017).
In addition to favoring the
interdisciplinary training process, the
alternation system developed by LICENA
has made it possible for rural school
educators, as well as peasants, indigenous
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
people, quilombolas and other rural people
to undertake higher education without
abandoning their territories of living
(Carvalho, 2017). And in this regard,
Molina (2017) points out that the
alternation regime, also present in other
LEdoCs, seeks to prevent rural people
from leaving rural daily life to enter higher
Essentially, the Licenciate Degree in
Rural Education of the Federal University
of Viçosa has been committed to the
formation of educators able to develop
pedagogical practices articulated to the
social contexts experienced by the rural
people. They are practices which seek,
among other objectives, to link the
formative processes of the course to the
struggles, ways of working and the ways of
life of peasants (Molina & Sá, 2011).
Students of the Licenciate Degree in
Rural Education: the pedagogical
practices of the Monitors
The studies carried out in LICENA
show, in common, that the course has
made efforts to develop training processes
for rural educators who, in accordance with
the life, work and struggle contexts of
peasants, can contribute to the
implementation of pedagogical practices
that potentialize the knowledge, cultures
and forms of work of the rural people
(Lopes, 2016; Carvalho, 2017; Lima,
In our research, specifically
regarding the contributions of LICENA to
the pedagogical practices developed by
EFA monitors, the majority of
interviewees (8/9) positively evaluated the
process of formation experienced,
highlighting the appropriation of didactic-
pedagogical knowledge (4/8) and the
experience of interdisciplinary practices
(3/8) as dimensions that contributed to
advances and improvements in their
pedagogical practices. One of the
interviewees (1/8), despite their positive
assessment of the training undergone in
LICENA, did not justify their evaluation.
Specifically in regards to the
monitors (4/8) who associated the
improvement of their pedagogical
practices, after entering LICENA, to the
appropriation of didactic-pedagogical
knowledge, the tendency among them is to
emphasize that access to this knowledge
made possible the appropriation of new
teaching methodologies, as well as new
didactic strategies for the development of
the contents linked to the Natural Sciences
in the classroom routines. They also
emphasize that, prior to joining the course,
they had a lack of didactic-pedagogical
training that limited their professional
performance pertaining the use of teaching
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
methodologies, the development of
pedagogical practices articulated to the
reality of the students of the EFAs, and the
theoretical deepening in the disciplines
taught. This lack of training, in turn, will
be associated with a recognition of the
need for specific pedagogical training for
teaching in the context of the rural schools.
Therefore, it is in recognition of
these shortcomings and limitations that the
interviewed monitors emphasize the
appropriation of didactic-pedagogical
knowledge as a condition that enabled the
use of teaching methodologies and didactic
strategies in the development of
pedagogical practices which foster, among
other things, a greater motivation and
participation of EFA students in the daily
life of their classes. Other than the didactic
methodologies and strategies, the monitors
highlighted that the acquisition of didactic-
pedagogical knowledge also allowed for a
deeper understanding of the academic
contents, helping them to carry out debates
and discussions on diverse themes which
emerge within the scope of the formation
process of the EFAs.
... I realize I am very different from
when I started in the course in terms
of knowledge, content, of those
shortcomings that I said before.
Many things have been answered and
other questions have arisen. But I
believe I am an educator still in
development. I think I'm not ready,
nor will I be when I finish the course.
We are constantly learning (Monitor
I rate this as very good because in the
classroom you need to have a closer
relationship with the students so you
can get closer to the reality they
experience. And when you know
methodologies and ways to work, it
facilitates this process. The way to
work in the countryside, the visits
themselves, inside the classroom,
because it is not simply the
chalkboard, the chalk or the
datashow. There are several other
ways which the course taught us that
at the same time motivated us to look
for this too (Monitor 5).
This dimensions of the didactic-
pedagogical knowledge contributions to
the pedagogical practices of the teachers
coming from an initial formation process is
studied by Nez & Silva (2010), in a work
about the Computer Science
Undergraduate Course of the Mato Grosso
State University (UNEMAT), emphasizing
that the use of different teaching
methodologies in daily teaching potentiate
the pedagogical practices of teachers,
making classes more interesting, as well as
it fosters a better understanding by the
students about the contents of the subjects,
contributing to improvements in the
teaching and learning processes (Nez &
Silva, 2010).
It is worth mentioning, as Queiroz
and Maia (2014) acknowledge, that the
didactic-pedagogical knowledge
encompasses a set of other knowledges:
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
professional, curricular and disciplinary
ones. The distinction among these
knowledges is analyzed by Tardif (2007),
who considers professional knowledge as
being constructed along the processes of
teacher training in Higher Education
Institutions; disciplinary knowledge such
as those related to the specific disciplines
of teaching degree courses such as
Geography, Physics, Mathematics,
Portuguese, History, to name but a few;
while curricular knowledges are those
which, present in the course curricula,
guide the pedagogical action of educators.
With that in mind, we can understand
the acquisition of didactic-pedagogical
knowledge as one of the contributions of
LICENA to the monitors of the EFAs.
Among other aspects, the interviewees
reveal that the theoretical training
experienced in the course has enabled them
to understand and use different resources
and didactic strategies which, in turn,
contribute both to stimulating the
participation of EFA students in class and
to a better guiding of the study themes and
activities carried out during School Time.
To this idea, we add the importance of the
initial teacher training performed for a
specific teaching activity in the rural
schools, given that the majority of
interviewees (5/9) worked in the EFAs
without proper training for a teaching
Regarding the interviewees (3/8)
who credit the improvement of their
pedagogical practices after joining
LICENA to the use of interdisciplinary
dynamics, they recognize that the teacher
training processes experienced in the
course have enhanced their performance as
educators, stimulating them for the
development of pedagogical and didactic
strategies which promote articulations and
dialogues among the theoretical contents of
the different disciplines and the knowledge
derived from the EFA students’
experiences, traditions and cultural
backgrounds. In their reports, the
interviewees repeatedly highlight the
importance of this articulation between the
different knowledges, considered as one of
the strategies of valorization of the rural
people, their ways of life, work and their
cultural expressions. The interdisciplinary
teacher training in LICENA is also
recognized and valued for the transiting
possibilities through different areas of
knowledge offered to the students of the
course, favoring the understanding of the
different school disciplines and the
integration of the different theoretical
I don’t know how the students see it,
but I thought it was very good. It was
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
very good because I think I have
improved in relation to my teacher
attitude. In all respects I acquired
knowledge. But the fact that I can
articulate between various contents
without being stuck within a single
one, I think that was the best thing I
learned. I don’t know Geography
totally, I don’t know Physics,
Chemistry, but I am able to work
with these school subjects. For
example, if you need, in an
emergency, for me to replace you in
a class, I can articulate it with the
kids... (Monitor 2).
My current practice today is a great
deal from hearing what students have
to tell me. It's a lot more about
hearing them today and asking “why
this? and why that?”, so that they can
feel more appreciated. Then you
gotta have some dynamics. You gotta
have some cards up your sleeve so
you can get those students who have
difficulties to express their ideas. So
with that, I make the learner express
his feeling, what he thinks, what he
can do in the community. You can
not unlink ... I mean, I work with
agroecology, but I can integrate this
with other disciplines and the world
today... (Monitor 7).
According to Carvalho (2015),
interdisciplinary practices are those which
take place when teachers, in the
development of a broader formative
process, use and integrate in their
disciplines the knowledge of other areas of
knowledge in a way that makes the
contents more comprehensible for students.
To the author, one of the aspects which
contribute effectively to the development
of interdisciplinary practices is the
contextualization and search for integration
of students' knowledge - derived from their
experiences, social practices and ways of
working - with the content of the
disciplines taught. This contextualization is
recognized as a catalyst of a teaching
practice oriented towards overcoming
traditional pedagogical practices, based
upon a simple transfer of knowledge from
teachers to students.
It is in this respect that, in the
interviewees' evaluation, the
interdisciplinary experiences lived in
LICENA contributed to the construction of
interdisciplinary practices in the context of
the EFAs where they work, favoring the
implementation of dynamics directed both
at the creation of dialogues between the
disciplines taught and other disciplines, as
well as at an articulation between the
disciplines and the learners' knowledge and
experiences. Regarding this aspect,
LICENA teacher training is recognized and
valued by the monitors, among other
aspects, for the contributions to the
development of pedagogical practices
which, favoring the integration between
different disciplines, allows for a critical
and larger understanding by the students
about their realities of life, work and
struggles; thus, overcoming models and
practices of producing fragmented
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
Just as Carvalho (2015), we
emphasize that formative processes carried
out under this integrative logic are not
common in the regular teacher education
courses in our society. The dominant trend
in teacher training courses is the presence
of a "segmented curriculum as a habitual
model in undergraduate courses, rendering
the future teacher unable to develop a
systemic vision through which knowledge
is related to social needs" (Carvalho, 2015,
p. 103).
In spite of most of the monitors (8/9)
positively evaluating the LICENA
formative processes for the development of
their pedagogical practices, one of the
interviewees (1/9) pointed out a negative
dimension of the formation process
experienced: the intensification of the
teaching work faced in the EFA after their
insertion in the Licenciate Degree in Rural
Education. In their report, we highlight the
situation of a monitor who, due to the
accumulation of functions and demands of
the academic world, faces the lack of
conditions and time necessary for the
planning and preparation of the teaching
activities, as they had done before joining
the course. In this evaluation, there are also
issues concerning the high demand by the
course for academic activities which,
besides compromising the planning of their
classes, has also made it impossible to
build partnerships, study visits, and search
for alternatives in order to improve and
advance in their pedagogical practice.
My practice, today, I feel that it is
quite faulty... If I am to give a grade
to my practice before the course, I
would give it 8 or 9. Today, if I am to
give a grade to my practice, I would
give it 6 in the practice in EFA
because of this time, this lack of
preparation and a lot of modification
in the space. Before, we had spaces,
other places to turn to and today we
have a lot of difficulty about that
(Monitor 9).
It is interesting to mention that
difficulties and challenges such as those
reported by the interviewee, especially the
overload of academic activities in the
course, were also identified in the Carvalho
(2017) study on LICENA. Specifically, the
high volume of academic activities during
School Time and the excess of activities in
Community Time were considered by the
students as factors of physical and mental
exhaustion, detrimental both to academic
achievement in the course and to the
development of their professional
activities. Similarly, they are evaluations
that reveal some of the challenges faced by
LICENA students in reconciling the
training process in the course with teaching
activities in schools and also in the
development of a pedagogical practice that
allows for a better monitoring of and
guidance to the students of EFAs, which
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
may compromise the teaching-learning
processes in rural schools.
However, in a more expressive and
shared way, the assessments made by the
monitors reveal an understanding of
LICENA as a teacher training course for
educators of rural schools, which, guided
by the search for interdisciplinarity and
articulation among the different
knowledges involved in the educational
dynamics, has contributed for the
development in the EFAs of reflections
and pedagogical practices committed to the
principles of Rural Education.
Final Considerations
The Licenciate Degrees in Rural
Education, in different regions of the
Brazilian society, aim at the initial
formation of educators committed to the
struggles of the rural people, as well as the
development of practices which contribute
to an educational organization which,
articulating world dimensions of the life
and work of rural people, contributes to the
education of their students (Molina & Sá,
2011). They are courses which seek to
overcome fragmented teaching models and
practices in knowledge areas, proposing
the development of politically and socially
committed training processes and practices
with peasants, their ways of life, their
cultures and knowledges, in order to add
up to the improvements needed at basic
education in rural schools (Molina, 2017).
With this in mind, our analyses
reveal that LICENA, despite facing
numerous challenges such as the
intensification of the teaching work of the
monitors who work in EFAs, have made
efforts for the implementation of a
formation process thought out in order to
articulate the knowledge and social
practices performed by the students in their
spaces of life, work and social struggles,
aiming at valorizing and strengthening the
countryside, the peasants and their
demands for a quality education. In their
reports, the interviewed monitors reveal
that the training of educators from
countryside schools experienced in
LICENA has contributed to the formation
of reflective professionals capable of
developing pedagogical practices at the
basic level rural schools articulated to the
realities of life, work and struggles of their
students. Thus, LICENA is valued as a
process of forming educators who, in
addition to an understanding of the
complexity of the Brazilian countryside
and the disputes existing there, are able to
implement pedagogical processes and
practices committed to the consolidation of
the Rural Education movement. It is from
this perspective that our analyses of the
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863
contributions of LICENA to the
pedagogical practices of the EFA monitors
reveal, among other things, that the course
has contributed to a teaching performance
committed to the principles of Rural
Education, both for the dimension of
appropriation didactic-pedagogical
knowledge, as well as for the fostering of
the implementation of interdisciplinary
pedagogical practices.
As for the appropriation of didactic-
pedagogical knowledge, the educators
reveal that the training process experienced
in LICENA contributes to the use of
resources and didactic strategies which,
promoting the participation of their
students in class, has enabled discussions
on several emerging themes in the daily
life of the EFAs and favored the
development of pedagogical practices
more articulated to the realities of life,
work and struggle of the students.
On the interdisciplinary practices, the
monitors show that the practices
experienced in LICENA contribute to the
construction of horizontalized relations in
the everyday life of the classrooms of the
EFAs, mainly by stimulating dialogues and
favoring interactions between learners and
monitors of different areas of knowledge.
They also reveal that the implementation
of said practices has contributed to a
systematic and constant effort to empower
and incorporate the knowledge and social
practices of the learners into the training
dynamics in the EFAs. Also, the
interdisciplinary practices experienced in
the course formation process favor and
fuels the promotion of dialogues with other
monitors, fostering the collective work in
the EFAs where the monitors work. In
summary, the processes and training
dynamics experienced in LICENA are
recognized and valued by the educators as
opportunities for advancement and
improvement in their practices, which
contribute to the formation of critical-
thinking and committed individuals to the
Rural Education movement.
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Process 00632-1).
Article Information
Received on September 18th, 2018
Accepted on October 21th, 2018
Published on November 15th, 2018
Author Contributions: The authors were responsible for
the designing, delineating, analyzing and interpreting the
data, production of the manuscript, critical revision of the
content and approval of the final version published.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
Diego Gonzaga Duarte da Silva
Lourdes Helena da Silva
How to cite this article
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in
Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of
Agricultural Family Schools. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., 3(3),
891-910. DOI:
SILVA, D. G. D.; SILVA, L. H. Licentiate Degree in Rural
Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis,
v. 3, n. 3, set./dez., p. 891-910, 2018. DOI:
Silva, D. G. D., & Silva, L. H. (2018). Licentiate Degree in Rural Education: contributions to training monitors of Agricultural
Family Schools...
v. 3
n. 3
p. 891-910
ISSN: 2525-4863