Colegiado do Curso de Educação do Campo, da Universidade Federal do Tocantins,
Campus de Tocantinópolis, Departamento ao qual a RBEC está vinculada.
5. Cumprimento do Código de Ética e de Conduta:
autores(as), avaliadores/revisores, editores e equipe editorial da RBEC deverão cumprir
o presente Código de Ética e de Conduta, que entrará em vigor na data de sua
A Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo, além de incentivar a pesquisa científica, que possa
contribuir para o debate acadêmico nacional e internacional, informará aos leitores sobre
qualquer informação a respeito das publicações, chamadas de artigos, conteúdos da revista e/ou
outras informações relevantes para a comunidade acadêmica e científica, visando incentivar o
debate democrático neste periódico, pautado pelo respeito a todos os envolvidos. Também, a
revista se reserva no direito de, quando for necessário, atualizar e revisar esses Códigos de
Éticas e Condutas.
1. Editors:
contribute to improving the journal quality, in order to guarantee the scientific quality of
the texts published in it and their accordance with the Guidelines and Scope of the
clarify any doubts that may eventually arise from revisers, evaluators, authors and
readers regarding the content of the journal, such as publications, evaluations, article
calls and other journal information;
contribute to the scientific quality in the area of Rural Education and education in
avoid ethics and conduct deviations in the journal that could prejudice good practices for
scientific research;
editors shall, where necessary, publish corrections, retractions, and clarifications to the
academic community regarding untruthful publications and/or or distorted or misleading
information presented by the authors, with rigor to scientific truth and respect for the
academic community.
2. Authors:
The authors must avoid any practice that would lead to scientific misconduct, such as
plagiarism and auto-plagiarism, manipulation of research data and information, fraud in
the research and authorship of texts, as well as any other practice that infringes ethics in
the academic/scientific research. Otherwise, the RBEC reserves the right to, in addition
to taking appropriate legal measures, delete permanently from the journal the text
published presenting such practices;
promote the democratic debate in the journal, independently on beliefs, institutions,
localities, among others, guided by respect for all involved;
mention funding agencies that financed or finance the research published in the RBEC;
comply with the RBEC guidelines and publication standards before submitting any work
to the journal.
3. Revisers/Evaluators:
touch upon ethics during the evaluations carried out in the manuscripts received by the
follow the assessment criteria informed by the RBEC, in the Journal Guidelines;
ensure the scientific quality and evaluation criteria of the journal;
ensure the confidentiality of the material evaluated;
in case of any conflict of interest in the evaluations, revisers and evaluators should
inform the journal editors.
4. Conflict of interests: