learning analytical geometry at rural
schools, surpassing traditional teaching
approaches in terms of mathematization.
As the methodological paths used by
the teacher in the classroom affect the
academic performance of the students, the
fundamental principles of RME in the
learning environment of emerging models
directly favor mathematical knowledge,
promoting more sophisticated and formal
reasoning. Therefore, teaching analytical
geometry from the context of socio-
cultural practices developed in the
students' communities is relevant, as
analytical geometry at most rural schools is
presented in a technical, abstract way.
The teaching of mathematics in rural
communities gives rise to a gamut of
realistic contextual problems, which makes
it possible to value the intrinsic
mathematical knowledge of the daily
activities of the different social groups and
merits greater theoretical and
methodological appropriation by
educators. Thus, Realistic Mathematics
Education is a promising way of
teaching/learning exploration.
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