Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
The Brazilian Scientific Journal of Rural Education
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó
archipelago, Eastern Amazon
Fabrício Nilo Lima da Silva
Luã Caldas de Oliveira
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará - IFPA. Setor de Aquicultura, Campus Breves. Rua Antônio
Fulgêncio da Silva, s/n., Parque Universitário. Breves, Pará - PA. Brasil.
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. Aquaculture is a growing agricultural activity in
the Marajó Archipelago, State of Pará, Brazil. Thus, it is
important to discuss the creation of aquatic organisms in
technical courses in the field of agrarian sciences. Given this,
the present study aimed to understand the students’ reflections in
agriculture regarding the area of aquaculture, through the
application of diagnostic analysis. The methodology consisted
of a qualitative and explanatory field research. The study was
developed with 50 students of the first year of high school of the
technical course in Agriculture of the Federal Institute of
Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA), Campus
Breves. In conclusion, the students declared that they found the
subject of aquaculture important as a discipline within the
technical course, although they interested in fish farming. The
lack of knowledge about aquaculture ventures in Marajó may be
one of also demonstrate little affinity with the area; those who
have shown affinity are the factors responsible for the students'
lack of interest in the area, because in the region the culture of
fishing activity has been even stronger for fish generation in the
Marajó archipelago.
Keywords: Rural Education, Aquatic Organisms, Island,
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Reflexiones sobre la enseñanza de la acuicultura en el
archipiélago de Marajó, Amazonía oriental
RESUMEN. La acuicultura es una actividad agrícola en
crecimiento en el archipiélago de Marajó, Estado de Pará,
Brasil. Por lo tanto, es importante discutir la creación de
organismos acuáticos en cursos técnicos en el campo de las
ciencias agrícolas. En vista de esto, el presente estudio tuvo
como objetivo comprender a los estudiantes de agricultura en el
área de la acuicultura, mediante la aplicación de análisis de
diagnóstico. La metodología consistió en una investigación de
campo cualitativa y explicativa. El estudio fue desarrollado con
50 estudiantes del primer año de secundaria del curso técnico en
Agricultura del Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y
Tecnología de Pará (IFPA), Campus Breves. En conclusión, los
estudiantes declaran que consideran el tema de la acuicultura
como una disciplina dentro del curso técnico, aunque también
demuestran poca afinidad con el área; aquellos que han
demostrado afinidad están interesados en la piscicultura. La falta
de conocimiento sobre las empresas de acuicultura en Marajó
puede ser uno de los factores responsables de la falta de interés
de los estudiantes en el área, porque, en la región, la cultura de
la actividad pesquera ha sido aún más fuerte para generar peces
en el archipiélago de Marajó.
Palabras clave: Educación del Campo, Organismos Acuáticos,
Isla, Amazonas.
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Reflexões sobre ensino da aquicultura no arquipélago do
Marajó, Amazônia Oriental
RESUMO. A aquicultura é uma atividade agropecuária em
crescimento no arquipélago do Marajó, Estado do Pará, Brasil.
Assim, é importante discuti à criação de organismos aquáticos
em cursos técnicos da área de ciências agrárias. Diante disso, o
presente estudo teve como objetivo entender os estudantes em
agropecuária quanto à área da aquicultura, por meio da
aplicação da análise diagnóstica. A metodologia consistiu em
uma pesquisa de campo, qualitativa e explicativa. O estudo foi
desenvolvido com 50 alunos do primeiro ano do ensino médio
do curso técnico em Agropecuária do Instituto Federal de
Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará (IFPA), Campus
Breves. Em conclusão, os estudantes declaram achar importante
o assunto da aquicultura como disciplina dentro do curso
técnico, apesar de, também demonstrarem pouca afinidade com
a área; os que demonstraram afinidade apresentam o interesse
pela criação de peixes. A falta de conhecimento sobre
empreendimentos de aquicultura no Marajó pode ser um dos
fatores responsáveis pelo desinteresse dos estudantes pela área,
isso porque, na região, a cultura da atividade de pesca tem sido
ainda bem mais forte para geração de pescado no arquipélago do
Palavras-chave: Educação do Campo, Organismos Aquáticos,
Ilha, Amazônia.
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Fish production is an activity divided
between fishing and aquaculture. Fishing is
based on the extraction of fishery resources
from the natural environment (Friedlander,
2018). The second terminology usually
occurs in a confined and controlled space
(Senff et al., 2018). In aquaculture we can
consider fish farming (Baldisserotto et al.,
2018), shrimp farming (Maciel & Valenti,
2014), the cheloniculture (Magnusson et
al., 2003), the malacoculture (Sampaio et
al., 2017), among other aquatic and semi-
aquatic organisms. These activities are
important from both the social and
economic point of view (Santiago et al.,
2018), responsible for the continued
growth in fish supply to the world's
population (FAO, 2018).
Fish has high protein quality, as well
as being a source of lipids, omega-3 and 6
fatty acids, vitamins and minerals (Cheng
et al., 2014; Gonçalves et al., 2015). In
2017, world production in aquaculture was
80 million tons of fish and 30.1 million
tons of aquatic plants. Aquaculture
accounted for 17 to 18% of total fish
produced in Africa, the Americas and
Europe, followed by 12.8% in Oceania
(FAO, 2018).
In fish farming, Brazil has
accumulated a production of 474,300
thousand tons, which provides the discreet
eighth position among large producers,
losing to Asian countries like Vietnam,
Philippines and Chile in South America
(FAO, 2016). According to a survey by the
Brazilian Fish Association (PEIXE BR,
2018). In 2017, Brazil was the 4th largest
producer of 357,639 tons of Nile tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus) in the world,
placing it among the world's four largest
producers, behind China, Indonesia and
Egypt. Thus, it is evident that fish farming
in South America is representative
compared to other aquaculture activities in
the world (Valladão et al., 2018).
The Northeast region of Brazil had
the largest participation in fish farming,
with 26.8%; then the northern region, with
25.7%; the southern region, with 24.2%;
the Midwest region with 12.6% and the
Southeast with 10.7%, according to the
Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Statistics (IBGE, 2016). In the Amazon,
the states of Rondônia and Pará create
native species, especially tambaqui
(Colossoma macropomum). The first one is
highlighted in the national scenario, with
80 thousand tons annually. Pará is
growing, being an activity developed by
small, medium and large farmers, besides
being exercised by family farming and
riverine (Aizawa et al., 2014).
Fish farming is a growing
agricultural activity in the Marajó
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Archipelago, PaState, Brazil. The region
has its numerous tributaries, which allow
the practice of various fishing modalities,
especially the capture of the Amazon
Shrimp, Macrobrachium amazonicum and
the tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum
fish farming. The region in Marajó is
notably vulnerable socially and
economically, as it has one of the lowest
Human Development Indexes (HDI) in
Brazil. Thus, the path to the development
of fish farming must first and foremost be
through basic education, technical and
vocational training (Tubino, 2008). For this
reason, discussions about fish farming are
necessary in the curriculum of technical
courses in agrarian sciences. The technical
course in agriculture offered by the Federal
Institute of Education, Science and
Technology of Pará (IFPA), Campus
Breves, currently offers the discipline of
Aquaculture, which provides the training
of professionals able to work in this area.
Students of the technical course in
agriculture located in the Marajó
Archipelago of waters and forests, when
studying the discipline of Aquaculture, for
example, become potential people to work
in the aquaculture production chain, either
as entrepreneurs, in technical consulting, in
research assistance and/or in public
agencies and private companies focused on
fish farming. Thus, the objective of this
study was to describe the interest of the
agricultural technical students in the
aquaculture activity.
Material and methods
The study was conducted at the
Federal Institute of Education, Science and
Technology of Pará (IFPA), Breves
Campus, from April to June 2019. The
Institute currently has a technical course
integrated with High School in
Agriculture, with a contingent of students
from various municipalities of the Marajó
Archipelago, according to data from the
campus academic secretariat. This study
consists of an experience report in the
classroom during Communication and
Rural Extension. It was possible to discuss
issues related to agricultural activities,
especially aquaculture in Marajó, Pará,
The Marajó is bordered to the North
by the Atlantic Ocean, east and south by
the Pará River and to the west by a series
of canals (IBGE, 2010). The Marajó has a
territorial area of 104,140 km².
Archipelago is formed by a total of 16
municipalities: Afuá, Anajás, Bagre,
Breves, Cachoeira do Arari, Chaves,
Curralinho, Gurupá, Melgaço, Muaná,
Ponta de Pedras, Portel, Salvaterra, Santa
Cruz do Arari, São Sebastião da Boa Vista
and Soure. The municipality of Breves is
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
in the portion known as the water and
forest regions of the archipelago.
A total of 50 students from the
technical course in agriculture integrated
with high school (morning and afternoon)
participated in the research. Data collection
was carried out through a diagnostic
analysis (Rodrigues et al., 2012). After the
extension class, it was possible to analyze
each diagnosis by students. Thus, the
students dealt with the subject of
aquaculture in the student formation,
allowing a (re) construction of knowledge
in which the experience is the center. It
was possible to know and understand, from
the student's perspective, how the
construction of knowledge takes place,
based on the experiences with the class. It
was possible to understand the impact of
aquaculture activities on the students'
trajectory, which favors the exchange
between the involved and their different
experiences, stimulating the emergence of
collective discussions in varied
experiences, bringing a diverse set of
information, according to Silva (2019).
The diagnosis presented several
questions constituted according to the
research objectives. The questions were
directed to the theme of fish farming
experience in the technical course. The
students' answers included information
about their affinity in relation to the fish
farming area; the interest in being a
producer and which organism (s) would
cultivate; the presence of aquaculture
enterprises and the existence or not of
public policies for production in the
municipality of origin; and performance in
the area of aquaculture.
It was possible to carry out
socialization (conversation circle) with the
diagnoses, adapted from Silva et al. (2019),
between the researcher professor and the
students involved, where the professor
assumed the role of mediator. Each
diagnosis read, the participants were
invited to debate and, at first, the
participants were shy, but throughout the
readings and discussions of the issues
raised, they were more comfortable, which
allowed for greater concentration. Topics
related to the fish farming production chain
and the students' experiences in the Marajó
region were discussed. This was a
qualitative study, classified as descriptive-
exploratory. The results of the research
obtained from the diagnostic analysis and
scientific literature.
Results and discussion
In the present study, 60% were male
and 40% female. Participants' ages ranged
from 15 to 17 years. People at that age
have the potential to be in high school
(IEPA, 2010). All students were born in
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Pará, prevailing (100%) people born in the
Marajó region, which includes the
municipalities of Bagre, Breves,
Curralinho, Melgaço and Portel. IFPA
Campus Breves is a renowned educational
institute in the Marajó Archipelago, Pará.
Since its foundation, it has been serving
students from various municipalities in its
area (Afuá, Anajás, Bagre, Breves, Chaves,
Curralinho, Gurupá, Melgaço and Portel).
This institution practices professional and
technological education through teaching,
research and extension, articulating the
knowledge and socio-cultural diversity, for
the formation of citizens committed to the
sustainable development of Marajó.
Regarding the students' opinion
regarding the importance of aquaculture
within the technical course mentioned in
the diagnostic, 95% agree that the theme is
necessary, 2% think it is unnecessary and
3% did not opine. Aquaculture is
understood as an agricultural activity
(Garutti, 2003). This activity is necessary
in the technical courses in agriculture,
because it is inserted among the
competences of these professionals, which
is foreseen in Resolution CEB No 4, of
December 8, 1999 (CEB/CNE, 1999). The
students demonstrated that aquaculture is
important both for the basic knowledge of
the technicians in agriculture and for the
professional performance of the technician,
which corroborates the recommendation of
the aforementioned Resolution.
Regarding aquaculture as a discipline
on the part of the students, all participants
answered. Seventy percent (consider
deleting - and 70%) considered the
discipline excellent, 20% good, 5% fair
and 5% bad. Despite being rated good or
excellent by most students, the majority of
respondents (80%) say they have little
affinity for the area and only 20% say they
have affinity for the aquaculture.
Regarding the interest in aquaculture, 70%
of respondents indicated they had not have
not thought about it, but are interested in it
and only 30% intend to follow in the area.
This low rate may reflect the lack of
affinity shown by most students.
Regarding the aquaculture industry,
all (100%) of the students stated
categorically that they worked in fish
farming. According to a student "... fish
farming, it comes with great relevant
information about the characteristics of
fish in our region, but we need to know the
real need of fish farmers ...". (Agriculture 1
year/Morning, 16 years old); ... Because
we only attended a communication and
rural extension class, we had the
opportunity to discuss fish farming in our
training, it is very important to understand
this range of options to act (Agriculture 1
year/Afternoon, 17 years student); “... I
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
had the opportunity to meet some fish
farmers here in Breves, and their fish
production in a nursery excavated ....
(Agriculture 1 year/Afternoon, 16 years
student); “... here in Marajó there are many
active fish farms with a well-developed
production, but there are producers who
stopped working due to lack of resources
or had no technical support for the
development of the activity .... (1st year c
Agriculture lass/Late 15 years student); “...
before entering the agricultural course, I
researched about the professional's
performance and fish farming is one of
them, I got to know about the equipment
that used for oxygen production .... (1st
year Agriculture/Morning, 17 years
Students' opinions point to
aquaculture as a promising activity for
Marajó, for they possessed having
knowledge about the real situation of this
activity in the region. According to Brabo
(2014) fish farming in Pará stands out with
great growth prospects in northern Brazil.
Fish production from fish farming in Pará
is developed by small, medium and large-
scale aquaculture farmers, as well as
family farming, extractivists and riverine
farmers (Aizawa et al., 2014). The
production system of the enterprises in
Marajó has been developed both
monoculture and polyculture (Silva et al.,
2018). It is noteworthy that in the
municipalities of Pará the native species
tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) and
the exotic tilapia species (Oreochromis
niloticus), are highlights for the creation
(Brabo et al., 2014; Silva et al., 2017;
Viana et al., 2018; Castro et al., 2019).
The low interest for the development
of other aquaculture activities by students
may be related to the lack of information
about the realization of these breeding in
the Marajó region and the low
representation of the production of these
fishery resources. In Pará, the shrimp
farming activity (Tavares & Santos, 2006),
oyster farming (Sampaio et al., 2017) and
turtle farming (Silva et al., 2012), has been
practiced. These activities do not show a
significant and regular production to
supply the market needs. They are more a
subsistence character, being unprofitable
for those who develop it (Macedo et al.,
In the diagnosis, they highlighted the
existence of some type of aquaculture in
their municipality, 60% of respondents
answered that there is, 10% that does not
exist and 30% could not inform. The lack
of knowledge about the presence of
enterprises in their place of origin may
reflect the lack of job prospects and,
consequently, the student's low interest in
fish farming. According to Silva (2019),
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
there are 80 aquaculture producers in the
Marajó Archipelago.
They pointed out an extremely
important issue about public policies for
fish farms in the municipality of students
such as the National Program for
Strengthening Family Farming
(PRONAF), 20% said there was no such
policy, 20% said they knew the policies
existed for producers, 60% could not
inform, due to lack of knowledge. The
students who answered to know the
existence of public policies, declared that
there was through technical assistance and
financial incentive to the producer. The
student in this area of knowledge needs to
understand the productive chain in fish
farming (please indicate why). To identify
strengths (abundance of water, species,
available land, favorable climate and
family groups active in production),
weaknesses (licensing to perform the
activity, high prices and qualities of feed,
fingerlings, training of producers and
management of enterprises), opportunities
(institutional partnerships to strengthen
activity, job creation, income and
development in the region) and threats
(abandonment of creation and possible
investment cuts) (Bush et al., 2010; Da et
al., 2011; Osmundsen et al., 2017; Lima et
al., 2018).
Regarding the performance in fish
farming, 30% of the students answered that
they would act, 20% would not act and
50% could not inform. Regarding the
students who would work in the area, the
main reasons for choosing would be
related to the existence of fish farming in
the region and being considered a
promising activity. Fish farming is a
promising and growing activity in the
country and in the world (FAO, 2016;
2018; Peixe BR, 2018). As for the students
who stated that they would not work in the
area, the main justifications were related to
the lack of affinity with the area and fear
about the profitability of the sector. This is
worrying because the region has natural
resources available for breeding (Silva,
2019), and the technicians in agriculture
are fundamental manpower to leverage the
activity in Marajó, and should be
enthusiastic for the development of the
aquaculture sector. The current situation of
agricultural production may also be
contributing to the students' lack of interest
in fish farming; the lack of tradition of
aquaculture activity in Marajó may be a
determining factor for the decision of
respondents about acting in the aquaculture
Pará has a tradition in beef
production, which is the largest
agricultural production in the state (46%),
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
followed by cassava (11%), milk (6%),
black pepper (4%) and corn grain (3%),
disregarding aquaculture production
(Tsunechiro & Coelho, 2009). Due to its
high production, livestock is the most
prominent activity in the state. For the fish
supply, the state counts on the production
from the fishing. According to the
Brazilian Institute of Environment and
Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA),
the state of Pará is the second largest
producer of fishery fish in Brazil, behind
only the state of Santa Catarina (IBAMA,
2007). The two activities together (fishing
and livestock) dominate food production in
the state of Pará, while aquaculture
remains in a secondary position in
Paraense fish farming, as well as in
Marajó has a subsistence character,
practiced in several municipalities, with
well diversified cultivation modalities,
since the subsistence (De-Carvalho et al.,
2013; Silva et al., 2017), not creating many
jobs, so much so that the number of
specialized technicians working in the
sector is very low. Most people employed
in the activity have low education and no
specialization in aquaculture. Another
major problem pointed to the development
of aquaculture in the region is related to
technological deficiency; the species with
the highest potential for aquaculture are
migratory, causing difficulties with
induced spawning technique, chronic
feeding difficulties in the larval, post-larval
and fingerling phase of the species (Petrere
Júnior, 2001; Ostrensky & Boeger, 2008).
Given this scenario, the state's
technical, technological and higher
education institutions have, in recent years,
offered various types of education in the
aquaculture area. There are institutions
such as the Federal University of Pará
(UFPA), the Federal University of Western
Pará (UFOPA), the Federal Rural
University of Amazonia (UFRA), the
Federal Institute of Education, Science and
Technology of Pará (IFPA) and the Fishing
School House, linked to the Bosque School
Foundation (Brabo, 2014). Such
institutions aim at training professionals
with capacity to undertake the aquaculture
business; bring the development of the
sector to areas lacking qualified
professionals; promote applied scientific
research and train citizens who value ethics
and sustainable social and environmental
Even with all the obstacles perceived
by the students of the IFPA Campus
Breves integrated technical course in
agriculture, they were questioned as to how
they intend to act in aquaculture. They
highlighted the performance in technical
assistance to fish farmers and acting as an
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on teaching aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
entrepreneur, with 30% and 70%,
respectively. According to Silva (2019),
the difficulties of aquaculture are related to
the deficiencies and technical deficiencies
of the sector in Marajó. The interest of
future agricultural technicians in
developing technical assistance and
entrepreneurship activities in aquaculture
may be decisive for the expansion of this
activity in the region.
The lack of technical assistance
mainly causes two problems: a) lack of
planning and preparation of the producer
and b) the use of inadequate or less
productive techniques (Igarashi, 2019).
The deficiency in technical assistance has
been pointed as one of the great difficulties
faced by fish farmers of the Marajó
Archipelago (Souza et al., 2015; Silva et
al., 2017; Silva, 2019), even though it is an
additional opportunity for employment and
performance of the technical professional
in agriculture in the Marajó Archipelago,
state of Pará, Brazil.
The students of the technical course
in Integrated Agriculture (IFPA), Campus
Breves, highlighted that aquaculture is
important for students area of expertise.
Although most diagnoses have shown little
affinity for the area, possibly due to the
lack of knowledge about the development
of aquaculture in their municipalities of
origin. The introduction of fish farming
discussions in the curriculum matrix of the
technical course is necessary to add to the
options of action of this professional,
contributing to the development and
expansion of aquaculture activity in
Marajó. Aquaculture is an agricultural
activity that has not yet stood out in the
countryside, due to the strong culture of
extractive fishing in the Marajó
Archipelago, Pará, Brazil.
To the Federal Institute of Education,
Science and Technology of Pa (IFPA)
Campus Breves, for their contribution to
the research carried out.
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Article Information
Received on November 8th, 2019
Accepted on February 11th, 2020
Published on April, 8th, 2020
Author Contributions: The author were responsible for
the designing, delineating, analyzing and interpreting the
data, production of the manuscript, critical revision of the
content and approval of the final version published.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
Fabrício Nilo Lima da Silva
Luã Caldas de Oliveira
How to cite this article
Silva, F. N. L., & Oliveira, L. C. (2020). Reflections on
teaching aquaculture in the Mara archipelago, Eastern
Amazon. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., 5, e7893.
SILVA, F. N. L.; OLIVEIRA, L. C. Reflections on teaching
aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Eastern Amazon.
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis, v. 5, e7893,