“What has changed (from the Dandô Project) is that before I listened to a song just for
listening, but today I pay attention”.
“Alternance Pedagogy study plan (SP): Problematizing perspective on the
formative action of the Cocais/PI Agricultural Family School (EFA Cocais/PI)”, by
Maria Raquel Barros Lima (EFA / Brazil) and Carmen Lúcia de Oliveira Cabral (UFPI /
Brazil) is the twenty-third article of this dossier. The authors analyze the Research Guide
(RG) of the Alternating Cycle Education in its problematic dimension in the formative action
of the Cocais / PI Family Farm School (EFA Cocais / PI). As fundamental question: to what
extent is the RG-mediated problematizing dimension effective in the Cocais / PI EFA?
Connected to other mediations, no less relevant, the RG articulates, beyond the formative
times and spaces, the daily knowledge of families in the processes of teaching and learning.
The data analysis showed the realization of the problematic condition inherent to the RG in
the formative action developed in the EFA Cocais / PI, but also revealed the existence of gaps
in the realization of what they call the RG-cycle.
Following, the text “The Pedagogy of Alternation in pomerana community of Santa
Maria de Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brazil”, by Edineia Koeler (UFES / Universität Viadrina,
Germany), Erineu Foerste (UFES / Brazil), Alberto Merler (University of Sassari, Italy ). The
article analyzes aspects of the Alternating Cycle Pedagogy, understood from Nosella's
perspective (1977, 2012), and its relationship with Pomeranian culture. It takes as its object of
study the Emílio Schroeder State School, located in Alto Santa Maria, Santa Maria de Jetibá,
Espírito Santo, Brazil, to understand how such a community, with significant presence of the
traditional Pomeranian people, comprises the alternating cycle project. With a qualitative-
descriptive approach, it benefits from narratives of a teacher with significant experience in
Family Farm Schools and, in addition, analyzes a set of documents consisting of 52
questionnaire forms applied in 2011 to students' families. It is noteworthy that the cultural and
identity dimensions of the traditional Pomeranian people can contribute to the
problematization of the school project, whereas the initiative of rural communities is
fundamental for the conquest and permanence of alternative projects in rural education, and
that parents' poor education may have immediate repercussions on school work, but it does
not prevent them from seeking quality education for their children.
Eric de Oliveira (MEPES / Brazil), Mônica Aparecida Del Rio Benevenuto (UFRRJ /
Brazil), in the article “The contribution of the Alternation Pedagogy and the young
professional project in the life projects of young graduates of the EFA in Jaguaré/ES”,