Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
The Brazilian Scientific Journal of Rural Education
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture
and Cattle Raising Technicians Training: the case of
Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira -
Maria Jucilene Lima Ferreira¹, Antônia Euza Carneiro de Sousa², José Romildo Pereira Lima
1, 2, 3
Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB. Departamento de Educação Campus XIV. Avenida Luís Eduardo Magalhães,
nº 988, no bairro da Jaqueira. Conceição do Coité - BA. Brasil.
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. Education is constituted and a constituent of a
people's culture and social organization. Based on this assertion,
we consider that the theoretical and methodological assumptions
of Pedagogy of Alternation enable the construction and
realization of educational processes in the perspective of human
emancipation. In this understanding, this article aims to analyze
contributions from Pedagogy of Alternation to the training of
young peasants linked to the Escola Família Agrícola de
Jaboticaba - Bahia (BA), in the High School Technical
Education Course in Agriculture Integrated to High School.
Alternation is developed in educational times called Tempo
Escola (TE), when there is a theoretical-practical study that
dialogues with Tempo Comunidade (TC), in which the student
expands the production of knowledge together with the family's
agricultural production activities and, eventually, from the
community. The research makes a critical interpretation about
the organization of the pedagogical work that the school, field of
research, carries out. Based on direct observation of TE
activities and documentary research, the authors investigate the
political-pedagogical and work principles presented in the
Political Pedagogical Project (PPP), in the Reality Book (CR)
and in the Supervised Internship Report (ES) of the students.
The results show that, in the alternation of TE and TC, the
pedagogical processes (pre) are concerned with sustainable
development and with the production of knowledge supported
by the concrete reality of the social daily life of students and
their communities.
Keywords: Education, Pedagogy of Alternation, Educational
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Contribuições da Pedagogia da Alternância para a
Formação de Técnicos Agropecuários: o caso da Escola
Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia
RESUMO. A educação é constituída e constituinte da cultura e
da organização social de um povo. A partir dessa assertiva,
consideramos que os pressupostos teórico-metodológico da
Pedagogia da Alternância possibilitam a construção e realização
de processos educativos na perspectiva da emancipação humana.
Nesse entendimento, o presente artigo objetiva analisar
contribuições da Pedagogia da Alternância para a formação de
jovens camponeses vinculados à Escola Família Agrícola de
Jaboticaba Bahia (BA), no Curso de Educação Profissional
Técnica de Nível Médio em Agropecuária Integrada ao Ensino
Médio. A Pedagogia da Alternância se desenvolve em tempos
educativos denominados Tempo Escola (TE), quando ocorre o
estudo teórico-prático que dialoga com o Tempo Comunidade
(TC), no qual o estudante amplia a produção do conhecimento
junto às atividades de produção agrícola da família e,
eventualmente, da comunidade. A pesquisa faz uma
interpretação crítica acerca da organização do trabalho
pedagógico que a escola, campo da pesquisa, realiza. A partir da
observação direta das atividades de TE e na pesquisa
documental, os autores indagam os princípios político-
pedagógicos e de trabalho apresentados no Projeto Político
Pedagógico (PPP), no Caderno de Realidade (CR) e no
Relatório de Estágio Supervisionado (ES) dos educandos. Os
resultados apontam que, na alternância dos TE e TC, os
processos pedagógicos (pré)ocupam-se com o desenvolvimento
sustentável e com a produção de conhecimento respaldada na
realidade concreta do cotidiano social dos educandos e de suas
Palavras-chave: Educação, Pedagogia da Alternância, Trabalho
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Contribuciones de la Pedagogía de la Alternancia a la
Formación de Técnicos Agrícolas: El caso de la Escola
Familia Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia
RESUMEN. La educación está constituida y es un componente
de la cultura y la organización social de un pueblo. En base a
esta afirmación, consideramos que los supuestos teóricos y
metodológicos de la Pedagogía de la Alternancia permiten la
construcción y realización de procesos educativos en la
perspectiva de la emancipación humana. En este entendimiento,
nuestro objetivo es analizar las contribuciones de la Pedagogía
de la Alternancia a la formación de jóvenes campesinos,
vinculados a la Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba - BA, en
el Curso de Educación Técnica Profesional en la Escuela
Secundaria de Agricultura Integrada a la Escuela Secundaria. La
Pedagogía de la alternancia se desarrolla en tiempos educativos
llamados Tempo Escola (TE), cuando hay un estudio teórico-
práctico que dialoga con Tempo Comunidade (TC), cuando en
el que el estudiante expande la producción de conocimiento
junto con las actividades de producción agrícola de la familia y,
eventualmente , de la comunidad. La investigación realiza una
interpretación crítica sobre la organización del trabajo
pedagógico que se realiza en la escuela, campo de investigación.
Nosotros fijamos en la observación directa de las actividades de
TE y la investigación documental. Perguntamos acerca de los
principios político-pedagógicos y de trabajo que el Proyecto
Político Pedagógico (PPP), el Cuaderno de Realidad (CR) y la
Práctica Supervisada (ES) que los estudiantes presentan. Los
resultados muestran que, en la alternancia de los tempos
educativos (TE) y (TC) los procesos pedagógicos están (pre)
ocupados con el desarrollo sostenible y con la producción de
conocimiento respaldado por la realidad concreta de la vida
social diaria de los estudiantes y sus comunidades.
Palabras clave: Educación, Pedagogía de la Alternancia,
Trabajo Educativo.
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
The current social context in Brazil
evidences, among other aspects, the
dispute for two distinct projects for land,
education and society. One of them arising
from the dominant social class,
characteristically based on the capitalist
means of production, which has as
reference the production/organization
model named agribusiness. This model
associates itself with an educational project
that considers an education for the
countryside, whose knowledge production
conforms itself with the instrumental
perspective of the knowledge, with the
purely technical appropriation of the
knowledge and articulated to the capitalist
logic that is, the one interested in
excessively use the natural resources, in
the status quo manipulation, in the
merchandise production in the detriment of
human formation.
On the other hand, originated from
the social struggle in defense of the
Popular Agrarian Reform and leaded by
the farm working class, the Countryside
Education Project, edified on the triad
Countryside, Education and Public
Policies, have an educative proposition
articulated to a production and
reproduction of the countryside life, under
the logic of the socialist social
organization, anchored in values as
solidarity, cooperation, food sovereignty,
and assurance of social rights as land,
education, dwelling and health. In respect
to education specifically, as claimed by
Caldart (2012), it assures as formative
matrix the work in the ontological meaning
of the word, social struggle, collective
organization, culture and history.
The social struggles in defense to the
Popular Agrarian Reform are not
dissociated to the Agrarian Issue in the
country. If comprehended the Agrarian
Issue by means of usage analysis,
possession and land propriety the Agrarian
Reform defended by the countryside
workers organized is inseparable from the
debate on the Agrarian Issue of the
Country, because it is an agrarian reform
that conceive the land as a natural good,
that questions the concentration of land by
a land and capital owner minority.
According to Stedile (2012), the Agrarian
Reform regards to the democratization of
the land propriety and the assurance to its
In these terms, we observe that the
social struggle for a Popular Agrarian
Reform is not concerned just with the
reclaiming of distribution of vacant lands
and/or the ones concentered in the
possession of greater landowners, but also
are aware to the working conditions within
the occupied land and with the life in the
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
country in totality, which also gives
meaning to the education/training in the
human emancipation perspective. Thus, as
João Pedro Stedile, organic intellectual
from the Landless Rural Workers’
Movement (MST) “our struggle is to put
down three hedges: the one from
landowning, the one from ignorance and
the one from capital”. (Stedile, 1999, p.
Thus, from the struggle for rupture of
the hedge of ignorance and for education
right assurance, the countryside workers
organized in Social Movements from the
Countryside have searched, in the last 60
years, approximately, for means to
articulate the Popular Agrarian Reform
struggle to an Countryside Educational
Project carried out by the countryside
subjects themselves and coherent with the
banner of their struggles and propositions
for the life production in the countryside,
involving the work, the culture and the
knowledge production.
It is a project that aims, specially, to
state the struggle for public policies which
assure to the Countryside workers the right
to education, specially to the school
education and school that support the
interests of the rural community formation
and to their inherent cultural diversity. For
this purpose, is needed the overcome of the
fragmented knowledge logic, of vertical
relations, authoritative, arbitrary, in respect
of dialectic pairs, defined by Freitas (2008)
as content/form and objective/evaluation,
present in the educative processes bounded
to the ones from the Countryside School,
which is comprehended, here as an
educational project, as a collective
organization intentionally planned for the
critic formation of the Countryside
It is important to highlight that the
Countryside Education must be bounded to
the human and social necessities and based
on the preservation of the cultural values,
not being constrained to the urbanized
model and centered to capitalist and
economic frames that exploits the
countryside population by means of
workforce from the countryside worker in
detriment of the assurance of social rights
historically conquered, such as the
education, the access and permanence in
the Countryside School, the health, the
credit and financial support to the agrarian
production. Thus, we comprehend that the
“Countryside Education does not
constraints itself to a teaching project, even
if contemplates it. It is a process of
intentional intervention in the social
relations stablished in the school, in the
countryside and in the Brazilian society,
seeking a social transformation
perspective”. (Ferreira, 2015, p. 93)
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
In view of this contextualization, the
present study aims to remember the arrival
of the Trade-Off Pedagogy to Brazil,
presenting some experiences from one of
the Agricultural Family School (EFA)
from the countryside of the state of Bahia:
the EFA from Jaboticaba Quixabeira
Bahia. It is a school designed to
countryside young people and, besides
attending to students of the eighth and
ninth year of the Elementary II degree, it
also offers the Professional Technician
Education of High School Level in
Agriculture and Cattle Raising adopting
the Trade-Off Pedagogy as methodology.
Furthermore, this article aims to reflect
about the contributions brought by the
activities of the Tempo Comunidade
the students’ training through Tempos
Under the perspective of the
Countryside Education, carried out by
organized countryside workers, the
Alternation Pedagogy is one
approximation instrument between the
everyday working experiences of the
family of the student/trader with the
theories studied in the school. Thus, the
students’ self-organization frames a
theoretic-methodological alternative for the
organization of the pedagogic work, which
is the work under the ontological
perspective of the fundamental activity in
the trade-off process of the Tempos
Educativos and Tempo Comunidade.
The TC is comprehended as
extension of the TE, but is not based on
distance activities or complementary
activities. In both the Tempos, are oriented
studies practical-theoretical studies, in
distinct times, aiming to the articulation of
the scholar knowledge with the social
reality of the students, by the social praxis
exercise. These activities are oriented by
the trainers of the Technician Course in
Agriculture and Cattle Raising, still at the
TE, and supervised by monitors at the TC.
From this methodologic
organization, the Trade-Off Pedagogy aims
to articulate the work with the land and the
conditions in the countryside life, as far as
the school activities materialize themselves
in the praxic exercise, working in the
communities where the trade-off students
live. The agricultural production from
small to medium size such as experiments
in planting and vegetable gardening, as
example, set material element of the
process of teaching and learning, in the
school and community. Although, it is not
any form of agricultural work, because the
principles of work are based on caring for
nature, the denial of use of agrochemicals,
that is, agricultural activity underpinned by
Agro-Ecological standards.
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
The education of a society is featured
to represent determined conceptions of the
world. For such realization, the educational
proposals present, implicit or explicitly, the
reproduction of dominant ideals. In
reference to the Brazilian society, it is
necessary to take as example the proper
articulations of the capitalist system, which
are the education, as in the countryside as
in the city, has been thought mainly by the
management and by the insertion of
techniques to the educative processes, that
Saviani (1986) calls as ‘Technicist
Pedagocy’. Currently, the highlight lays
upon the education in which prioritize the
training of abilities for flexible operation,
malleable, autonomic, settable to any
unexpected event, that is, by the adaptation
process subject to current demands from
the capital. In this sense, fits the
observation by Frigotto (2003):
In the perspective of the dominant
classes, historically, the education of
the different social groups of workers
must be given in order to enable
technical, social and ideologically for
the work. It means subordinate the
social function of the education in a
controlled form to respond to the
capital demands. (p. 26).
This education subordinated to the
capitalist interests works as a reproducer
element of the intentions of the social class
that possess the capital, is not given, since,
such as it is determined historically by
power relationships, the contradictions
there perceived can, from the perspective
of the history, provoke and print changes
that favors the other educative processes
logic in contradiction to a qualification
purely technical formation. That is, the
education can also play an intermediate the
role on the construction of a society project
that contemplates the social, political, and
economic aspects needed for a critical and
social transformation.
However, studies as the carried out
by Peres (2011) and Oliveira (2000) reveal
that, countryside subjects live, for a long
time, in a negligence situation and school
system invisibility, whose hegemonic
conception is organized on duty to the
capital and the class whose holds it. This
occurs as far as when it is unable to
provide the public policies that favors
effectively the learning, the extension of
didactic resources, better conditions for the
docent work, better conditions for the
access and permanence in the school. For
example, the education offered by the State
from the Brazilian Northeast is guided by
the agro-exporting economy, which
neutralize the identity of the people that
there live, ignoring their cultural and socio-
educational specificities to attend the
interest of the great landowners and,
consequently, of the development of the
capitalist system in the land.
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Data from the National Household
Sample Survey (PNAD/IBGE, 2017)
related to education express, to our
recognition, absence of public policies for
the population, mostly the countryside
population. According to this survey, the
illiteracy rate of the 15 years or older
population fell from 7,2%, in 2016, to
7,0% in 2017, but did not achieve the
index stipulated, still for 2015, by the
National Education Plan (PNE, 2014-
2024). In absolute numbers, the rate
represents 11,5 million people that cannot
read nor write.
The incidence of analphabetism by
racial issue, the index among black and
mixed race people (9,3%) achieves to be
more than the double of the verified among
white people (4,0%).
Among the Country regions, the
Northern registered the greater iliteracy,
14,5%. The smaller rates were identified in
the South and Southeast, where registered
3,5% each. In the Center-West and the in
the North, the indexes registered were
5,2% and 8,0% respectively.
In one hand, the data confirms and
reports the historic negligence from the
State about the educative process, specially
about the countryside population in the
Northeast region, where this reality is more
concentrated, scenery that translates the
ideology that crosses the project of
Brazilian education based on the capital
and landowner matters. In the other hand,
the data reaffirm that, in the society
divided by social classes, politics and
development, surpasses the one who best
adapt to the Eurocentric model of skin
color, beauty patterns, the ones who
attends to socially values privileged and
holds capital.
Furthermore, through the data
showed it is forcefully stated that they
mobilize reactions and discussions on the
Countryside Education, factor that requires
constant definition of objectives and
strategies in order to advance in the social
struggle for assurance of social rights as
land, education, dwelling, safety, health
and sanitation. Thus, as asserted by Arroyo
and Fernandes (1999), “the social
movements are themselves educative in
their way to express, since they do it with
more than word, using gestures,
mobilizations, performing actions, from
the social causes whose generate
participative and inciting processes. (p.
In following, we will discuss about
the historic course of the Trade-off
Pedagogy in Brazil, in order to detach its
trajectory and consolidation in the whole
Brazilian territory.
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Remembering the arrival of Trade-Off
Pedagogy in Brazil
In the 70 and 80 decades of the XX
century, many activists of social
movements were linked with Ecclesiastical
Base Comunities (CEB)
, since they
found in the Catholic Church, which was
based in the Liberation Theology
support for the struggle for the conquer of
life rights, included in, school for children,
with a different proposal whose pedagogy
aimed to the countryside reality, attending
to the political, social and cultural
The Catholic Church, in the time,
was linked with social issues of the
Brazilian people. In reference to the
countryside, along with the countryside
social movements in the struggle for land
for work and household, it was needed to
deep in the issues related to the school
formation of men and women that worked
in the country. It was also thought of a
school that would contribute to the young
people, to firm themselves in their own
place without the necessity of search for
formation in the urban centre. It was
through this purpose, that the Jesuit priest
Humberto Pietrogrande, priest from
Achieta-ES, has brought the Trade-Off
Pedagogy. About this concept, Gimonet
(1999) explains:
The time and training location trade-
off, that is, the social and
professional situation periods and in
school situation: another mean to
learn, and be trained, associating
theory and practice, action and
reflection, the actions of project and
learn, from the same process. The
Trade-Off means a manner to learn
through life, from the proper daily
life, from the moments of
experimentation, thus placing the
experience before the concept. The
Trade-Off Pedagogy prioritizes
the familiar, social and professional
experience, at the same time acting as
source for knowledge, starting and
finishing points of the learning
process, and as educative path.
The Trade-Off Pedagogy, has born in
France, in the 1930 decade, with the
Mainsion Familiale Rurale (MRF), or
Rural Familiar House, from the sensitivity
of the Father Padre Abbé Granerau in view
of the clamor farmers from his parish
church, whose had found difficulty in the
continuation of their children studies due
to the distance to the school and, mainly,
due to the school whose pedagogy prized
specially for the urban culture, as points
Nascimento (2004).
Knowing the French experience,
Jesuit priest Humberto Pietrogrande, leader
in the Trade-Off idea in Brazil, had noticed
the necessity for support to continue the
nascent experience. With this in mind, he
has leaded the foundation to the Espírito
Santo Promotional Education Movement
(MEPES), a philanthropic and non-profit
organization of Christian inspiration that
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
has been the civil entity which kept the
First Agricultural Family School
Such as in Europe, the Trade-Off
Pedagogy experience in Brazil had as main
inspiration the catholic Christian
democracy principles, formed by the
Vatican Concil II and by Medelian and
Pueblan Latin-American Episcopal
Conferences, events that have influenced
the social and religious leadership
formation in many communities among the
military dictatorship and to the struggles
for the political liberty in the Country.
During the Brazil’s Military Dictatorship
period, the Catholic progressive wing has
gone beyond its religious actions, adding to
them social formation activities directed to
the political and economic conservatism
Another factor that has contributed
and continues to contribute to the insertion
and strengthening process of the Trade-Off
Pedagogy in Brazil is Paulo Freire’s
thought, that since the 1960 decade, has
already revolutionized the Brazilian
educational process, reporting the
education bank and suggesting the popular
methods of education, considering as
support the ideological-philosophic values
and the cultural sociolinguistic universe of
the subjects enrolled with training
In the 1980 decade, along with the
Brazilian re-democratization process,
many popular organizations have emerged
in different regions of the Country,
highlighting the Catholic Church support,
through the CEB, what has visibly
increased the participation in country
social movements in this struggle, such as
the MST intervention in the Countryside
Education debate, to which has been
presented pedagogical proposals based in
collective constructions that would
consider the development of the rural
communities, in search for the rural
Many demands from the social
movements were deliberated by public
documents from the Federal Constitution
of 1988, which has based other legal
frameworks destined to different sections
of the Brazilian society. In reference to the
education, the Law of Directives and Bases
to National Education stands out (LDBEN
Lei 9.394/1996), specially its article 28,
that specifically regulates the basic
education offer for the rural population,
giving opportunity for the discussion
which culminated in a specific legislation
for the Countryside Education, the Law of
Operational Directives for the Basic
Education in Countryside Schools, of April
3, 2002, followed by the approval of the
CNE/CEB 1, of February 2, 2006,
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
assessment, which acknowledges as
academic for the Familiar Centers of
Trade-Off Training (CEFFA) the days and
hours in those the students are in their
socio-professional (family and community)
local, called TC.
These legal determinations came to
assure the mobility of the countryside
schools schedule, allowing legitimacy and
the adoption of the Trade-Off Pedagogy in
the educative processes, supporting the
proper curricular organization of the EFA
in consonance with the specificities of the
common projects and with each reality.
Although, even if the aforementioned
Brazilian legislations offer support to the
pedagogic activities adequacy in the
countryside schools, enabling curricular
adaptations conform the peculiarities of the
rural life, found in each region, we
consider that they do not attend,
satisfactorily, the operation necessities,
specially, the ones found in CEFFA in
what refers to financial contribution.
Thus, we highlight that the
legislation does not ensure the resource
destination by states and cities. The
assurance is given by the agreement with
states and/or cities, demanding essential
support from the common association and
from contributions from the students’
families to assure the operation of these
educational institutions. Thus, the CEEFA
have endured and continued the Trade-Off
Pedagogy project through historically
possible conditions.
The implantation of the Trade-Off
Pedagogy, started in the state of Espírito
Santo, caused by the dissatisfaction from
the countryside families with the lessons
given to their children, have not been late
to be shown in other Brazilian states,
where the social movements from the
countryside and CEB members also wished
to assure the right for a school which
education were concerned with the ones
who do not live in the urban centers, as
points out Ribeiro (2008): “As opposition
to the rural education, which do not
consider the farmer, as social producers of
life and knowledge, the countryside
movement, recreates the pedagogy with
trades-off the agrarian work and the school
education, the integral human formation”.
(p. 36)
This conciliation between work,
school and life is the educative proposal
that rules the CEEFFA, which have born
and endured from common work involving
families, leaderships and social
movements, especially in the countryside,
concerned with the promotion and the
socioeconomic, technic and cultural
development in each countryside region.
As showed by National Union of
Agricultural Family Schools from Brazil
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
(UNEFAB) data, presented in promotional
material of the National Conference of the
Trade-Off Pedagogy from Brazil
(CONPAB) occurred in September 2019,
there are currently 230 CEFFA,
comprehended Rural Familiar Houses
(CFR), the EFA and the Rural Common
Schools (ECOR) operating in 21 states in
Each CEFFA possess a common
association that maintains it, given the
economic and juristic necessity that extents
from the implantation to the development
and daily operation, also extending to the
Educative Project to be developed, which
involves the own association, the students’
families and the whole community, by the
effective participation principle from all
the segments. In respect to it, Queiroz
(2004) states:
All of this requires to each
association responsible for the
educative center an extreme
engagement, responsibility and
cleverness in the construction of this
Educative Project. This Educative
Project will guide and motivate the
whole training process of the student,
enables them to “a training continuity
in among a discontinuity of
activities”, the integral training in
full-time and to “born, enlighten,
formalize or modify the projects” of
the Trade-Off students. Through this
“the Trade-Off also turns into a
pedagogy for the Project” (p. 96).
All the educative centers which
adopt the Trade-Off Pedagogy present a
training process that combines the
articulation between frequency period in
the school space, called TE, and the TC, in
which term lessons that go beyond the
formal knowledge defined by the school
are experienced, the experiences in the
familiar environment and its standards.
The Trade-Off can be observed as a
structural resource ... in the
professional training process, from
the collective work by the teachers,
in the school, in residential courses
the school section that alternates
with the period in the familiar
propriety. In accordance to the
principles of this pedagogy, the
student lives in a alternant way,
training experiences in the school,
linked with the experiences offered
by the family and the community
during the remaining period in
familiar trade-off”. (Pessotti, 1978, p.
This dialectic movement between
daily practices and the constructed
knowledge in the school, experienced by
the young students of the educative centers
in their training processes, is based on the
Trade-Off Pedagogy. It also includes the
Freirean pedagogy principle designed
through the practice-theory reflection
reflected action (praxis) movement, which
the learning subjects, appropriating their
theories, have opportunities to experience
in practice, relating the absorbed formal
knowledge shown in the school with daily
life activities along with the family. “That
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
is how the practice gains a new
signification, by being enlightened by a
theory which the acting subject lucidly
appropriates it”. (Freire, 1996, p. 56)
Considering the specificity and
pertinence of the pedagogic work given to
the young farmers from the Trade-Off
Pedagogy, in following is discussed the
work conception as referred to the
activities on the TE and TC.
The workplace in the Trade-Off
Working is a vital activity for the
human being. The human operation is
necessary to their continuity and existence
in the Earth. It is based on the
transformation of the nature caused by the
human being. In relation to this, it cannot
be considered as a purely economic
activity, but the whole process of
interaction and intervention of the human
being. The work, as base of the human
existence, is characterized as the educative
beginning, due to being the leader in the
social relations and the society structure
It is neither employment, nor just a
historic form of in-society work, it is
the fundamental activity through the
human being humanizes, creates,
expands in regard to knowledge,
perfects him/herself. The work is the
structural base for a new type of
being, for a new historic conception.
(Frigotto et al, 2005, p. 2).
Furthermore, according to the author,
in the beginnings, when the work was
centered in the collectivity in order to a
solidary harvest, since there was not
neither individual appropriation of
productive lands and productivity, nor
private industries and companies
concerned with the exploration of
workforce, the work itself set place for
social structuration of the population.
However, this characteristic of the work
and its potentiality in the processes of
personal humanization and creativity
started to be lost with the introduction of
the capitalist system, in which the work
consists of the merchandise and the
worker’s workforce stays under control of
the capital command.
From the Trade-off initial
comprehension of the work, in the current
days, it seeks for recovering the bound
between work and education as one
opportunity for the subjects to construct
themselves, such as intervene, modify
and/or construct their environment. This
Pedagogy, from the trade-off of the
educative processes employed in the TE
and TC, seeks for providing an education
for the work in the communities and small
rural lands, which recognize the
importance of this relation between work
and study. It is a formative proposition in
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
correlation of forces with the educative
perspective under the capital logic.
According to Ponce’s (2010) analysis
about the transition of the education from
the primitive period to the society divided
by classes, “the more the education
preserves the status quo, the more it is
deemed appropriate. Not everything the
education instills in the students is no
longer aimed at the common good, except
to the extent that ‘this common good’ is
necessary premise to maintain and
strengthen the ruling classes. (p. 29)
Thus, the Trade-Off Pedagogy
proposes the disruption with the dichotomy
between theory and practice, with the
fragmented perspective of the learning
processes, and seeks for recover the bound
between work and education as one
opportunity to the subjects to insert
themselves in the human emancipation
processes. For this purpose, the work is
comprehended as the educative beginning,
which originates the learner’s intervention
in their familiar and social environment,
leading to modification and/or construction
of their own environment in dialogue with
their family and community.
The Trade-off training in their two
spaces and times, TE and TC, which
include the work as the educative principle,
provides an extensive learning composed
by technical, scientific knowledge, such as
ethic moral and religious values, assisting
the student’s preparation for the work and
professionalization, prizing for learning by
doing in the daily familiar life in situation
of struggle for survival.
It is important to highlight that
through TC, the Trade-Off Pedagogy
provides preparation such as skills for the
countryside work that grant improvements
in their quality of living by means of the
development of activities that assure
income and continuity in their original
community. This means that Trade-Off
Pedagogy characterizes an important
achievement of the struggle of the
organized countryside workers, although
without disregarding that in the bottom of
the class struggle, the fronts of disputation
are wide and need to be guided in order to
the assurance of social rights and the
implementation of a new educational
project under the logic of the solidarity,
sustainable and agro-ecologic agrarian
production. In this perspective, the Trade-
Off Pedagogy idea is to capacitate the
students/traders to the countryside
production process, in opposition to the
capitalist logic; in accordance with the
ontological conception of the social being
as Lukács (1978) points out, because the
work is a determinant factor in the
consciousness acquisition of the being, in
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
the humanization of the subject, and not
merely as explored workforce.
Thus, the articulation between work
and knowledge associates the educative
process to the different dimensions of
human formation and transformation, since
it seeks to contribute to the class
consciousness, to the social relations
strengthening in the community and for the
formation of values opposable to the
capitalist logic, facilitating a wide process,
the formation of collective subjects. Such
finalities and propositions resemble
Mészaros’ (2008) thoughts “only the wider
conceptions of education can help us to
pursuit the objective of an absolutely
radical change, providing pressure
instruments which disrupt with the
mystifying capital logic” (p. 48).
Thus, as far the training is managed
through the trade-off of Tempos
Educativos, “from the own daily life, from
the experiential moments, placing, thus,
the experience before the concept”
(Gimonet, 1999, p. 45)
, the training
processes have more chances to spring new
resignifications. In this working process is
printed in its ontological perspective, from
which is experienced the action
reflection reflected action (praxis)
movement, in order to result in a critic
formation, from an emancipatory
perspective, and in the overcoming of the
explored work relations.
The Agricultural Family School
Experience at Jaboticaba BA
In the context of the Grupo de
Pesquisa em Eduação do Campo
tabalho, contra a hegemonia e
emancipação humana, da Universidade do
Estado da Bahia (GEPEC/UNEB), we had
the following concern: what contributions
are brought by the TC activities for the
training of the trade-off students of
Tempos Educativos in EFA from
Jaboticaba? To respond this question and
systematize the present study, we utilized
as methodology, besides review of the
literature, an analysis of the Pedagogic
Politic Project of the referred School and
observations of some activities of the
students, in the referred educative
The EFA from Jaboticaba has been
founded in July 1987 and is located near a
town that gives its name: Jaboticaba,
belonging to Quixabeira, in the State of
Bahia, Brazil. This town, as in among
many towns in the Northeast, carries since
it beginning marks of resistance due to its
struggle for survival. Its name is originated
from a native plant called as quixabeira in
the region, scientifically named
Sideroxylon obtusifolium, whose biologic
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
characteristics turns it appropriate to face
the climatic demands of the semi-arid. By
analogy, thus, is this town, that has
inherited the plant’s common known name:
According to Geography and
Statistics Brazilian Institute (IBGE, 2010)
Quixabeira is located in the Piemonte
Chapada Diamantina, northwest region of
Bahia, approximately 300 km from its
capital city, Salvador. Situated in the
drought polygon, with semi-arid weather,
its area covers 368 km². Quixabeira’s
population totalizes 9.466 habitants, of
which 3.130, approximately one-third of
the population, lives in the urban centre.
Quixabeira, with its origin, experiences
and survivals rooted in the countryside,
Quixabeira’s region would, and was,
proper land for the Agricultural School
From this characteristic, very
common among EFA emergences, the
Pedagogic Politic Project of EFA Jacobina
(2016) evidences, in its foundation history,
that it was born considering the
community, its collectivity, encouraged by
religious guiding, especially with the CEB,
stimulated by the Father Xavier Nichelle S.
J. along with the Small Producers
Association from Jaboticaba (APPJ), that
struggled together for the strengthening
and emancipation of the countryside
subjects. It is a common practice in many
EFA in Bahia, as observes Cavalcante
The engagement of the Church in the
implantation and consolidation of the
EFA from Bahia has shown very
preponderant. Sometimes have
surpassed the organizational system
and embraced the financial support of
the schools. Hence from the movement
of the family schools, create
appropriation and strengthening
strategies of common struggle for the
EFA management turns into a
challenge. (p. 131).
Thus, it can be stated that it was
communing with the national struggles of
the social movements from the countryside
in order to assure a specific educational
project for the countryside subjects and
aiming to the rupture with the educational
model which seeks for prepare the subject
to serve the agro-exporting capitalism, that
has born the Agricultural Family School
from Jaboticaba Quixabeira, Bahia,
Initially, the EFA from Jaboticaba, as
it is known, offered only the Elementary II
along with the Agricultural and Cattle
Raising Technician Introductory Course.
From the students’, parents and the whole
school community aspirations, as well as
the engagement of the administration of
the school along with the competent
authorities, in 2006 was implanted the
Secondary Technical Professional
Education in Agriculture Integrated with
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
High School to the countryside young.
According to the School’s Dossier, the
institution attends annually to around 150
and 200 young, qualifying, since 2009,
approximately 30 technicians each year in
Quixabeira and in surround municipalities.
Jaboticaba’s EFA has been reference
as educational institution in the training of
technicians that act in the region,
highlighting the profile, that goes beyond
the professional dimension, achieving
human and social issues, as report some
small producers that receive advice also
trained in other regular educative
institutions that offer the Secondary
Technical Professional Education in
Agriculture Integrated with High School.
These characteristics of former students
from EFA from Jaboticaba can be justified
by the principles of the Countryside
Education, of the Countryside Culture, of
the Agro-Ecology, of Sustainability, at last,
by the Trade-Off Pedagogy principles lived
in the educative practices in this school.
The Pedagogic Politic Project (PPP)
assures, in one of its objectives, that the
technician course seeks to “enable the
insertion of the young in the environment,
favoring his/her prominence as subject”
(Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba,
2016, p. 1)
. Thus, the students/traders are
instigated to develop professional
autonomy. This preoccupation with the
professional autonomy was confirmed, as
the research was carried out, by the
observation of the existence of an
association created by the former students
from the first class of the
Secondary Technical Professional
Education in Agriculture Integrated with
High School from Jaboticaba Quixabeira
Bahia (2006 2009): the Hinterland
Agricultural Technicians Association
(ATAS) thought and oriented by
discussions in former EFA students
This former EFA from Jaboticaba
students practice is present in the
discussions of Passador (2006, p. 124),
which states that the Trade-Off Pedagogy
“is emphasized by the initiative itself, the
individual creativity, the group work, the
responsibility awareness, of cooperation
and solidarity
”. It is the outcome from
the integral formation worked in the EFA.
From the theory put into practice,
culminating into the development of the
subject’s autonomy, without withdrawing
the development of the social, human,
economic and politic environments.
Furthermore, according to EFA’s
PPP (2016, p. 49) the school’s course
syllabus, is supported by Directives and
Decrees that assure the legality of its
functioning, as well as all CEFA in brazil,
with term specificities of the Trade-Off
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Pedagogy. Besides contemplating the
disciplines Common Curricular National
Base (BNCC) destined to the regular High
School, also adopts complementary and
interdisciplinary activities on the course of
Secondary Technical Professional
Education in Agriculture Integrated with
High School by means of the Plano de
Estudo, Visita Familiar, Colocação em
Comum, Caderno da Realidade Estágio
Supervisionado all the methodologic
instruments of the Trade-Off Pedagogy
that dialogue among themselves, in a
continuous process.
In the range of this study, and in
accordance with the objectives proposed,
we present our analysis based in the
didactic and pedagogic instruments
Caderno da Realidade (CR) and Estágio
Supervisionado (ES), by the effective
articulation with the trade-off methodology
in the TC.
The CR takes part in the
methodologic assumptions among every
EFA, which is not different in Jaboticaba’s
EFA. In the CR, is registered all the
student’s course during the school year in
the different trade-off periods, as in
developed activities in the school space, as
in the shared moments with family and
community. It is the student/trader identity.
The kick start for the CR elaboration in the
trade-off project is the Plano de Estudo,
since it is in this moment that the TE
scheduling is done, from each trader’s
reality, aiming to offer opportunities for
analyze diverse aspects of the local and
cultural routine within their community,
what is bought to the school life, through
records and reflections made in the CR.
Gimonet (2007, p. 37) states “the
Caderno da Realidade is a fundamental
activity with multiple effects, as
pedagogic, training and educative
. In view of this ‘triple’ nature of
the CR, established by the author, we can
state that this is an effective resource to the
action/reflection/proposed action by the
trade-off dynamism, once the scheduling is
done in the school collective is
contextualized by the familiar and common
living, thus allowing the traders to reflect
about the advances and retreats of their
training, what still enables the resumption
about issues which need further
development, providing, thus, a training
autonomy from their reality.
In the course of the research, we
identified some areas the students had
already selected to appropriate, by further
studies, by their life projects elaboration
once their course is finished, such as: fruit
growing, vegetables, native seedling
production, beekeeping, cattle breeding,
goat farming and goat farming, sheep
farming and sheep farming. Those are
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
some of the sustainable development
possibilities stimulated by the School,
embraced and designed by the learning
subjects. Into this perspective Passador
(2006, 0. 124) highlight that the “Trade-
Off Pedagogy has as objective the integral
training of the countryside young in
intellectual and professional aspects,
without declining their autonomy as
It is important to stress that, in
among the training purposes of the CR, as
in the whole methodologic process, this
pedagogic instrument, sometimes, finds
obstacles in its constructive course as in
the TC as in the TE. Eventually, in the
community can be found adverse
conditions, such as the hard work in some
farming activities which hinder or unable
the consolidation of what has been
planned, what ends favoring the reflection
about the conditions of work whose, in
several times, the countryside people need
to undergo.
Difficulties are also found sometimes
within TE in the resumption of the CR
construction, provoked by the time in
relation to other educational demands,
once, according to PPP considered, the
EFA course syllabus needs to attend the
BNCC, turning the teacher responsible for
redesigning the course, aiming to
“articulate the countryside student
knowledge with the school knowledge
from the official program”. (Nascimento,
2005, p. 295).
The challenges faced in the CR
elaboration or socialization do not reduce
the merit of this pedagogic instrument, but
provide the traders to a self-monitoring of
all course in the trade-off experiences,
allowing them to record their whole
training process. In relation to the
limitations here expressed, the R, from its
multiple training effects, provides the
young student to optimize their socio-
professional life time-space, as long as
they improve their reflections in respect to
their view of work as in the ontological
The final stage of the Secondary
Technical Professional Education in
Agriculture Integrated with High School is
the Estágio Supervisionado. According to
EFA’s PPP (2016, p. 35-36), the
Supervised Practice constitute another
resources used in the pedagogic structure.
The activities are planned from the second
semester of the First year, during, at least,
one week, to be carried out within the
family/community’s environment. The
supervised practices must be as diversified
as possible during the First and Second
years, becoming more specified in the
professional education. This supervised
practice seeks for the professional guiding
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
of the student, giving notions of the
professions available in the surrounding
region, assisting their professionalization
The aforementioned document
elucidates that, once the traders return to
the EFA after finishing the supervised
practice, they share their experience among
colleagues, teachers and parents. All the
record from the supervised practice will
take part on the CR construction. It can be
affirmed that it is another instrument for
the Trade-Off Pedagogy, that allows the
student to record the knowledge and action
within the social reality of the young. The
traders, since the supervised practice
beginning, monitored by other trader, will
improve their practical and theoretical
In parallel with the whole training
process, the traders systematize everything
in their development on the Secondary
Technical Professional Education in
Agriculture Integrated with High School
from Jaboticaba, until they choose an area
linked to a farming activity for the
elaboration of a project, called Projeto de
Vida, with the opportunity of being applied
in their place, as a survival mean along
with their family and community.
The educational path crossed by the
EFA “gives condition to the young have a
worthier and more independent life, using
techniques suited to the countryside life
and region” (Pacheco, 2010, p. 160).
Within this comprehension, we remember
what Saviani (1986) affirms:
The work is the human existence
base, and the man kind characterize
themselves as such as far as they produce
their own existence, from their necessities.
Working is acting over the nature, acting
over the reality, transforming it according
to their objectives, to their human
necessities. The society structures itself
according to the way in which it organizes
the process of production of the human
existence, the process of work. (p. 14).
In this sense, “the work is the base
for a new way to be, a new conception of
the history”. (Frigotto et al., 2005, p. 2)
setting itself through this aspiration for a
new integral subject and in complete
development of his/her potentialities.
The Trade-Off Pedagogy, from the
Estágio Supervisionado propositions, has,
in its proper practice, the work as
educative principle, providing conciliation
between theory and practice, that is,
studying time in the school and working
time in the communities and familiar
proprieties. Through this direct relation
between school, community and family, is
anchored an educative project concerned
with the sustainable development of the
rural communities and bounded to the
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
work as training activity essential for the
subject, there being in view the awareness
raising emancipation and resistance of the
farmer and his/her collective social
organization, such as his/her strategies and
techniques of production as manufacturing
management of the agricultural and cattle
raising production means within the own
rural space.
However, we observed in some
Estágio Supervisionado reports, authored
by the students, that, due to the demand of
the trading students in final stage of the
course, the school does not always find in
the institutional partnerships time-space to
the occurrence of the Estágio
Supervisionado in the original
communities of the learners/trading
students. That is, in some cases in which
the work practice of the trading students is
performed in private proprieties, forcing
them to experience this activity under the
capitalist logic use of the work force for
the sake of the capital accumulation. In
respect to this aspect, we placed ourselves
into the following reflection: in what
extent this contradiction imposed by the
material conditions held by the school and
by the learners for not interrupting the
studies presents itself as potentiality or
fragility for the Trade-Off Pedagogy
In view of the limitations of the
scope of our discussion, it will not be
possible to delve into this reflection, but it
is possible to affirm that there are many
challenges to be faced by the management
and organization of pedagogical work in
the EFA in order to ensure the principles of
Pedagogy of Alternation, especially , when
we are faced, nowadays, with the
advancement of a national education policy
that lower the resources, limits the
mandatory areas of curricular knowledge
in the detriment of Human Sciences, such
as Philosophy and Sociology, encourages
technical knowledge dissociated from its
theoretical dimension and values that
prioritize the processes of humanization,
solidarity, cooperation, diversity, creativity
and human emancipation.
Final remarks
In this article, we proposed to
analyze the contributions bought by the
Trade-Off Pedagogy in the training of
countryside students linked to EFA from
Jaboticaba BA, in the Secondary
Technical Professional Education in
Agriculture Integrated with High School
course. In this sense, we stated that the
popular social movements from the
Countryside and their struggle strategies
were decisive in the proposition of an
educational ideal centered in the
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
collectivity and awareness raising of the
countryside people for the transformation
of their social and local reality,
strengthening their role as producers of
their own identity as resistant farmers able
to survive in the Countryside. From this
perspective, the dominant city and
capitalist educational logic offered for the
men and women from the Countryside was
The firmness in the social struggle of
the subjects of the countryside aims at an
education carried out by countryside
workers so that they consider the reality
and the experience of the peasant
population. Thus, the history of Pedagogy
of Alternation in the Brazilian territory is
an expression of an achievement of the
social struggle in the Countryside for the
right to omnilateral education, understood
as the education that considers all the
dimensions and specificities of the subject
- in this specific study, of the countryside
subject in struggle against the impositions
of the agribusiness market.
The research leads us, without any
doubt, to ensure that the Trade-Off
Pedagogy comprehend the work as an
educative principle, essential for the
integral training of the subject, and seeks
for integrate the knowledge produced in
the school with the social reality of the
It is a movement started 50 years ago
and yet, in the current days, present itself
as resistance to a conception of education
and work for the countryside people. In
this sense, the Trade-Off Pedagogy
perspective refuses the educative logic
processes found in the suppressive and
bourgeois school system and lays in that
comprehends the work in the ontological
sense, as educative principle, opposing the
capitalist system that rules the Country and
diverse forms of work exploration.
This Pedagogy uses strategies
concerned with the specificities of the
countryside subjects, aiming to contribute
to the insertion of learners/traders in
working situation in their own community
or society. In these terms, the Caderno de
Realidade and the Estágio Supervisionado
are concrete activities that articulate the
theoretical and practical knowledge that
support the agricultural and cattle raising
processes of production in the countryside
communities where the Jaboticaba’s EFA
learners/traders are from.
In summary, in the 50 year of Trade-
Off Pedagogy history has built a legacy
based on humanized, social, politic,
integral school formation for the
countryside subjects, that need to continue
struggling for resisting and existing with
all their objectives and purposes in the
current political circumstances based on
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
uncertainty, traced by the centrality of the
neoliberal thought where the Country is.
The EFA from Jaboticaba, in turn, is
constituted by the materiality of the
pedagogical and conceptual principles of
Pedagogy of Alternation, but it is not
always able to keep firm the purpose of
articulating the education of
learners/traders with the social reality of
their communities and employing the
knowledge of their study processes for the
local development of their region, together
with the communities where they live and
work. Thus, we have evidenced, in the
research process, that there are many
challenges related to the financing of
school expenses, especially due to the fact
that it is the target of contestation of the
conservative movement that is advancing
in the country with a view to curbing the
social movements from the working
classes and education projects against a
hegemonic perspective.
By final, we consider the 50 years of
Trade-Off Pedagogy commemorations are,
at the same time, the celebration of a
pedagogic and conceptual legacy of its
training specificities and expression of
resistance and struggle for the political
sovereignty of the countryside community,
a dialectic movement of fundamental
importance for the historic present of the
struggle for the organic materialization of
the Countryside Education the struggle
for Land and, in the interior of this, the
Agrarian Reform as a society project.
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... a nossa luta é para derrubar três cercas: a do
latifúndio, a da ignorância e a do capital” (Stedile,
1999, p. 45).
“Educação do Campo não se restringe a um
projeto de ensino, embora o contemple. É um
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Translator’s note: ‘Tempo Comunidade can be
understood as the period in which the students are
in touch with a rural community. The term can be
directly translated as ‘Community Time’
Translator’s note: Tempo Educativo can be
understood as the grade of the student. The term
can be directly translated as ‘Educative Times’.
Na perspectiva das classes dominantes,
historicamente, a educação dos diferentes grupos
sociais de trabalhadores deve dar-se a fim de
habilitá-los técnica, social e ideologicamente para o
trabalho. Trata-se de subordinar a função social da
educação de forma controlada para responder às
demandas do capital. (Frigotto, 2003, p. 26).
“os movimentos sociais são em si mesmos
educativos em seu modo de se expressar, pois o
fazem mais do que por palavras, utilizando gestos,
mobilizações, realizando ações, a partir das causas
sociais geradoras de processos participativos e
mobilizadores”. (Fernandes, 1999, p. 23).
The Ecclesiastical Base Communities (CEB)
emerged in Brazil as a means of evangelization that
would answer the challenges of a libertarian
practice in the socio-political context of the years of
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
the Military Dictatorship. More information can be
found in Burdick (1998, p. 11).
The legitimacy and theological inspiration of the
progressive wing of the Catholic Church was
sought in liberation theology, according to which
there must be a necessary relationship between
theology and socioeconomic contexts. (cf. Theije,
2002, p. 23).
Alternância de tempo e de local de formação, ou
seja, de períodos em situação sócio profissional e
em situação escolar; ... uma outra maneira de
aprender, de se formar, associando teoria e prática,
ação e reflexão, o empreender e o aprender dentro
de um mesmo processo. A Alternância significa
uma maneira de aprender pela vida, partindo da
própria vida cotidiana, dos momentos de
experiências colocando assim a experiência antes
do conceito. A Pedagogia da Alternância ... dá a
prioridade à experiência familiar, social,
profissional, ao mesmo tempo como fonte de
conhecimentos, ponto de partida e de chegada do
processo de aprendizagem, e como caminho
educativo (Gimonet, 1999, p. 44-45).
Physical space that would house students and put
into practice the Pedagogy of Alternation proposal.
... contrapondo-se à educação rural, a qual não
considera os agricultores e agricultoras, como
produtores sociais de vida e conhecimento, o
movimento camponês, recria na pedagogia em que
se alterna trabalho agrícola e educação escolar, a
formação humana integral”. (Ribeiro, 2008 p. 36).
Tudo isso exige de cada associação responsável
pelo centro educativo um grande empenho,
responsabilidade e perspicácia na construção deste
Projeto Educativo. Porque este Projeto Educativo é
que vai orientar e motivar todo processo de
formação do alternante, possibilitando “uma
continuidade de ação formadora numa
descontinuidade de atividades”, a formação integral
em tempo integral e a “nascer, elucidar, formalizar
ou modificar os projetos” dos alternantes. Com isso
“a alternância torna-se também uma pedagogia do
projeto”. (Queiroz, 2004, p. 96).
A alternância pode ser vista como um recurso
estrutural ... no processo de formação profissional,
do trabalho coletivo dos professores, dos pais e de
lideranças comunitárias, pois ela permite período
integral de formação, na escola, em regime de
internato a sessão escolar que se alterna com o
período na propriedade familiar. Segundo os
princípios dessa pedagogia, o aluno vivencia de
forma alternada, experiências de formação na
escola, conjugadas com a experiência que a família
e a comunidade lhe proporcionarem durante o
período que permanecem em alternância familiar.
(Pessotti, 1978, p. 35)
“É assim que a prática ... ganha uma significação
nova ao ser iluminada por uma teoria da qual o
sujeito que atua se apropria lucidamente”. (Freire,
1996, p. 56).
Não é emprego, não é apenas uma forma
histórica do trabalho em sociedade, ele é a atividade
fundamental pela qual o ser humano se humaniza,
se cria, se expande em conhecimento, se aperfeiçoa.
O trabalho é a base estruturante de um novo tipo de
ser, de uma nova concepção de história. (Frigotto et
al., 2005, p. 2)
“quanto mais a educação conserva o status quo,
mais é julgada adequada. nem tudo o que a
educação inculca nos educandos tem por finalidade
o bem comum, a não ser na medida em que ‘esse
bem comum’ pode ser uma premissa necessária
para manter e reforçar as classes dominantes”.
(Ponce, 2010, p. 29).
“apenas a mais ampla das concepções de
educação nos pode ajudar a perseguir o objetivo de
uma mudança verdadeiramente radical,
proporcionando instrumentos de pressão que
rompam a gica mistificadora do capital”.
(Mészáros, 2008, p. 48).
“partindo da própria vida cotidiana, dos
momentos experienciais, colocando assim a
experiência antes do conceito”. (Gimonet, 1999, p.
O envolvimento da Igreja na implantação e
consolidação das EFA baianas mostrou-se por
demais preponderante. Por vezes ultrapassava o
sistema organizacional e abraçava o custeio das
escolas. Daí que para o movimento de escolas
famílias, criar estratégias de apropriação e
fortalecimento de luta comunitária pela manutenção
da EFA passa a ser um desafio. (Cavalcante, 2007,
p. 131).
“possibilitar a inserção do jovem no meio,
favorecendo o seu protagonismo enquanto sujeito”.
(Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba, 2016, p. 1).
Students graduated from the first class (2006-
2009) have organized, since 2010, annual meetings
in which former students of EFA meet, remember
the moments they lived together, reflect their
trajectories. Finally, they maintain the link between
themselves and with EFA.
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020). Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and Cattle
Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
“enfatiza-se a iniciativa própria, a criatividade
individual, o trabalho em equipe, o senso de
responsabilidade, de cooperação e de
solidariedade”. (Passador, 2006, p. 124).
“o Caderno da Realidade é uma atividade
fundamental com efeitos múltiplos, tanto de
natureza pedagógica quanto formativa e educativa”.
(Gimonet, 2007, p. 37).
“a Pedagogia da Alternância tem como objetivo
a formação integral do jovem do campo no aspecto
intelectual e profissional, sem negar sua autonomia
como sujeito”. (Passador, 2006, p. 124).
“articular os saberes da vida do jovem rural com
os saberes escolares do programa oficial”.
(Nascimento, 2004, p. 295).
Pois o trabalho é a base da existência humana, e
os homens se caracterizam como tais na medida em
que produzem sua própria existência, a partir de
suas necessidades. Trabalhar é agir sobre a
natureza, agir sobre a realidade, transformando-a
em função dos objetivos, das necessidades
humanas. A sociedade se estrutura em função da
maneira pela qual se organiza o processo de
produção da existência humana, o processo de
trabalho. (Saviani, 1986, p. 14).
“o trabalho é a base estruturante de um novo
tipo de ser, de uma nova concepção de história”
(Frigotto et al., 2005, p. 2).
Article Information
Received on March 05th, 2020
Accepted on May 11th, 2020
Published on June, 27th, 2020
Author Contributions: The author were responsible for
the designing, delineating, analyzing and interpreting the
data, production of the manuscript, critical revision of the
content and approval of the final version published.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
Maria Jucilene Lima Ferreira
Antônia Euza Carneiro de Sousa
José Romildo Pereira Lima
How to cite this article
Ferreira, M. J. L., Sousa, A. E. C., & Lima, J. R. P. (2020).
Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and
Cattle Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola
Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia. Rev.
Bras. Educ. Camp., 5, e8573.
Contributions from Trade-Off Pedagogy to Agriculture and
Cattle Raising Technicians Training: the case of Escola
Família Agrícola de Jaboticaba Quixabeira - Bahia. Rev.
Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis, v. 5, e8573, 2020.