Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
The Brazilian Scientific Journal of Rural Education
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from
Ukrainian students
Yuliia Nenko
, Nelia Кybalna
, Yana Snisarenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine. Foreign Languages Department at Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named
after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine. Chernyshevska Str., 94, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61000.
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine. Department of Fire Tactics and Emergency Rescue.
National University of
Civil Defence of Ukraine. Foreign Languages Department.
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. Although distance learning has become an
essential part of everyday life of most students during
quarantine, there is little evidence regarding its effectiveness
among Ukrainian students. The objective of the research is to
estimate the effectiveness of current distance learning process in
Ukrainian higher educational institutions; outline types of
distance education provided; highlight the negative and positive
aspects of introducing distance learning; describe the
perspectives and approaches to solving the problems of distance
education in universities. The study sought to collect data on
students' attitudes and needs for distance learning during
quarantine by means of the on-line survey Covid-19 Distance
Learning Questionnaire, which involved 540 respondents.
Prerequisites for the development of distance education in
Ukraine are considered. The findings reveal the most used
distance learning tools, duration of learning, types of leisure
activities, readiness of participants of educational process for
distance learning, factors that affect distance learning (skills,
internet speed, emotions) etc. The results obtained in the
research can be provided to the governmental agencies,
educational institutions and other stakeholders to further
improve the process of distance learning.
Keywords: Empirical Study, Effectiveness of Distance
Education, Distance Learning, Student, Questionnaire, Ukraine,
Higher Education Institution.
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Educación a distancia y COVID-19: información de
estudiantes ucranianos
RESUMEN. Aunque el aprendizaje a distancia se ha convertido
en una parte esencial de la vida diaria de la mayoría de los
estudiantes durante la cuarentena, hay poca evidencia de su
efectividad entre los estudiantes ucranianos. El objetivo de la
investigación es estimar la efectividad del proceso actual de
aprendizaje a distancia en las instituciones de educación
superior de Ucrania; describir los tipos de educación a distancia
ofrecidos; destacar los aspectos negativos y positivos de la
introducción del aprendizaje a distancia; Describir las
perspectivas y enfoques para resolver los problemas de la
educación a distancia en las universidades. El estudio buscó
recopilar datos sobre las actitudes y necesidades de los
estudiantes para el aprendizaje a distancia durante la cuarentena
a través de la encuesta en línea: el Cuestionario de aprendizaje a
distancia Covid-19, que involucró a 540 participantes. Se
consideran requisitos previos para el desarrollo de la educación
a distancia en Ucrania. Los resultados revelan las herramientas
de aprendizaje a distancia más utilizadas, la duración del
aprendizaje, los tipos de actividades de ocio, la preparación de
los participantes en el proceso educativo para el aprendizaje a
distancia, los factores que afectan el aprendizaje a distancia
(habilidades, velocidad de internet, emociones) etc. Los
resultados de la encuesta se pueden proporcionar a agencias
gubernamentales, instituciones educativas y otras partes
interesadas para mejorar aún más el proceso de aprendizaje a
Palabras clave: Estudio Empírico, Eficacia de la Educación a
Distancia, Aprendizaje a Distancia, Estudiante, Cuestionario,
Ucrania, Institución de Educación Superior.
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Educação à Distância e o COVID-19: informações de
estudantes ucranianos
RESUMO. Embora o ensino a distância tenha se tornado uma
parte essencial da vida cotidiana da maioria dos estudantes
durante a quarentena, poucas evidências sobre sua eficácia
entre os estudantes ucranianos. O objetivo da pesquisa é estimar
a eficácia do atual processo de ensino à distância nas instituições
de ensino superior ucranianas; delinear tipos de educação a
distância oferecidos; destacar os aspectos negativos e positivos
da introdução do ensino à distância; descrever as perspectivas e
abordagens para resolver os problemas da educação à distância
nas universidades. O estudo buscou coletar dados sobre as
atitudes e necessidades dos alunos para o ensino a distância
durante a quarentena por meio da pesquisa on-line - Covid-19
Distance Learning Questionnaire, que envolveu 540
participantes. São considerados os pré-requisitos para o
desenvolvimento da educação à distância na Ucrânia. Os
resultados revelam as ferramentas de ensino a distância mais
utilizadas, duração do aprendizado, tipos de atividades de lazer,
prontidão dos participantes do processo educacional para o
ensino a distância, fatores que afetam o ensino a distância
(habilidades, velocidade da internet, emoções) etc. Os resultados
obtidos na pesquisa podem ser fornecido às agências
governamentais, instituições de ensino e outras partes
interessadas para melhorar ainda mais o processo de ensino à
Palavras-chave: Estudo Empírico, Eficácia da Educação a
Distância, Ensino a Distância, Aluno, Questionário, Ucrânia,
Instituição de Ensino Superior.
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
One of the consequences of
informatization of the society and the
constant decrease in the cost of using the
global Internet has been the significant
introduction of information technologies
into educational processes (Shunevych,
2002). As a result, a new form of
educational process has emerged that is
quite promising and is focused on
individualization - distance learning.
According to Khasson e Waterman
(2004), one student’s e-learning is about
three times cheaper than traditional
education in a country. This can reduce the
burden on the state budget on the one hand
and on the other - facilitates education of
affected social groups of population and
persons with disabilities. In the context of
the global financial crisis, reducing costs
and increasing the effectiveness of training
become one of the most important tasks of
educational institutions (Shtykhno, 2016).
Therefore, the issue of implementation of
distance education in the system of higher
education becomes especially relevant
The Law of Ukraine “On Higher
Education” defines “competitive human
capital for the high-tech and innovative
development of the country, self-
realization of the individual, meeting the
needs of society, labor market and the state
in qualified specialists” as the main
priority of the state. Among the basic
principles of public policy in the field of
higher education, the Law defines:
promoting the sustainable development of
society by preparing competitive human
capital and creating conditions for lifelong
learning; accessibility of higher education;
international integration and integration of
the higher education system of Ukraine
into the European Higher Education Area
(World experience of distance education
development in domestic context).
Implementation of these priorities
requires significant modernization of the
national education system. The policy of
modernization of educational systems of
developed countries is increasingly
focused on the development of distance
education. Over the last decade the
Ukrainian education system has been
paying great attention to the need to
integrate information and communication
technologies into all learning processes:
appropriate strategies are announced,
educational institutions are being
computerized, teachers and students are
being introduced to new equipment and
digital technologies, and methods of
distance learning, etc.
The problem of distance learning has
been given much attention in the scientific
literature. Distance learning is the focus of
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
scientific community nowadays and
current trends indicate that research in this
field is further intensified. In particular,
such scholars, as Allen, M., Mabry, E.,
Mattrey, M., Bourhis, J., Titsworth, S., e
Burrell, N. (2004), Keleş, M. K., e
Özel, S. A. (2016), Shanker, M., e Hu,
M. Y. (2008), etc., summarized the
educational effectiveness of using distance
education technologies.
A lot of researchers invest in
discussing the advantages of distance
learning: accessibility; ability to learn at
one‘s own pace (Bijeesh); smooth
schedule; convenience of time and space;
significant cost savings, etc.
Despite these positive aspects
relating distance learning, it has many
disadvantages: isolation; limited social
interaction; necessity to use complicated
technology; high chances of distraction and
losing track of deadlines (Bijeesh);
inability of wise utilization of multimedia;
absence of communal feeling; less
motivational; absence of social
interactions; no immediate feedback; need
for reliable access to the Internet and
technology, good time management skills
and self-motivation, etc.
It is obvious that students and faculty
may benefit from distance education
(Shanker & Hu, 2008), nonetheless, we
must realise that distance education might
not be the best choice for every student.
Understanding its advantages and
drawbacks can help the educational
institutions improve the process of distance
learning since no other option is possible
due to quarantine.
In Ukraine, the development of
distance learning began to accelerate with
the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On
the National Program of Informatization”,
approval of the Resolution of the Cabinet
of Ministers of Ukraine of September 23,
2003 1494 “Programs for the
Development of the Distance Learning
System for 2004–2006”, Order of the
Minister of Education and Science of
Ukraine 802 of December 4, 2003 “On
Approval of Measures to Implement the
Program of Development of the Distance
Learning System for 2004–2006”, approval
by the Decree of the Ministry of Education
and Science of Ukraine of the Regulation
“On Distance Learning” 40 of January
21, 2004.
However, in practice, the real
problem of distance learning has arisen
both in Ukraine only in the recent period
when quarantine measures were introduced
due to the spread of COVID-19. Following
the announcement by the government and
relevant governmental institutions of
compulsory distance learning, teachers are
faced with real challenges in implementing
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
this form of learning, which needs urgent
consideration and resolution. The fact
explains the actuality of conducting this
The Resolution of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine №215 of March 11,
2020, quarantine was introduced
throughout Ukraine. Instead, the Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine issues
Order 406 which obliges the heads of
educational institutions to develop a plan
of distance learning, which has become a
real quest for teachers and students.
To assess effectiveness of the
distance learning process the university
management can imply the following
the degree of absorption of
the ability to apply the
accumulated knowledge in practice,
time for individual learning
accessibility (students living in a
large city, town or village have the
opportunity to study remotely),
democratic communication
between teacher and student,
leading educational technologies,
To reflect the problems related to the
use of distance learning technologies, to
develop options for solving such
problematic issues, as well as to identify
the main trends in the further development
of the processes of use of distance learning
technologies the COVID-19 Distance
Learning Questionnaire was implied.
Moreover, it was of vital importance to get
feedback from students in order to
understand what is currently happening in
education, to find out about problems
encountered during their distance learning.
Time and location. In the time
period from 01 to 10 April 2020, a group
of Ukrainian educators-researchers
conducted an online survey on the features
of distance learning during the quarantine
caused by the spread of COVID-19 in the
world and Ukraine.
Means of the survey. The COVID-
19 Distance Learning Questionnaire was
distributed through the following channels:
Google Classroom; Google Forms; e-
mailing to respondents. The survey was
conducted online and was based on the
principles of anonymity and
confidentiality. In line with
aforementioned, it should be noted that
respondents were already knowledgeable
about digital technology and answered the
questionnaire based on their own
experience. Outside the survey were those
students who did not have access to the
Internet, were not provided with digital
communication tools, were not able to use
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
the tools, and who for various reasons were
unable or unwilling to provide their
Participants. Students from three
major higher educational institutions of
Cherkasy, Ukraine, took part in the survey:
Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety, Cherkasy
Medical Academy, Bohdan Khmelnitsky
National Pedagogical University. Number
of respondents 540 persons. The survey
was anonymous. No special selection of
the students for the questionnaire survey
has been done.
Aim of research. The objectives of
the online survey are to collect data on
students’ attitudes and needs for distance
learning; identify problems and provide the
data to stakeholders to further improve the
process of distance learning. Analytical
questionnaire will help to better understand
how distance learning methods are being
implemented, which need to be modified
or improved, which is also a priority of
institutional development.
Actuality. An online student survey
was conducted due the need to respond
promptly to the situation in the country
associated with the introduction of
quarantine because of the spread of
COVID-19. The following regulatory acts
were taken into account:
Resolution of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine “On Prevention of
Coronavirus COVID-19 Dissemination in
the Territory of Ukraine” №211 (2020,
March 11);
Decree of the President of Ukraine
“On the Decision of the National Security
and Defense Council of 13 March 2020
“On Urgent Measures to Ensure National
Security in the Context of an Outbreak of
Acute Respiratory Illness COVID-19
Caused by the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2”
of 13 March 2020, No 87/2020;
Resolution of the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine “On
organizational measures to prevent the
spread of coronavirus COVID-19” 406
(March 16, 2020).
The survey was conducted in
accordance with general scientific
approaches, in particular: novelty and
relevance; practical usefulness, possibility
of implementation of the given
recommendations and conclusions;
availability of previous experience and
expertise of researchers in carrying out
scientific research.
The results of the COVID-19
Distance Learning Questionnaire were
processed using the SPSS computer
software package for Windows (version
17.0); factor analysis, comparative and
correlation analysis and graphical
comparison of the empirical data obtained
have been conducted.
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Research results
General information about participants
The number of respondents 540.
Distribution of respondents by gender:
male 45%, female 55%. Distribution of
respondents by the place of residence: city
44%; town 20%; village 36%.
Figure 1 - Distribution of respondents by the year of study.
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
Organization of distance learning in
Although it is widely believed that
the introduction of information and
communication technologies and the use of
digital media in Ukrainian higher
education is not very effective, 59,9% of
students are completely satisfied with their
distance education in quarantine.
Figure 2 - Self-assessment of student satisfaction of distance education.
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
During the survey, it was important
to determine how teachers organize
distance learning, what tools teachers use;
how much time respondents use to prepare
for learning activities and how much time
they spend on their actual distance
Respondents were asked: what
distance learning tools does your
educational institution use to provide
distance learning during quarantine? It was
suggested to select one or more answers.
Most often, educational institutions offer
and use the following distance learning
Figure 3 - Distance learning tools.
web site of institution
mobile phone
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
First and foremost, the responses
revealed that teachers were not sufficiently
aware of the variety of modern online
learning tools, most of them choosing only
one or two options, indicating the need to
familiarize the teachers with tools that
provide a variety of educational needs and
perform different tasks. To increase the
quality of distance learning, teachers
should develop and implement information
technologies that contribute to the
effectiveness of distance education.
Respondents’ answers regarding the
duration of daily distance learning are
presented in the figure below.
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Figure 4 - Duration of daily distance learning.
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
The survey demonstrated that vast
majority of respondents used, first and
foremost, those online tools to get ready
for the classes that they used confidently
before quarantining, for example, internet
resources (95,1%) and electronic textbooks
Figure 5 - Online tools for preparation for classes.
paper textbooks
e-library of educational
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
Distance learning provides the
opportunity to study at a convenient time
for the student, at the pace that he/she
chooses (within the prescribed time limits
for the courses), and in the place where
he/she is.
The survey shows that students pay
much attention to educational and self-
educational activities during quarantine.
99% of respondents carry out educational
activities in quarantine, which tells us
about responsible attitude towards their
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
education by the students. The positive
trend is that 54,7% of students are actively
engaged in self-education; 42,3% do this
from time to time; and only 2,9% do not
devote time to self-education and self-
However, the content of these
activities should be based on clear
instructions from education departments,
educational institutions, and with the
support of all stakeholders. Integrating
common goals, values, creating
opportunities for students and teachers is
the main task today.
Respondents’ answers on the time
they spend preparing for the classes during
the day are shown in the figure below.
Figure 6 - Time to prepare for classes.
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
Distance education needs a reliable
means of communication between students
and lecturers. Therefore, the effectiveness
of distance education begins at the point
where a reliable communication method is
established (Keleş & Özel, 2016). Among
the main obstacles to distance learning in
quarantine (multiple choice was allowed)
the respondents indicated the following:
limited access to the Internet 44,5%; lack
of motivation 37,2%; vague instructions
from teachers 29,2%. Respondents also
point to some factors that do not depend on
the education system: network congestion,
low speed of Internet, lack of up-to-date
technical equipment, etc. The figure below
demonstrates the main obstacles.
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Figure 7 - Obstacles to effective distance learning.
limited internet access
significant amount of tasks
lack of modern equipment
insufficient control by teachers
lack of computer skills
unclear teachers' instructions
lack of motivation
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
When asked about the quality of
distance learning at a higher education
institution, respondents answered the
Figure 8 - Students’ assessment of the quality of distance learning.
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
The findings indicate a positive
impact of online education. Furthermore,
by comparing the results of time that the
students are engaged in distance learning,
the authors conclude that the amount of
time for students’ independent learning has
increased comparing with the traditional
educational process.
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Readiness of participants of educational
process for distance learning
Figure 9 - Self-assessment of students‘ computer skills.
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
Among the other skills that
respondents lack for effective online
learning were the following:
Figure 10 - Skills that respondents lack for effective online learning.
general computer skills
skills of analysis
theoretical knowledge
time-management skills
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
Access to the Internet gives the
possibility of prompt access to
informational resources of the educational
institutions and the possibility of effective
interaction of “teacher-student”, in both
on-line and off-line modes. It grants the
possibility of 24/7 access to study
materials, ongoing assistance and guidance
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
from faculty and teachers, on-line video
lectures, virtual simulators and alternative
technological solutions to establish an
active learning process. Hence, it is of vital
importance that all the participants of
educational process have access to the
Internet and good internet speed.
Figure 11 Self-assessment of internet speed.
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
When asked “What do you do during
quarantine other than distance learning?”,
the respondents indicated the following
Figure 12 Leisure time activities during quarantine.
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
For 50,6% of respondents consider
that Ukrainian students are totally ready
for quality distance learning; 39,3% have
the opposite meaning; 6,8% thinks that not
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
all the students can effectively study
distantly; and 3,3% believe that distance
learning can be effective only under certain
conditions (special training, technical
equipment, etc.)
Meanwhile, the respondents
expressed their opinion regarding the
readiness of teachers for effective distance
learning. The answers are demonstrated in
the figure below.
Figure 13 - Students’ assessment of teachers’ readiness for distance learning.
Source: authors calculations based on the conducted survey.
As for the students emotions caused
by quarantine caused by COVID-19,
according to the task, the respondents were
required to indicate a one-word association
for “Coronavirus”. Based on the results of
processing the data obtained, it can be
noted that male and female students
differently evaluate and experience the
current situation with the pandemic. Men
are more concerned about practical and
specific things that affect their lives, since
they indicated such associations as: money,
wasted time, loss of part-time job etc.
Women are more likely to choose
emotional and abstract figures, such as
opportunity, development, purification,
uncertainty, fear of panic etc.
At the same time, quarantine for men
is an opportunity for rest, while for women
it is time self-development.
For 80% of the respondents evaluate
the current situation negatively and are too
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
emotional, which is reflected in their
mental state; the respondents indicated
such associations as fear, panic, madness,
fraud, depression.
In general, the largest number of
respondents indicated the word
“uncertainty”, which testifies to the
bewilderment of respondents and the lack
of understanding of how to act today and
what to do in the future.
Following the presented findings, the
authors have tried to outline the current
problems that directly affect the
introduction of full-fledged distance
learning in Ukraine:
insufficient qualifications of some
teachers (conservatism, psychological
barrier and unpreparedness for on-line
education; inertia to innovations; low
motivational level to develop distance
courses and work on remote technologies);
excessive bureaucracy of distance
low funding of the development of
distant learning technologies, upgrades of
computer equipment and facilities, access
to the Internet for teachers;
poor public awareness of distance
lack of adequate technical
equipment and access to the Internet for
students living in rural areas.
Summing up the data analyses, the
study draws the conclusion that the present
distance learning in Ukraine does not meet
the requirements of modern information
society. In order for the distance learning
system to take a worthy place in the
education system of Ukraine, the above
mentioned problems need to be solved.
In the framework of the research,
some approaches to solving the problems
of introducing distance education in higher
educational institutions can be singled out:
development of the concept of
distance education;
development and adaptation of the
corporate network of universities, bringing
the capacity of the telecommunication
channel (Internet access) to the minimum
necessary to meet the requirements
ensuring the educational process of
distance education;
creation of electronic textbooks
and teaching materials adapted for distance
acquisition and implementation of
network tools;
consolidation of efforts of
organizers and developers;
search, purchase and
implementation of existing electronic
textbooks and teaching materials;
organization of training and
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
retraining of teachers and staff in the
methodology and information technologies
of distance education;
creating an electronic library of an
educational institution, integrating it into
the corporate network of libraries in the
entry into the International
Association of Open Electronic Libraries,
other relevant organizations;
establishment of distance
education centers in universities;
creation of “Unified inter-
university system of control of distance
education”, which should be engaged in
the development of uniform norms,
standards, provide methodological support
aimed at improving the educational
process, as well as conduct selective
control of educational institutions.
The results obtained, in our opinion,
can enrich and broaden the academic
experience, increase awareness of the
faculty and staff in both Ukrainian and
foreign educational institutions and foster
their understanding of the current distance
learning process. They might be used by
the following parties:
governmental agencies, the
Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine and other countries, education
departments at various levels (to develop
action plans, programs, activities aimed at
supporting students and teachers in
higher education institutions to
build communication channels, online
support and informing students about work
plans, available hardware and software,
respond quickly to the needs of teachers
and students, support educational
postgraduate educational
institutions and other institutions providing
teacher training (to introduce and
methodologically support online teacher
training activities, in particular on the use
of information and communication
technologies and distance learning,
informing about new online opportunities
for teachers, advising them on
implementation distance learning);
other stakeholders, including
public organizations (to support online
quarantine learning, monitor and evaluate
the level of access to educational services
and the process of respecting the rights of
students to education under quarantine and
the constraints caused by it).
Allen, M., Mabry, E., Mattrey, M.,
Bourhis, J., Titsworth, S., & Burrell, N.
(2004). Evaluating the Effectiveness of
Distance Learning: A Comparison Using
Meta-Analysis. Journal of Communication,
54(3), 402-420.
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Article Information
Received on April 14th, 2020
Accepted on April 23th, 2020
Published on April, 30th, 2020
Author Contributions: Yuliia Nenko designed the study,
developed the Covid-19 Distance Learning Questionnaire
and took the lead in writing the manuscript. Nelia Kybalna
worked out almost all of the technical details and
performed the numerical calculations. Yana Snisarenko
contributed to the interpretation of the results and
supervised the process of the on-line questionnaire. All
authors helped shape the research, analysis and
manuscript, discussed the results and contributed to the
final manuscript.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
Yuliia Nenko
Nelia Кybalna
Yana Snisarenko
How to cite this article
Nenko, Y., Кybalna, N., & Snisarenko, Y. (2020). The
COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian
students. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., 5, e8925.
19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students.
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis, v. 5, e8925,