Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
The Brazilian Scientific Journal of Rural Education
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in
the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
Fabricio Nilo Lima da Silva
Raoani Cruz Mendonça
Manoel Luciano Aviz de Quadros
Luã Caldas de Oliveira
Rafaela Gonçalves Macedo
Osnan Lennon Lameira Silva
Lenilton Alex de Araujo Oliveira
1, 2, 3, 4
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará - IFPA. Setor de Aquicultura do IFPA. Rua Antônio
Fulgêncio da Silva, s/n., Parque Universitário. Breves - PA. Brasil.
5, 6
Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA.
Instituto Federal
de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN.
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. Aquaculture is the creation of aquatic organisms.
An expanding activity, being of great importance its approach in
rural extension. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze
the contribution of extension activities in aquaculture in the
professional training of students in Marajó, Amazon, Brazil. The
project “Technology transfer through training and technical
assistance for tambaqui breeders, Colossoma macropomum, in
the archipelago of Marajó/PA” was developed by 10 technician
and under graduate students from rural education course and the
technical course in aquaculture from the Federal Institute of
Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA) Campus
Breves, in the city of Curralinho. They participated in the stages
of data collection in aquaculture enterprises, training for
producers and monitoring of aquaculture production, acting as
researchers, instructors and extension workers, respectively. The
duration of the project was from August 2019 to March 2020. At
the end of the project, a questionnaire was applied to the
students involved. The results showed that the aquaculture
extension activities developed were relevant and significant, for
the construction of knowledge in a mutual way between those
involved (students and aquaculture producers). The acquired
experiences will substantiate and subsidize the professional
practice of these students in a concrete and effective way. In
conclusion, the extension project represents an excellent tool in
the teaching-learning process for students.
Keywords: Tambaqui, Experience, Teaching, Knowledge,
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Estudiantes como promotores de la extensión rural en
acuicultura en el archipiélago de Marajó, Pará, Brasil
RESUMEN. La acuicultura es la creación de organismos
acuáticos. Una actividad en expansión, su enfoque en la
extensión rural es de gran importancia. Por lo tanto, el objetivo
de este estudio fue analizar la contribución de las actividades de
extensión acuícola a la formación profesional de los estudiantes
en Marajó, Amazonia, Brasil. El proyecto “Transferencia de
tecnología a través de capacitación y asistencia técnica para
criadores de tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, en el
archipiélago de Marajó/PA” fue desarrollado por 10 estudiantes
del Grado en Educación Rural y el Curso Técnico en
Acuicultura del Instituto Federal de Campus de Educación,
Ciencia y Tecnología de Pará (IFPA) Breves, en la ciudad de
Curralinho. Participaron en las etapas de recolección de datos en
empresas acuícolas, capacitación de productores y monitoreo de
la producción acuícola, actuando como investigadores,
instructores y extensionistas, respectivamente. La duración del
proyecto fue de Agosto de 2019 a Marzo de 2020. Al final del
proyecto, se aplicó un cuestionario a los estudiantes
involucrados. Los resultados mostraron que las actividades de
extensión de acuicultura desarrolladas fueron relevantes y
significativas, para la construcción de conocimiento de manera
mutua entre los involucrados (estudiantes y productores de
acuicultura). Las experiencias adquiridas sustanciarán y
subvencionarán la práctica profesional de estos estudiantes de
manera concreta y efectiva. En conclusión, el proyecto de
extensión representa una excelente herramienta en el proceso de
enseñanza-aprendizaje para los estudiantes.
Palabras clave: Tambaqui, Experiencia, Enseñanza,
Conocimiento, Amazonía.
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Estudantes como promotores de extensão rural em
aquicultura no arquipélago do Marajó, Pará, Brasil
RESUMO. A aquicultura é a criação de organismos aquáticos.
Uma atividade em expansão, sendo de grande importância sua
abordagem na extensão rural. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi
analisar a contribuição das atividades extensionistas em
aquicultura na formação profissional de estudantes no Marajó,
Amazônia, Brasil. O projeto Transferência de tecnologia
através da capacitação e assistência técnica para criadores de
tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, no arquipélago do
Marajó/PA” foi desenvolvido por 10 estudantes do curso de
Licenciatura em Educação do Campo e do curso Técnico em
Aquicultura do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e
Tecnologia do Pará (IFPA) Campus Breves, na cidade de
Curralinho. Eles participaram das etapas de coleta de dados nos
empreendimentos aquícolas, capacitação aos produtores e
acompanhamento da produção aquícola, atuando na condição de
pesquisadores, instrutores e extensionistas, respectivamente. A
duração do projeto foi de agosto de 2019 a março de 2020. Ao
final do projeto, foi aplicado um questionário para os estudantes
envolvidos. Os resultados mostraram que as atividades de
extensão em aquicultura desenvolvidas foram relevantes e
significativas, para a construção do conhecimento de maneira
mútua entre os envolvidos (estudantes e produtores aquícolas).
As experiências adquiridas irão fundamentar e subsidiar a
prática profissional desses estudantes de forma concreta e
efetiva. Em conclusão, o projeto de extensão representa uma
excelente ferramenta no processo de ensino-aprendizagem para
estudantes de Educação do Campo e de cursos técnicos em
Palavras-chave: Tambaqui, Experiência, Ensino,
Conhecimento, Amazônia.
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Rural extension is considered one of
the branches of Agrarian Sciences, which
is configured through educational
processes (Silva et al., 2018). It is
conceived as a service for informal groups
and collective organizations (Pizzio &
Milagres, 2018). It operates in the fields of
agricultural, aquaculture and fisheries
production, also in administration, food
education, sanitary and ecological
conditions, associations, cooperatives,
solidarity economy and community action.
Thus, it has been playing a fundamental
role in the dissemination of knowledge and
techniques for aquaculture (Karim et al.,
2020; Joffre et al., 2020).
There are several studies focused on
rural extension for aquaculture farmers
(Oliveira et al., 2017; Obiero et al., 2019).
They stand out in producing organisms
with predominantly aquatic habitat. Thus,
we can highlight fish farming (Silva,
2019), shrimp farming (Maciel & Valenti,
2014), cheloniculture (Magnusson et al.,
2003), raniculture (Stéfani et al., 2015),
malacoculture (Lameira-Silva et al., 2020),
among other aquaculture activities. These
are important both from a social and
economic point of view (Santiago & Surís-
Regueiro, 2018), and are responsible for
the continuous growth in the supply of fish
to the world population (FAO, 2018).
In the northern region of Brazil,
aquaculture is less developed compared to
other regions of the country (IBGE, 2016).
In the State of Pará, in the Eastern
Amazon, the main activity is the fish
farming. However, in this region, fish
farming has faced several barriers, such as:
the lack of credit (O 'de Almeida Júnior &
Souza, 2013); low training of labor
(Oliveira et al., 2014); charging for water
use (Tiago & Gianesella, 2003); poor
sanitary legislation and commercialization
(Freire & Gonçalves, 2013); enterprise
management (Suplicy et al., 2015), high
price and low quality of feed (Gonçalves et
al., 2015) and scarcity and inefficiency of
rural extension (Brabo et al., 2014). Such
situations lead to failure in many
aquaculture enterprises, including in the
Marajó archipelago.
In this context, still stands out that
Marajó has municipalities with low Human
Development Indexes (HDI) (UNDP,
IPEA, 2013). However, among its
characteristics, it is worth mentioning the
extensive hydrographic network,
composed of basins, channels, meanders,
lakes and streams, among which the
Amazon, Pará, Anapu, Jacundá and Anajás
rivers stand out (Crispim et al., 2016).
Marajó has numerous affluent, which
allow the practice of the culture of
tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, in
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
several rural communities. This activity is
important due to the continuous supply of
fish to the local population. Aquaculture in
the Amazon is rising, practiced by small
and medium-sized producers, in addition to
being exercised by family farming,
extractivists and riverside dwellers.
In this context, to reduce the barriers
in the aquaculture value chain, rural
extension has fundamental importance,
both for aquaculture farmers and students
(Albuquerque et al., 2019). Thus, the path
to the development of aquaculture must
pass, firstly, through education (Under
graduate, technical and professional)
(Tubino, 2008; Silva & Oliveira, 2020).
According to Miter et al. (2008), the union
between theory and practice, represents the
breaking of educational paradigms, since it
proposes a new view on teaching, in which
it brings experience as something essential
in learning. For this reason, aquaculture
extension projects are needed in
educational institutions (Dutra et al.,
Thus, students involved in extension
projects, become professionals able to
work in the aquaculture branch, either as
entrepreneurs, in technical consultancy, in
aid to research and extension and/or in
public agencies in the area. It is worth
mentioning that studies of experiences in
extension projects have been reported in
several areas of knowledge (Fadel et al.,
2013; Martins et al., 2015; Silva et al.,
2019). These highlight the purpose of
strengthening contextualized teaching.
Given the above, the objective of the study
was to report the contribution of extension
activities in aquaculture in the professional
training of students in the Marajó
archipelago, state of Pará, Amazon region,
Material and methods
Study area
The aquaculture extension project
was carried out in the municipality of
Curralinho, in the Marajó archipelago,
Pará, Brazil (Figure 1). Marajó is located
on the Amazon coast (Amaral et al., 2012).
Region composited by 16 municipalities,
which comprise the Arari microregions
(Cachoeira do Arari, Chaves, Muaná,
Ponta de Pedras, Salvaterra, Santa Cruz do
Arari and Soure), Furos de Breves (Afuá,
Anajás, Breves, Curralinho and São
Sebastião da Boa Vista) and Portel (Bagre,
Gurupá, Melgaço and Portel). Curralinho
has a territorial extension of 3,620,279
km2, its population is estimated at 33,893
people for 2018 (IBGE, 2010). Most of this
population lives in the riverside, due to the
city being surrounded by rivers and
islands, especially fishermen, extractivists,
aquaculture and family farmers.
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Figure 1 - Location of the study area, indicating: a) municipality of Curralinho, Marajó, Pará, Brazil; b), c) and
d) students in extension activities.
Source: Prepared by Fabricio Silva.
Aquaculture experience report
The project “Technology transfer
through training and technical assistance
for creators of tambaqui, Colossoma
macropomum in the archipelago of
Marajó/PA” was funded by the Dean of
Extension and External Relations
(PROEX) of the Federal Institute of
Education, Science and Technology of the
Pará (IFPA), under notice number 03/2019.
The project was called “Piscicultura
Marajoara”, being conducted by 10
students regularly enrolled in under
graduate course in Rural Education and the
Technical course in Aquaculture at the
IFPA Campus Breves. The students
received financial support for the
acquisition of materials necessary for their
execution, as well as the provision of
extension scholarships. They participated
in all stages of the project, such as: data
collection in fish farms (check list),
training aquaculture farmers and
monitoring the production of tambaqui in
rural communities, acting as researchers,
instructors and extension workers,
respectively. The duration of the project
was from August 2019 to March 2020.
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
At the end of the project, a structured
interview was conducted with students
participating in the project, adapted from
Rodrigues et al. (2012). Extension
experiences in aquaculture were treated in
the student's training, allowing for a
reconstruction of knowledge, in which
experience is the center. It was possible to
understand, from the student's point of
view, how knowledge construction
proceeds from experiences with the
extension project involved. It was possible
to analyze the impact of extension
activities on the students' trajectory,
considering that the project favors the
exchange between those involved and their
different experiences in extension,
stimulating the emergence of collective
discussions in varied experiences, bringing
a set of diverse information (Silva, 2019).
During the interview, they were
asked: a) what could you say about the
aquaculture extension project in Marajó?
b) what led you to become
interested/engage in the extension project?
c) talk a little about how is your routine in
rural extension activities, d) was there any
change in your school life, from the
moment you got involved in extension
activities? Can you give any example? e)
In terms of training, what experience does
the aquaculture extension project
influence/influenced in your school life?
How do you perceive the relationship
between these experiences and your
course? Exemplify and f) from your
experiences, what relationships can be
observed among extension, teaching and
research? What do you understand about
this statement?
It was possible to carry out
socialization (conversation circle) between
teachers and students involved in the
extension project. The students were
invited to debate, on the various themes
related to the extension project and their
experiences in rural extension. In this
activity, the teacher takes on the role of
mediator of discussions (Silva et al., 2019).
This work is qualitative and was approved
by the Research Ethics Committee with
Human Beings (CEP) of the Institute of
Health Sciences of the Federal University
of Pará (UFPA), registration number
2.576.907. The speech analysis
methodology was used in this study.
Therefore, the reports obtained were
analyzed and discussed with support from
the scientific literature.
Results and discussion
In the present study, among the
students participating in the project, 30%
were male and 70% female. The age of the
interviewees ranged between 24 and 37
years. All students participating in the
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
project are from Pará, born in Marajó,
distributed among the municipalities of
Breves, Curralinho and Melgaço. IFPA
Campus Breves is a renowned institution
in Marajó that, since its foundation, has
served students from different
municipalities, especially in its coverage
area (Ordinance No. 017/2013 -
CONSUP), promotes professional and
technological education, through teaching,
research and extension, articulating
knowledge and socio-cultural diversity to
form citizens committed to the sustainable
development of Marajó.
We realized the importance of
students involved at aquaculture extension
projects in Marajó, which is evidenced in
the statements of some extension workers:
... The extension project is extremely
important to meet the needs of fish
farmers in a region that has great
potential in the aquaculture sector.
But, which is still very lacking in
technical guidance and the project
came to add knowledge and practices
with the tambaqui producers ...
(Student of the Technical course in
... The Piscicultura Marajoara project
is undoubtedly something of great
importance for families living in the
rural areas. Because through it we
can have access to information that
will benefit our properties, thus
opening up a range of opportunities
for fish farmers to be able to develop
their activities without suffering
many losses in their production. It
aims to clarify any and all existing
doubts, so that fish farmers can
develop a fish culture on their
properties that does not degrade the
environment ... (Under Graduate
Student of Rural Education).
... It is an excellent idea to bring
knowledge to fish farmers in our
riverside regions ... (Student of the
Technical course in Aquaculture).
Volpato et al. (2016) emphasize that
student participation in extension projects
contributes for training and is configured
as a way to improve qualification. In this
study, students experienced the real
problems of society, including the
aquaculture activity in Marajó.
Albuquerque et al. (2019) also described
that the interaction between university and
society was also experienced by students
of the Aquaculture Engineering course at
the Federal University of Grande Dourados
(UFGD), in the city of Dourados in the
state of Mato Grosso do Sul. They
highlighted the importance of aquaculture,
in promoting knowledge sharing through
interpersonal relationships and interaction
with all aquaculture farmers.
Created in 2008 by Law 11,892, the
Federal Institutes of Education have as one
of their purposes the development of
extension, scientific and technological
dissemination programs (Brasil, 2008).
IFPA is linked to the Federal Education
Network and the Ministry of Education,
endowed with administrative, patrimonial,
financial, didactic, pedagogical and
disciplinary autonomy. Among the various
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
campuses in the territory of Pará, the
Campus Breves, throughout its history,
presents a continuous evolution that
accompanies and contributes to the
development process of Marajó, in the
Brazilian Amazon.
With regard to the opinions of
students regarding the extension project in
aquaculture, all agree that such activities
were necessary in the educational field.
The project is seen as an integrating
curricular component for undergraduate
and technical courses, of paramount
importance for the area of knowledge and
the contents that were taught, and practiced
during the execution of the action. For
Rosário et al. (2013), students get closer to
society and have the opportunity to
experience the application of knowledge of
their future profession, thus being able to
identify aspects that need to be improved
to expand their professional competence.
According to the speech of two
students in the aquaculture extension
... The Piscicultura Marajoara project
is a project that came to contribute
not only for us as students, but
mainly for the fish farmers who came
to participate in the training, because,
through the information they
received they will put into practice,
so they will be looking for favorable
conditions for better development of
your fish culture and as a result,
strengthening the municipality's
production chain ... (Student of the
Technical course in Aquaculture).
... It was a project that brought the
opportunity to clarify some doubts
for small fish farmers to improve
their productivity and also for
students of the technical course in
aquaculture to develop a work in
practice thus preparing them to work
in the area ... (Student of the
Technical course in Aquaculture).
We observed that in the statements
above, the subjects understand the
aquaculture extension project as the
practice of the knowledge acquired at the
Institute. The presented context dialogues
significantly with the educational ideas of
Freire (2001), in the defense of a critical
education, at the service of social,
economic and political transformations,
aiming at overcoming social inequalities,
called pedagogy of problematization. This
mobilizes and stimulates the subject's
autonomy, the dialogical relationship
between teacher and students, the
democratic social relationship that
promotes the construction of knowledge
(Sonzogno et al., 2013). Fish farming is
understood as an agricultural activity
(Garutti, 2003) and necessary theme in
technical courses in Aquaculture. Thus, it
is inserted among the competences of these
professionals, which is provided for in
Resolution 4, of December 8, 1999 of
the Basic Education Chamber of the
National Education Council (CEB/CNE,
1999). It is worth mentioning that it is also
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
of paramount importance in the Degree at
Rural Education, especially in the area of
aquaculture. The students demonstrated
that the aquaculture extension project was
important both for the basic knowledge of
technicians and graduates in Rural
Education and for the professional
performance of the technician, which
corroborates the recommendation of the
Resolution mentioned.
When asked about what led them to
become interested in/engaged in the
extension project, many students were
emphatic in mentioning the search to
further deepen their knowledge in the area
of aquaculture, but what caught the
attention was what some students from the
technical courses in aquaculture and rural
education said. For them, the most
important was the opportunity to acquire
and improve technical knowledge, through
theoretical and practical classes on fish
farming and how much it will be useful for
students and local producers:
... What interested me was the
opportunity to acquire technical
knowledge that will collaborate with
the technical course in Aquaculture,
in addition to the interest in being
able to help producers in our region
... (Student of the Technical course in
... What made me interested in the
project was that I saw an opportunity
to further improve my knowledge,
and to learn a little more about fish
farming and its various forms of
work, as a future teacher in the field,
the project gives me the opportunity
to develop strategies to work with my
future students ... (Under graduate
Student in Rural Education).
... What got me interested in the
project was its methodology
(carrying out the training), its
objective and the opportunity to pass
on to fish farmers what we learned in
theoretical and practical classes ...
(Student of the Technical course in
In the present study, the students
stated that the fish farming extension
project is the own extension from the
discipline to the community. There are
different ways of conceiving education,
inside and outside educational institutions.
Pedrosa (2007) criticizes the positivist
conception, talking about popular
education, in which there is a political
formation of the subjects (critics, actors
and transformers of their context).
The contents that are taught in the
classroom came from experiences carried
out in communities, where a certain
phenomenon that was studied (diagnosis of
aquaculture) was identified, in which the
results were applied at the Institute
(teaching) and disseminated to the
communities (extension). A strong point of
the extension is that there is the emergence
of a movement (dynamics), in which the
diagnosis obtains new results that are
disseminated through teaching and
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
disseminated through extension (Mendes,
When asked about their routines in
rural extension activities in aquaculture,
the fellows and volunteers pointed out that
they had to prepare in advance, studying
hard and preparing the slides on the
subjects that would be taught in the
training in addition to all the planning for
visits to the properties for the application
of the checklist:
... Since the beginning of the project,
when I applied the check list, I had to
change several routines in my life, as
well as preparing the slides and the
two days of training ... (Student of
the Technical course in Aquaculture).
... My routine is of studies and
research, absorbing as much
knowledge as possible, and when
they call my help, I will be ready to
help them. It was also a routine trip,
hiking and cycling in search of fish
farmers through the check list ...
(Student of the Technical course in
The relationship between the
curricular component and the aquaculture
extension project is identified by the
students. Specifically in these data, we
were able to understand that there is still a
practice of extension that can be seen as
assistentialist work and that the
transmission of knowledge occurs through
technicist methods. It is clear that learning
is not restricted to technical knowledge, as
students are close to reality, demonstrating
motivation in carrying out activities and
living with farming families and
colleagues, experiencing a collective
experience of knowledge exchange.
In the present study, it was raised
with the students if there was any change
in their personal and student life within the
Institute, from the moment they became
involved in extension activities. In view of
this, some students stated that they
underwent a personal change seeing the
deficiencies of public policies in favor of a
class as needy as aquaculture farmers.
They saw more clearly the social,
environmental and economic impacts of
these activities without due care and
aroused the desire to develop new projects
and works that aim to benefit these social
... Yes, from the extension project,
several ideas emerged to carry out
other projects that benefit producers
and give more visibility to our local
products, for this we intend to
organize together with some entities
of the municipality the fish fair in
Curralinho ... (Student of the
Technical course in Aquaculture).
... Yes, there were several changes, as
research on fish farming in this
project only contributed to my
development as a person and also as
a teacher in training. After contacting
fish farmers, they hear about their
experiences, and also about the great
challenges that are faced in order to
develop fish farming, without the
support of public policies aimed at
these products. Through the
development of the project, I was
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
awakened to learn a little more about
the different ways that fish farming is
developed and how it can generate
social, environmental and economic
impacts. I also learned how to
develop low cost technologies, about
the importance of developing step by
step of each process so that the
production will generate a lot of
profits and less loss, however after
the completion of the project I can
share my experience within my class
talking about how important it is to
invest in projects that benefit family
farmers and workers ... (Under
graduate Student in Rural Education).
...Yes, there were many changes
mainly in terms of knowledge, and
when I was able to engage in this
extension project, I met new
techniques for dealing with research,
seminars and working with the
public, that is, people ... (Student of
the Technical course in Aquaculture).
With the interaction between IFPA
and the community, the subject becomes
aware of the context in which he is
inserted, encouraging him to be more
participative. He captures significant
knowledge for his place of experience,
expanding his critical and reflective view
on the determinants of the production
chain of fish farming in Marajó. Extension
in Brazilian institutions is one of the ways
to develop a complete academic education,
which integrates theory and practice in
communication with society and enables
an exchange of knowledge between both
(Manchur et al., 2013).
The student's contact with the
professional environment and with the
agents that compose it (aquaculture
farmers), stimulated the exchange of
knowledge and experiences, for all who
participated in these activities, such as, for
example, the dialogue about the tambaqui
fish production chain, as well as structures
for the breeding and marketing of farmed
fish. Dutra et al. (2015) highlights that it is
necessary to integrate aquaculture
knowledge with the shortage and needs of
society, through the exchange of
knowledge between students, teachers and
aquaculture farmers.
The participation in the fish farming
extension project, through the relationship
between practical experiences and training,
influenced the lives of these students,
awakening in them a feeling of better
professionals, well qualified and attentive
to the demands and needs of the local
community, as is evident in some of the
... In terms of training, I can say that
it is an experience that influenced my
development where I was able to
learn various techniques, which will
add to the technical course in
aquaculture. I see this relationship as
extremely important for us to be a
well qualified professional in the
future ... (Student of the Technical
course in Aquaculture).
... Participation in the project,
influenced me to want to participate
in more projects, because they only
have to contribute to our training.
Contributing to these projects makes
us different, questioning people,
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
always seeking the well-being of the
population in general. It is worth
mentioning that this project
contributed in a huge way to my
training and to my undergraduate
course in general, because it showed
me the various themes that must be
addressed in fish farming and how
much it can benefit a population that
is thus prevented, the flow migration
of people from their localities to the
city, being able to develop in their
communities sustainable and low-
cost work whose central objective is
to expand the life of the small
producer ... (Under Graduate Student
in Rural Education).
... A better understanding of the
subjects, due to having studied the
subjects a lot, I was able to better
absorb the information that I did not
understand during the classes in the
classroom ... (Student of the
Technical course in Aquaculture).
... Participating in the project was
very rewarding, but it was also
achieving our goal, which was to
train those fish farmers, it was an
incredible experience, where I was
able to learn at the time of each
presentation by colleagues and
exchanges of dialogues. From this
lived experience, I feel safer to
perform any other activity that my
training requires, because, I came to
understand better that the more you
study about the subject, the more
dominance you have over it, so there
will be no improvisation of words
that may harm the approach to the
topic ... (Student of the Technical
course in Aquaculture).
In the present study, students were
asked about the importance of teaching,
research and extension based on the
experiences they had in this project. The
group emphasized the non-dissociability
among research-teaching-extension,
understanding that the fish farming
extension project in Mara was a
collective work. The group understands as
an opportunity to add value, knowledge
and other possibilities to strengthen the
professional side, in addition, they
affirmed that teaching brings guidance,
research identifies problems and proposes
solutions and the extension is the practical
execution of what is learned and thought of
as is clear in some of the students'
... The extension aims to bring
knowledge to small producers, the
teaching guides us and the research
look for something new for the
community in general ... (Student of
the Technical course in Aquaculture).
... The existing relationship between
extension, teaching, and research is a
diversified one, the three when
together can contribute in a great way
to the development of both the
student and the coordinators and
project directors, providing so a
source of inexhaustible knowledge
that will bring countless benefits both
for the institution that works these
three axes and for the student who is
available to participate in the same
... (Under Graduate Student in Rural
... A relationship of seeking
knowledge through research, studies
and taking projects to fish farmers. I
can say that we need to go in search
of knowledge before the research, in
order to bring knowledge to the local
producers. Example: How to manage
water quality ... (Student of the
Technical course in Aquaculture).
... What I could observe about
extension, teaching and research
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
were that, they seem to be distant
words, but when we refer to a
project, they are interconnected, one
makes sense to the other, through
research, knowledge is acquired
(teaching) to be passed on in an
extension way, so that I can reach as
many people as possible from my
target audience ... (Student of the
Technical course in Aquaculture).
The talks shows the duty of teaching,
transmit the knowledge acquired in the
educational environment and enter it in
society. In order for this knowledge to be
transmitted, one must have a good
knowledge of the message to be processed
and understand the context in which the
recipient is inserted, so that the
transcription of the message is correctly
transformed into necessary and real
information. The school unit not only has
the function of making the pedagogical
process attractive and challenging, in order
to promote intellectual, social, affective
progress, but it must also be a democratic,
reliable and culturally rich space, inserted
in the socio-cultural context (Ferretti et al.,
It is evident in this study that the
activities carried out during the aquaculture
extension project period were extremely
important for the professional training of
students, as it made it possible to study
school content. The project incorporated
fundamental elements for the foundation of
professional training, that is didactic
aspects of rural extension for local
development and an educational and
communicational approach.
The training of a professional in the
field of agrarian sciences that is in
accordance with the principles of the
School/Institute/University cannot occur in
a fragmented and discontinuous way. The
valorization of extension practice as a
fundamental part of training, assumes the
idea that subjects enter a technical and
higher education institution to have access
to knowledge, and that teachers are
responsible for transmitting it during
practice because they have this knowledge
as noted in that study.
In the present study, we perceive that
the exchange of knowledge between IFPA
Campus Breves students with
communities, integrates various areas of
knowledge and social sectors, determines a
holistic view of the local reality. Therefore,
the study in rural communities makes the
student perform tasks such as: diagnosis
(check list), booklets, organization for
training, rural extension, preparation of
reports, among others. This promotes the
development of skills that support their
training and obtaining information, helping
their educational and aquaculture practices.
Besides that the interventions carried
out by students in the extension project in
aquaculture, promoted the self-
management of fish farms, respecting their
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
forms of organization and tacit knowledge,
which becomes essential for reflection and
operationalization in the planning of
teaching, research and practical
procedures. Thus, it has been shown to be
an important tool for learning, especially
for the areas of aquaculture, among other
areas of knowledge.
With regard to the importance of the
aquaculture extension project in the
training of students, we can conclude that
the extension provided knowledge that will
positively modify the way of performing
fish farming in the community, as observed
in these two statements:
... From the extension of an
educational project, quality education
for low-income people comes, and
around all of this, there was a
research for this project to be carried
out ... (Student of the Technical
course in Aquaculture).
... The project is very important
because, through it, techniques
unknown to producers were passed
on that can maximize production
without posing a high risk to the
environment ... (Student of the
Technical course in Aquaculture).
The training of a professional in the
area of aquaculture that in accordance with
the principles of the IFPA Campus Breves
cannot occur in a random and imprecise
manner. Therefore, must have value the
extension practice as a key part of training,
taking the idea that subjects enter into an
educational institution to have access to the
knowledge and teachers are responsible for
transmitting during practice as evidenced
in that study.
According to the students' view,
participation in the aquaculture extension
project in Marajó, further intensified the
knowledge acquired in the classroom. It
showed that the interest in being part of the
project arose from the need to become
multipliers of knowledge in aquaculture.
These students had to greatly modify their
school routines to be able to exceed the
objectives proposed by the project. They
became people with a different view of the
social, environmental and economic needs
of a community that is poor assisted by
public policies. As main experiences, many
students see themselves as promoting
agents of rural extension in aquaculture
and that for them the educational
institution was able to actually fulfill its
role in society, with the exception of
teaching, research and extension practices
together in aquaculture as an inseparable
To the Dean of Extension (PROEX)
of the Federal Institute of Education,
Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA),
for the research funding (Notice no.
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A., Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira, L.
A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará, Brazil
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
03/2019). To the Municipality of
Curralinho and Z-37 fishermen colony, for
the structural support in the activities. The
under graduate students in Rural Education
and of the technical course in Aquaculture
for them contribution to the study.
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Article Information
Received on April 15th, 2020
Accepted on May 11th, 2020
Published on July, 29th, 2020
Author Contributions: The author were responsible for
the designing, delineating, analyzing and interpreting the
data, production of the manuscript, critical revision of the
content and approval of the final version published.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
Fabricio Nilo Lima da Silva
Raoani Cruz Mendonça
Manoel Luciano Aviz de Quadros
Luã Caldas de Oliveira
Antonia Rafaela Gonçalves Macedo
Osnan Lennon Lameira Silva
Lenilton Alex de Araujo Oliveira
How to cite this article
Silva, F. N. L., Mendonça, R. C., Quadros, M. L. A.,
Oliveira, L. C., Macedo, A. R. G., Silva, O. L. L., & Oliveira,
L. A. A. (2020). Students as promoters of rural extension in
aquaculture in the Maraarchipelago, Pará, Brazil. Rev.
Bras. Educ. Camp., 5, e8936.
OLIVEIRA, L. A. A. Students as promoters of rural
extension in aquaculture in the Marajó archipelago, Pará,
Brazil. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis, v. 5,
e8936, 2020.