Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
The Brazilian Scientific Journal of Rural Education
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Curriculum and Special Education in/from the
Countryside: what do researches say about the theme?
João Henrique da Silva
, Alessandra Peternella
1, 2
Universidade Federal de Roraima - UFRR. Programa de s-Graduação em Educação, Centro de Educação. Avenida
Capitão Ene Garcês, 2413, Aeroporto. Boa Vista - RR. Brasil.
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. This article has the following question as a
problem: what do researches that tackle Special Education
in/from the Countryside say about school curriculum for
subjects with disability, autism spectrum disorders and high
skills/giftedness? Thus, it aims to: analyze scientific production
deriving from theses and dissertations produced in Brazil about
the topic of Special Education in/from the Countryside, as well
as if they tackle and how they tackle school curriculum for these
subjects. The study was carried out by means of the adoption of
bibliometric approach and content analysis, which took as a data
source the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
(Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações BDTD),
which is maintained by the Brazilian Institute of Information in
Science and Technology (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em
Ciência e Tecnologia IBICT). Results reveal 31 works on the
theme of Special Education in/from the Countryside over the
last 25 years. Out of these, only five works tackle school
curriculum in/from the countryside for the target audience of
Special Education, albeit not directly, but as a theme that
emerges from the main theme tackled by their authors.
Therefore, investigating about the development of school
curriculum for the audience of Special Education in/from the
countryside is a challenging task.
Keywords: School Curriculum, Special Education, Rural
Education, Bibliometric Analysis.
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
Currículo y Educación Especial en el/del campo: lo que
dicen las investigaciones sobre el tema?
RESUMEN. Como problema tenemos: ¿qué dicen las
investigaciones que tratan sobre educación especial en el/del
campo sobre el currículo escolar para sujetos con
discapacidades, trastornos del espectro autista y altas
habilidades/superdotación? Como objetivo: analizar la
producción científica procedente de tesis y disertaciones
producidas en Brasil sobre la temática de la educación especial
en el/ del campo, así como ellas tratan y como manejan el
currículo escolar para estos sujetos. El estudio se llevó a cabo
mediante la adopción de enfoques bibliométricos y análisis de
contenido, como fuente de datos tenemos la Biblioteca Digital
Brasileña de Tesis y Disertaciones (BDTD) que es mantenida
por el Instituto Brasileño de Información en Ciencia y
Tecnología (IBICT). Los resultados revelan 31 trabajos sobre el
tema de educación especial del/en el campo en los últimos 25
años. De estos, solo 05 trabajos abordan el currículo escolar en
el/ del campo para el blico meta, pero no directamente, sino
como un tema que surge de la temática principal abordada por
sus autores. Existe la necesidad de futuros estudios y avances
del tema en cuestión. Por lo tanto, investigar sobre la
organización del currículo escolar para la educación especial
del/en el campo es una tarea difícil.
Palabras clave: Currículo Escolar, Educación Especial,
Educación del Campo, Análisis Bibliométrico.
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
Currículo e Educação Especial no/do campo: O que dizem
as pesquisas sobre o tema?
RESUMO. Este artigo tem como problema a seguinte questão:
o que dizem as pesquisas que tratam da educação especial no/do
campo sobre currículo escolar para os sujeitos com deficiência,
transtornos do espectro autista e altas habilidades/superdotação?
Assim, objetiva: analisar a produção científica oriunda de teses e
dissertações produzidas no Brasil sobre a temática da educação
especial no/do campo, bem como se elas tratam e como tratam
do currículo escolar para esses sujeitos. O estudo foi realizado
mediante a adoção das abordagens bibliométrica e da análise de
conteúdo, o qual tomou como fonte de dados a Biblioteca
Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD) que é
mantida pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e
Tecnologia (IBICT). Os resultados revelam 31 trabalhos sobre o
tema da educação especial no/do campo nos últimos 25 anos.
Desses, somente 5 trabalhos tratam do currículo escolar no/do
campo para o público-alvo da educação especial, porém não
diretamente, mas como um tema que emerge da temática
principal tratada por seus autores. Assim, constata-se a
necessidade de estudos futuros e avanço do tema em tela.
Portanto, investigar sobre a organização do currículo escolar
para o público da educação especial no/do campo é uma tarefa
Palavras-chave: Currículo Escolar, Educação Especial,
Educação do Campo, Análise Bibliométrica.
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
Special Education in/from the
is a rather recent theme in
both the National Policy on Special
Education (Política Nacional de Educação
Especial) and Countryside Education
Policy (Brazil, 2002, 2008a, 2008b, 2010).
It is an interface that needs
investigations and propositions to ensure
the learning and development of children
and teenagers with disability, autism
spectrum disorder and high
skills/giftedness who live in/off the
According to the Brazilian Institute
of Geography and Statistics BIGS
(2010), 15,63% out of 190.755.799
Brazilians live in the countryside. At the
interface of Special Education and
Education in/from the Countryside, data
reveal that 16,28% of persons with
disability live in the countryside, which
corresponds to 8,59% of the total
countryside population.
Countryside Education movement
claims the right of all students to have
access to knowledges, knowings and
values produced by men who live in the
countryside and in the city. It is a project
that aims to overcome inequalities and
exploitation coming from the capitalist
society, which has been affecting doubly
the students that present some type of
disability as it has been shown by studies
on the theme (Fernandes, Cerioli &
Caldart, 2011; Caiado & Meletti, 2011;
Caiado & Gonçalves, 2013).
Caiado and Meletti (2011) and Jesus
and Anjos (2012) demonstrate the lack of
scientific production relating to the
interface between Special Education and
Countryside Education. To Marcoccia
(2011, p. 64), “… the small amount of
works on the Countryside Education-
Special Education interface reveals that the
trajectory of the theme in the field of
researches in education in Brazil is in its
early stages, therefore it is a story that
needs to be built”.
Nozu, Bruno and Heredero (2016, p.
9) consider that the “… production of
knowledge at the interface between Special
Education and Countryside Education is
still scarce and is under construction”.
According to Hayashi & Gonçalves
(2016), there is only one “Special
Education” line of research in research
groups about Education in/from the
Countryside, which shows that “… it is a
theme that urges to be approached by
research groups, since there are persons
with disability in the countryside”.
(Hayashi & Gonçalves, 2016, p. 19).
Bearing in mind these initial
remarks, we problemetize: what do the
researches that tackle Special Education
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
in/from the Countryside say about school
curriculum for subjects with disability,
autism spectrum disorder and high
This way, the current research had as
an overall goal to analyze scientific
production that came from theses and
dissertations produced in Brazil on the
theme of Special Education in/from the
Countryside, as well as if they tackle and
how they tackle school curriculum for this
audience. In addition to that, to identify
and characterize these theses and
dissertations according to the following
parameters or bibliometric indicators:
authorship, mentorship, level of studies,
institutional, temporal and geographic set-
up of works, areas of knowledge and also
to examine countryside populations
included in studies on Special Education
in/from the Countryside, themes and
analyses present in the works, from
information of both the abstract and the
text in its entirety.
The article is divided in three
sections. Apart from the introduction and
conclusion, we explain the methodology
utilized, the results on the scientific
paramount of the production in relation to
the theme, besides the discussion verified
in researches on school curriculum,
analyzing them under the perspective of
Historical-Critical Pedagogy and
Historical-Cultural Psychology. We hope
that this study makes it possible to
contextualize the state of art about Special
Education in/from the Countryside, as well
as to unveil new research possibilities,
inclusive relating to school curriculum.
The research was carried out by
means of the adoption of both the
bibliometric approach and content analysis.
Bibliometry is a methodology that makes it
possible to assess scientific production
from areas of knowledge and produce
quantitative and qualitative indicators in
relation to that production (Maroldi, 2017).
In order to effect:
bibliometric analyses, it is
necessary to elaborate instruments
that provide enough information for
that purpose, that is to develop
bibliometric indicators. These are
widely utilized for the assessment of
scientific production from scientific
communities in different domains of
knowledge and can be obtained from
statistical analyses of quantifiable
characteristics of scientific literature.
(Maroldi, 2017, p. 46).
Thus, to define the bibliometric
paramount of the documentary corpus, data
source was the Brazilian Digital Library of
Theses and Dissertations (Biblioteca
Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações
BDTD) which is maintained by the
Brazilian Institute of Information in
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
Science and Technology (Instituto
Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e
Tecnologia IBICT) which “… integrates
and disseminates, on one single portal,
complete texts of theses and dissertations
defended in Brazilian teaching and
research institutions” (Ibict, 2020). The
justification for our choice of Database had
the following reasons: a) coverage:
currently comprised by 596.156
documents, out of which 438.268 master’s
dissertations and 157.888 doctoral theses
defended by Brazilian and foreign
researchers in hundreds of institutions
(Ibict, 2020); b) digital accessibility, since
the access is free, public and provides link
to complete texts of works.
This way, the work defined the
following search descriptors for data
collection, combined among themselves,
namely: special education, education in the
countryside, countryside education,
inclusive, indigenous education, rural
school, settlement, quilombolas in BDTD/
IBICT. We tracked 19 studies that cover
the theme of Special Education in/from the
Countryside. With the survey of
production on the same theme performed
by Caiado (2015) and Nozu et al. (2016),
we added eight studies. And we
acknowledged four recent productions
from graduate programs that had not been
added to the productions in IBICT.
Next, data were collected and
recorded in the protocol of bibliometric
data registry (Hayashi, 2014), by means of
MS Excel software. In the protocol, we
utilized production indicators, by means of
the following variables: total of
documents, level of studies, temporal
distribution, mentors frequency, areas of
knowledge, country’s institutions and
regions, which made it possible to trace a
bibliometric paramount of scientific
literature selected for the analysis.
It is worth highlighting that data
sample was made of works that covered
Special Education in/from the Countryside,
with a focus on school institution, by
reading the work titles, abstracts and
keywords that helped us verify the
presence or absence of the focus on that
theme. Lastly, we did the sorting,
bibliometric treatment and analysis of
collected data. Thus, after the exclusion of
duplicated records and of those that did not
fit in the scope of the research, and besides
the inclusion of new studies, final
researched corpus resulted in 31 works.
Content analysis was also applied to
abstracts and to the work in its entirety to
identify countryside populations, themes
and curricular characterizations present in
the studies.
Countryside population stemmed
from the definition of Resolution
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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CNE/CEB no. 2/2008 (Resolução
CNE/CEB 2/2008), namely that of “…
family farmers, extractivist, artisanian
fishermen, riverines, settlers and campers
from Agrarian Reform, quilombolas,
caiçaras, indigenous and others”. (Brazil,
2008b, art. 1st). Next, the main study
themes were categorized, which enabled us
to comprehend recurring themes and their
recurrences in the documentary corpus.
In the sequence, we categorized
studies on curricular discussion:
“curriculum at stake”, that is, a category
comprised by works that present a topic or
discussion about curriculum as an element
of primary, secondary or tertiary analysis
in chunks of text; “normative and
pedagogical curricular discussion”, that is,
works in which the subject “curriculum” is
not analyzed or deepened but just cited or
poorly explored; “silenced curricular
discussion”, works that do not allude to the
curricular subject or those in which the
term “curriculum” is a part of generic
This categorization allowed us to
identify works that reflect upon curriculum
in Special Education in/from the
Countryside, albeit it was not their main
goal. Taking this identification as a basis,
we constructed a question that served us as
a script: how is the curriculum thought of
and worked on in Special Education
in/from the Countryside?
Knowledge production in Special
Education in/from the Countryside
The balance sheet of scientific
production on Special Education in/from
the Countryside include 31 works
throughout 25 years of researches, written
by 29 researchers (female and male).
Among them, there were two female
authors who covered the “interface” theme
in their doctorate and master, namely:
Luciana Lopes Coelho and Michele
Aparecida Sá, with two productions each.
The 31 researches that came from
graduate programs in Brazil, published
between 1994 and 2019, comprise 21
works written on a master’s level (68%),
nine on doctorate (29%) and one on
professionalizing master (3%). This means
that the amount of masters in Brazil
impacts on research production.
Works were guided by 21 professors
(male and female). 19 of them worked on
the theme only once and there were only
two of them Kátia Regina Moreno
Caiado (Universidade Federal de São
Carlos UFSCar), and Marilda Moraes
Garcia Bruno (Universidade Federal da
Grande Dourados - UFGD) with four
and eight mentorships each.
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
In a temporal analysis of
publications, we verified that the first 15
years had only three dissertations, as
shown in Figure 1. As of the year of 2009,
the average of publications per year is of
approximately two researches. We
entertained that publications on Special
Education in/from the Countryside may
have had an expressive increase in virtue
of the implementation of the inclusive
educational policy or school inclusion,
especially, aimed at these teaching
modalities from the publication of the
National Policy on Special Education in
the Perspective of Inclusive Education
(Política Nacional de Educação Especial
na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva)
(2008), from Resolution CNE no. 2/2008
(Resolução CNE n.º 2/2008) which set
forth complementary guidelines, norms
and principles for the development of
public service policies of Basic Rural
Education and of Decree no. 7.352/2010
(Decreto n.º 7.352/2010) which, in turn,
provided on the Countryside Education
policy and the National Program of
Education Program in Agrarian Reform
(Programa Nacional de Educação na
Reforma Agrária PRONERA).
However, we must consider that
Brazilian educational policy assumes the
discourse of inclusive school in 2003,
Brazilian president Luís Inácio Lula da
Silva’s first term. Multi sided
organizations influenced the educational
political agenda of Lula and Dilma’s
administrations, in defense of an inclusive
educational system (Mendes, 2006;
Michels & Garcia, 2014). The
administration programs and projects did
not wave an articulation with Education
in/from the Countryside, which was only
included in normative documents in 2008.
Figure 1 - Temporal set-up of works.
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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IBICT (2020); Caiado (2015); Nozu, Bruno and Sebastián Heredero (2016).
(Source: authors’ elaboration).
Resolution CNE no. 2/2008 provides
in its article 1st, paragraph 5th that,
Teaching systems will take actions
for children and young persons with
special needs, object of the Special
Education modality, living in the
countryside, to have access to Basic
Education, preferably in common
schools from regular teaching
network. (Brazil, 2008b).
This provision was also present in
the National Policy on Special Education
(Política Nacional de Educação Especial)
of 2008, acknowledging the specificity and
singularity of indigenous and countryside
peoples, among other kinds. It suggests
that academic production was in line with
social policies of Lula and Dilma’s
administrations. However, discussing the
proposition of the interface between
Special Education and Countryside
Education is not enough to promote the
necessary changes because both teaching
modalities are the result of historical,
social and political contradictions, as well
as a product of an educational policy that
denies differences and pedagogical
specificites, making use of artifices to
create consensuses and domination.
(Marcoccia, 2011; Caiado, 2015; Nozu,
Bruno & Heredero, 2016).
Works defended along these 25 years
are currently found in 17 different higher
education institutions, which are mostly
public (n=29), according to Table 1.
However, the amount of research groups
about Countryside Education covers 29
institutions, that is, the interface between
Special Education and Education in/from
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
the Countryside is not a subject with wide
coverage in Brazil (Hayashi & Gonçalves,
Table 1 - Set-up of works per institution.
UnivERSIDADE Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)
UnivERSIDADE FedERAL de São Carlos (UFSCar)
UnivERSIDADE FedERAL do Espírito Santo,
UnivERSIDADE Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (n=2)
Paulista “Júlio de Mesquista Filho”, UnivERSIDADE
FedERAL de Santa Maria, UnivERSIDADE FedERAL de Juiz
de Fora, UnivERSIDADE FedERAL da Paraíba,
Rural do Rio de Janeiro, UnivERSIDADE FedERAL do
Amazonas, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco,
UnivERSIDADE Tuiuti do Paraná, UnivERSIDADE
EstADUAL de Londrina, UnivERSIDADE EstADUAL de
Roraima, UnivERSIDADE FedERAL de Santa Catarina (n=1)
31 works
Source: Caiado (2015); Nozu, Bruno and Heredero (2016); IBICT (2020).
From table 1, we verify that UFGD
and UFSCar have an important
representation in researches carried out on
Special Education in/from the Countryside,
especially due to the mentors of the
researches. At the same time that studies
are focused in these two universities,
works are spread in different institutions
and Brazilian regions. We add that UFGD
is not listed as a specific research group
about social education (Hayashi &
Gonçalves, 2016), since the main professor
responsible for the publication Doctor
Marilda Moraes Garcia Bruno focuses
much more on the theme of Indigenous
School Education at the interface with
Special Education, while Prof. Dr. Kátia
Regina Moreno Caiado is inserted in the
Group of Studies and Researches in
Countryside Education of UFSCar
(Hayashi & Gonçalves, 2016).
Besides that, 13 works are from the
Southeast region, 10 from the Midwest
region, four from the South region, three
from the North region, one from the
Northeast region. Such researches do not
correspond to the existence of research
groups about Countryside Education in
Brazil, for the study by Hayashi and
Gonçalves “… revealed that 61,1% (n=22)
of research groups are located in regions
Northeast (n=33,33%), North (n=16,7%)
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
and Midwest (n=11,1%), while regions
Southeast (n=22,2%) and South (n=16,7%)
of the country gather 38,9% (n=14) of the
groups” (2016, p. 14).
The amount of works in relation to
the interface in both regions Southeast
and Midwest may represent a
combination of two factors: amount of
graduate programs and interests of
determined research professors, since the
representativity of these productions does
not coincide with the universe of
countryside or rural school institutions,
which are approximately 83 thousand rural
schools and 6,6 millions of enrolled
students (FAI, UFSCar, 2017).
Even though the coverage of
researches in this reality is limitrophe, 21
works were produced in graduate programs
in the field of Education, which is
equivalent to approximately 68%. Also, six
works were defended in the field of Special
Education (19%), two in the field of
Psychology (6%), one in the field of
Sciences and another one in Linguistics
(7%). Thus, we consider that the public
university and the field of Education are
setting themselves to research the theme of
Special Education in/from the Countryside,
not forgetting their responsibility and
commitment to school institutions. Besides
the fact that most research groups come
from the field of Education, we cannot
keep from taking into account that “… the
presence of research groups of other fields
of knowledge corroborates with the
understanding that the Countryside
Education theme is interdisciplinary
(Hayashi & Gonçalves, 2016).
Population covered in these
productions can be seen on Table 2.
Table 2 Distribution of countryside populations that participated in the studies
Source: Caiado (2015); Nozu, Bruno and Heredero (2016); IBICT (2020).
We clarify that the group of people
who live in/off of the countryside refers to
the population described in the works, in
general. It is not a categorization of
researchers. They actually represent 13
works that were aimed at subjects who
work and live off of the countryside.
The second group of populations is
that of indigenous peoples who demarcated
a good representativity. Groups of
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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quilombolas and riverines had a very small
participation, revealing a gap in studies on
the interface between Special Education
and these groups. How is the Special
Education in riverines and quilombolas
schools set up? How does the schooling
process of children with disability occur in
these contexts? We were not able to
identify researches with caiçaras, forest-
dependent, extrativist peoples and
artisanian fishermen.
From the goals we identified 12 main
themes, according to Table 3. There was a
higher incidence of themes aimed at
schooling, Special Education and school
inclusion and teacher training, which
reveals the concern with the teaching and
learning conditions for the target audience
of Special Education, that is found in the
Education in/from the Countryside. The
problematization also revolves around the
inclusive education policy and training of
these teachers to work with the referred
target in schools in/from the countryside.
Moreover, the pedagogical support service,
Specialized Educational Service
(Atendimento Educacional Especializado -
AEE), was also an object of study.
Table 3 - Main themes.
Riche (1994), Souza (2012),
Fernandes (2015), Mantovani
(2015), Sá (2015), Nozu (2017),
Santos (2018)
Marcoccia (2011), Evangelista
(2017), Ferreira da Silva (2017),
Kühn (2017), Almeida (2018),
Lozano (2019)
Ponzo (2009), Buratto (2010),
Lopes (2014), Silva (2014)
Costa de Souza (2013), Palma
(2016), Portela (2019)
Coelho (2011, 2019) e Lima
Peraino (2007), Castro Almeida
Sá (2011)
Gonçalves (2014)
Vilhalva (2009)
Anjos (2016)
Silva Souza (2011)
Silva (2001)
Source: Caiado (2015); Nozu, Bruno and Heredero (2016); IBICT (2020).
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Works with a smaller representativity
express objects of study that are aimed at a
determined type of disability or high
abilities/giftedness. Out of the 31 works,
none of them had as the main theme the
school curriculum aimed at the audience of
Special Education in/from the Countryside.
In the literature revision done by
Fernandes (2015), in her research, the
author utilized descriptors “special
education in the Amazon”, “Amazon’s
countryside education and “special
education”, coming to 12 themes in 31
works. In the latter, the theme
“curriculum” appeared with a frequency of
12,9 % albeit relating to teacher training.
The absence of researches with this theme
waves the urgency to problematize the
curriculum appropriation by students with
disability, autism spectrum disorder and
high abilities/giftedness in schools in/from
the countryside.
Out of the 31 works surveyed by us,
by means of the categorization previously
defined, we verified five works in category
“curriculum at stake”, 19 that cover
“normative and pedagogical curricular
discussion” and seven in “silenced
curricular discussion”. For this article, we
bring the results of category “curriculum at
stake” because they provided answers to
the question previously formulated: how is
curriculum in Special Education in/from
the Countryside thought of and worked on?
Curriculum in Special Education
in/from the Countryside: First Clues
Works by Marcoccia (2011), Sá
(2011), Fernandes (2015), Castro Almeida
(2018) and Coelho (2019), correspond to,
approximately, 16% of the documentary
corpus analyzed about the theme “Special
Education in/from the Countryside”. That
indicates that Curriculum is a relevant
theme but very poorly covered in the
analyses or that it arised in the
comprehension of the reality investigated.
Since the implementation of
inclusive educational policy or school
inclusion, assumed by the Brazilian
government, in 1988, nearly 32 years later
we have a challenge for the educational
research: to analyze school curriculum in a
diversified social, political, cultural and
economic context, marked by relationships
that neglected knowledge for the working
class and labor exploitation by the
capitalist system.
According to the question previously
constructed how is the curriculum in
Special Education in/from the Countryside
thought of and worked on we observed
that the study by Lopes (2019) focused on
the broader question of indigenous
curriculum, not covering the interface;
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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Castro Almeida (2018) only contextualized
the general reality of the interface in the
research location; Fernandes (2015)
described the curricular situation in
different locations; (2011) evidenced
gaps of political projects in relation to
specific educational needs of indigenous
persons with visual disability; the research
by Marcoccia (2011) brought up a
description of the curricular set-up in
schools in/from the countryside.
Despite different looks and analytical
perspectives, we summarized the findings:
a. Teachers of Education in/from the
Countryside defend a curriculum
diversified and contextualized to the
local reality (Marcoccia, 2011;
Fernandes, 2015; Castro Almeida,
2018; Lopes, 2019).
b. Curriculums for Countryside
Education and Indigenous School
Education suffer interferences, even
impositions from entities of
educational departments (Marcoccia,
2011; Sá, 2011; Fernandes, 2015;
Lopes, 2019).
c. Curriculum of schools in/from the
countryside for target-audience
students of Special Education takes
into consideration both international
and national Special Education
literature (Marcoccia, 2011; Sá,
2011; Fernandes, 2015; Castro
Almeida, 2018).
d. Nomenclatures curricular
“flexibilization”, “adequacy and
“adaptation” are a part of concerns
coming from the pedagogical work of
teachers (Marcoccia, 2011;
Fernandes, 2015; Castro Almeida,
e. Large-scale assessments have been
interfering in basic education
curriculum in the reality of schools
in/from the countryside (Marcoccia,
2011; Fernandes, 2015; Lopes,
f. School curriculum needs to work
from the learning diagnosis of
students with disability (Marcoccia,
2011; Sá, 2011; Fernandes, 2015;).
g. Curriculum of schools in/from the
Countryside can be resignified
according to the practices and
singular knowings of a community
(Marcoccia, 2011; Lopes, 2019).
h. Curriculum of Education in/the
Countryside needs to know not only
the knowings of its peoples but also
to appropriate universal knowledges
(non-indigenous, urban), with no
harm to their development
(Marcoccia, 2011; Lopes, 2019).
i. Differentiated curriculum can work
with themes emerging from the
social-cultural context in which
students are inserted (Marcoccia,
2011; Lopes, 2019).
j. The pedagogical work of a
determined teacher of Countryside
Education can emphasize biological
aspects of the student in detriment to
an integral and formative vision
(Marcoccia, 2011; Fernandes, 2015;).
k. “Indigenous education
professionals claim that the inclusion
of the mother tongue and knowings
that are considered traditional in the
indigenous school’s curriculum
produced the effect of differing it
from urban school”. (Lopes, 2019, p.
Bearing in mind these results, we
observe that there are many set-ups of the
curriculum of Special Education in/from
the Countryside, which enables us to ask:
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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has the appropriation of the knowledge
selected in the curriculum by the target
audience been being accomplished? Is
there human development for such
It is not our intention to answer these
questions in the current article but to mark
with them the position adopted in the
approach of the theme, specifically: that of
Historical-Cultural Psychology. For this
theory, the development of human
psychism is not a biological determination
as in all other animals, but historical and
cultural, which implies the appropriation of
cultural signs that were objectified through
human labor and appropriated social and
individually in two inter-related plans,
characterized by Vigotski (1998) as an
interpersonal process that is transformed
into an intrapersonal process, as the author
himself explains:
An interpersonal process is
transformed into an intrapersonal
process. All functions of the child’s
development appear twice: first, on
the social level, and then, on the
individual level; first, between people
(interpsychological) and then, in the
child’s interior. This applies equally
to voluntary attention, to logical
memory and to concept formation.
All higher functions come from real
relationships between human
individuals. The transformation of an
interpersonal process is the result of a
long series of events occurred along
the development. (Vigotski, 1998, p.
75, emphasis added).
This way, human potential, resulted
from historical and collective production,
can only be produced in each singular man
by means of socialization. This act
promotes the development of higher
psychological functions specifically
human, such as: logical memory, arbitrary
attention, voluntary perception,
imagination, abstract thinking, conscious
and planned actions, emotions and
feelings. The process of socialization does
not do without the language as a symbolic
mediation necessary for communication
between men and for the development of
generalizing thought.
In the educational process, therefore,
it is necessary to take into consideration
the subjects involved in it, be them with or
without disability, from the countryside or
the city, if we conceive each individual as
part of the human gender. We must also
take into account the subject’s historicity,
the social place that they occupy. Also, the
historicity of knowledges that will
comprise the curriculum. In order to think
up and plan school curriculum, it is
necessary to consider the aims and
purposes of the content for human
formation to be accomplished. This
exercise demands setting criteria that are
defined upon how clear the role that
teaching fulfills in the promotion of both
learning and psychological development
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objectified in singular subjects in/from the
countryside/city, with and without
When we delimit the curriculum to
be comprised by determined knowledges
and not all those available in culture, we
are guided by Saviani (2012), precursor of
Historical-Critical Pedagogy, who defines
it as the conjunction of nuclear activities
developed by the school, therefore it is
necessary to select what is essential and
what is accessory, so that extracurricular
knowledges are not transformed into
curricular ones and, subsequently,
secondarized. It is necessary to prioritize
the teaching of classics, of the
systematized knowing.
And what justifies this priority? To
answer this question, we used the
postulates of Historical-Critical Pedagogy
with those of Historical-Cultural
Psychology, taking as a basis the
discussion by Vigotski (2001) about the
relationship between quotidian concepts
and scientific concepts. For this theorist of
Historical-Cultural Psychology, quotidian
concepts are developed into the subject of
empirical relationships established by them
in their social and cultural medium, albeit
without taking awareness over them. As
for scientific concepts, they are developed
in the schooling process and, when taught
in an adequate way, they outdo quotidian
concepts, by incorporation, upon taking
awareness of the historical processes of
their signification. This awareness links up
dialectically to the development of higher
psychological functions in an
interfunctional way, which are modified
qualitatively by the aid of general laws of
human development, ever since children’s
education. In this regard, Vigotski (2001,
p. 283) affirms that “... in the field of
attention and memory, the school student
not only discovers the capacity for
awareness and arbitrarity, but also that
what constitutes the main content of all
school age is the development of this
capacity”. That is, “… awareness passes
through the gates of scientific concepts”.
(Vigotski, 2001, p. 290).
It is important to observe, in
theoretical postulates exposed previously,
the thin relationship between curriculum,
didactics, teaching methodology (fields of
scientific pedagogy) and Historical-
Cultural Psychology, that is, between
nuclear and universal cultural contents
symbolic mediators, selected from criteria
that have as a premise the type of man to
be formed and to which society (political
commitment of the educational process),
which will be taught by the teacher in an
adequate (under the dialectical logics) and
intentional way, to promote learning and
psychic development (Higher
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
Psychological Functions linked to
awareness of concepts, in a continuous
surpassing process by incorporation).
Understanding the educational pedagogical
process this way contributes to overcome
the splitting between the curricular
proposition, the teacher’s teaching activity
and the learning process of subjects
involved in it.
In the face of that, we agree and
defend that diversity in/from the
Countryside needs to be included in school
curriculum because we share the
conception of curriculum as a cultural and
pedagogical instrument, whose main
reason is to promote the development of
human psychism in its genericity.
However, this diversity of knowledges of
countryside subjects to be included in the
curriculum and school teaching, based on
the premises laid out, requires the former
not to be taken and kept in their empirical
form, but overdone scientifically by
incorporation, if we want subjects in/from
the countryside and the target audience of
Special Education, as well as those who
are not, to raise heights of more elevated
psychic development.
In the works that were analyzed, we
were able to conclude that, in spite of
curriculum not having been the focus of
the studies, there are clues that indicate the
existence of an effort, perhaps still not
conscious, from educators involved with
the educational process in/from the
countryside, to articulate quotidian and
scientific concepts, manifested in the
studies by Marcoccia (2011) and Lopes
(2019) and when they point out that the
curriculum of Special Education in/from
the Countryside needs to know not only the
knowings of its people but also the
universal knowledges (non-indigenous,
urban), with no harm to their formation.
Moreover, in the following statement, that
the pedagogical work of a determined
teacher of Countryside Education can
emphasize biological aspects of a student
in detriment to an integral and formative
vision (Marcoccia, 2011; Fernandes,
The findings unveil the challenge
that is laid out for differentiated
curriculums, with regards to the
articulation between traditional, specific,
quotidian knowings and universal
scientific knowledges, because the
positioning of educators before the
imposition of a curriculum for the
adaptation of subjects in/from the
countryside, often times incurs in the risk
of centering them in singular and specific
knowings, as it is possible to infer based on
the clues identified in the studies, from
which we point out: Teachers of Education
in/from the Countryside defend a
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
curriculum diversified and contextualized
to the local reality (Marcoccia, 2011;
Fernandes, 2015; Castro Almeida, 2018;
Lopes, 2019). In addition, curricular
“flexibilization”, “adequacy” and
“adaptation” nomenclatures are a part of
concerns that come from the teachers’
pedagogical work (Marcoccia, 2011;
Fernandes, 2015; Castro Almeida, 2018).
Also, that the curriculum of schools
in/from the countryside can be resignified
according to cultural practices and singular
knowings of the community (Marcoccia,
2011; Lopes, 2019). Or yet, differentiated
curriculum can work with themes
emerging from the social-cultural context
in which students are inserted (Marcoccia,
2011; Lopes, 2019). But also, that
“professionals of indigenous education
affirm that the inclusion of the mother
tongue and knowings considered
traditional in curriculum of indigenous
school produced the effect of differing it
from urban school.” (Lopes, 2019, p. 79).
We observed in productions that the
inclusion of specific and traditional
knowings in the curriculum has been
happening as an alternative to the
predominance of scientific concepts, since
the latter have been understood by
educators, often times, in a static way,
ready and finished in their formal
definitions. Besides that, they are
frequently taught by means of didactic
processes that prioritize mechanical
memorization and verbalism, undermining
the potential of these knowings in the
curriculum and/or in teaching and,
consequently, of the subject’s psychic
It corroborates to aggravate the
problem the fact that countryside schools
have not kept from suffering impositions to
follow prescriptions from the executive
power, linked to targets previously set
forth to the national education and
persecuted by the performance assessment
system, albeit there is legal support to
formulate differentiated curriculums, as it
can be observed in works by Marcoccia
(2011), Fernandes (2015) and Lopes
(2019), which highlight that large-scale
assessments have been interfering in basic
education curriculum in the reality of
schools in/from rural areas.
This reality expresses a problem that
needs to be faced: that of fighting the
imposition of a curriculum and a teaching
both considered traditional, from
perspectives considered innovative,
valuing cultural diversity, traditional
knowings, although focusing on the risk of
prioritizing quotidian, empirical knowings
in detriment to scientific concepts.
Thus, we agree with Marcoccia
(2011, p. 135) when she affirms that,
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
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ISSN: 2525-4863
Projecting school curriculum to
students of special education in
countryside schools involves the
capacity of the teacher to provide
activities that induce these students to
advance, establishing adjustments
with social relationships of
countryside peoples, their culture,
their way of producing life in the
countryside etc. In that sense, once
again it is noteworthy to bring up the
dialogue of special education with
countryside education, aiming to
construct a new collective practice of
knowledge, which will reveal which
curriculum is supporting this reality
and, at the same time, to contribute to
promoting changes in the educational
processes of these students and in the
pedagogical practice of teachers who
act in countryside schools.
We understand that this task is laid
out as a challenge for educators and
subjects in/from countryside areas, as well
as for researchers who investigate the
theme, at the interface between Special
Education and Countryside Education in a
humanizing perspective.
In this article, we had as a goal to
analyze scientific production coming from
theses and dissertations produced in Brazil
on the theme of Special Education in/from
the Countryside, as well as if they tackle
and how they tackle school curriculum for
these subjects. We concluded that there are
few studies that discuss the Special
Education-Countryside Education interface
and that they discuss in a secondary or
tertiary way the matter of curriculum
in/from countryside curriculum. Also that
there are no studies on curriculum in/from
the countryside, aimed at the target
audience of Special Education, which
proves to be an investigative necessity.
Our analyses identified clues that
pointed to the fact that the 25 years of
implementation of public policies for
Special Education and Countryside
Education fell upon practices of
confrontation to the traditional curriculum
and teaching, in order to adapt to the
hegemonic society, although still at the
edge of strategies that aim to include in
curriculums and teaching the specific
knowings of subjects in/from the
countryside, linked to scientific
knowledges. However, these scientific
knowledges are, generally, taken in their
finished form, centered only in their
definitions and not in their historical
processes of signification.
Therefore, investigating the
development of school curriculum for the
target of Special Education in/from the
Countryside, guided by emancipating
postulates, proves to be a great challenge.
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Keeping in mind conceptual disputes around the
expression “education from the countryside” and
“education in the countryside”, as Hayashi and
Gonçalves (2016) points out, we opted to utilize the
combined expression “in/from” so that it is possible
to cover the different perspectives of the production
on the teaching modality.
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches say about the
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
The debate about inclusive education in the world
started in the 1990s. Brazilian Federal Constitution
(Constituição Federal CF) of 1988 and National
Education Guidelines and Framework Law (Lei de
Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional
LDBEN), at that time, had a guise of school
integration, inclusive, in virtue of the National
Policy on Special Education (Política Nacional de
Educação Especial) of 1994, which defended the
model of school integration. Resolution CNE/CEB
n. 2/2001 (Resolução CNE/CEB n. 2/2001)
advanced in the regulation of Special Education in
Brazil, however the proposition maintained an
education along the lines of school integration
because it enabled a variety of services of special
education, among them the possibility of a
substitutive education, developed and offered by
private-assistance institutions. In Lula’s
Administration, the Special Education Department
(Secretaria de Educação Especial SEESP),
MEC’s portfolio, aimed to implement the school
inclusion policy, seeking to write several attempts
of amendments in Resolution CNE/CEB n.2/2001
(Resolução CNE/CEB n.2/2001) and modify the
compliance of the National Plan of Education 2001-
2010 (Plano Nacional da Educação 2001/2010).
Lula’s administration, in 2003, invested in the
Inclusive Education Program: Right to the Diversity
(Programa de Educação Inclusiva: Direito à
Diversidade). The proposition of inclusive
education consolidates in the National Policy of
Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive
Education (Política Nacional da Educação Especial
na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva), published in
2008. In addition to the Decree 6.6949/2009
(Decreto 6.949/2009), the school inclusion policy
operated a constitutional mutation, that is, without
occurring a formal amendment of the text present in
CF/1988, inclusive in LBDEN/1996 it received a
new understanding of the term “preferably”, which
grants the right to education in regular schools to
children and teenagers with disability, autism
spectrum disorder and high skills. (Silva, 2020).
Información del articulo / Article Information
Recibido en: 20/04/2020
Aprobado en: 11/05/2020
Publicado en: 03/07/2020
Received on March 16th, 2020
Accepted on May 19th, 2020
Published on July, 03rd, 2020
Contribuciones en el artículo: Os autores foram os
responsáveis por todas as etapas e resultados da
pesquisa, a saber: elaboração, análise e interpretação dos
dados; escrita e revisão do conteúdo do manuscrito
e; aprovação da versão final publicada.
Author Contributions: The author were responsible for
the designing, delineating, analyzing and interpreting the
data, production of the manuscript, critical revision of the
content and approval of the final version published.
Conflictos de Intereses: Os autores declararam não
haver nenhum conflito de interesse referente a este artigo.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
João Henrique da Silva
Alessandra Peternella
How to cite this article
Silva, J. H., & Peternella, A. (2020). Curriculum and
Special Education in/from the Countryside: what do
researches say about the theme?. Rev. Bras. Educ.
Camp., 5, e8967.
SILVA, J. H.; PETERNELLA, A. Curriculum and Special
Education in/from the Countryside: what do researches
say about the theme?. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp.,
Tocantinópolis, v. 5, e8967, 2020.