Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
Brazilian Journal of Rural Education
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian
countryside schools and conceptions of teachers of rural
public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás,
Letícia de Sousa Silva
, Jonathas Rodrigues Siqueira Costa
, Liliane de Sousa Silva
, Carla Rosane Mendanha da Cunha
Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Anápolis - GO. Rua Professor Roberto Mange, 152, Vila Santana. Anápolis - GO.
2, 3, 4
Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG.
Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to understand the
underlying context of the countryside education according to the
teachers in the municipality of Itapuranga-GO, as well as
retrospective analysis of the closure of the countryside schools
and the number of enrollments. Data collection included
application of a questionnaire about teachers' conceptions and
concepts regarding the structure, transportation, professional
training and transformations in education in the school of the
countryside in which they work. The survey with the teachers
was carried out in August 2017 and the search for the number of
enrollments and schools was carried out on the databases of
QEdu and IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Statistics). Municipality of Itapuranga has two rural municipal
schools, the Betel Municipal School and Serra Dourada
Municipal School, containing 08 and 03 teachers, respectively.
Only 09 teachers agreed to participate in this study, being 5 of
the female and 4 of the male gender. The age of teachers varied
from 30 to 50 years. They all have degrees in areas such as
Pedagogy, Letters (English), Mathematics and/or History, and
only has a complementary course in the field of countryside
school, which is in Family Farming. It was verified that the
management model, the contents, the projects and the training of
teachers of the countryside schools of the municipality follow
the same Pedagogical Political Project (PPP) of the urban
schools and that there is not an effort of the state and the
professionals to adapt the rural schools within established
Keywords: Rural school, Countryside education, Training of
professionals, School enrollments, Closing schools.
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Estudo retrospectivo da situação das escolas do campo
brasileiras e concepções dos professores de escolas públicas
rurais no município de Itapuranga, Goiás, Brasil
RESUMO. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender o contexto
que perfaz a educação do campo segundo os professores, no
município de Itapuranga-GO, bem como análise retrospectiva
quanto ao fechamento de escolas do campo e número de
matrículas. A coleta de dados contou com a aplicação de um
questionário sobre concepções e conceitos dos professores
quanto à estrutura, o transporte, a formação profissional e as
transformações na educação na escola do campo em que
trabalham. A pesquisa junto aos professores ocorreu em agosto
de 2017 e quanto ao número de matrículas e escolas foi
realizada no site QEdu e IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia
e Estatística). No município de Itapuranga tem duas escolas
municipais rurais, sendo uma a Escola Municipal Betel e a outra
a Escola Municipal Serra Dourada, contendo 8 e 3 professores,
respectivamente. Aceitaram participar da pesquisa somente 9,
sendo 5 do gênero feminino e 4 do masculino. A idade dos
professores varia de 30 a 50 anos. Todos têm graduação em
áreas como pedagogia, letras/inglês, matemática e/ou história, e
somente um professor tem um curso complementar dentre as
áreas visadas pela educação do campo que é agricultura familiar.
Constatou-se que o modelo de gestão, os conteúdos, os projetos
e a formação de professores das escolas rurais do município
seguem o mesmo Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) das escolas
urbanas e que não um esforço do poder público e nem dos
profissionais para adequar a escola do campo dentro dos
princípios estabelecidos.
Palavras-chave: Escola Rural, Educação do Campo, Formação
dos Profissionais, Matrículas Escolares, Fechamento de Escolas.
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Estudio retrospectivo de la situación de las escuelas de
campo brasileñas y concepciones de profesores de escuelas
públicas rurales en el municipio de Itapuranga, Goiás,
RESUMEN. El objetivo del estudio era comprender el contexto
que conforma la educación rural según los docentes, en el
municipio de Itapuranga-GO, así como análisis retrospectivos
del cierre de escuelas en el campo y el número de inscripciones.
La recopilación de datos incluyó la aplicación de un cuestionario
sobre las concepciones y conceptos de los docentes sobre la
estructura, el transporte, la capacitación profesional y las
transformaciones en la educación en la escuela en el país donde
trabajan. La investigación con los profesores se realizó en
agosto de 2017 y la búsqueda del número de inscripciones y
escuelas se realizó en el sitio web de QEdu y IBGE (Instituto
Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística). En el municipio de
Itapuranga hay 2 escuelas municipales rurales, una es la Escuela
Municipal Betel y la Escuela Municipal Serra Dourada, con un
total de 8 y 3 maestros, respectivamente. Solo 9 aceptó
participar en la investigación, 55.5% (n = 5) de mujeres y 44.5%
(n = 4) de hombres. La edad de los maestros varía de 30 a 50
años. Todos tienen títulos en áreas como pedagogía,
letras/inglés, matemáticas y/o historia, y solo un maestro tiene
un curso complementario entre las áreas a las que apunta la
educación rural, que es la agricultura familiar. Se encontró que
el modelo de gestión, el contenido, los proyectos y la formación
de docentes de las escuelas rurales del municipio siguen el
mismo Proyecto Pedagógico Político (PPP) de las escuelas
urbanas y que las autoridades públicas o los profesionales no
hacen ningún esfuerzo para adaptar la escuela rural dentro de los
principios establecidos.
Palabras clave: Escuela Rural, Educación Rural, Formación
Profesional, Inscripción Escolar, Cierre de Escuelas.
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Education is key to wisdom to fight
for human rights and social justice.
Education varies in cultures and social
structures because it does not have a
specific model for all cultures (Brandão,
Education also takes place where
there is no school and everywhere
where there may be networks and
social structures for transferring
knowledge from one generation to
another, where the shadow of some
formal and centralized teaching
model has not yet been created. The
education learns from man to
continue the work of life. The life
transports from one species to
another, within the history of nature,
and from one generation to another
of living, within the history of the
species, the principles through which
life itself learns and teaches about
living and evolving in each type of
being. (Brandão, 1998, p. 13).
According to Venâncio Filho (1944,
p. 203), the school becomes essential from
the moment that it incorporates
systematized teaching with differentiated
activities from out-of-school, where it can
learn to read, write, obtain mastery of
calculations, among others, thus expanding
its knowledge.
In Brazil, currently, the Law of
Guidelines and Bases of Education (LDB)
9.394 that was promulgated on
December 20, 1996, in its article 1
emphasizes that: "Education encompasses
the formative processes that develop in
family life, in human coexistence, at work,
in educational and research institutions, in
social movements and civil society
organizations and in cultural
manifestations", being based on the
principle of the universal right to education
for all, so that through it the individual
becomes aware to use it in its evolution.
According to the Brazilian Federal
Constitution, education is ensured for the
whole society and recognized as an
efficient mechanism of transformation of
people, thus education is a right of all and
a duty of the State according to Article
205 of the Federal Constitution (Brasil,
The study of Souza, Silva, Clemente
(2015), highlights the way the population
of the countryside has been seeking its own
education, being united to the ways of
organizing the life and culture of the
peoples who live in the countryside.
Decree 7.352 of November 4, 2010,
established a series of definitions and
measures that seek to contemplate a policy
aimed at the peoples of the countryside.
The countryside school is defined as:
Article 1º §1º (II): The one located in
a rural area, as defined by the
Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Statistics Foundation - IBGE, or that
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
located in an urban area, as long as it
predominantly serves rural
populations. (Decree 7.352, 2010,
p. 2).
In the 1990s, the movement "For
Rural Education" started in Brazil, an
struggle of the people of the countryside
for public policies that guarantee their right
to education, and for an education from
and in the countryside (Kolling, Cerioli &
Caldart, 2002). It was guided by social
movements, the main one being the
Landless Movement (MST), followed by
the Movement of People Affected by
Dams (MAB), the Peasant Women's
Movement (MMC), the Movement of
Small Farmers (MPA), the Confederation
of Agricultural Workers (CONTAG), the
Rural Workers' Movement, the Education
Network of the Brazilian Semi-Arid
(RESAB) and the Pastoral Land
Commission (CPT) (Munarim, [s.d.]).
Arroyo (2004) described that the
rural area is different from the urban one
and that there is a need to create public
policies that improve the education of the
countryside and provide quality standards
to the people of the countryside. Students
of the countryside have more difficulties to
access educational institutions due to
distance, precarious conditions of school
transport, displacement of teachers from
the urban to the countryside area, lack of
basic and technological infrastructure, as
well as subjects compatible with the reality
of countryside. According to INEP
(National Institute of Educational Studies
and Research), students from the Brazilian
rural schools have a lower performance in
the test of the National System of
Evaluation of Basic Education (Saeb) than
students from urban schools. The right to
an education in the rural community
appropriate to its sociocultural diversity is
based on Article 28 of Law 9.394/96 of
the LDB (Brazilian National Education
Guidelines and Bases Law):
Article 28. In the provision of basic
education for the rural population,
the education systems will promote
the necessary adaptations to their
adequacy to the peculiarities of rural
life and each region, especially: I -
Curriculum content and
methodologies appropriate to the real
needs and interests of rural students;
II - Own school organization,
including adequacy of the school
calendar to the stages of the
agricultural cycle and climate
conditions; III - Adaptation to the
nature of work in the rural area.
Countryside education provides an
opportunity for understanding of a
sustainable development and the better
quality of life, and the essential that is to
enable educational projects and
organization of pedagogical exercise in
countryside schools in Brazil (Brasil,
2011). According to Oliveira and Macêdo
(2009), countryside schools have the role
of strengthening and improving the life and
reality of the rural community, struggling
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
to educate the child of rural areas. In view
of the rights of a citizen to the quality of
education, infrastructure, qualified teachers
and appropriate materials, it is necessary to
recognize how fundamental the rural
environment is, offering a quality
education to those who supply the
population. Historically, Brazilian
educational policy has not prioritized or
contemplated the needs and reality of the
peoples of the countryside, as the Brazilian
Ministry of Education (MEC) states in the
It turns out, therefore, that
historically there was no commitment
of the State to implement an
educational system appropriate to the
needs of the rural populations. The
Brazilian State has omitted: (1) in the
formulation of specific political and
pedagogical guidelines for rural
schools; (2) in the financial allocation
that would enable the
institutionalization and maintenance
of a quality school; (3) in the
implementation of an effective policy
of initial and continued training and
appreciation of the teaching career in
rural area. (MEC, SECAD, 2005).
In the current scenario, reflecting on
the insertion and presence of schools in
countryside means thinking about nature,
the maintenance of space and families,
family farming and rural succession, the
strengthening of the culture and traditions
of the countryside. The education should
be locally tailored, as Cardart (2002, p. 26)
points out that: "people have the right to an
education thought from their place and
with their participation, linked to their
culture and their human and social needs".
The process of globalization has
permanently interfered in families living in
rural areas, due to the incentive to
monoculture and agriculture, lack of
investments in the schools of the
countryside, which may have discouraged
parents, children and young people to
remain in the countryside. As a result, rural
evasion becomes increasingly greater,
especially among the younger ones who go
to urban centers in search of new
opportunities for personal growth,
discrediting the potential of the rural areas
(Mazur, 2015).
The objective of this study was to
evaluate the conceptions of teachers who
work in basic education, in two schools of
the countryside of the municipality of
Itapuranga (Goiás), as well as to conduct a
retrospective study on the closure of rural
schools and number of enrolments in rural
and urban schools in Brazil and Goiás from
2010 to 2018.
The present study is exploratory and
descriptive, with a qualitative and
quantitative approach to the data, based on
the method of Lakatos and Marconi
(1993). The study was carried out in the
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
city of Itapuranga, which is located in the
São Patrício Valley, northwest of the State
of Goiás, 155 km from the capital Goiânia.
Quantitative data were obtained from the
database of IBGE, for demographic data of
the municipality and QEdu, in order to
evaluate the number of enrollments and
number of countryside schools from 2010
to 2018 in the public education system in
Brazil, in the state of Goiás and in
municipality of Itapuranga.
The evaluation of teachers'
perception was conducted through a
questionnaire containing 6 questions, being
2 close-ended and 4 open-ended questions.
Data collection was carried out on August
7 and 8, 2017, in two countryside schools,
the Betel Municipal School and Serra
Dourada Municipal School. Both are from
basic education with elementary education
I and II. The teachers from both schools
were informed about the objectives of the
research, the advantages, the procedures
that would be used, and the guarantee of
confidentiality of the data involved in the
research. Teachers had freedom to refuse
to participate or withdraw its consent in
any stage of the research without any
penalty or prejudice. Those who accepted
signed the document statement Free and
Informed Consent.
Results and discussion
The countryside schools in Brazil and in
the state of Goiás
In Brazil, according to the last
National Institute of Educational Studies
and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP,
2016) 33.9% of Brazilian schools were in
countryside areas (Figure 01).
Figure 01 - Percentage of schools in countryside
and urban areas in Brazil in 2016.
Source: Adapted from INEP, 2016.
This number was already more
significant in 2010, in which countryside
schools represented 49.63% of the total
number of schools in Brazil. There was a
reduction in the number of countryside
schools also in the state of Goiás, with
18.54% in 2010 and 15.01% in 2016, a
reduction of 3.53% in the number of
schools. Table 01 shows the number of
countryside and urban schools in Brazil
and in the state of Goiás per year (2010-
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Table 01 - Total number of urban and countryside schools in Brazil and the State of Goiás from 2010 to 2018.
Source: Adapted from QEdu, 2019.
It can be seen that from 2010 to
2018, 21,822 countryside school units were
closed in Brazil and 4,410 urban schools
were opened. In Goiás, 137 countryside
schools were closed and 224 urban schools
were opened. According to Souza et al.
(2016), in 2000 there were 1,824 units of
countryside schools, which reduced to 542
units in 2015, placing the State of Goiás
among those that most closed countryside
schools in Brazil.
In this process of closing the
countryside schools, it is not only school
units that close, but also one of the main
elements for strengthening family farming,
the education from and in the countryside.
These facts contribute to peasant students
to lose their identity with their territory and
migrate to urban areas contributing to rural
evasion. However, it can be seen that the
number of enrollments in urban and
countryside public schools has not varied
considerably in recent years in Brazil
(Figure 02), however in 2018 the number
of enrollments in urban schools decreased
by 26% (from 34,970,543 enrolments in
2017 to 25,667,542 in 2018).
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Figure 02 - Total enrollments in the public education system from 2010 to 2018 in urban and countryside school
units in Brazil.
Source: Adapted from QEdu, 2020.
The concentration of enrollment in
the urban area is consistent with the more
general distribution of the population, most
of which are in urban areas, as revealed in
the IBGE census of 2010. At the same
time, there is a contingent of students
moving from the rural area to study in
urban schools and this factor may be
considered in this distribution. This
displacement may be due to the programs
implemented by the federal government,
such as school transport offered by the
State or municipal public authorities
(Brasil, 2014).
In 2004, the Law 10.880 created
the National Program to Support School
Transportation (PNATE), which aimed to
ensure access and permanence of students
living in rural areas in basic education of
public schools in the country (Brasil,
1996). Another program is the Way to
School (Brasil, 2007) that provided a credit
line for the acquisition, by states and
municipalities, of buses, minibuses and
boats to improve students' access to urban
and countryside schools (FNDE, 2016;
Barsanuf et al., 2016). According to
Barsanuf et al. (2016), the studies
coordinated by MEC/FNDE and the
University of Brasília pointed out that "in
Brazil more than 4.8 million students of
basic education in the public system who
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
live in rural areas depend on daily
transportation to go to school".
Another common problem is the
prejudice that the students who come from
rural areas suffer in urban schools,
strengthening the idea that living in the
countryside influences a lower level of
learning, increasing differences in
educational development between rural
and urban students. Vilela (2014)
evaluated students from the city of Rio
Preto, state of São Paulo, regarding the
prejudice issue, and 84.2% revealed that
they had already witnessed situations of
prejudice in the school environment. It can
be seen that urban existence was
expressed, culturally, in the construction of
negative stereotypes about the rural
residents and even the parents themselves
encourage their children to leave the
countryside to seek better living
Demographic and structural aspects of
the countryside school units in the
municipality of Itapuranga-GO
The city of Itapuranga is located in
the St. Patrick's Valley, northwest of the
State of Goiás, 155 km of the capital
Goiânia. It has the Cerrado biome, an area
of 1,276,479 km² (Figure 03), a population
according to IBGE (2010) of 26,125
inhabitants with a population density of
20.47 (inhabitant/km²), of which 12,922
were men and 13,203 were women. The
economy of the municipality is based on
agriculture and livestock of small farms,
which is due to the configuration of the
municipality in the process of land
occupation through the policy of the New
State, in the Program of the March to the
West, and with the National Agricultural
Colony of Goiás - CANG, located in the
municipality of Ceres, near Itapuranga
(Costa, S/D). Currently, the municipality
has 18 schools, 12 are situated in the city, 4
in districts (Lages, Diolândia, Vila São
José and Cibele) and 2 in rural area (see
Figure 03).
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Figure 03 - Location of the municipality of Itapuranga, indicating urban and rural area, the districts and
countryside schools within the limits of municipality.
Source: Author, 2017.
According to the last IBGE census
(2010), in the municipality the population
living in the urban area was 21,235 and in
rural was 4,890, totaling 26,125. Regarding
the number of children living in rural area,
in early childhood and basic education, it
can be seen that 4.2% (n=210) were aged 0
to 4 years, 7% (n=343) from 5 to 9 years,
7.9% (n=382) from 10 to 14 years, 5.7%
(n=281) from 15 to 19, and 75.2% over 20
years (IBGE, 2010). Therefore, 24.8%
(n=1,216) were of school age of early
childhood or basic education and could
have studied in countryside schools,
however the QEdu data of 2020 showed
that the number of enrollments in the
countryside schools was 181 (see Table
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Table 02 - Number of enrollments in the public system from 2010 to 2018 in the municipality of Itapuranga-GO.
Source: Adapted from QEdu, 2019.
Many students study in the schools
of the districts Vila São José, Diolândia,
Cibele and Lages, as it can be seen in
Figure 03 that the countryside schools
contemplate only the southeast and
northeast region of the municipality. There
is a decrease in the number of enrollments
in both countryside and urban schools, and
it can be related to several factors such as
the rural evasion of individuals to the city,
decrease in the number of children, the
modernization of agriculture, the
expansion of capitalism focused on
agribusiness. It corroborates the IBGE
estimate for the municipality in 2017, in
which there was a population increase of
only 1.7% (n = 26,586) compared to 2010.
The migration of rural students to
carry out their studies in the urban area is
due to the aid of school transport offered
by the city hall of Itapuranga, which
benefits students from all degrees of
municipal or state basic education. Many
parents prefer their children to study in the
city believing that opportunities and
education are better.
There are two countryside schools in
the municipality of Itapuranga, one being
the Betel Municipal School (EMB),
located on the GO-156 highway that
connects the city of Itapuranga to the
district of Diolândia, 12 km from the
municipality of Itapuranga-GO, in Córrego
Grande Farm.
The school has 5 teachers in the
initial phases (1st to 5th year) and 5
teachers in the final phases (6th to 9th
year), 1 manager and 1 coordinator in the
morning and 1 coordinator in the
afternoon. Regarding the number of
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
enrollments in 2017, there were 41
students in the initial years and 40 students
in the final years, totaling 91 students, with
7 students in the morning and 9 students in
the afternoon who live in the city and study
at EMB.
It also had the formation of multi-
grade classes, in which students of
different ages and level of knowledge were
brought together due to lack of
quorum/enough number of students to
form a standard class. Schools with multi-
grade classes are often located in small
rural communities, away from the
headquarters of municipalities, in which
the population to be served does not reach
the contingent defined by the departments
of education to form one class per grade
(Hage, 2011).
Regarding the physical space the
EMB (Figure 04), it has 1 administrative
secretariat, 1 teachers’ room, 1 video room,
1 deposit, 1 canteen, 1 library, 1 computer
laboratory, 5 classrooms and a soccer field.
Students have countryside school transport
offered by the city hall, by bus and kombi,
which facilitates the locomotion for those
who live in farms nearby. This school
serves students of basic education,
elementary school I and II. In the morning
period had classes from the 6th to the 9th
grade, and in the afternoon, classes from
garden I to 5th grade.
Figure 04 - The Betel Municipal School.
Source: Author, 2017.
The Serra Dourada Municipal School
(EMSD) is located at Fazenda Cruzeiro
Dourado, 20 km from Itapuranga, on the
GO-230 highway that connects the city of
Itapuranga to Uruana. Around the school
there were largeb farms in more numbers
than small farms. The students were from
low-income families, children of
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
employees of farms and small farms, with
little schooling. They have rural work as a
priority and are often moving to another
city, so school dropout and repetition are
constant problems in this school.
The EMSD has 1 administrative
secretariat, 1 warehouse, 1 canteen, 1
library, 1 computer lab, 3 classrooms,
which were multi-grade, 1 for garden I and
II, 1 for the 1st and 2nd years, and 1 for the
3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary school
I. The school has a teacher working in
garden I and II, and two teachers in
elementary school I and a principal. In
2017, 39 students were enrolled in the
initial years. The school only operates in
the afternoon period and the city offers
buses and kombis to transport students and
Figure 05: Serra Dourada Municipal School.
Source: Author, 2017.
Conceptions of the teachers of the
countryside school
In both schools (EMB and EMSD),
education professionals are residents in the
city and they go to work by their own
transport or school bus offered by the
municipality. In total, the two schools had
11 teachers, 08 from EMB and 3 from
EMSD. Of these, only 09 teachers (82%)
agreed to participate in this study, being
55.5% (n=5) female and 44.5% (n=4)
male. The age of teachers ranged from 30
to 50 years, as illustrated in figure 06. Of
these, only one teacher resides in the rural
Figure 06 - Age of the countryside school teachers in Itapuranga.
Source: Author, 2017.
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
Regarding higher education (figure
07) 34% (n=3) of the teachers had a degree
in Letters (English) with complementation
in Pedagogy, 22% (n=2) had a degree in
Letters (English), 22% (n=2) in Pedagogy,
11% (n=1) in History and 11% (n=1) in
Mathematics. In continuing education,
63.6% (n=7) were specialists, being 29%
(n=2) in Neuropedagogy, 14.2% (n=1) in
Socioeconomy of Brazil, 14% (n=1) in
Educational Administration and Brazilian
Literature, 14.2% (n=1) in Mathematics
Education, 14.2% (n=1) in Portuguese
language and Neuropedagogy, and 14.2%
(n=1) in Research methodology and
Extension in Inclusive Education.
Figure 07 - Higher education of teachers of the countryside schools.
Source: Author, 2017.
It can be highlighted that all the
teachers have training in higher education
in some degree, and they were qualified to
teach. In the study of Rezende, Silva e
Silveira (2009), in 14 countryside schools
in the municipality of Itapetinga-BA it was
observed that only 12.0% of the teachers
were graduates and 63.0% were attending
university, and for a long time teachers had
only training in magisterium. The fact that
teachers have higher education in
Itapuranga-GO, in the areas mentioned
(figure 06), may be due to the
opportunities of access to higher education
in a public university in the municipality
and surroundings.
Regarding teaching practice, 66%
(n=6) have more than 3 years of work in a
countryside school, thus indicating a good
experience (figure 08).
Figure 08 - Time of teaching practice in countryside schools.
Source: Author, 2017.
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
When asked by the teachers if "Do
you have any course (improvement) aimed
at countryside education?", only one
teacher has a complementary course in the
field of countryside school, which is in
Family Farming This sentence does not
make a valid sense. Consider rephrasing.
Many education professionals leave the
university without contact with the
characteristics of the countryside school.
The decree 7.352, which provides for
the countryside education policy, decrees
§ 3 Public institutions of higher
education must incorporate in the
pedagogical political projects of their
undergraduate courses the processes
of interaction between the
countryside and the city and the
organization of spaces and times of
training, in line with the guidelines
established by the National
Education Council. (Decree 7.352
of November 4, 2010).
In order to have a quality education
for the rural community, the educator must
be attentive to the particular traits of being
and living in the countryside, such as the
practices of family farming, beliefs and
values, being fundamental to provide to the
countryside man the recognition of its
The Operational Guidelines (2002),
in the article n° 13, emphasizes the training
of teachers in the rural area:
The education systems in addition to
the principles and guidelines that
guide Basic Education in the country
will observe, in the process of
complementary standardization of
teacher training for the practice of
teaching in the countryside schools,
the following components: I a
study on the diversity and affective
protagonism of children, young
people and adults from the rural area
in the construction of the social
quality of individual and collective
life, the region, the country and the
world; II pedagogical proposals
that value, in the organization of
teaching, cultural diversity and the
processes of interaction and
transformation of the field,
democratic management, access to
scientific and technological advances
and respective contributions to the
improvement of living conditions and
fidelity to ethical principles that
guide solidarity and collaborative
coexistence in democratic societies.
(Brazil. Resolution CNE/CEB n. 1,
of April 3, 2002, Operational
Guidelines for basic education of
schools of the countryside, 2002, p.
As evidenced above, teachers should
be trained to practice teaching in
countryside schools, emphasizing studies
on diversity and protagonism, including
pedagogical orientations to value the
culture and the transformations of the
countryside. Evidence shows the relevance
of maintaining students’ identity. This
shows significance of specific preparation.
It can be seen the relevance of maintaining
the identity of the students, thus there is the
indispensability of a specific preparation
for these teachers who work in rural
communities, being able to develop
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
pedagogical practices with actions aimed at
these rural populations. According to
Arroyo (2007) "a program of training of
educators in the rural area must know the
centrality of land and territory in the
production of life, culture, identities,
tradition and knowledge…". Therefore,
educators in the rural area should know the
reality of the rural population, thus
incorporating in the curriculum methods of
production of life and culture, focusing on
the student from the rural area.
Through questionnaire, the question
"What is the differential of the countryside
school?" was asked to the teachers, and the
answers are transcribed below:
E.D. "To involve the family member
in the educational process"
A. "The number of students in the
classroom, which facilitates the
teaching of classes and consequently
the assimilation of the contents".”.
L. "The interest of students and their
L.D "Due to the number of students
in the classroom, teaching and
learning yield more. The culture and
education of students are privileges
of those who are still "far" from
urban area violence.".
V. "Pedagogical material, number of
students per room and also
distancing from the urban area".
A. "Students are more concerned
with teaching learning, greater
attention to teaching. For not being
influenced by actions * of society."
E. "There is no differential, we follow
the curricular matrices of the schools
that are in the city".
D.C. "The curriculum is more
directed to the reality of the student."
A.F "The countryside school has
materials, books and support from
both the institution and the city's
schools. The classroom has fewer
From the observations made about
the countryside schools, it can be seen that
there is no differential and it follows the
same curriculum that the municipality
secretariat offers to urban school units as
we can observe in the speech of “E”:
E. "There is no differential, we
follow the curricular matrices of the
schools that are in the city".
It is evident that in practice there is
no concrete educational policy in the
municipality focused on countryside
schools. "They are, in fact fragile social
institutions regarding teaching, knowledge
and organization" (Rezende, Silva &
Silveira, 2009). Arroyo et al. (2004) affirm
that "the school in rural areas began to be
treated as a residue of the Brazilian
educational system ...", thereby the rural
population has difficulties in accessing the
advances made in 1990 in the recognition
and guarantee of the right to basic
education, computerization and
According to the answers given by
the teachers, it can be seen that they do not
take into account the identity of the person
in the rural area, the work with the land, its
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
culture and its values. Education should
not follow the same regular standards in all
places and cultures. It is necessary to
respect the sociocultural factor and the
environment in which the school is
inserted, whether in rural or urban area.
One of the principles of countryside
education in Article 2 is the
"valorization of the identity of the
countryside school through pedagogical
projects with curricular contents and
methodologies appropriate to the real
needs of the rural students" (Brasil, 2010).
Regarding the difficulties
encountered in teaching classes at the
countryside school, the teachers reported
E.D. "Effective family participation
in school".
A. "The distance traveled every day.
The very early departure from
L. "Transportation, weather
conditions and material resources".
L.D. "Distance and difficult access
for both students and teachers."
V. "School transportation and
parental accompaniment in school
A."The distance, the resources are
hindered d for the proper functioning
of the school, the transport of the
student is difficult".
E. "Difficulty of access for teachers
and students. Time without flexibility
for students in the rural area, unique
transportation for students from the
rural area and the city."
D.C "The difficulty is found in the
family to follow, motivate the child in
performing the extra activities and
during the evaluation period".
A.F "The difficulties are due to the
rooms being multi-grade (2 to 3 -
grades together), before there were
up to 5, today we had advances, but
the number of students is little".
One of the difficulties is the school
transportation, which is the same for both
teachers and students from countryside and
urban schools, and these students were
from the municipality and/or the state. It is
noteworthy that there is no flexibility in the
schedule for students who study in the
countryside school, because of the
schedule of students from urban schools,
who have to move from the rural area to
the city in order to complete their studies
in basic education. As we have already
shown there were no final years (High
School) in the countryside schools and
only the EMB has completed elementary
Teachers (66%) reported difficulties
related to access to school, the distance
traveled (due to the route of the bus to
transport students from the residence to
school), schedule and precariousness of
transportation. This may be due to the fact
that all teachers reside in the city, with this
generates a difficulty or even loss of the
quality of the educational process, due to
the distance itself traveled or the fatigue
resulting from the daily "long trips".
Teachers were asked how they
classified the support of the public
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
authorities in the permanence/maintenance
of the countryside schools (Figure 09),
with 78% (n=7) reporting as regular, 11%
(n=1) as good and 11% (n=1) as bad.
Figure 09 - Teacher classification regarding the support of the public authorities in the permanence/maintenance
of the countryside schools.
Source: Author, 2017.
Since majority of the teachers (78%)
considered the support as regular, it is
worth mentioning that the support is
minimal, through observations and
informal reporting of them, the
municipality sends rest of activities of
urban units, pedagogical materials were
scarce, reforms and maintenance of both
infrastructure and furniture is carried out
with effort of the employees of the school
units, the computers were underutilized
due to not having access to the internet and
books without conditions of use.
When asked about the measures that
the countryside school has put in place to
motivate children living in rural areas to
study at the countryside school and not in
the city, the teachers responded,
E.D. "To show the importance of
valuing the man of rural area in an
expository way"
A. "Attractive activities in line with
quality education".
L. "The provision of transportation
by the public authorities and the
constant search of the faculty for
updated and motivating didactic
V. "Quality teaching".
A. "Quality teaching and very
E. "Priority monitoring for students
with difficulties, appreciation of
families and cultural values. effort to
comply with the full school
L.D. "Guidance on the importance of
studies in the lives of students, in
search of a successful future and
"fleeing" the hard work of the rural
area and also attractive diverse
D.C "We promote diversified, playful
activities, we have the computer lab
and a library (and toy library) to
motivate them.
A.F "Most of the students in this
school are children of parents who
have already studied in it, they know
how much the school values the
student, their learning and the
coexistence with colleagues and
teachers. The school always seeks to
innovate, with the use of technologies
(computers), sports activities, extra
class classes (tours), library,
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
playroom, movie room, soccer field,
In the act of motivating, it is worth
mentioning that teachers have to contribute
to the construction of identity, emphasizing
that the man and woman of the rural area
have their historical and social value,
fought for their rights and contributed to
the growth of our nation. The educator
Comilo (2008) reports about the
difficulties in building the identity of the
country man, stating that,
... Often the peasant refuses to
assume his identity because,
throughout his history, he was
regarded as "rude" and inferior. The
rural area itself is seen as a space
inferior to the city. Class awareness
passes through identity awareness,
which, in the case discussed here, is
that of peasant culture ... (Comilo.
2008, p. 21).
Since not only the man from rural
area has the difficulty of assuming his
identity, the teacher emphasizes in its
speech devalues the work in the rural area,
being worrying that the teaching staff of
countryside schools does not respect the
reality of the rural area. It also can be seen
as the lack of rescue of collective memory
and peasant culture.
Education plays a fundamental role
in instructing the exercise of rights and
duties of the citizen. From the Brazilian
Federal Constitution, education became the
right of the citizen and the duty of the State
and the family. In fact, many public
schools do not offer low quality education.
Education is in this reality and it is
reported that countryside schools do not
have structures for the care of students,
with absence of adequate material,
technologies, teachers without appropriate
training, thus precarious teaching.
It is necessary to rethink the
countryside school, to seek the guarantee
of an education aimed at the rural people.
It is necessary to think and build schools
from the local reality, where an education
is developed linked to the culture of the
earth, the reality of the children who attend
there, giving a concrete meaning to the
study and the day to day, thus dynamic
schools consistent with the rural life. For
that, it is also necessary to listen to the
people from the rural area and learn from
its life experiences, work, coexistence and
The countryside schools do not offer
a study covering the nature and culture of
the rural people, in which their experiences
are part. Thus, it is crucial to have the
commitment of all professionals of
countryside schools, to pontificate citizens
capable of exercising their obligations.
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M. (2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian countryside
schools and conceptions of teachers of rural public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás, Brazil...
v. 5
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Article Information
Received on April 27th, 2020
Accepted on June 05th, 2020
Published on August, 13th, 2020
Author Contributions: The author Letícia de Sousa Silva,
was responsible for writing, interviewing teachers,
analyzing and interpreting the data. Author Jonathas
Rodrigues Siqueira Costa, was responsible for the review
and translation of the article into English. The author
Liliane de Sousa Silva was co-supervisor, participated in
field research and writing, data analysis and review of the
article. The author Carla Rosane Mendanha da Cunha,
was the teacher adviser, collaborating with the execution
and revision of the work. All authors were responsible for
approving the final version of the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
Letícia de Sousa Silva
Jonathas Rodrigues Siqueira Costa
Liliane de Sousa Silva
Carla Rosane Mendanha da Cunha
How to cite this article
Silva, L. S., Costa, J. R. S., Silva, L. S., & Cunha, C. R. M.
(2020). Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian
countryside schools and conceptions of teachers of rural
public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás,
Brazil. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., 5, e9036.
R. M. Retrospective study of the situation of Brazilian
countryside schools and conceptions of teachers of rural
public schools in the municipality of Itapuranga, Goiás,
Brazil. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis, v. 5,
e9036, 2020.