Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
Brazilian Journal of Rural Education
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
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Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for
teaching parasitology
Ashtari Mota Piancastelli
, Bruna Garzedim de Araújo
, Júlia Quintaneiro Mota
, Josiney Pedro Vianey
Felipe Sales de Oliveira
1, 2, 3
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG. Departamento de Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino (DMTE) da Faculdade de
Educação (FaE). Avenida Antônio Carlos, 6627, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte - MG. Brasil.
Autor para correspondência/Author for correspondence:
ABSTRACT. Rural Education lacks methodologies consistent
with its theoretical-epistemological paradigms and only a few
studies were developed in a dialogical approach with its needs
that would result in educational products for the field itself. In
this article we present a game to teach parasitology in a more
attractive and efficient way. The game Barbeiragem focuses on
Chagas disease. This trypanosomiasis was chosen because it is a
neglected and endemic tropical disease in Minas Gerais. In
addition to the conceptual and prophylactic aspects, the game
highlights the social function of scientists and health care
agents, the importance of scientific dissemination, and
investment in Science as well as in the primary care service. The
activity was carried out by 22 students of the Degree in Rural
Education, with an emphasis in Life and Nature Sciences, from
Federal University of Minas Gerais. There was a good
acceptance of the game as observed by several positive opinions
of the students. We hope that this playful activity and carried out
outside the classroom can contribute to the training of Teachers
and instrumentalize them to develop it in their communities.
Keywords: rural education, playfulness, health education,
parasitology, chagas disease.
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
A formação inicial de professores e a educação do campo:
uma proposta de jogo para o ensino da parasitologia
RESUMO. A Educação do Campo carece de metodologias
consoantes com seus paradigmas teórico-epistemológicos.
Poucos estudos são desenvolvidos de maneira dialógica com o
campo para resultar em produtos educacionais para o próprio
campo. Neste artigo, apresentamos uma proposta de jogo para
que a parasitologia seja trabalhada de maneira mais atrativa e
eficiente. O jogo Barbeiragem tem como foco a doença de
Chagas. Essa tripanossomíase foi escolhida por ser classificada
como doença tropical negligenciada e endêmica em Minas
Gerais. Além dos aspectos conceituais e profiláticos, o jogo
destaca: a função social dos cientistas e agentes de saúde, a
importância da divulgação científica e do investimento em
Ciência e na atenção sica. A atividade foi realizada por 22
alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo, com
ênfase em Ciências da Vida e da Natureza, da Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais. A avaliação mostrou uma boa
aceitação do jogo, uma vez que foram verificadas diversas
opiniões positivas. Esperamos que essa atividade lúdica e
realizada fora da sala possa contribuir na formação de
professores e instrumentalizá-los para desenvolvê-la em suas
Palavras-chave: educação do campo, ludicidade, educação em
saúde, parasitologia, doença de chagas.
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
La formación inicial docente y educación rural: una
propuesta de juego para la enseñanza de la parasitología
RESUMEN. La educación rural carece de metodologías
consistentes con sus paradigmas teórico-epistemológicos. Pocas
investigaciones se desarrollan de manera dialógica con sus
necesidades, lo que resulta en productos educativos para el
campo en sí. En este artículo presentamos una propuesta de
juego para que la parasitología se trabaje de una manera más
atractiva y eficiente. El juego Barbeiragem se centra en la
enfermedad de Chagas. Esta tripanosomiasis fue elegida porque
está clasificada como una enfermedad tropical endémica y
descuidada en Minas Gerais. Además de los aspectos
conceptuales y profilácticos, el juego destaca: la función social
de los científicos y agentes de salud; La importancia de la
difusión científica y la inversión en Ciencia y en la red de
atención primaria. La actividad fue realizada por 22 estudiantes
del Grado en Educación Rural, con énfasis en Ciencias de la
Vida y la Naturaleza, de la Universidad Federal de Minas
Gerais. Notamos una buena aceptación del juego, ya que se
verificaron varias opiniones positivas. Esperamos que esta
actividad lúdica y realizada fuera del aula pueda contribuir a la
formación de los docentes e instrumentalizarlos para
desarrollarla en sus comunidades.
Palabras clave: educación rural, lúdico, educación para la
salud, parasitología, enfermedad de chagas.
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
Concerning science and biology
teaching, for the education process to be
emancipatory and decolonial, it needs to
regard the different strategies for
didactically approaching pedagogical
contents, considering the particularities and
the reality of rural people (Melo &
Cardoso, 2011). It is in this context that
rural education and health education
intertwine. One cannot work with rural
education without considering the
administrators’ neglect towards the health
system that attends rural subjects and how
it impacts their lives (Schönardie, 2018).
Thus, a pedagogical practice planned by
those own subjects and articulated with
health education allows for them to
become independent in the prophylactic
aspect and to transform themselves into
multipliers of this kind of knowledge in
their community. In addition to that, since
education is an act of political
emancipation (Freire, 1991, p. 21-22), a
pedagogical project that raises awareness
of the transversal issues related to rural
health education - such as the lack of
interest in funding research that could
develop treatment for diseases that majorly
affect rural peopleempowers these people
to demand greater investments in research
and better conditions in the health system
from the administrators (Dias, 2007;
Caldart, 2009). Thus, this article presents
and analyses an activity proposal for rural
students from different educational stages
based on conducting a game that intends to
teach parasitology through a playful,
contextualized, critical approach.
It is known that games correspond to
an important teaching resource, since they
give the student the opportunity to
playfully experience knowledge (Cunha,
1988). Hence, new abilities can be
developed and pedagogical strategies can
be diversified, deviating from transmission
pedagogy, or the banking model of
education, characterized by a mere
receptivity and reproductivity teaching
(Freire, 1975; Aguiar et al., 2015).
However, games in the educational context
must go beyond the solely recreational
purpose, offering problem situations and
functioning as an anchor for the student to
reach more complex levels in the social-
emotional and psychomotor domains. That
is, stimulating physical and cognitive
abilities together (Vygotsky, 1989;
Macedo, Petty & Passos, 2000). The use of
games makes it possible to transform
common classes into efficient, creative,
and pleasing teaching experiences, even
for high schoolers (Ferreira & Santos,
Usually, formal instruction is
restricted to the classroom. However,
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
activities outside of the classroom enable a
diversification in the school routine. That
being so, the outdoor spaces of the school,
such as the court, the library, the
schoolyard, and others, must be used and
understood as an extension of the
classroom. Despite the lack of resources
and collaboration, it is necessary to
stimulate activities that break out of the
classroom routine, since young people feel
motivated when activities outside the
classroom are proposed (Tapia & Fita,
2006; Santos et al., 2016).
Considering what was previously
mentioned, this work presents a game that
intends to promote the integration of two
distinct degrees that form teachers of the
same field of expertise (Science and
Biology). It also aims to establish a
dialogue between traditional and scientific
knowledge, since it was developed and
assessed by students from the teaching
degree in Rural Education (Lecampo), with
a minor in Life and Nature Sciences
(CVN), along with students from the
teaching degree in Biology from Federal
University of Minas Gerais. Thus, we
expect that the participants consolidate
new and relevant knowledge on
parasitology teaching, especially Chagas
disease. Additionally, the game also
explores scientific, social and politic
issues, e.g., the importance of science
dissemination and fundings for science and
primary care. This way, as stressed by
Ferreira de Jesus e Souza (2018, p. 1070),
we hope to “contribute to their social,
political, cultural and economic formation,
so as to make the student a reality
changing agent.”
Parasitology teaching in primary
education is generally restricted to the
pathogen, the vector, and the host, while
also presenting the cycles of the diseases
and preventive measures (Dias &
Kovaliczn, 2014). The topic is discussed
with a strictly traditional approach, without
any connection to the social context to
which it is aimed, contributing to the lack
of interest from students and lower
learning quality (Nascimento et al., 2013;
Sousa & Chupil, 2019).
The game has Chagas disease as a
central theme and is called Barbeiragem (a
word play with the popular name of the
triatomine bug in Brazil). This
trypanosomiasis was chosen due to its
classification as Neglected Tropical
Disease (NTD) by the World Health
Organization (WHO), since it leads to
several cases of morbidity and mortality in
endemic countries. In Brazil, it is estimated
that 4,543 people died of Chagas disease in
2017 (Brasil, 2019). In the state of Minas
Gerais, in the same year, the mortality rate
reached 5.03 per 100 thousand inhabitants,
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
being the Brazilian state with the highest
number of deaths (Brasil, 2019). The north
of Minas Gerais is considered a
hyperendemic area, representing a major
public health issue, mainly due to the
difficulties for the people that live in rural
areas to reach reference centers (Sanches,
2018; Ricardo, 2020).
Considering the alarming data, Sousa
and Chupil (2019) conducted a literature
review reporting eight works which
proposed the use of games to teach
parasitoses. In addition to these eight, we
found one extra article proposing a game
oriented to teaching parasitology (Silva &
Fontes, 2017). From those nine works,
none regarded Chagas disease. It is also
worth noting that none of them was
developed considering the importance of
promoting interculturality and reaching the
traditional people from rural areas.
Although this is not a literature
review, we decided to analyze articles that
focus on games in the context of Rural
Education. Those articles were chosen
from the database of three important
scientific journals in the area that publish
works with different didactic approaches
(Brazilian Journal of Rural Education,
Popular Education Journal and Brazilian
Journal of Agroecology). We found only
two articles: the first concerns the
continuing formation of quilombola
teachers of mathematics through games of
African origin (Ferreira de Jesus & Souza,
2018), and the second deals with an
activity sequence that includes a game on
agroecology conducted with students from
sixth grade (Melo & Cardoso, 2011).
These findings highlight the
unprecedentedness and relevance of the
present pedagogical proposal as a possible
methodology and prophylactic measure to
be worked in the initial education of
teachers and in the primary education.
Our objective is also grounded on the
development of research associated with a
pedagogical praxis that questions the
prevailing logics and empowers
subordinated groups, such as the rural
population. Thereby, students from
Lecampo CVN actuate in the present
research under four perspectives: (i)
teaming up with the other authors to
structure and make adjustments on the
game; (ii) conducting a diagnostic
assessment on their experience with games
in the school context, besides identifying
their knowledge and practices in relation to
Chagas disease in a way that they can be
incorporated to the game, aiming to
contextualize the game with the local
reality; (iii) introducing the game as a way
of training and raising awareness of the
necessity of diversifying pedagogical
strategies, so that they can conduct it with
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
students from schools in their
communities; and (iv) underscoring the
importance of science dissemination,
primary care and science funding in rural
communities detached from big urban
areas that gather research institutions.
Methodological procedures
Game elaboration
The game Barbeiragem was
conceptualized to have an easy
preparation, involving simple and
accessible materials: craft foam, ribbons,
strings, A4 paper, cardboard, and adhesive
tape (see additional documents). If some of
the recommended materials are lacking,
even chalk of various colors can be used to
make the necessary markings. The route is
assembled on the ground (Figure 1A) and
it should preferably be conducted in other
spaces than the classroom. The students
themselves have the role of pawns, being
split into four teams: triatomine bugs,
scientists, community health agents and
citizens. Up to 24 students can play at the
same time, six on each of the four groups
(Figure 1B):
Figure 1 (A) Scheme of the route to be assembled. (B) Team division during the game.
Source: Data from the present research.
The game has also three sets of
cards, called “characters”, good luck and
bad luck” and “question” cards (Figure 2A,
2B and 2C), as well as a dice (with 30
centimeters of edge, made of cardboard) to
draw how many squares the players should
move. Each player receives a ribbon to be
placed in their arm as a means of
identifying the team.
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
Figure 2 (A) Example of card from the “characters” group. (B) Example of card from the “good luck and bad
luck” group. (C) Example of card from the “question” group.
Source: Data from the present research.
The “characters” cards are
responsible for determining the teams to
which each player will belong. Besides,
those cards present the social
function/participation of the characters in
the Chagas disease cycle and, also, in the
game (triatomine bugs, scientists,
community health agents and citizens).
The cards “good luck and bad luck are
used when one character surpasses other
from another group. They define which
participant will continue to advance and
which will go back, according to the
situation presented in the card. Finally, the
“question” cards are drawn when the
player reaches the squares of the route
signaled by question marks, so that it is
necessary to answer correctly to the
questions to keep advancing.
Each team begins the match from
different points of the route, and, as players
move forward, they may stop in squares of
preestablished questions, in which their
knowledge on the subject is tested.
Besides, to make the game more dynamic,
whenever two players from different teams
meet during the route, an interaction card
(“good luck and bad luck”) is drawn. It
will then define, randomly, which player
will move forward and which will
retrocede in the route (we made sure that
the probabilities for advancing and
retroceding were the same for all players).
This way, the participant’s aim in the game
Barbeiragem is to be the first player from
one of the four teams to reach the center of
the route after walking all the squares.
While the material was being
produced, two tests (called pre-evaluation)
were conducted aiming to verify the rules,
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
assembling, relevance, dynamics,
theoretical depth, and game acceptance.
Then, it would allow us to make eventual
adjustments before presenting the final
The analysis methodology chosen for
the pre-evaluation was participant
observation, that, according to Angrosino
(2009), advocates for the insertion in the
context where the phenomenon happens,
while the field notes are being elaborated.
Thus, the comments given by the
participants during the game were
registered in the field notes, and, later,
The pre-evaluation was conducted
with 26 participants, aged from 19 to 30
years. They were undergraduate Biological
Sciences students from the Teaching and
Bachelor’s degree and one of them was a
doctorate student, all of them from Federal
University of Minas Gerais.
Final evaluation
The final evaluation was conducted
by the students of Lecampo CVN, during
the school period (a portion of the
academic term which is spent in the
university space, in opposition to the
community period) of the first semester of
2020. The project was approved by the
Research Ethics Committee from Federal
University of Minas Gerais under the
number CAAE: 24891019.0.0000.5149. It
consisted of conducting the game
Barbeiragem with students enrolled in a
subject about food culture, after attending a
class on agricultural parasitoses (dialogued
expository class, lasting 2 hours and 40
minutes with a 20-minute break). In this
class, the main verminoses that affect the
rural area and that are transmitted orally
were discussed, being them: ascariasis,
enterobiasis, trichuriasis, taeniasis and
cysticercosis, giardiasis, amebiasis and
Chagas disease. During class, the
interactive-dialogic discourse was adopted,
aiming to engage the students intellectually
and emotionally, besides exploring their
knowledge (Mortimer & Scott, 2002).
Towards the end, the instructions of the
game were given.
After class, the students were asked
to go to the courtyard, located on the
Institution building, to play Barbeiragem.
Because of the limit of time available for
the final evaluation, the game was
assembled previously by the authors, since
it was already known that the assembling
would take almost 25 minutes (measured
in the pre-evaluation). The participants
were introduced to the route, split into four
teams (triatomine bug, citizen, community
health agent and scientist) and the rules
were revised. The separation into teams
was realized by randomly distributing the
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
“characters” cards, that presented the name
of the character, a picture, a description of
their social function and their objective in
the game.
For the final evaluation, a
quantitative approach was adopted by
using a de-identified questionnaire
(available on Google Forms), answered
after playing the game. The students were
advised to not search for information on
the internet. The questionnaire method was
chosen because: (i) it allowed for
evaluating specific aspects that probably
would not appear spontaneously with
participant observation; (ii) the students
could evaluate anonymously, ensuring a
sincere opinion pertaining the studied
object; and (iii) by the size of the sample,
we would be able to have all participants
under our scope, something that would not
be possible if we opted for a qualitative
methodology approach (Chaer, Diniz &
Ribeiro, 2011; Minayo & Sanches, 1993).
The questionnaire had three
questions related to the characterization of
the sample, in addition to ten questions
related to Chagas disease, being five of
those about conceptual contents (three
objective and two subjective questions)
and five others that dealt with regional
knowledge. To assess the game’s
educational impact, fourteen
statements/questions were elaborated,
adapted from Silva et al. (2014) and
Oliveira et al. (2015), based on the Likert
scale (1932). Thus, the participants should
mark their level of agreement in relation to
the statements, considering the original 5-
point scale: 1) strongly disagree; 2)
disagree; 3) neutral; 4) agree; 5) strongly
The close-ended questions were
analyzed and will be represented with
absolute value, in a percentage in relation
to the total of participants or in means and
standard deviations from means. The
answers for open-ended (conceptual)
questions were classified as “right”,
“wrong” or “incomplete”. Lastly, an open-
ended question was proposed, in which the
students had to criticize the game and/or
leave suggestions. The comments on these
questions were classified as “positive”,
“negative” or “suggestion”. The answers
originated semantic units (parts of the text
that determine a judgement). Then, it is
possible for an answer to have more than
one semantic unit; that is, an answer can
receive more than one classification
(begins with a praise, classified as
“positive”, and ends with a suggestion,
classified as “suggestion”, for example).
The classification of the open-ended
questions was validated inside the group,
by the authors themselves, independently,
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
according to the contents discussed in the
Sample characterization
In the final evaluation, 22 students
from Lecampo CVN were participants,
being 18 of them females (81,8%) and four
of them male (18,2%). All of them were on
the 6
semester, aging from 20 to 41 years
old (average of 24,3 years). We also
verified that 21 of the participants were
residents of 12 different cities from the
countryside of Minas Gerais and one of
them was a resident of the south of the
state of Bahia.
Results and discussion
For the pre-evaluation, one of our
objectives was to find out whether
participants would be able to organize the
game without aid. Then, it was possible to
observe that they could assemble the route
but showed some difficulties in
understanding the rules. This stimulated us
to propose some changes in the
During the game, we verified that
some “good luck or bad luck” cards raised
a few doubts due to the way they were
written and, therefore, they were modified
too. Still, we noticed a good acceptance of
the game, since a lot of positive reactions
were manifested by the participants. The
game seems to have promoted a pleasing
environment, even for the adult public,
highlighting its playful character. In
addition to that, as players advanced in the
game, motor and cognitive skills were
stimulated, i.e., assuming a key-role in the
learning process.
Following its initial structuring, the
game lasted 1h25min (25 minutes of those
dedicated to the assembling), which
motivated us to implement some changes
in the rules, aiming to improve the
dynamics, so that its duration could be
adequate for the school reality. By the end,
the participants manifested unanimously
that the game would be relevant for basic
education, besides being a good strategy to
diversify the pedagogical practice, and
stressed that they would like to have access
to the final version for future usage. These
results were important, since this group is
also one of our target audiences.
Final evaluation
When we conducted the game with
Lecampo CVN, the game lasted 50
minutes, a period considered adequate that
was predicted by the modifications
implemented in the rules after the pre-
evaluation. After finishing the game, the
participants did the final evaluation
through a link that we provided which gave
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
access to the online survey. The analyses
of the answers obtained for each question
are discussed below.
Initially, we made sure that Chagas
disease was part of the context of the
studied group, since that would justify the
importance of the pedagogical proposal
developed. Then, analyzing the answers
provided for the question “Do you know
anyone that has or has had Chagas
disease?”, we verified that 19 participants
(86.4%) answered that they knew, and only
three (13.4%) answered negatively. We
also verified that, among those that may
know someone that has/has had the
disease, four students (21.1%) said they
knew one person, six students (31.6%) said
they knew two people, two students
(10.4%) said they knew three people, three
students (15.8%) said they knew four
people, no student indicated that they knew
five people and four students (21.1%) said
they knew more than five people that had
the disease.
Through this data, it was possible to
confirm that Chagas disease presents itself
as a major public health issue in the
countryside of Minas Gerais. This
evidences how the disease shows itself in
the daily life of the participants. The
familiarity with people with the disease is
part of their routine, showing that it is
crucial that this group, as future educators
oflife and nature sciences that will work
especially in rural areas, is familiar with
prophylactic measures against the disease
and know how to publicize those measures.
One of the major rural education’s
bottlenecks lays in the distancing between
biology classes in rural schools and the
daily affairs of students and their families
(Oliveira, Camargo & Santos, 2016). Thus,
we hope that the game offers an alternative
to change this situation.
Another question asked if “There are
community health agents in your region to
educate people on the disease
prevention?”. We noticed that 17 students
answered positively (77.3%), while
another five (22.7%) answered negatively.
No participant reported not knowing the
presence of these professionals in their
cities, showing that they are aware of the
assistance the government provides the
population. On the other hand, eight
(36.4%) participants said that, in the area
they live, there are no hospitals to treat
Chagas disease, another four (18.2%)
didn’t know the answer, and only ten
(45.5%) affirmed that their region has one
of these hospitals. This shows that more
than a half of the participants may be
unassisted concerning specialized
hospitals, which is very preoccupying,
since most of them know at least one
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
person that has or has had Chagas disease,
as we pointed previously.
As the local context and traditional
knowledges (disseminated in the
communities, e.g., prophylactic measures
and home treatments for the disease) of
rural students are identified, they can be
incorporated into the game through new
cards. Then, by identifying the
participant’s traditional knowledges, we
can stablish a dialogue with scientific
knowledge and also construct a game that
is contextualized with the reality of its
target audience. Thus, we consider it
extremely important to evaluate the
existence of home treatments for the
disease. Still, we could not identify any.
Regarding Chagas disease, it is
known that the sooner the diagnosis is
given and the treatment starts, the bigger
are the chances of healing (Pedra et al.,
2011). Therefore, it is important to identify
and analyze possible home treatments,
ensuring that they do not dismiss efficient
medical treatments, as we emphasized in
the proposed activity. Nonetheless, as
stressed previously, many communities are
not assisted by hospital networks. This is a
significant observation that must be
problematized during the activity, so that
the participants understand the need for
demanding primary health care initiatives
from the government. Then, a new card
was conceived, concerning this aspect,
after the final evaluation.
Analysis of the conceptual contents
The following questions from the
questionnaire concern the conceptual
contents relative to Chagas disease. That
is, by the end of the activity (dialogued
expository class, followed by the game),
we wanted to verify which information on
Chagas disease the participants were able
to consolidate.
When asked “Do you think it is
possible to contract Chagas disease after
making contact with an ill person?”, 18
students (18.8%) answered “no” and
another four (18.2%) answered “yes”.
Therefore, most of the students answered
correctly. The congenital form, blood
transfusion, and organ donation are person-
to-person transmission modes, but it is
evident that superficial contact does not
spread the disease (Neves, 2016). This
information is very important to make sure
that no stigma is produced in relation to ill
people, something that would hinder their
social relations.
When questioned if there is a cure
for Chagas disease, 21 of them answered
that there is no cure and only one student
(4.5%) said that there is. It is known,
besides being informed during the first part
of the activity, that it is possible to treat
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
and cure the disease, although the chances
are higher on the acute phase (up to 80% of
cure chance), while in the chronic phase
the chances of cure are lower and do not
reach 10% (Pedra et. al, 2011). In addition
to that, some researchers consider that
when the patient does not develop severe
cardiomyopathy, although there is not a
complete eradication of the parasite, the
person can be considered cured, as
explained by Pedra et. al (2011). Then, we
use the conclusion reached by Araújo et.
al. (2000) to justify the students’ answers
for this question. These authors verified
that “according to popular knowledge,
Chagas disease does not have a cure”.
Thus, although this issue was discussed
during class, it was clear that it needs to be
more emphasized in order to shred this
alternative conceptualization on the
Still regarding the part of the final
evaluation dedicated to conceptual
contents, open-ended questions were
chosen for the analysis of two aspects:
modes of transmission and prophylactic
measures. The answers were classified as
“right”, “wrong” or “incomplete” by the
authors, independently from one another.
When the question “Which is(are)
the mode(s) of transmission of Chagas
disease?”, we collected 21 answers
(because the question was optional, one of
the participants did not answer), out of
which nine (42.9%) were classified as
incorrect for considering that the
triatomine bug’s bite alone would be able
to transmit the disease. They, therefore, did
not pay attention to the fact that, after
biting, the triatomine bug needs to defecate
next to the spot. When the bitten person
scratches the area,the infectious form of
the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi present
in the feces will be able to penetrate the
tissue and reach the bloodstream,
provoking the disease in the host (Neves,
2016). We understand that, being a
complex conceptual question, it clearly
required a specialized attention in the
expository part, ensuring that the students
consolidate this information adequately.
Another 11 answers (52.4%) were
classified as incomplete, because, although
they were correct, at least one form of
transmission was forgotten. It is worth
noting that two answers denominated the
triatomine bug as a fly or a beetle,
however, since they only presented this
conceptual error, they were not classified
as wrong, once this denomination of the
bug was not discussed during the class or
the game. From this observation, it was
also possible to improve the activity, given
that this information was added not only in
the expository part but also in a new card.
Finally, one answer was classified as
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
correct, because it correctly addressed all
modes of transmission. We recognize that
Chagas disease has four modes of
transmission (vectorial, vertical or
congenital, accidental and oral) (Neves,
2016) and that it would be hard indeed for
students to remember them all by the end
of the activity. This signals that this
information needs to be more revised
during the formative process.
The question in which participants
should classify preventive measures of
Chagas disease obtained 16 answers (six
participants did not answer). Non-specific
answers, such as avoid the bug”, were
disregarded for the analysis. Table 1 shows
the number of prophylactic measures cited
by each participant. The average number of
prophylaxis cited for each answer was 1.7,
and no participant cited more than three
Table 1 Number of prophylaxis cited by each
More thanthree
Source: Data from the present research.
No answer could comprehend
prophylactic measures for all four modes
of transmission (vectorial, vertical or
congenital, accidental and oral). For a
better understanding of the data, since
some answers cited more than one
prophylactic measure, we decided to
quantifythe measures and relate them to
the different forms of transmission (Table
Table 2 - Prophylaxis cited and the corresponding modes of transmission.
Mode of transmission
Avoiding contaminated food or food whose safety you are unsure about
Vectorial and oral
Food hygienization
Cooking food thoroughly
Installing mosquito nets in windows
Using a mosquito net canopy
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
Vectorial and oral*
*Considering food rubble, such as paneiros (açaí berry baskets).
Source: data from the present research.
We identified 28 prophylactic
measures, and most (19) of them aimed at
preventing oral transmission. It was
interesting to observe that no answer
mentioned the population control of the
triatomine bug as a prophylactic measure,
something consistent with the ecological
importance of the animal, as approached in
the game.
As it occurred with the previous
question, we understand that the students
would hardly be able to recover all the
prevention measures discussed in the final
evaluation, bearing in mind that there is a
lot of new information for them. We infer
that, although the activity helped, it is clear
once again that these concepts need to be
revised during the learning cycle.
Educational impact and applicability of
the game
The evaluation of the game’s
educational impact, as well as its
applicability, was made through 14
positive/negative statements, according to
the 5-point Likert scale, being 1 equal to
“strongly disagree” and 5 equal to
“strongly agree”.
The first three questions aimed at
identifying the students’ perceptions of
games, as well as their experience with this
didactic resource. Most participants
informed they have not engaged in
educational games in high school (15, or
68.1%), showing that this pedagogical
practice seems to be absent in schools from
the countryside of Minas Gerais. When
asking about the realization of games
during undergraduate studies, we verified
that half of the students never engaged in
didactic games. It appears that games are
not widely explored, both basic education
and in initial teacher education. Those
results are in line with the findings of
Nicola and Paniz (2016). Conducting a
study with science and biology teachers,
those authors observed that - although
didactic games are envisioned in official
curricula and many studies affirm that they
are recognized as auxiliaries in building
knowledge - many teachers do not make
use of those resources, especially due to
the lack of time and structure. This puts the
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
need of having games that are easy to play
and are compatible with the time available
to teachers into evidence. Only fulfilling
this need can we shift this paradigm;
exploring games in initial and continuing
formation courses will enable teachers to
understand the real importance of these
resources and make them feel more
assured to introduce them in their planning.
Regarding this matter, the
Indigenous Pedagogy course at the Center-
West Paraná State University
(UNICENTRO), which comprises a
subject called "Practices of Games and
Playful Activities" in its curriculum
(Gehrke, Sapelli & Faustino, 2019), is a
good example to follow. Perhaps the
creation of a subject specifically
addressing the topic of games is not the
most appropriate strategy when
considering different realities. On the other
hand, what we have already mentioned
emphasizes that this approach can no
longer be detached from the teaching and
learning processes.
When asked if they enjoyed didactic
games, 19 (86.4%) students strongly
agreed and no student disagreed or
strongly disagreed, showing that this
pedagogical practice is largely accepted by
students. This, therefore, puts into
evidence that a planning that includes
games will be in accordance with the
students' preferences. Thus, it could
achieve better engagement and,
consequently, better pedagogical results.
In relation to playing the game, we
observed that more than half of the
participants (54.5%) did not find the game
difficult, which shows that it is replicable
and/or consistent with the participants'
From the answers obtained for the
statement "I like it when my
teacher/professor uses games in class", it
was possible to observe that 17 (77.3%)
strongly agreed and 4 (18.2%) agreed. It is
worth noting that no student disagreed or
strongly disagreed. Based on these
answers, we consider the game as a tool
that parts with traditional teaching
methodologies and awakes the playfulness
in the teaching and learning processes,
even in adult individuals. Therefore, it
would be a well accepted didactic resource.
This seems to safely indicate that the game
can become a means for learning about,
raising awareness of and teaching
prophylactic measures of Chagas disease.
Regarding the statement "The game
was NOT important for my learning", 20
students (90.9%) strongly disagreed, one
student (4.5%) was indifferent and only
one student (4.5%) strongly agreed with
the statement. Thus, we can confirm that
Barbeiragem was a valid complementary
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
resource to reinforce conceptual
knowledge previously discussed in class,
justifying its importance as a didactic-
pedagogical resource.
When asked if they would like to
play other games like this one, we could
notice that 18 (81.8%) strongly agreed,
three (13.6%) agreed and one student was
indifferent. Again, no student disagreed or
strongly disagreed with the statement. This
percentage conforms with the previous
answers, which showed that (i) the game
was important for learning the subject; (ii)
students like games and (iii) students like
when teachers introduce games into their
teaching practice.
Through the statement "The class
would have been better without the game",
we observed that all students were
unanimous when strongly disagreeing.
Thus, we can infer that the students
approved the inclusion of the game in the
class. We verified, as presented in the
theoretical basis of the work, that by
breaking out of the expository class routine
and enriching the planning with games it is
possible to offer a pedagogical practice
more adjusted to the preference of the
Regarding the idea of playing the
game in a different environment from the
classroom, the results reveal that 20
students (90.9%) strongly agreed and two
(9.1%) agreed. This result corroborates our
hypothesis that it is important to explore
the underused spaces of educational
institutions, not restricting the pedagogical
practice to the classroom, because other
spaces can be as or even more enjoyable.
We concluded that every environment is
conducive to learning, and it is especially
important to remove students from their
comfort zone, imposing new challenges on
Concerning the applicability of the
game in basic education, most students
(86.4%) strongly disagree that it is not
possible to apply the game in schools. One
student disagreed and two were indifferent.
No student agreed or strongly agreed, that
is, the participants recognized that
Barbeiragem would be suited to school
reality. This is very important information,
because the game was designed to be
developed at both levels (basic and
superior). It aims to serve teacher
formation, functioning as a form of
instrumentation so that teachers can,
besides learning in a diversified way,
develop it with their future students. At the
same time, we intend to offer the students
from basic education a playful way to learn
about a theme of great relevance to their
We also asked if the game was fun
and we found that 21 students (95.5%)
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
strongly agreed and one (4.5%) agreed. We
concluded that the positive responses in
relation to the amusement provided by the
game are in line with a playful teaching
style, since it advocates an active process,
which arouses curiosity and in which there
is the enchantment of teaching and,
especially, learning (Zuanon, Diniz &
Nascimento, 2010).
One of the negative statements
questioned whether the participants did not
intend to play this game with their
students. We observed that 17 (77.3%)
strongly disagreed, two (9.1%) disagreed
and two (9.1%) were indifferent. Only one
student strongly agreed, the same student
who informed previously that the game
was not important for the learning process.
Considering the precarious situation
of most public schools, the game was
developed with the concern of finding
alternative material to replace what was
suggested, to make it more accessible.
Then, when asked whether they found the
material unconventional and easy to
acquire, 14 participants (63.6%) strongly
agreed, another three (13.6%) agreed, four
(18.2%) were indifferent, and one
participant (4.5%) strongly disagreed. The
game is composed of many materials; then,
no matter how low the cost is, this may
have influenced the evaluation of some
participants. Even so, in the absence of the
recommended material, we also suggest in
the rules using chalk to make the necessary
Another important point concerns the
time dedicated to the game. We are
familiar with the busy routine of schools
and the scarce class time, so it was
important to assess if the duration of the
game would be adequate for the school
reality. A very time-consuming game,
besides not being applicable, can become
boring. When asked if the game was too
long, we noticed that half of the students
(11) strongly disagreed, seven (31.8%)
disagreed and 4 (18.2%) were indifferent.
No participant thought that the game took
too long. In our count, the execution of the
game took 50 minutes, which would be in
accordance with the time available for a
Table 3 shows the ranking of the
statements (by positives and negatives) and
the means (and standard deviations of the
means) of the responses. We can see that,
in a general analysis, the means of the
positive statements ranged from 4.3 to 5,
indicating a high agreement. The only
exceptions correspond to the two
statements related to previous
performances of games, where the
disagreement of the students was evident.
The negative statements presented means
between 1 and 2, indicating a higher
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
disagreement (expressing a good
evaluation of the game). In addition to that,
the variation between results was very
small, both for positive and negative
statements, as can be seen by the low
standard deviations.
Table 3 - Positive and negative statements and their corresponding means (and standard deviations).
Kind of statement
Mean and S.D.
I have played games during high school
2,1 ± 1,63
I have played games during college (not counting this one)
2,8 ± 1,76
I like games
4,8 ± 0,61
I like it when my professor uses games in class
4,7 ± 0,55
I would like to play other games like this one
4,8 ± 0,53
I enjoyed the game being conducted outside of the classroom
4,9 ± 0,29
The game was a lot of fun
4,9 ± 0,21
The materials are unconventional and easy to acquire
4,3 ± 1,09
The game was too difficult
1,9 ± 1,15
The game was NOT important for my learning process
1,3 ± 0,94
The class would have been better without the game
1 ± 0
It is NOT possible to apply this game in schools
1,2 ± 0,50
I do NOT intend to conduct this game with my students
1,5 ± 1,01
The game took too long
1,7 ± 0,78
Source: Data from the present research.
Final comments analysis
Thirteen participants left comments
at the end of the evaluation. Those were
classified as positive, negative and
suggestions, according to their semantic
units. Comments that presented more than
one semantic unit were dismembered and
classified in more than one category.
In total, fifteen semantic units were
identified. None was classified as negative;
seven were considered positive and were
accompanied by praises of different
natures, such as: "the game was great"; "I
loved having participated in the game";
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
and "fun way to learn". One of the positive
comments was not about the game itself,
but about the class given previously:
"Explanations with great technical
background. Perfect presentation". Finally,
eight semantic units presented suggestions
to improve the game. Among those, six
insisted on more question squares along
the route, showing that testing the
knowledge of the group seems to have
motivated the students. One pointed out
that there was a lack of organization on the
participant’s part; and the last suggestion
could also have been classified as positive,
since the participant pointed out that "I
suggest that they make more games, also
from other modalities".
The suggestions made by the
participants were discussed among the
authors and, later, in the post-game class
with the students, so that they could
contextualize their suggestions. Thus, these
comments were used as a basis to
formulate new adaptations aimed at
improving the game's structure and
inserting new cards that would match the
target audience.
In accordance with Ferreira de Jesus
e Souza (2018), we believe that works that
combine interculturality and teacher
education establish themselves as one of
the bases for achieving real equity in socio-
cultural relations. Domite (2004, p. 419)
emphasizes that the one being educated
has not been fully outside the proposals of
teacher formation, but he or she has not
been inside either. Therefore, giving voice
to the participants and counting on the co-
authorship of students from both the
degree in Biological Sciences and the
Lecampo CVN, involving them directly in
all the stages of game construction and
validation, means responding to the most
valuable demands of the formative process
they are going through. It is through an
initial formation of teachers focused on
research, with creative autonomy and
based on interculturality that we will be
able to modify the status quo perpetuated
by the rural-hegemonic paradigm, based on
coloniality and vertical relationships with
the university. Therefore, through dialogic
work, which actively involved students
from both courses, we value the insertion
of both in the scope of scientific formation,
thinking especially in reaching the rural
According to Lara (2003),
educational games can be classified as:
construction; training; deepening; and/or
strategic. The game we have developed
falls into the category of training games, as
it helps to consolidate concepts already
discussed. Thus, it is a type of activity
conducted after the presentation of
conceptual contents. Its relevance consists
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
in verifying if the students were able to
assimilate the concepts about the topic,
besides helping their consolidation.
Finally, it also allows the characterization
of the most critical points of the subject,
since they can be revisited during the
activity (Lara, 2003).
Thus, we hope to offer a means for
parasitology to be better approached in
schools, since it involves a public health
issue and is of significant social relevance,
especially for the most vulnerable
populations, attended by rural schools. We
agree with Oliveira, Camargo and Santos
(2016) when the authors explain the need
for an education that takes the
particularities of each location into
consideration, because each spatial area
presents different ways of living, which
requires pedagogical actions
contextualized with such differences,
always recognizing the social knowledge
of the community that produces and
reproduces its social identity in that
Final considerations
The game Barbeiragem proposes to
help students fix the concepts that involve
Chagas disease in a playful way, besides
disseminating prophylactic measures using
simple materials. Moreover, the game was
developed so that the teacher adopts a
mediating posture, being a link of
motivation, stimulating the participation,
debating and questioning, in order to
sharpen the curiosity of the students
without centralizing the learning in the
teacher. Thus, students can feel more
involved and confident, better enjoying the
activity. As the students themselves play
the role of pawns, being divided into four
teams (triatomine, scientist, community
health agent and citizen), the social role of
each team is highlighted, whether in the
disease cycle, prevention or health
The results showed that the students
are aware of Chagas disease and are
acquainted with many infected people,
since they live in rural areas that are at risk
for the disease. Thus, pairing up the game
with theoretical contextualization was an
important pedagogical resource, because it
allowed students to obtain and discuss
knowledge based on studies and reliable
data, making them aware of the
prophylaxis, at the same time as it
addressed the importance of scientific
dissemination and investment in both
science and primary care.
The development of the game in a
different space from the classroom seems
to have been a stimulating factor, as
students were able to experience outside
the traditional, bringing dynamism to the
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
teaching and learning process, making it
more enjoyable. Additionally, the
pedagogical practice that deviates from the
traditional seems to have kept the students
more involved with the activity, improving
concentration without punishing the social
interactions, as occurs in the traditional
teaching approach.
The incomplete answers (about the
prophylaxis and forms of transmission)
show that the class and the game can still
be improved and that these contents need
to be revisited throughout the formative
process, since a lot of new information is
presented. In this way, we understand that
the students will be able to better
consolidate the conceptual contents.
The work with the students from the
teaching degree in rural education
(Lecampo), with a minor in Life and
Nature Sciences (CVN), had as its
principle the valorization of the rural
context, since rural education is conducted
with the participation of its subjects as
protagonists. Thus, the participation of a
Lecampo CVN student as co-author of the
work, together with the dialogical
relationship established with the other
participants during the entire activity,
fostered a collective construction that was
important not only for the evaluation and
improvement of the game, but also to
promote a fruitful articulation between the
two courses.
The students from Lecampo CVN,
were encouraged to act as mediators of the
activity in the schools of their
communities, where they work as interns.
Hence, we suggested the possibility for
them to identify new regional knowledge,
such as home treatments, which could be
incorporated into the game so that it would
be under permanent construction and
increasingly contextualized with the reality
in which it is located. We realized that
bringing playful and everyday elements to
the initial formation of teachers can arouse
the interest of students and enhance
Through this work, we hope to have
sensitized the students, both from Lecampo
CVN and from the degree in Biological
Sciences, to the importance of a dialogical
work, of contextualization, of playful
teaching, of the diversification of
pedagogical practices and of the use of the
different spaces of the school. Besides the
conceptual and prophylactic aspects, we
expect that the activity may have helped to
develop its participants’ critical thinking,
through the recognition of: the social
function of the work of scientists and
community health workers; issues
concerning science dissemination; health
education and the concern of public
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P., & Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural education: a game for teaching
v. 6
ISSN: 2525-4863
administrators towards science and the
primary care network. Finally, we hope
that the participants have been properly
instrumentalized and can be multipliers of
this activity with their future students, in
their localities, increasing the
dissemination power of such knowledge.
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Article Information
Received on May 21th, 2020
Accepted on October 10th, 2020
Published on January, 26th, 2021
Author Contributions: The author were responsible for
the designing, delineating, analyzing and interpreting the
data, production of the manuscript, critical revision of the
content and approval of the final version published.
Conflict of Interest: None reported.
Article Peer Review
Double review.
No funding.
How to cite this article
Piancastelli, A. M., Araújo,
B. G., Mota,
J. Q., Vianey, J. P.,
& Oliveira, F. S. (2021). Initial teacher education and rural
education: a game for teaching parasitology. Rev. Bras.
Educ. Camp., 6, e9362.
B. G.; MOTA,
J. Q.;
VIANEY, J. P.; OLIVEIRA, F. S. Initial teacher education
and rural education: a game for teaching parasitology.
Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis, v. 6, e9362,