Single paragraph. The identity of a
country school is defined by its
attachment to issues inherent to its
reality, anchored in the temporality
and knowledge of the students, in the
collective memory that signals the
future, in Science and Technology
available in society and in social
movements in defense of projects
that associate the required solutions
by these issues to social quality of
collective life in the country.
(Resolution CNE/CEB nº1/2002, p.
The respect for the identity, culture
and knowledge of the student and the rural
community are observed in several
documents dealing with rural education,
such as Opinion no. 36/2001, Resolution n.
02/2008 and Resolution n. 1/2002 cited by
different authors such as Caldart (2002),
Molina and Jesus (2004) and others. They
propose the idea of an education built by
the subjects of the rural area, in a
movement of integration and collectivity.
To respect in the school context, the set of
elements forming the different groups of
people is a fundamental step to the
constitution of an inclusive and equal
The question led 8 teachers to reveal
that education is developed based on the
curriculum that is used in municipal
schools in the urban area. This curriculum
is given to teachers in the rural areas to
serve as guidance, the county so far has no
curriculum or curriculum proposal of its
own, so it uses the curriculum of the
Literacy Success Program, which is a
program of Pernambuco State. The other 3
interviewed say that the work is developed
based on multi-grades, as we can see in the
answers of one of the interviewed:
"As a rural school teacher, I always
try to work in a dynamic way,
valuing and respecting the
knowledge there are in the
community, always working globally.
We work, we see the issue of
diversity, but we have to respect it
and we know that we can't work only
on that issue there, in that
community. We have to work the
global, even ´cause that student, will
leave to go to school in the city and
he needs to have that general
knowledge, right? He's not going to
spend a whole life living only with
that reality of his community. So, we
need to go further, so that he has a
global knowledge, but don´t forget to
respect what he lives there, in his
daily life". (Euphrasia).
There was also some concern in
forming the student for society as a whole.
The teachers mentioned that the county
student also needs to have access to the
contents taught in the city. In this sense,
the new curriculum proposed by the
Common National Curriculum Base, which
is already being approached through
textbooks in schools in the countryside, in
the teachers' speech. This concern from the
teachers is natural, the opportunity to give
the student access to the existing
knowledge, thus expanding their formative
possibilities, giving conditions for their