WILLIAMS, Tennessee. The Caterpillar Dogs and Other Early Stories. Tom Mitchell (Ed.). New York: New Directions, 2023. 112 p.



Conto, Tennessee Williams, Grande depressão, Década de 1930


RESENHA do livro do contos WILLIAMS, Tennessee. The Caterpillar Dogs and Other Early Stories. Tom Mitchell (Ed.). New York: New Directions, 2023. 112 p.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Luis Marcio Arnaut de Toledo, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Realiza Pós-Doutorado em Artes da Cena no Instituto de Artes da Universidade Estadual de Campinas [IA-UNICAMP]. Doutor em Artes pela Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo [ECA-USP].


ABREU, Rafael. What is the Hays Code — Hollywood Production Code Explained. 2 Mai 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 fev. 2024.

FAVILLA, Clara. Estranhos na mesma cidade. G1 – Blog do Matheus Leitão. 15/12/2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 set. 2023.

LAWRENCE, David Herbert. A virgem e o cigano. Alexandre Pinheiro Torres (Trad.). São Paulo: Círculo do livro, 1970.

MCCULLERS, Carlson. A sócia do casamento. Sonia Coutinho (Trad.). São Paulo: Nobel, 1986.

MCCULLERS, Carlson. The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter. Canada: Al Haines, Cindy Beyer & the online Distributed Proofreaders Canada, 2019. 220 p. E-book.

MCCULLERS, Carlson. Reflexos num olho dourado. Sônia Coutinho (Trad.). Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 2010.

SADDIK, Annette J. Tennessee Williams and the Theatre of Excess: The Strange, the Crazed, the Queer. Cambridge, US: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

VIDAL, Gore. Introduction. In: WILLIAMS, Tennessee. Collected Stories. New York, US: New Directions, 1994. p. 15-20. E-book.

WILLIAMS, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. In: The Theatre of Tennessee Williams – Vol 1. New York, US: New Directions, 1990a. p. 239-419.

WILLIAMS, Tennessee. Collected Stories. New York: New Directions, 1994. E-book.

WILLIAMS, Tennessee. Hello from Bertha. In: 27 Wagoons Full of Cotton. New York, US: New Directions, 2010. p. 183-193.

WILLIAMS, Tennessee. Stairs to the Roof: A Prayer for the Wild of Heart That Are Kept in Cages. New York, US: New Directions, 2000. E-book.

WILLIAMS, Tennessee. Summer and Smoke. In: The Theatre of Tennessee Williams –Vol. 2. New York, US: New Directions, 1990b. p. 113-256.

WILLIAMS, Tennessee. The Caterpillar Dogs and Other Early Stories. Tom Mitchell (Ed.). New York, US: New Directions, 2023.

WILLIAMS, Tennessee. The Eccentricities of a Nightingale. In: The Theatre of Tennessee Williams – Vol. 2. New York, US: New Directions, 1990c. p. 1-111.

WILLIAMS, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. In: The Theatre of Tennessee Williams – Vol 1. New York, US: New Directions, 1990d. p. 123-237.

WILLIAMS, Tennessee; WINDHAM, Donald. You Touched Me! A Romantic Comedy in Three Acts. New York, US: Samuel French, 2010.




Como Citar

Toledo, L. M. A. de. (2024). RESENHA: WILLIAMS, Tennessee. The Caterpillar Dogs and Other Early Stories. Tom Mitchell (Ed.). New York: New Directions, 2023. 112 p. EntreLetras, 15(1), 367–376. Recuperado de