


In recent years, Cognitive Linguistics, understood as a broad area of research that encompasses various approaches that understand language as part of human cognition, has received increasing attention and contributed to the understanding of many linguistic phenomena. Investigations into the categorization of natural language, the cognitive principles at work in grammatical organization, the role of the conceptual basis of grammar in the analysis of grammatical constructions, among others, have contributed to a view of language linked to general cognitive principles.

In this field, the relevant contribution of Prof. Dr. Lilian Ferrari, a full professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and CNPq 1B researcher, who has been dedicated to Cognitive Linguistics in Brazil for 29 years and has led the LINC-UFRJ group (Cognitive Linguistics Research Laboratory) for 21 years, stands out.

Thereforte, this call will receive papers presented at the annual event of the PALCO Group (Research in Linguistic Analysis and Cognition): Cenas do Palco III (Stage Scenes III): In honor of Lilian Ferrari, and is open to original and unpublished articles by researchers from Brazil and abroad that address linguistic phenomena of natural languages, in situations of use, considering the relationship between discourse, grammar and cognition. As a way of recognizing Professor Lilian Ferrari's contribution and paying tribute to her in this issue, we suggest that the papers in some way relate to her academic production, although they may go beyond it.

We welcome articles, based on Cognitive Linguistics or Cognitive-functional linguistics, which fall under the following themes:

1) Grammatical constructions: from lexicon to syntax;

2) Theory of Mental Spaces and conceptual blending;

3) Figurativity in language (metaphor and metonymy);

4) Cognitive semantics and conceptualization operations ("construal");

5) Cognition and multimodality (word, gestures and image);

6) Subjectivity and intersubjectivity in language.

7) Cognitive aspects of conditional constructions.


All manuscripts must be edited using the official EntreLetras template, in accordance with the magazine's rules. Go to the EntreLetras Template link and download it.


Ad Hoc Editors:    

Diogo Pinheiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

Leosmar Aparecido Silva (Universidade Federal de Goiás)

Maria Claudete Lima (Universidade Federal do Ceará)


Manuscript submission deadline: November 15th, 2024.

Publication: April 2025.