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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Rules for submitting articles


Language: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

The Brazilian Archives of Physical Education publishes articles that are not under evaluation in any other journal simultaneously. Authors must state these conditions in the submission process. If the publication or simultaneous submission in another journal is identified, the article will be disregarded. The simultaneous submission of a scientific article to more than one journal is a serious lack of ethics of the author.


  • There are no fees for submission or evaluation of articles.
  • Word count includes only body text and bibliographic references.

All authors of articles accepted for publication will be automatically inserted in the database of consultants of the Brazilian Archives of Physical Education, and may be consulted in the future to evaluate articles submitted in the topics related to the published article.

Blind peer review process

The Brazilian Archives of Physical Education has a wide network of collaborators who are experts in various areas of health to evaluate the submitted manuscripts. The articles are sent to two blind reviewers, whose reviews are returned to a third reviewer, also unaware of the authorship of the manuscript and the review.

Manuscript Structure

The text referring to the original research should follow the following structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion (Text Structure). Qualitative research manuscripts may have other formats, admitting Results and Discussion in the same section and Final Considerations / Conclusions.

Studies should be presented so that any interested researcher can reproduce the results. For this, we encourage the use of the following recommendations, according to the category of the submitted manuscript:


  • CONSORT: checklist and flowchart for randomized controlled trials
  • STARD: checklist and flowchart for diagnostic accuracy studies
  • MOOSE: checklist and flowchart for meta-analyzes and systematic reviews of observational studies.
  • PRISMA: checklist and flow chart for systematic reviews and meta-analyzes.
  • STROBE: checklist for observational epidemiological studies
  • RATS: checklist for qualitative studies


Details about the items required for manuscript presentation are described according to the category of articles.



The journal will consist of the following sections:

a) Editorial

b) Original articles

c) Systematic reviews and meta-analyzes

d) Clinical trials

e) Reviews

f) Interviews

g) Case studies

h) Protocols of Scientific Studies

i) Letter to the Editor


a) Editorial

The Editorial section features text by an expert on most of the topics chosen for the specific issue number.


b) Original Articles

These include observational, experimental or quasi-experimental studies, program evaluation, cost-effectiveness analysis, decision analysis, and performance evaluation studies of population screening tests. Each article should contain clear objectives and assumptions, design and methods used, results, discussion and conclusion.

They also include theoretical essays (criticism and formulation of relevant theoretical knowledge) and articles dedicated to the presentation and discussion of methodological and technical aspects used in public health research. In this case, the text should be organized into topics to guide the reader on the essential elements of the argument developed.


Measurement instruments in population surveys

Manuscripts addressing measurement instruments may include aspects related to development, assessment and cross-cultural adaptation for use in population studies, excluding those of clinical application, which do not fall within the scope of the Brazilian Archives of Physical Education.

For the measurement instrument manuscripts, it is recommended that a detailed appreciation of the construct to be evaluated is presented, including its possible intensity gradient and its possible sub-dimensions. The development of a new instrument should be supported by a literature review that explicitly identifies the insufficiency of previous proposals and justifies the need for a new instrument.

The proposition, selection and confection of items should be detailed, as well as the use of strategies to adapt them to the construct definitions, including the use of qualitative research techniques (in-depth interviews, focus groups, etc.), meetings with expert panels, among others. The path taken in defining how items are measured and performing pre-tests with their preliminary sets need to be described in the text. The assessment of face, content, criterion, construct and / or dimensional validity should be presented in detail.

Instrument reliability analyzes should also be presented and discussed, including measures of internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and / or interobserver agreement. Authors should outline the process of selecting the final instrument and place it in a critical and comparative perspective with other instruments designed to evaluate the same or similar constructs.

For manuscripts on cross-cultural adaptation of measurement instruments, in addition to meeting, in general, the above recommendations, it is necessary to clarify the guiding theoretical model of the process. Authors should also justify the choice of a particular instrument to adapt to a specific sociocultural context, based on a thorough literature review. Finally, they should explicitly indicate which and how the steps of the theoretical model of adaptation in the work submitted for publication were followed.

Note: The measurement instrument should be included as an attachment to the submitted articles.

In preparing the manuscript, in addition to the recommendations cited, check the following formatting instructions.

Formatting: Times New Roman font, 12, 2 cm line spacing.

They must contain up to 3500 words (excluding abstract, tables, figures and references).

Number of tables / figures: up to 5 in total.

Number of References: Up to 30 in total


c) Systematic reviews and meta-analyzes

Through the synthesis of results from original quantitative or qualitative studies, it aims to answer the specific and relevant question for the Health Sciences area, especially in the field of Physical Education knowledge. It describes in detail the search process for the original studies, the criteria used to select those included in the review, and the procedures employed in synthesizing the results obtained from the reviewed studies. See:

MOOSE: checklist and flowchart for meta-analyzes and systematic reviews of observational studies

PRISMA: checklist and flowchart for systematic reviews and meta-analyzes

Formatting: Times New Roman font, 12, 2 cm line spacing.

They must contain up to 5000 words (excluding abstracts, tables, figures and references).

Number of tables / figures: up to 5 in total.

Number of References: Up to 35 in total.

Abstracts in structured format with up to 350 words.

Meta-analyzes should preferably present their registration in the PROSPERO Platform.


d) Clinical Trials

ABEF supports the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) clinical trial registration policies, recognizing the importance of these initiatives for the registration and international dissemination of open access clinical trial information. Therefore, only clinical research articles that have received an identification number in one of the Clinical Trials Records validated by the criteria established by WHO and ICMJE will be accepted for publication [ faqs / clinical-trials-registration /], whose email addresses are available on the ICMJE website. The identification number should be registered in the text of the article.

Formatting: Times New Roman font, 12, 2 cm line spacing.

They must contain up to 3500 words (excluding abstracts, tables, figures and references).

Number of tables / figures: up to 5 in total.

Number of References: Up to 30 in total.

Abstracts in structured format with up to 300 words.


e) Reviews

Critical reviews of book related to the thematic field of journal published in the last two years (maximum of 3,000 words) should be sent.

Formatting: Times New Roman font, 12, 2 cm line spacing.

They must contain up to 4000 words (excluding abstracts, tables, figures and references).

Number of tables / figures: up to 5 in total.

Number of References: Up to 30 in total.

Abstracts in structured format with up to 300 words.


f) Interviews

Testimonials from people whose life stories or professional accomplishments are relevant to the journal's coverage areas (up to 6,000 words).

Formatting: Times New Roman font, 12, 2 cm line spacing.

They must contain up to 3500 words (excluding abstracts, tables, figures and references).

Number of tables / figures: up to 5 in total.

Number of References: Up to 30 in total.

Abstracts in structured format with up to 300 words.


g) Case studies

Reports of work done with individuals, groups or organizations indicating a problem and ways to solve it, based on the literature.

Formatting: Times New Roman font, 12, 2 cm line spacing.

They must contain up to 3500 words (excluding abstract, tables, figures and references).

Number of tables / figures: up to 5 in total.

Number of References: Up to 30 in total.

Abstracts in structured format with up to 300 words.


h) Protocols of Scientific Studies / Methodological Articles

This session is intended to publish scientific methods used in original studies. For this, it is suggested that the study be reported in accordance with the Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials - SPIRIT standards, available here. Preferably, the study should contain a picture included in the main body of the text and the checklist should be submitted as an additional file. Entries received without these elements will be returned to the authors as incomplete. A file with the checklist can be downloaded here.

We understand that some study protocols may not fully comply with the SPIRIT checklist. The checklist will not be used as a tool for judging the suitability of manuscripts for publication in Essays, but is intended to assist authors in a clear, complete and transparent manner. Using the SPIRIT guideline to write the study protocol, completing the SPIRIT checklist, and building a SPIRIT figure will likely optimize the quality of the reports and make the peer review process more efficient.


Manuscript Sessions

The information below details the section titles that should be included in the manuscripts and what information should be in each section.


Cover sheet

The title page must have:

  • Title that includes, if appropriate, study design or for non-clinical studies: a description of what the article reports. It is recommended that you select a concise title that accurately represents the essence of the article and makes people want to read the paper in its entirety;
  • List full names, institutional addresses and email addresses for all authors;
  • If a collaboration group should be listed as an author, please list the group name as an author. If you want the names of individual Group members to be searchable through their individual PubMed records, include this information in the "Acknowledgments" section;
  • Indicate the corresponding author.


Abstract / Abstract

The abstract should not exceed 350 words. Please minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract. The summary should be informative and divided into the following sections:

Objective: purpose of the study

Methods: How the study will be conducted

Results: A Brief Summary of Findings

Conclusion: Possible Implications of Results

Keywords: three to five according to the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), representing the main content of the article. It is recommended that the keywords differ from the title of the paper. It is interesting to check if the results reported by search engines, from the selected keywords, match the subject of your article, confirming the suitability for the title of the paper.



The section should present the scenario (general context), study background, gaps, objectives, and why the study is needed or its contribution to the field.



The methods section should include:

  • The purpose, design, configuration and location of the study;
  • Characteristics of participants, units of analysis or events and description of materials;
  • Information corresponding to the reliability of the instruments used;
  • A clear and concise description of all processes, interventions and comparisons;
  • Generic drug names should generally be used. When proprietary brands are used in searches, include brand names in parentheses;
  • The form of data analysis. In the case of statistical analysis, a statistical power calculation should be included whenever possible.



Theoretical and practical explanations should be included congruent with the results, pointing out implications, recommendations, limitations and practical or operational issues involved in the study.


Protocol Registration (For Clinical Trials)

Authors should inform the number and date of registration of the protocol version in the ReBEC Platform - Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry. In addition to the recruitment start date and the approximate date the recruitment will be completed.


List of Abbreviations

If abbreviations are used in the text, they must be defined in the text on first use, and a list of abbreviations must be provided when 5 or more abbreviations appear in the text.



All manuscripts should contain the following sections under the heading 'Declarations':

  • Ethical approval and consent to participate
  • Consent for publication
  • Data and material availability
  • Competitive Interests
  • Financing
  • Authors' contribution
  • Thanks
  • Author information (optional)


Please see below for details on the information to be included in these sections.

If any of the sections are not relevant to your manuscript, include the title and write 'Not applicable' for that manuscript.


Ethical approval and consent to participate

Manuscripts reporting studies involving human subjects, human data or human tissues should:

Include a statement on approval and consent of ethics (even when the need for approval has been waived);

Include the name of the ethics committee that approved the study and the committee reference number, if appropriate;

Animal studies should include a statement of ethical approval.


If your manuscript does not report or involve the use of any animal or human data or tissue, please indicate “Not applicable” in this section.


Consent for publication

If your manuscript contains data from anyone in any form (including individual details, images or videos), consent to publication must be obtained from that person or, in the case of children, their parents or legal guardians. All case report submissions must have consent for publication.

If your manuscript contains no data from anyone, please indicate: Not applicable "in this section.


Data and Material Availability

All manuscripts must include a statement of "Availability of data and materials". Data availability statements should include information about where data supporting the results reported in the article can be found, including, where applicable, hyperlinks to publicly archived datasets analyzed or generated during the study. By data we mean the minimum data set that would be needed to interpret, replicate and build on the findings reported in the article. We recognize that it is not always possible to share research data publicly, for example when individual privacy may be compromised and in such cases the availability of data must still be stated in the manuscript along with any conditions of access.


Conflict of interests

All competing financial and non-financial interests must be stated in this section. If you are unsure whether you or any of the co-authors have a competing interest, please contact the editorial office. Please use the author's initials to refer to each author's conflicting interests in this section. If you have no conflicting interests, enter "The authors declare that they have no conflicting interests" in this section.



All sources of funding for the reported research should be reported. The role of the funding body in study design and data collection, analysis and interpretation, and manuscript writing should be stated.


Authors' Contributions

Authors' individual contributions to the manuscript should be specified in this section. Our editorial policies adopt the Guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Publishers - ICMJE. Please use initials to refer to each author's contribution in this section.



They should be addressed to those who contributed to the article but do not meet the criteria for authorship, including those who provided professional writing services or materials. Authors must obtain permission to acknowledge from all those mentioned in the Acknowledgments section. If you have no one to thank, write "Not applicable" in this section.



All references, including URLs, must be in the Vancouver standard. Reference numbers must be finalized and the reference list fully formatted before submission. Make sure that the reference style is followed exactly.


i) Letter to the Editor

Review or comment to article published in previous issue (maximum 700 words).

Formatting: Times New Roman font, 12, 2 cm line spacing.

Must contain up to 2000 words.

Number of tables / figures: up to 2 in total.

Number of References: Up to 5 in total.




Financing source

Authors should declare all sources of funding or support, institutional or private, for the study.

Free or discounted suppliers of materials or equipment should also be described as sources of funding, including origin (city, state and country).

In the case of studies carried out without institutional and / or private financial resources, the authors must state that the research did not receive funding for its performance.


Conflict of interests

Authors should report any potential conflict of interest, including political and / or financial interests associated with patents or property, provision of materials and / or supplies and equipment used by manufacturers in the study.



The individual contributions of each author in the elaboration of the article should be specified.

We remind you that the criteria for authorship should be based on the deliberations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - ICMJE, which determines the following: the author's recognition.


Possible mentions in acknowledgments include institutions that somehow made it possible to carry out the research and/or people who collaborated with the study, but who did not meet the criteria to be co-authors.


Abstract and Abstract

The Abstract/Abstract must be structured (subdivided) into the following items described as necessary for each section, such as: Research: Objective, Methodology, Results and Conclusion, described, in a clear and objective way. The Abstract/Abstract must be written in single space, without paragraphs, bibliographic citations or notes and be between 200 and 300 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, which will be reviewed by ABEF.



The basis for choosing the Descriptors may be the area and subarea of ​​work originated from the title, type of approach and type of result, the most relevant for indexing. The choice of Descriptors must necessarily follow the DeCS (Health Science Descriptors) of BIREME, which can be accessed on the Internet, through the website or The mandatory number of Descriptors will be three, with the possibility of placing qualifiers for each descriptor or not.



References must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. They must be identified by superscript Arabic numerals (eg: Silva1). References cited only in tables and figures should be numbered starting from the number of the last reference cited in the text. The cited references should be listed at the end of the article, in numerical order, following the general rules of (Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals).

All references must be presented correctly and completely. The veracity of the information contained in the list of references is the responsibility of the author(s).

Note: References in footnotes or end of page will not be accepted. In case of using some bibliographic reference management software (eg EndNote), the author(s) must convert the references to text.



The rules of zoological and botanical nomenclature, as well as abbreviations and conventions adopted in specialized disciplines, must be observed.


Ethics in research involving human beings

The publication of articles that bring the results of research involving human beings is conditioned to compliance with the ethical principles contained in the Declaration of Helsinki (1964, reformulated in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, 2000 and 2008), of the World Medical Association.

In addition, Brazilian Archives of physical Education observes the guidelines determined by the code of ethical conduct of the Committee of Ethics in Publications“ COPE ( Thus, it is essential that all its editors, authors and reviewers respect and adopt them, aiming to prevent any possibility of unethical behavior and bad practices in publications, that is, we repudiate all types of plagiarism, falsification of information, fabrication of results, undue authorship or ghost and any other kind of fraud that causes damage to scientific ethics. Specific guidelines for its editors, authors and reviewers based on the Code of Conduct for Scientific Editors are available here.

Furthermore, we endorse the guidelines for authors established by the Integrity Commission of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), available here. Articles that present the results of research involving human beings must contain a clear statement of this compliance (such statement must constitute the last paragraph of the Methods section of the article).

After accepting the work for publication, all authors must sign a form, to be provided by the Editorial Secretariat of Brazilian Archives of physical Education, indicating full compliance with ethical principles and specific legislation.

The Editorial Board of Brazilian Archives of physical Education reserves the right to request additional information about the ethical procedures performed in the research.


Esta seção contém os resumos do Congresso Bienal de Educação Física realizado pela Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Física - SBEF.

Artigos Originais

Incluem estudos observacionais, estudos experimentais ou quase-experimentais, avaliação de programas, análises de custo-efetividade, análises de decisão e estudos sobre avaliação de desempenho de testes diagnósticos para triagem populacional. Cada artigo deve conter objetivos e hipóteses claras, desenho e métodos utilizados, resultados, discussão e conclusões.

Incluem também ensaios teóricos (críticas e formulação de conhecimentos teóricos relevantes) e artigos dedicados à apresentação e discussão de aspectos metodológicos e técnicas utilizadas na pesquisa em saúde pública. Neste caso, o texto deve ser organizado em tópicos para guiar o leitor quanto aos elementos essenciais do argumento desenvolvido.

Instrumentos de aferição em pesquisas populacionais

Manuscritos abordando instrumentos de aferição podem incluir aspectos relativos ao desenvolvimento, a avaliação e à adaptação transcultural para uso em estudos populacionais, excluindo-se aqueles de aplicação clínica, que não se incluem no escopo da Arquivos Brasileiros de Educação Física.

Aos manuscritos de instrumentos de aferição, recomenda-se que seja apresentada uma apreciação detalhada do construto a ser avaliado, incluindo seu possível gradiente de intensidade e suas eventuais subdimensões. O desenvolvimento de novo instrumento deve estar amparado em revisão de literatura, que identifique explicitamente a insuficiência de propostas prévias e justifique a necessidade de novo instrumental.

Deve ser detalhada a proposição, a seleção e a confecção dos itens, bem como o emprego de estratégias para adequá-los às definições do construto, incluindo o uso de técnicas qualitativas de pesquisa (entrevistas em profundidade, grupos focais etc.), reuniões com painéis de especialistas, entre outras. O trajeto percorrido na definição da forma de mensuração dos itens e a realização de pré-testes com seus conjuntos preliminares necessitam ser descritos no texto. A avaliação das validades de face, conteúdo, critério, construto e/ou dimensional deve ser apresentada em detalhe.

Análises de confiabilidade do instrumento também devem ser apresentadas e discutidas, incluindo-se medidas de consistência interna, confiabilidade teste-reteste e/ou concordância inter-observador. Os autores devem expor o processo de seleção do instrumento final e situá-lo em perspectiva crítica e comparativa com outros instrumentos destinados a avaliar o mesmo construto ou construtos semelhantes.

Para os manuscritos sobre adaptação transcultural de instrumentos de aferição, além de atender, de forma geral, às recomendações supracitadas, faz-se necessário explicitar o modelo teórico norteador do processo. Os autores devem, igualmente, justificar a escolha de determinado instrumento para adaptação a um contexto sociocultural específico, com base em minuciosa revisão de literatura. Finalmente, devem indicar explicitamente quais e como foram seguidas as etapas do modelo teórico de adaptação no trabalho submetido para publicação.

Obs: O instrumento de aferição deve ser incluído como anexo dos artigos submetidos.

No preparo do manuscrito, além das recomendações citadas, verifique as instruções de formatação a seguir.

Formatação: fonte Times New Roman, 12, espaçamento 2 cm.

Devem conter até 3500 palavras (excluindo resumos, tabelas, figuras e referências).

Número de tabelas/figuras: até 5 no total.

Número de referências: até 30 no total.

Resumos no formato estruturado com até 300 palavras.

Estudos de Caso

Relatos de trabalhos feitos com indivíduos, grupos ou organizações indicando um problema e uma maneira de solucioná-lo, baseando-se na literatura.

Formatação: fonte Times New Roman, 12, espaçamento 2 cm.

Devem conter até 3500 palavras (excluindo resumos, tabelas, figuras e referências).

Número de tabelas/figuras: até 5 no total.

Número de referências: até 30 no total.

Resumos no formato estruturado com até 300 palavras.

Revisões sistemáticas e metanálises

Por meio da síntese de resultados de estudos originais, quantitativos ou qualitativos, objetiva responder à pergunta específica e de relevância para a saúde pública. Descreve com pormenores o processo de busca dos estudos originais, os critérios utilizados para seleção daqueles que foram incluídos na revisão e os procedimentos empregados na síntese dos resultados obtidos pelos estudos revisados. Consulte:

MOOSE: checklist e fluxograma para metanálises e revisões sistemáticas de estudos observacionais

PRISMA: checklist e fluxograma para revisões sistemáticas e metanálises

Formatação: fonte Times New Roman, 12, espaçamento 2 cm.

Devem conter até 5000 palavras (excluindo resumos, tabelas, figuras e referências).

Número de tabelas/figuras: até 5 no total.

Número de referências: até 35 no total.

Resumos no formato estruturado com até 350 palavras.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.