DESPORTO MILITAR EM PORTUGAL: Contributos para uma nova visão estratégica a partir da perceção dos atletas


  • Gonçalo André Marques Gonçalo
  • José Manuel Leal Saragoça
  • Jordi Seguí Urbaneja
  • Mário Rui Coelho Teixeira



esportes, militares, atletas


Abstract: This document attends to address Military Sports in Portugal and to give this structure and also to the Armed Forces and Security Forces relevant and informative content about the sports practice of some of its subordinates. Military Sports is the set of various sports activities practiced essentially by the Armed Forces (Army, Air Force and Navy) and the Security Forces (Republican National Guard and Public Security Police). This sports structure, while safeguarding the specific sports activities of the environment, also seeks to dinamize and articulate them with the sports system of society, encompassing other so-called civilian sports activities. Objective: This study looks to identify the current situation of Military Sports, to know the opinion of is athletes in relation to their sports practice and also to make an overall analysis of the Military Sports subsystem. Methods: For this study a documentary and cross - sectional research was done, qualitative and quantitative methods were used and data analysis was done with a view to creating future strategies that contribute to the knowledge and development of Military Sports at a national level. In order to collect data, contacts were established with the other Military Sports officials in Portugal, and a questionnaire survey was conducted and disseminated, which was applied face-to-face and online. Results: The number of Military Sports practitioners in Portugal has declined year after year in some of the institutions referred in this study. The military athletes who were interviewed did not show much satisfaction with the military sports subsystem, namely the conditions offered to them and the numerous difficulties in sports practice. It is estimated that Military Sports can contribute to the development of sport and national society through the promotion of military athletes and other structures. Conclusion: Opportunities should be created for greater openness to other Military Sports stakeholders in order to optimize and maximize their potential. There is clearly a need to improve the strategy for the dissemination of Military Sports in order to adapt the sport offer in this environment.


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How to Cite

Marques Gonçalo, G. A. ., Leal Saragoça, J. M. ., Urbaneja, J. S. ., & Teixeira, M. R. C. (2020). DESPORTO MILITAR EM PORTUGAL: Contributos para uma nova visão estratégica a partir da perceção dos atletas. Brazilian Archives of Physical Education, 2(2), 43–54.

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