Birthplace effect on Brazilian elite runners


Mots-clés :

Birthplace effect, endurance, athletes


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the birthplace effect on Brazilian elite runners. Methods: Information about Brazilian elite runners (5 km, 10 km, half-marathon, and marathon) competing between 2002 and 2022 was obtained using the official webpage of the Brazilian Track and Field federation. The downloaded information includes the athlete’s name, date of birth, sex, race time, state of birth, date of the competition, and competition venue. To investigate the birthplace effect, we presented data considering Brazilian regions/states for both sexes and all race distances. Results: The sample was composed of 2,558 athletes (women: 47.1%; men: 52.9%). Most of the athletes were from the Southeast and South regions. The highest number of athletes in the Mid-west and Southeast participated in a half-marathon, while in the Northeast, North, and South, the majority of the athletes participated in full marathon race events. Conclusion: The Southeast region, especially the São Paulo state presented the highest frequency of Brazilian elite runners. Future studies should consider exploring the geographic and genetic factors that can be associated with this highest frequency of elite runners.


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Comment citer

Thuany, M., Vieira, D., Gomes, T. N., Villiger, E., Weiss, K., Nikolaidis , P. T., & Knechtle, B. (2024). Birthplace effect on Brazilian elite runners. Arquivos Brasileiros De Educação Física, 7, 35–45. Consulté à l’adresse

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