Unilateral and bilateral resistance training effects, on motor control and strength in people with Parkinson's disease: a pilot study


  • Sacha Clael Universidade de Brasília
  • Camila Wells Damaceno
  • Raphael Lopes Olegário
  • Elaine Cristina da Silva Brandão
  • Tamara Augusta Ferreira de Paiva
  • Jhonatan Conrado Rodrigues
  • Liana Mayara Queiroz Caland
  • Márcio Rabelo Mota
  • Lídia Mara Aguiar Bezerra



Mots-clés :

motor activity, muscle stregth, efferent pathways


Introduction: Most affected limb could be improve by cross-education methodology in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Aim: To verify the effect of two resistance training methodologies, unilateral and bilateral, on motor control and muscle strength in people with PD. Method: Sample consisted of 2 men clinically diagnosed with PD. The subject 1 (64 years; 85.7 kg; affected side: left; diagnosis time: 6 years; H&Y: 1) performed UNILATERAL training, while individual 2 (82 years; 70.4 kg; affected side: left; diagnosis time: 8 years; H&Y: 3) performed BILATERAL training, both had 17 training sessions. The nine-hole peg and box and blocks tests were performed to assess motor control of the upper limbs. The handgrip strength and knee extensors were performed to assess the upper and lower limbs strength, respectively. Delta variation was used to calculate the pre and post intervention difference. Results: Individual 2 had better results on motor control and strength of upper limb most affected. Individual 1 had better results on strength of lower limb most affected. Conclusion: Both training demonstrated an improvement on muscle strength and motor control in people with PD.


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Comment citer

Clael, S., Damaceno, C. W., Olegário, R. L., Brandão, E. C. da S., de Paiva, T. A. F., Rodrigues, J. C., … Bezerra, L. M. A. (2019). Unilateral and bilateral resistance training effects, on motor control and strength in people with Parkinson’s disease: a pilot study. Arquivos Brasileiros De Educação Física, 2(1), 62–72. https://doi.org/10.20873/10.20873/abef.2595-0096.v2n1p62.2019

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