


war, Melinda Nadj Abonji, Tauben fliegen auf, Catalin Dorian Florescu, Jacob beschließt zu lieben


This article aims to discuss the figuration of wars, taking into account fictional texts produced in the context of migratory flows. The first part is dedicated to a theoretical discussion. Its purpose is to problematize the nexus between wars and identity narratives, based on three assumptions: (1) wars need a narrative mobilization to erupt, (2) members of a group need to mobilize this narrative for the representation of the self and (3) wars substantially modify the foundations of identity narratives. In the second part, the article uses the comparative methodology to discuss two contemporary novels, written in German: Tauben fliegen auf (2010) by Melinda Nadj Abonji and Jacob beschließt zu lieben (2011) by Catalin Dorian Florescu.


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How to Cite

Mathias, D. (2022). LITERATURE OF MIGRATORY FLOWS AND WARS. EntreLetras, 13(2), 4–19.