



Clause Complex. Logical-Semantic relations. Editorial genre.


This article, based on the Systemic-Functional Linguistics of Halliday (1994), Halliday and Matthiessen (2014) discusses the more or less evident ways that language has to insert external voices, in texts of opinion, through lexical-grammatical choices and semantic-discursive. It aims to investigate the clause complex responsible for external voices instantiation in newspaper editorials. Therefore, the analysis, carried out manually, centers on the Clause Complex System — the logical component of the ideational metafunction that includes the three basic types of relationships to join clauses: cohesion, interdependence and embedding (HE, 2019). The results revealed the resource of locution or idea projections as great incidence for the argumentative textual genre, however, the resource of expansion or embedding of clauses also allows the insertion of external voices to the text.


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How to Cite

Santos da Silva, H. (2022). DISCURSIVE VOICES INSTANTIATION IN EDITORIAL GENRE: A SYSTEMIC-FUNCTIONAL APPROACH. EntreLetras, 13(1), 184–207. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft2179-3948.2022v13n1p184-207