
  • Rosemeire Granada Costa Centro Universitário Unirg
  • Maria Elaine Mendes Centro Universitário Unirg

Palabras clave:

Teaching/Learning Process, English classes, Cultural aspects


The importance of English in communication and the globalized world as well as the demands of the job market, which is under the influence of modernization, leads people, in general, to become interested in learning it. It is understood that in schools it is necessary consider these expectations and the benefits in order to learn more about  how to include cultural aspects in the English classrooms. Therefore, it  is understood  that teaching English is more than teaching rules and grammatical structures, it is also present the other side of the language, which means show the students the importance and the meaning of being bilingual but also bicultural. This work consists of a bibliographical research that intends to arise discussions around the topics pointed above expecting that the teachers (in or pre-service) can think about their pedagogical practices.


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Biografía del autor/a

Rosemeire Granada Costa, Centro Universitário Unirg

Mestre em Língua e Literatura pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins – UFT. Atualmente leciona e pesquisa no Centro Universitário Unirg na área de formação de professores de  LE e questões acerca do tema. Tem experiência na área de Letras, com ênfase em Língua Inglesa. 

Maria Elaine Mendes, Centro Universitário Unirg

Mestre em Língua e Literatura pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins – UFT, tem experiência na área de Letras, com ênfase em Língua Inglesa e respectivas Literaturas. Atualmente trabalha e pesquisa no Centro Universitário Unirg na área de ensino/aprendizagem de Língua Inglesa



Cómo citar

Costa, R. G., & Mendes, M. E. (2016). LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: INTERACTION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSROOMS. EntreLetras, 6(1), 143–160. Recuperado a partir de