https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2179-3948.2019v10n2p333Palabras clave:
sociedades mundializadas, batalha de linguagem, dicção contemporânea, infinito humanoResumen
The central premise of this work can be stated thus: all social transformation acts on language; every change of language interferes in the social relations. The language, specifically with regard to intellectual and pedagogical work, narrowly focused on the three central components - reading, writing and the development of reasoning - expresses and constitutes the time, the time that constitutes it. The central question is to evaluate how, within and outside school, the battle of language as a battle of life is affected by the structure of globalized societies. Laboratory, esoteric, metaphysical, ironic, militarized sayings win the scene of this time, generate perplexities and challenge those who consider the precepts of freedom, autonomy and ethical integrity of values to fertilize human relations. This challenge finds in the language itself the infinite and open dimension; it is the possible human. The symbolic infinity is the flame and the yeast for the human infinity. It is about producing meanings for what one sees, feels, throbs, questions. This is the greatest purpose: to think and to live.
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