Spatial differentiation, Territorial Division of Labor, Tocantins geographic spaceAbstract
It seeks a certain analysis focused on apprehending the total result of the spatial dynamics animated by the social division of labor responsible for organizing the hierarchization between places given the materialization of the different modes of production that are territorialized in the geographical space - maximally the problem of comprehensive monopolization in force of a mode of production in dominance, the capitalist. The objective is to build a synthesis comprehension of the aspects expressed in the territorialization of the social division of labor in rural-city relations based on the characteristics and specificities of the concrete reality of the state of Tocantins. Now this text appears to comprehend that we know what charges this newest state of the Brazilian federation "receives" and "develops" for being part of the agro-industrial frontier of expansion of modern agriculture? that of MaToPiBa from its insertion in the years 2015 to the present day. To this end, we opted to capture the dialectical (contradictory) movement that expresses the concrete reality apprehended through a geographical analysis of the division of labor in Tocantins / Brazil / Latin America. In view of the prevailing productive logic, where the countries of backward capitalism have their development process contained for the bonanza of the imperialist countries; this can be resolved only by breaking the established capitalist order and imposing a defeat on imperialism.
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