
  • Alyson Bueno Francisco Paulista State University



erosão, estrada rural, uso do solo


The Watershed of The Saltinho Stream is located in the Rio do Peixe basin, in the western area of the State of São Paulo, whose Rio do Peixe basin is a water resources management unit. In the northern area of the municipality of Rancharia is located the sub-basin of the Ribeirao da Confusão which is part of the Rio do Peixe basin. In the case of the municipality of Rancharia, the Master Plan was approved by municipal law no. 24/2007, whose legislation established the existence of the multifunctional rural area. In 2014, municipal law no. 35 was approved, which changed the minimum area of recreational and leisure farm in multifunctional rural areas from 20,000 m² to only 1,200 m² of plot area with tested minimum of 30 m. In the case of Rancharia, the rural neighborhood of Saltinho has an allotment with recreational farm with lots smaller than 20,000 m² and with a proximity of 750 m of a tributary source of the Ribeirao do Saltinho. For the analysis of the multifunctional use in rural area was produced a letter with the location of the allotment, the riparian forest and the reservoir of the Ribeirão do Saltinho, through orbital images in GIS environment. For the generation of the chart, an orbital image available in the Google Earth application, was imported into the QGIS Geographic Information System version 2.18. The database generated in the QGIS Sig allowed a spatial analysis of the forms of land use on a large cartographic scale, important for geographical interpretation and contributing to the questioning of municipal legislation.

Author Biography

Alyson Bueno Francisco, Paulista State University

Doctor in Geography (2017), Master in Geography (2011), Bachelor and Licentiate in Geography from Universidade Estadual Paulista Campus de Presidente Prudente. Degree in Philosophy from the University of Franca. He defended his doctorate at the age of 30. He completed a 12-month post-doctoral internship with a grant from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. He received a scholarship from the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in the modalities of scientific initiation, master's and doctorate. It has 38 publications in 2018 and 2019. It went through all levels of education in public schools and public universities. He worked professionally at the federal (IBGE), state (teacher at Centro Paula Souza and distance learning tutor at FUNDUNESP) and municipal (land surveying technician) levels. It has publications with individual authorship in 8 books, 6 chapters, 26 national articles and an international article. He is a researcher on the following topics: urban erosion, sinkhole monitoring, erosion control, large-scale cartography and university extension in nature conservation practices.


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How to Cite

FRANCISCO, Alyson Bueno. MULTIFUNCTIONAL USE OF SOIL AND EROSIVE DEGRADATION IN THE BASIN OF THE SALTINHO IN RANCHARIA-SP. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 25, p. 104–116, 2022. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v11i25.14099. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.