Agroecology, Facebook, Instagram, Digital Social NetworkingAbstract
This paper deals with Agroecology and the groups that propagate it on digital social networks. We seek to identify, spatialize and analyze the groups that promote Agroecology on these networks. The methodology includes bibliographic and systematic surveys of profiles on the social networks Facebook and Instagram, application of questionnaires and identification of groups, and the construction of graphics. During the month of September 2020, a total of 176 profiles were found with a central focus on actions in favor of Agroecology. These profiles were subdivided into the following categories: social movements, collective organizations (cooperatives, associations) and public entities (governmentinstitutions, universities). It was found that they are present in all Brazilian regions and the profiles of universities have been playing a big role in the spheres of scientific research around the theme together with social ovements that historically carry this knowledge.
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