Senegalese cultural presenceds and practices in Toledo, PR (2014-2020)





Cultural Manifestations, Migratory Flows, International Immigrants


This study aims to highlight Senegalese cultural presences and manifestations in the municipality of Toledo, located in the west of the state of Paraná, between 2014 and 2020. For this, the research was divided into three parts. In the first stage, the concepts of migration and refuge and the modalities, motivations and consequences of population displacement are addressed. It also addresses the large number of people in transit in recent years and changes in international migration routes. In the second moment, the Senegalese emigration movement around the world and to Brazil.  In the third part, Senegalese cultural practices in Toledo and the actions carried out by local higher education institutions are described. It was identified that religion and ethnicity are the main traits of the Senegalese cultural presence in the municipality. The Senegalese cultural marks in Toledo were highlighted, mainly, by religious prayers practiced daily and events organized by them or for them, like a ‘Grand Magal of Touba’, for example, with some editions carried out in the municipality.

Author Biographies

Bruno Vinicius Noquelli Lombardi, Unicentro

PhD student in Geography at the State University of the Midwest (UNICENTRO). Master in Geography from the State University of West Paraná - Campus Marechal Cândido Rondon (UNIOESTE/MCR). Degree in Geography from Pitágoras Unopar University (UNOPAR). Technical-administrative server at the Federal Technological University of Paraná - Campus Toledo (UTFPR/TD). Responsible for the Extension Department of the respective campus. Member of the Research Group Power Networks, Migrations and Territorial Dynamics (GEPES, UNICENTRO). He is interested in topics related to Human Geography, especially Population Geography and Geographies and Diversities.

Mirtes Teresinha Werlang, Secretary of Education of the State of Paraná

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the State University of West Paraná (2003). She has been working in public schools in the State of Paraná since 2004. She is currently a teacher at Colégio Estadual Ieda Baggio - EFM. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on Education, working mainly on the following subjects: Geography in Schools; Education in Schools; The Role of Geography in Cultural Analysis; Youth and Adult Education and Education. Master's Degree in the Master's Program at the State University of Western Paraná where he studied the topic: "THE CULTURAL PRESENCE OF HAITIAN IMMIGRANTS, AS OF 2010, IN THE CITY OF CASCAVEL - PR/PREZANS KILTIRÈL IMIGRAN AYISYEN YO, AN 2010, NAN VIL CASCAVEL - PR" (2019-2021), under the guidance of Professor Doctor Tarcísio Vanderlinde.

Tarcísio Vanderlinde, UNIOESTE

Graduated in Geography from UPF (1980). PhD in Social History from UFF (2004). Postdoctoral Internship in Sociology at UFPR (2011). He retired as an Associate Professor at UNIOESTE-PR. Acts as a senior lecturer in the Graduate Program in Geography - Espaço de Fronteira on the campus of UNIOESTE - MCR - PR. He has experience in the areas of Geography and History with an emphasis on agroecology, migrations, identities and religiosities. Research on archeology, history and currents of Judaism. The published books stand out: Between two kingdoms: the Lutheran insertion among small farmers in southern Brazil; Migrations and the construction of West Paraná; Frontiers: socio-environmental impacts in the promised land; Mazal Tov: A Liminal Experience in the Holy Land; Olam Hazeh: The Testimony of the Stones. Capes ad hoc consultant. Journal reviewer. It regularly publishes journalistic articles.


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How to Cite

LOMBARDI, Bruno Vinicius Noquelli; WERLANG, Mirtes Teresinha; VANDERLINDE, Tarcísio. “SAMA ADA DAFA RAFET”: Senegalese cultural presenceds and practices in Toledo, PR (2014-2020). Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 26, p. 306–326, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v12i26.15081. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufnt.edu.br/index.php/geografia/article/view/15081. Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.