Resistances and Re-Existences

women, territory and environment in time




Woman, Territory, environment


Announced by the publisher Funilaria with the support of the Rosa Luxemburgo Foundation, the work “Resistências e Re-Existências: women, territory and environment in times of pandemic”, contains 166 pages that are divided between articles and presentation of the authors. The book, organized and presented by the journalist Elisangela Soldateli Paim, brings six texts produced by women from different identity territorial political locations that have as their content the discussion of topics such as the environment, territory and pandemic.

Author Biography

Hellen Rodrigues Batista, University of Brasilia

Graduation in progress in Sociology (bachelor) and Licensed in Social Sciences by the Department of Sociology, Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) of the University of Brasília (UnB). She has experience as a curator and workshop assistant at the Escrivências extension project with an emphasis on black-female literature (DEAC). Member of the group PET Music of the Oppressed: Powers, Knowledge, Processes and Practices in Youth Protagonism-CEAM from 2019 to 2021, as a scholarship holder. Currently, research in the field of anti-racist education and black Brazilian literature. Co-founder of Coletivo Escritivences.


ARRUZZA, Cinzia; BHATTACHARYA, Tithia; FRASER, Nancy. Feminismo para os 99% um manifesto. Tradução: Henci Regina Candiani. São Paulo-SP: Boitempo, 2019.

GAGO, Verónica. A potência feminista ou o desejo de transformar tudo. Tradução: Igor Peres. São Paulo-SP: Editora Elefante, 2020.

MARTINÉZ, Josefina. Nos mulheres, o proletariado: Greves de mulheres trabalhadoras, ontem e hoje. Tradução: Luciana Vizzotto. São Paulo-SP: Iskra. 2022.

PAIM, Soldateli Elisangela (Org.). Resistências e Re-existências: Mulheres, território e meio ambiente em tempos de pandemia. São Paulo-SP: Funilaria e Fundação Rosa Luxemburgo, 2020.



How to Cite

BATISTA, Hellen Rodrigues. Resistances and Re-Existences: women, territory and environment in time. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 26, p. 367–373, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v12i26.15387. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.