
  • Juliana Lopes do Nascimento
  • Alberto Pereira Lopes
  • Juliana Lopes do Nascimento Federal University of Goiás
  • Alberto Pereira Lopes Federal University of Northern Tocantins



indebted slavery, non-governmental institutions, Tocantins


In Brazil, it is estimated that, annually, around 25 to 40 thousand workers are in a work situation similar to that of slavery, according to figures from the CPT and ILO. One of the most identified modalities of current slavery in the state of Tocantins is debt bondage. In the state, the CPT, CDHA and Repórter Brasil are the most active non-governmental institutions in the fight against debt slavery. In the idealization of this research, readings of works by authors were carried out: LOPES (2009), CPT (2011), SENADO (2011), ILO (2005), MARTINS (1999), (1986) and AMADO (1996). In addition, we interviewed members and representatives of CPT, CDHA, MTE and Repórter Brasil, we collected data that enabled the construction and analysis of graphs and charts. Finally, we visited the Luar do Sertão settlement in Ananás (TO), formed by workers rescued from serfdom. Therefore, these institutions develop a work of great relevance in Tocantins, above all by acting in various areas such as denunciation, inclusion project, database, preventive measures, etc. However, there are still many cases of workers in conditions similar to slaves in Tocantins and, therefore, we need a joint work between civil society, social institutions and the State to fight contemporary slavery.

Author Biographies

Juliana Lopes do Nascimento, Federal University of Goiás

Master's student of the Postgraduate Program in Communication (PPGCOM) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), research line Media and Citizenship. Bachelor's Degree in Journalism from Centro Universitário Alves Faria (UNIALFA), course completed in 2018. He has a full degree in Geography from the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), with training in 2014. He participated in the Scientific Initiation Program (PIBIC) as a scholarship holder by the National Council Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), from 2012 to 2014, being awarded 1st place in the modality of Applied Social Human Sciences and Letters at the 10th UFT Scientific Initiation Seminar. She has experience in telejournalism, working as a producer and reporter for stations in Goiás.

Alberto Pereira Lopes, Federal University of Northern Tocantins

Graduated in Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Paraíba(1991), Master in Geography from the Federal University of Uberlândia(2001) and Ph.D. in Geography (Human Geography) from the University of São Paulo(2009). He is currently PROFESSOR at UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO TOCANTINS, Periodical Reviewer of Revista de Geografia Agrária - Campo e Territories, Periodical Reviewer of Revista de Direito da Cidade, Periodical Reviewer of Contemporâneos: Revista de Artes e Humanidades (Online), Periodical Reviewer of Bioikos and Journal Reviewer of Revista Ciência em Extension. Has experience in the field of Geography, with an emphasis on Human Geography. Acting mainly on the following themes: Agrarian reform, Geographic space.


CPT, Comissão Pastoral da Terra. Dossiê do Trabalho Escravo no Tocantins. Setembro de 2011Estatística do Trabalho Escravo no Brasil. Campanha CPT -T.E. dezembro, 2013.Disponível em: em: 21 de janeiro de 2015.

LOPES, Alberto Pereira. Araguaína-TO, uma cidade da nova fronteira agrícola: o lugar do recrutamento dos trabalhadores para prática do trabalho escravo. XIX Encontro Nacional de Geografia Agrária, São Paulo, 2009, pp. 1-15.

LOPES, Alberto Pereira. Escravidão por dívida no norte do estado do Tocantins: vidas e destinos fora do compasso.Tese (Doutorado em Geografia). Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas. Universidade Federal de São Paulo -USP, 2009.

MPT, Ministério Público do Trabalho. Cartilha: O Trabalho Escravo está mais próximo do que você imagina. 2011



How to Cite

DO NASCIMENTO, Juliana Lopes; LOPES, Alberto Pereira; NASCIMENTO, Juliana Lopes do; LOPES, Alberto Pereira. THE STATE OF TOCANTINS IN RANKING SLAVERY DEBT. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 7, p. 34–52, 2016. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v5n7p34-52. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.