Evaluation of scientific production on the use of the SWAT hydrological model in Brazil through Bibliographical Analysis
Scientometrics, Bibliographic Production, SWATAbstract
Bibliometrics is a quantitative and statistical technique that allows measuring production rates and dissemination of knowledge, monitoring the development of various scientific areas. In this sense, the present work seeks to analyze the scientific productions that appropriated the SWAT hydrological model in Brazilian territory. The survey of academic productions was carried out with the Web of Science (WoS) platform. Thus, 173 documents published between January 2001 and January 2023 were analyzed. These productions were inserted into the VOSviewer® software, which allowed the construction of bibliometric networks with connections between citations, institutions, countries, keywords, co-authorship, journals and researchers. The results showed an evolution of publications related to the SWAT model in Brazil from 2013, with a large number in 2019 followed by a brief drop and after the apex in 2022. Therefore, the bibliometric research on the SWAT model applied in the Brazilian territory indicated that from 2013 there was a significant interest in this theme and the analyzes can subsidize researchers in the area of investigation regarding scientific production, as well as applied methodology can be reapplied to other themes, and time cuts.
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