Space, Time, PeriodsAbstract
The rainfall variability is one of the best known elements and the impact of this variability, within normality, has meanings in activities, even by manThe course work is for the variability region of the North course (Rio da Variability Region) and the workspace for the main objective of the North course (Rio de Variability) The data used in the survey of the Superintendence of Development of the Northeast (INMET) and the Executive Agency for Water Management of Paraíba (AESA), for the composition of the space-time variability of the RACRPN forecast. The RACRPN annual rainfall study showed 20 years with rainfall above the median and 20 years below. In the spatial analysis of the duration, while the part of the months, it was possible to verify that the largest precipitated values are central and the smallest values, as can be observed in the course of the months.
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