Magnitude of the State, Legal Amazon, State Magnitude IndexAbstract
This paper sought to analyze the magnitude of the State in the socioeconomic of the Legal Amazon between 2000 and 2020. To a better understanding of thist topic, a historical review of economic theories was made, highlighting the thinking of each current, including Classical Liberalism, Keynesian Intervention, Neoliberalism, Post - Neoliberalism and Ultraliberalism. Therefore, the guiding question of this research was: What is the magnitude of the State in the socio-economy of the Legal Amazon? The methodology adopted in this article deals with a historical analysis of socioeconomics, as an investigation of the relationship between the State and economy over time, from the aspect of the State's presence at relevant moments. In this context, it was necessary to adopt some comparison criteria, given that the objective was to analyze the magnitude that represents "a measure of greatness" of the State, is enabling the use of the comparative analysis method. The results achieved showed that the states of Tocantins, Acre, Roraima and Amapá, mainly in 2010 and 2020, the presence of these states in their socioeconomics is high, but weak, since the sector that stood out most was the service sector, however, this sector is sensitive to economic crises and is the first to be affected.
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