Marine fish farming, georeferencing, decision makingAbstract
The objective of this work was to analyze the potential for implementing true grouper production units in the state of Rio de Janeiro, using existing aquaculture structures, such as excavated ponds, or identifying suitable coastal areas for this creation. The analysis was based on georeferenced information obtained from the Strategic Territorial Intelligence System for Aquaculture (SITE Aquicultura), through thematic maps and strategic territorial intelligence analyses. By combining the analysis of strategic territorial intelligence with decisions in the production sector, it was possible to identify areas suitable for the establishment of aquaculture enterprises, considering both the optimization of production and the environmental dimension of sustainability. Furthermore, the analysis facilitated the identification of possible challenges and opportunities, allowing a proactive approach to mitigating risks and taking advantage of favorable conditions. It is concluded that Rio de Janeiro has a high potential for grouper cultivation, due to the existing aquaculture structures and its location in the area of natural occurrence of the true grouper.
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