


Uberaba River EPA, Water Quality Index (WQA), public supply source


The Uberaba River Environmental Protection Area (EPA) was created in 2005 to protect the main public supply management in the municipality of Uberaba, MG. The objective of this work was to analyze the variability of the physical-chemical and microbiological quality of water from the tributaries of the Uberaba River that make up the EPA of the Uberaba River, under the influence of seasonality, using the Water Quality Index (WQI). To evaluate the seasonality and spatial variability of water quality in the EPA of the Uberaba River, 2 collection campaigns were carried out along the microbasins of the tributaries of the Uberaba River. These samples were collected at two different times: during the dry season (September/2019), and during the rainy season (January/2020). The WQI results in the rainy and dry seasons are in the range between 50 and 90, therefore specific with average and good WQI. During the dry period, the Pintos (downstream) and Lanhoso streams had a specific drop in water quality, going from 81.9 to 58.2 and 85.5 to 67.2, respectively. Although some tributaries present different WQI in the dry and rainy periods.

Author Biographies

Aline Claro de Oliveira, Federal University of Uberlândia

PhD student in Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resources at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) (2020 to 2024), Master in Environmental Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2017. Specialist in Environmental Analysis and Territory Management at the National School of Statistical Sciences from IBGE in 2017. Occupational Safety Engineer from the Catholic University of Petrópolis in 2016. Environmental Engineer from the University of Uberaba (Uniube) in 2012.

Karina da Costa Sousa Lima, Universidade de São Paulo/ Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sustentabilidade

PhD student in Sustainability at the University of São Paulo (PPGSUS - EACH/USP). Master in Teaching Earth Sciences at the State University of Campinas-UNICAMP (2013-2015). Specialization in Urban and Environmental Law - PUC MG (2017-2018). Graduated in Environmental Engineering from the University of Uberaba (2008-2012). Professor of distance learning postgraduate courses (lato sensu) at the University of Uberaba (since 2022). She was Coordinator of the Environmental and Sanitary Engineering course at the Centro Universitário do Planalto de Araxá-Uniaraxá (2018-2019) and Professor (2016-2019) at the same institution, teaching the subjects of Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Licensing, Environmental Management Systems, Environmental Planning and Management, and Course Conclusion Work; and the subject Research Methods and Techniques, in the distance learning modality, for several undergraduate courses. Professor Author and Scriptwriter of material for the subjects Research Methods and Techniques, Engineering and Profession, and Sciences, Environment and Sustainability, for the distance learning of the Distance Education Center-NEaD/Uniaraxá (2017-2019), and validator of teaching material for the subject Climatology (2020) in the same department. Substitute Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), teaching environmental subjects for the institution's Engineering courses, for one year (2015-2016). She has experience with Environmental Licensing and Environmental Management; and, in the academic area, with teaching Environmental Sciences, with the preparation and participation in research projects, and with the supervision of Course Conclusion and Scientific Initiation Papers. She also has experience in developing Socio-Environmental Education projects, through the Aondê Environmental Institute, a non-profit institution of which she was a co-founder (2009-2012; 2018-2022); and in entrepreneurship and businesses with socio-environmental impact, having worked as a technological development scholarship holder at Unitecne - Business Incubator of the University of Uberaba (2021-2022).

Ana Flávia Mendonça Santana, Universidade de Uberaba/ Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química

Chemical Engineer, graduated from UNIUBE, class started in 2015, completed the Professional Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering in 2023 at the same Higher Education institution, area of ​​concentration: Development of Chemical and Agro-Industrial Processes. She is currently a BDCTI level I researcher at UNIUBE by FAPEMIG - Multi-User Laboratories. She has a specialization in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering from UNOPAR, 2021 and an MBA in Production Engineering from UNIUBE, 2024. She has participated in several events (research and extension) taught and organized by UNIUBE, UFTM, IFTM. In her professional activities, she has worked in a chemical industry in the positions of physical-chemical laboratory supervision and chemistry technician in the same, BDCTI level II researcher in an innovation hub here in the city of Uberaba/MG, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship axis. Develops technical/freelance consultancies in her areas of training. Actively participates as support/team member of several research projects, such as Scientific Initiation, among others at UNIUBE. Has active CRQ and CREA.

Leonardo Campos de Assis, Universidade de Uberaba/ Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química

Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação pela Universidade de Uberaba - Uniube (2005), com mestrado (2008) e doutorado (2012) em Engenharia Civil /Informações Espaciais pela Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV. Tenho experiência em Geociências: Sensoriamento Remoto, SIG, Hidrologia e, Inferência Bayesiana. Professor na Uniube responsável pelo Laboratório de Geoprocessamento.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Aline Claro de; LIMA, Karina da Costa Sousa; SANTANA, Ana Flávia Mendonça; ASSIS, Leonardo Campos de. INFLUENCE OF SEASONALITY ON WATER QUALITY IN THE EPA OF THE UBERABA RIVER, UBERABA, MINAS GERAIS. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 31, p. 29–44, 2024. DOI: 10.70860/rtg.v13i31.19303. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.