
  • Daniel Araújo Sombra Soares Universidade Federal do Pará - Núcleo de Meio Ambiente - Geógrafo
  • Alegria dos Santos Leite Universidade Federal do Pará - Programa de Pós Graduação em Economia - Doutoranda em Economia
  • Mateus Monteiro Lobato Universidade Estadual Paulista - Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia - Doutorando em Geografia
  • Carlos Jorge Nogueira de Castro Universidade do Estado do Pará - Campus de Igarapé Açu (PA) - Professor de Geografia
  • Daniel Araújo Sombra Soares Federal University of Pará
  • Alegria dos Santos Leite Federal University of Pará
  • Mateus Monteiro Lobato
  • Carlos Jorge Nogueira de Castro Federal University of Pará



Uses of the territory, ocial classes, Paragominas


This article proposes an analysis of the uses of the territory in the municipality of Paragominas, describing them without neglecting the analysis of economic and social contradictions, at the same time, drivers and products of the unequal spatialization that characterizes the municipality. It is about contrasting the data collected in field work with the economic and geographic data made available by the official institutions to carry out a geographic synthesis of Paragominas, in this moment of the totality-world.

Author Biographies

Daniel Araújo Sombra Soares, Universidade Federal do Pará - Núcleo de Meio Ambiente - Geógrafo

Geógrafo, bacharel e licenciado pleno em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Mestre em Geografia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (POSGEO-UFF). Geógrafo do Núcleo de Meio Ambiente da Universidade Federal do Pará (NUMA-UFPA) Pesquisador pelos grupos: Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE-Michigan State University), Núcleo de Estudos sobre Regionalização (NUREG-UFF) e Grupo Acadêmico de Produção do Território Meio Ambiente Amazônia
(GAPTA-UFPA). E-mail:;

Alegria dos Santos Leite, Universidade Federal do Pará - Programa de Pós Graduação em Economia - Doutoranda em Economia

Bacharela em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Bacharela em Administração com Ênfase em Gestão Pública pelo Instituto Federal do Pará (IFPA). Bacharela em Administração com Ênfase em Gestão Empresarial pela Universidade da Amazônia (Unama). Mestra em Economia pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Economia da Universidade Federal do Pará (PPGE-UFPA). Doutornda em em Economia pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Economia da Universidade Federal do Pará (PPGE-UFPA). Pesquisadora pelo grupo:  Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE-Michigan State University). E-mail:

Mateus Monteiro Lobato, Universidade Estadual Paulista - Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia - Doutorando em Geografia

Geógrafo, bacharel e licenciado pleno em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Mestre em
Desenvolvimento pelo Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos (NAEA-UFPA). Docente na Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado do Pará (SEDUC-PA). E-mail:

Carlos Jorge Nogueira de Castro, Universidade do Estado do Pará - Campus de Igarapé Açu (PA) - Professor de Geografia

Geógrafo, bacharel e licenciado pleno em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Mestre em
Geografia (PPGEO-UFPA), com especialização em Geoprocessamento e Ordenamento Territorial. Docente na Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA). Pesquisador pelos grupos: Geoprocessamento, Cartografia e Agrária (GEOCARTA-UEPA) e Grupo Acadêmico de Produção do Território Meio Ambiente Amazônia (GAPTAUFPA). E-mail:

Daniel Araújo Sombra Soares, Federal University of Pará

PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Pará (2017-2021). Master in Geography from Universidade Federal Fluminense (2014-2016). Bachelor's and Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Pará (2009-2013), with a sandwich degree from Michigan State University (2012-2012). He was an international research consultant at Michigan State University (2014-2016), professor of Geography at the Municipal Education Department of Terra Alta-PA (2016-2016), and substitute professor at the State University of Pará (2017-2019). Since 2016, he has been a Geographer at the Federal University of Pará and a researcher at the Environment Center, where he coordinates the Laboratory for Environmental Analysis and Cartographic Representation (LARC), and works as a Collaborating Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Natural Resources Management and Local Development da Amazônia (PPGEDAM) and professor at the Interdisciplinary Training Program in the Environment (PROFIMA). He is currently Coordinator of Social Relations in the Directorate of Interinstitutional and Social Relations (DRIS) of the Dean of Extension at the Federal University of Pará (PROEX/UFPA). Since 2019 he has been a professor of Geography at the State Department of Education of Pará (SEDUC-PA). He has research and extension experience in the following topics: economic-ecological zoning; agroecological zoning; regionalization; environmental analysis; environmental management and governance; socio-environmental conflicts; river basins and water resources; participatory cartography; and geotechnologies.

Alegria dos Santos Leite, Federal University of Pará

Doctoral Student in Economic Development, Territory and Environment at the Postgraduate Program in Economics (PPGE) at the Federal University of Pará, Master in Economics and Regional Development at PPGE-UFPA, Graduated in ECONOMY at UFPA (2014), with a sandwich degree at Michigan State University (2012), Lansing-MI, USA. Graduated in Administration with emphasis in Business Management at UNAMA (2008), graduated in Public Management at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (2011). Researcher at the Technological Institute of Vale (ITV) and at the Socioeconomic Study Group of the PIRE Project: Sustainability, Ecosystem Services, and Bioenergy Development across the Americas, under the coordination of professors Rodrigo G. Pinto (MSU/USA) and Theresa Selfa ( SUNY/USA). He works mainly on the following topics: business management, public management, cost management, bioenergy and mineral economics.

Mateus Monteiro Lobato

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Pará (2008), Master in Sustainable Development of the Humid Tropic from the Federal University of Pará (2012) and Ph.D. in Geography from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho - Presidente Prudente campus (2018). He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Pará, Altamira campus. He works in the area of ​​Geography, with an emphasis on Human Geography and Cartography, working mainly on the following topics: Amazon, migration, state, capitalism, frontier and cartography.

Carlos Jorge Nogueira de Castro, Federal University of Pará

Effective Professor of Cartography at the University of the State of Pará (UEPA). Geographer - Doctor in Geography by the Postgraduate Program in Geography (PPGEO), in the Concentration Area: Territory Organization and Management, working in the research line Dynamics of Landscape in the Amazon; by the Graduate Program which is linked to the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Researcher ? Leader of the Amazon Cartographic Study and Observation Group (GEOCAM), linked to the University of the State of Pará (UEPA), with research in the areas of Transport (Urban and Rural), Cartography (Analogical and Digital), Planning and Management. Assistant Researcher with the Group: Spatial Planning, Urban Space and Violence in the Amazon Linked to the University of the State of Pará (UEPA), with research in the areas of: Territory Dynamics and changes in space in the areas of mining-metallurgical projects and infrastructure -structural and Territorial Planning, Power Relations and Violence in Greater Belém. Member of the Editorial Team of the periodical InterEspaço ? Journal of Geography and Interdisciplinarity, acting as Cartographic Reviewer. In 2021, the research entitled: ANALYSIS OF THE TRAINING PROCESSES OF MUNICIPALITIES IN THE IMMEDIATE GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF CASTANHAL AND THE PREPARATION OF TEACHING RESOURCES IN GEOGRAPHY, under his guidance was awarded Scientific Merit to the Prof. Benedito Nunes Social Human Sciences, Letters and Arts, by the University of the State of Pará, in accordance with the INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAM OF SCIENTIFIC, TECHNOLOGICAL AND INNOVATION SCHOLARSHIPS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF PARÁ (DOE-PA, No. 34.441, published on 21st January 2021).


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How to Cite

SOARES, Daniel Araújo Sombra; LEITE, Alegria dos Santos; LOBATO, Mateus Monteiro; CASTRO, Carlos Jorge Nogueira de; SOARES, Daniel Araújo Sombra; LEITE, Alegria dos Santos; LOBATO, Mateus Monteiro; CASTRO, Carlos Jorge Nogueira de. USES OF THE TERRITORY IN PARAGOMINAS(PA): GEOGRAPHICAL SPACE AND SOCIAL CLASSES. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 8, p. 01–28, 2016. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v5n8p01-28. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 nov. 2024.

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