
  • Sidinei Esteves de Oliveira Jesus Universidade de Brasília
  • Sidinei Esteves de Oliveira de Jesus Federal University of Northern Tocantins
  • Marli Sales University of Brasilia



Territory, Beekeeping and Cerrado


This work is the result of an ongoing research project, which aims to study the importance of beekeeping activity in the economic, social and environmental spheres for the community of the Friends of the Earth Settlement Project-"PAAT" in the municipality of Darcinópolis Tocantins, in order to mobilize actions that will alleviate the problems created by the presence of agribusiness installed in its surroundings. Beekeeping has become an activity with excellent opportunities to generate income for family farming, it is seen that in a short time, the beekeeping activity provides, with low investments, a great sustainable and profitable opportunity driven by the great floristic potential of the cerrado. PAAT is a rural settlement, where the basis of its sustainability comes from family farming and agro-extraction, plant and animal. This research is being carried out with the participation of families who work with rational bee rearing and others who have not yet adopted beekeeping as a way of working, but who are sympathetic to this activity.

Author Biographies

Sidinei Esteves de Oliveira Jesus, Universidade de Brasília

Graduado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins-UFT, Especialista em Apicultura - Abelhas pela Universidade On-line de Viçosa, Pós-Graduado em Educação e Gestão Ambiental pela Faculdade Rio Sono de Pedro Afonso Tocantins e MESTRANDO em Geografia pela Universidade de Brasília-UNB. Desenvolve pesquisa sobre desenvolvimento local, tendo como área de análise a formação territorial dos apicultores de Darcinópolis-TO junto ao GEGATO/UFT. Tem publicação em eventos Internacionais, nacionais e reginais sobre a questão do desenvolvimento local objetivando a conservação do Bioma Cerrado. (Técnico em Agropecuária pela Escola Agrotecnica Federal de Araguatins-EAFA, TO.

Sidinei Esteves de Oliveira de Jesus, Federal University of Northern Tocantins

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Tocantins Foundation - UFT (2011), is a specialist in Environmental Education and Management, from Faculdade do Rio Sono (2012), is a specialist in Beekeeping from the University of Viçosa (2011), Specialist in Rural Education from Faculdade Eficaz (2015), and Master in Geography from the University of Brasília - UNB (2015). Currently, he is an assistant professor in the Degree course in Rural Education with Qualification in Visual Arts and Music (Campus de Tocantinópolis) at the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT. He has experience in the areas of Human Geography, with an emphasis on Agrarian Geography and Rural Education, working mainly on the following themes: educational public policies, environment, cerrado, territory, riparian forest, social movements, agrarian reform, rural settlement, family agriculture, agribusiness and agrarian issue

Marli Sales, University of Brasilia

Adjunct Professor at the Department of Geography at UnB - Universidade de Brasília. Advisor in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at UnB. Post Doctorate from the University of Córdoba, Spain (2017). PhD in Social Sciences from the State University of Campinas (2007). Master (1996) and Graduated (1993) in Geography from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Experience in the area of ​​Human Geography, with an emphasis on Geographic Education, Agrarian Geography and Geography of Tourism, working mainly with: family farming, environment, rural-city relationship, traditional populations, local development, social technologies, methodology and teaching practice in geography and environmental education. Currently, his investigations focus on the territorialities of youth and traditional populations/communities. Coordinates the Gea/UnB Geographical Education laboratory and the Observatory of Territories of Hope. She works as a consultant in initial and continuing teacher education and training. She is the author of the Terra Gente and Companhia textbook collections - vols 1 to 4, Ed. Dimensão, selected by PNLD 2004 and Fazer e Aprender Geografia - vols 1 to 4, Editora Dimensão, selected by PNLD 2010, in addition to books on paradidactic literature intended for children.


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LOPES, A. P. ASSENTAMENTO 1º De Janeiro: Estrutura e Formas de Vida das Famílias.Anais. X Encontro de Geógrafos da América Latina. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, 2005.

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How to Cite

JESUS, Sidinei Esteves de Oliveira; JESUS, Sidinei Esteves de Oliveira de; SALES, Marli. THE TERRITORIALIZATIONOFFARMERSIN THESETTLEMENTPROJECTFRIENDSOF THE EARTHANDECONOMIC ACTIVITYOFBEEKEEPING: AN ALTERNATIVEFOR THE CONSERVATION OFLOCAL SAVANNAH. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 48–59, 2013. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v2n2p48-59. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.

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