
  • Thayssllorranny Batista Reinaldo Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Thayssllorranny Batista Reinaldo federal University of Ceara
  • Adriana Lima da Silva
  • Eliseu Pereira de Brito Federal University of Northern Tocantins



Agrarian Elite, Territory


This research aims to analyze the creation of the capital of Tocantins, Palmas, taking into account political interests that were present in the search for the dismemberment of Northern Goiás. Such struggles were guided by the agrarian elites that settled in the region and created the State of Tocantins. To guide this research, we used Andrade (2001), Brito (2009), Carlos (2004), Cavalcante (2003) and Parente (2002) as methodology, structuring the work on a historical/geographic analysis of the territory. Data collection was carried out by field work carried out in the State of Tocantins. Taking a look at the time, we can say that the Belém-Brasília Highway was an open artery for the occupation of the North Region of Goiano, as well as a factor in the consolidation of the agrarian elites, which began to fight for the division of the State of Tocantins. From this perspective, we seek to analyze issues relevant to the construction of Palmas and the political struggle of the Tocantins agrarian elite.

Author Biographies

Thayssllorranny Batista Reinaldo, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Graduada em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Campus de Araguaína-TO. Membro do grupo de pesquisa GEGATO- Grupo de Estudos Geográficos da Amazônia e do Tocantins. Desenvolve Pesquisa sobre, Território, Fronteira e Migração. Integrante do projeto de extensão Carmolândia de ontem e de hoje pelos meandros do espaço/tempo. Tem experiência em monitoria em Geografia Econômica Hidrografia e Estágios. E Pós-graduanda pela ESEA (Especialização e Estudos Avançados). Com enfase em Gestão e Educação Ambiental.

Thayssllorranny Batista Reinaldo, federal University of Ceara

He holds a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Tocantins (2012). He holds a master's degree in geography from the Federal University of Tocantins (2016). PhD student in Geography at the Federal University of Ceará since 2018. Member of the GEGATO Research Group ? The Amazon and Tocantins Geographical Studies Group, develops research on territory, borders, migration, cooperativism, social movements and modernization of agriculture in the Legal Amazon, with the northern region of the state of Tocantins as a spatial cutout. She served as a substitute professor at the Federal University of Tocantins from February 2017 to February 2019, teaching Internship, History of Education and Regional Geography subjects. She is currently a temporary professor at the State University of Vale do Acaraú (UVA) in the Degree in Geography, teaching the subjects of Supervised Internship II, Teaching Geography, Historical, Philosophical and sociological Foundations of Education II and Curriculum Practice III: Management, Processes and Educational Models. Member of the OPALLA network - Observatory of Heritage Landscapes & Latin American Arts and has experience with extension projects.

Adriana Lima da Silva

Graduated in Geography

Eliseu Pereira de Brito, Federal University of Northern Tocantins

He holds a Bachelor's and Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Tocantins. He holds a Masters in Geography from the Federal University of Grande Dourados. PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Goiás. Leader of the Research Group GEGATO - Geographical Studies Group of the Amazon and Tocantins and Researcher at the Center for Urban, Agrarian and Regional Studies - NURBA/UFT. External Researcher at LABOTER/UFG. Develops research on "Territory and territorialities of riverside communities in the Legal Amazon - Tocantins" and on "Territory Identities and Places from Tocantins. Develops readings in the Study Group on "places" in Jöel Bonnemaison". He is currently Adjunct Professor of the Geography Course at the Federal University of Tocantins - Campus de Araguaína. Editor of the Revista Tocantinense de Geografia.


ANDRADE, Manuel Correa de. GeopolíticadoBrasil. Campinas-SP: Papirus. 2001. p. 7-13.

BARBOSA, Ycarim Melgaço. As políticas territoriais e a criação do estado do Tocantins. 1999. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) -Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo, 1999.

BRITO, Eliseu Pereira. O papel de Palmas -TO na rede de integração regional.2009. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) –Universidade Federal Grande Dourados, 2009.

BRITO, Eliseu Pereira. Do Canteiro de obras à cidade consolidada. Uma leitura sobre a formação do centro urbano de Palmas -Tocantins -e seu papel na rede urbana. In: Anais do X Simpub. Brasília: UNB, 2009.

BRITO, Eliseu Pereira. Planejamento, Especulação imobiliária e ocupação fragmentada em Palmas. Caminhos de Geografia. Revista on-line. Vol. 11, n. 34. Uberlândia: Instituto de Geografia, UFU, 2010.

BRITO, Eliseu Pereira. Planejamento, especulaçãoimobiliária e ocupação fragmentada em Palmas. In: Caminhos da Geografia. Revista on-line. Uberlândia: UFU, 2010.

CARLOS, Ana Fani A. O espaço Urbano: novos escritos sobre a cidade.São Paulo: Contexto, 2004. p. 20-40.



How to Cite

REINALDO, Thayssllorranny Batista; REINALDO, Thayssllorranny Batista; SILVA, Adriana Lima da; BRITO, Eliseu Pereira de. AURAIT CREE UN PALMAS VILLE DE PERTURBER ELITE RURALE. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 60–72, 2013. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v2n2p60-72. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.

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