Uma análise da CPPA de Araguaína-TO


  • Helena Mendes Silva e Lima Faculdade Católica D. Orione
  • Lyndja Oliveira Faculdade Catolica Dom Orione




Punição. Modificação. Realidade. Delinquentes.


This article has as an object of investigation the development of punishments in a historical way, addressing in a particular way the modes of punishment that have been modified according to society and its demands, with a view to seeking more humane ways of treating people who commit crimes, has as an objective to show the diverse thoughts about the delinquents, the punishments, the reality that was lived by our ancestors and the improvements made until the current reality. In order to understand the data, the dialectical method was used to analyze the subjects in their realities of field and historicity, so the techniques of interview and observation were used. The investigation of the problem of punishments with their characterizations of social space of isolation has made clear the conclusion that there are flaws which need to be verified in detail, so that an egalitarian society can be provided where the Rights that are guaranteed to all are fulfilled.

Author Biography

Lyndja Oliveira , Faculdade Catolica Dom Orione

Graduanda em Direito


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How to Cite

SILVA E LIMA, Helena Mendes; OLIVEIRA , Lyndja. A TRANSMUTAÇÃO DO SISTEMA CARCERÁRIO E SUAS FORMAS PUNITIVAS: Uma análise da CPPA de Araguaína-TO. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 15, p. 114–125, 2019. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v8n15p114-125. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufnt.edu.br/index.php/geografia/article/view/6959. Acesso em: 23 nov. 2024.