Palavras-chave: risco; sismos; urbanização; desabamentos.Abstract
The municipality of Montes Claros-MG, has been facing events related to seismology. Studies show that earthquakes are associated with a geological fault located in Morro do Frade. The region also counts on the existence of mining companies that perform detonations, affecting the existing residences. The urbanization of the hill occurred in a disorderly manner, which was the result of irregular occupation in the 1970s by poor people. The houses did not have professional accompaniment being susceptible to risks of landslides due to the lack of design elaboration. The objective of this study was to verify if the buildings located in Morro do Frade have a higher risk of collapse, due to the lack of professional accompaniment associated with seismic events and had as specific objectives to contextualize the occupation of the hill region; present the occurrence of natural/artificial seismic events in the region and propose alternatives in the area of architecture for this type of event. The method used was of an applied nature, based on exploratory research, with procedure based on bibliographic research/field study. It was confirmed that the urbanization of the region was due to irregular occupation and due to the proximity of the earthquake focal point, these residences are at greater risk of obtaining structural pathologies and may even collapse. It is understood that the municipality should take mitigation and guidance measures for the resident population, as it is not possible to accurately calculate the period and impact of a seismic event on an urban population.
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