bibliographic review
Rural space, agricultural activities, multifunctionality, pluriactivityAbstract
The rural space has been changing over the years, so the concept of rural multifunctionality has stood out, as there are various functions that the field receives, being agricultural and non-agricultural aimed at trade, services, in addition to production. Pluriactivity happens when the family group that lives in the rural area is engaged in agricultural activity with non-agricultural activities at the same time. In this context, the present study analyzes rural multifunctionality through a bibliographic review by the authors Candiotto (2009), Machado and Caume (2008), Moreira (2003), Verges (2013), Carneiro and Maluf (2003), Galvão, Castro and Marques (2018), Schneider and Cassol (2003), in addition to Silva (1998), Wanderley (2003) among others. It was inferred that the new functions of the agricultural space go beyond the agricultural one, valuing the agricultural space, minimizing the rural exodus, preserving the environment and culture. The new functions of this space have been making the countryside more dynamic and bringing new forms of work and income, showing that the rural space goes beyond the agricultural one.
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