
  • Joao Vitor Rodrigues de Brito UFT - Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Eliseu Pereira de Brito Federal University Tocantins




GEOPHOTO, Landscape, Space, Contemplation


This text presents an approach on geophots. The focus is the landscapes of Araguaína in the time / space scale. It was proposed to examine the use of landscape photo from the past as a source of memory and, of the present time, for allowing the construction of spatial readings. The landscape photo is a resource that can be used to facilitate the process of interpreting the space and its landscapes. The research method was field work with observation of the places, landscape contemplation, research in personal and public record photos and analysis of satellite images. Having a geographical view of a certain "frozen" place - photographic landscapes can make the days more pleasant, as you admire its beauty and have a more creative view of the landscape. For this, GEOPHOTOS are a resource both viable and appreciated by people. The images capture moments of the places making them important for society. An image is unique, however, its physical aspects can have several revelations, meanings and understandings.


Author Biography

Eliseu Pereira de Brito, Federal University Tocantins

He holds a BA in Geography and a Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Tocantins. He has a master's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Grande Dourados. PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Goiás. Leader of the GEGATO Research Group - Geographic Studies Group for the Amazon and Tocantins, Researcher at the Urban, Aggregate and Regional Studies Center - NURBA / UFT. Develops research on the territorial formation of Northern Goiano / Tocantins State. He is currently Adjunct Professor of the Geography Course at the Federal University of Tocantins - Araguaína Campus


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES DE BRITO, Joao Vitor; BRITO, Eliseu Pereira de. “GEOPHOTO”: ABOUT ARAGUAINENSE LANDSCAPE CONTEMPLATIONS. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 19, p. 272–284, 2020. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v9n19p272-284. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufnt.edu.br/index.php/geografia/article/view/9162. Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.

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