
  • Emanuelton Antony Noberto de Queiroz federal University of Ceara
  • Alexsandra Maria Vieira Muniz federal University of Ceara



Lower Circuit of the Economy., Urban Space., Novo Beco da Poeira.


With the closure of old industries, transformations occur in the urban space, as in the Small Business Center of Fortaleza (CPNF), known as Novo Beco da Poeira, giving new shape and function to the first textile industry in Ceará, the former Thomaz Pompeu Têxtil, founded in 1881, in the Center of Fortaleza. This research has as main objective to analyze how the creation and refunctionalization of the first textile factory of our State, Thomaz Pompeu Têxtil, in Novo Beco da Poeira, that is, of production space for commercialization, and the importance of this urban equipment in the lower circuit of the economy and in the requalification of the center of Fortaleza. As a methodology, a documentary search was carried out on the CPNF in the old and new building, in addition to bibliographic survey, fieldwork, application of questionnaires with closed and open questions, field book records and newspaper library with data from local newspapers. This is a qualitative case study. It was found that the requalification of the Center of Fortaleza, from the CPNF, offers a more structured and attractive place to popular commerce in the Center of Fortaleza, with accessibility for the disabled, as well as expanding its service provision. In addition, it presents elements of the upper circuit, together and adapted to the lower circuit. CPNF is a space for survival for dependents in retail trade and consumption for low-income population, with an intense flow of goods and people having an impact on the economy of Ceará.

Author Biographies

Emanuelton Antony Noberto de Queiroz, federal University of Ceara

Graduated in Geography Degree (2013) and Bachelor (2019), from the Federal University of Ceará, with a specialization in Geography and Environment from the University Cândido Mendes, Currently he is a professor - Municipal Secretary of Education of Fortaleza. He has experience in the area of Geography, with an emphasis on Geography and Teaching, Geohistory, Economic and Urban and Industrial Geography.

Alexsandra Maria Vieira Muniz, federal University of Ceara

Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, Federal University of Ceará. PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Ceará (2014.2), Master in Geography from the State University of Ceará (2004). He holds a bachelor's (2001) and a degree (2006) in Geography from the State University of Ceará. Researcher at the Observatório das Metrópoles Network - Núcleo Fortaleza (Lapur). He has experience in the area of ​​Geography, with an emphasis on Agricultural, Economic and Urban and Industrial Geography, having worked mainly on the following themes: Productive and Spatial Restructuring; Production and work relations; Labor market and worker mobility. He currently develops activities related to Urban Geography and Geography and Education, with emphasis on the themes: Productive and Spatial Restructuring and Urban-Industrial Dynamics in the metropolitan economy; Agroindustry, Labor and countryside-city relations, as well as the use of different languages ​​and methodologies active in the teaching of Geography, resulting from the work developed with Pibid-Geography and the discipline of building material for Human Geography (Geographic Workshop III).


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How to Cite

QUEIROZ, Emanuelton Antony Noberto de; MUNIZ, Alexsandra Maria Vieira. FROM THOMAZ POMPEU TÊXTIL TO THE NOVO BECO DA POEIRA : ROLE IN THE LOWER CIRCUIT OF THE ECONOMY AND REQUALIFICATION OF THE CENTER OF FORTALEZA. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 19, p. 115–144, 2020. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v9n19p115-144. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.