
  • Thiago Pereira Cunha Federal University of Ceara



Semiárido, Desertification, Remote Sensing, Solar Energy, Ceará


Having regard to the negative socio-environmental impacts of the degradation and desertification process in semi-arid regions and the growth of renewable energy at global and regional level, in particular solar energy, The analysis of heavily degraded areas in Ceará can indicate the space necessary for the expansion of solar energy projects providing the rehabilitation of these areas in the state. The utilization of the local potentiality of great solar incidence can occur by the use of the areas that are in vulnerable situation, that is, without plant cover and that are unfit for productive activities such as agriculture. The study aimed to analyze parameters that could detect indications of greater vulnerability in the municipalities of Arneiroz, Canindé and Jaguaribe, through remote sensing when applying the Vegetation Index by Standardized Difference (NDVI) by estimating the Earth Surface Temperature (TST) and by obtaining the declivity of the territories. In the three municipalities, and especially in heavily degraded areas, it was noted the existence of areas with little or no vegetation along with the highest temperatures recorded. And with the analysis of the declivity was determined the feasibility of using the areas for the implementation of enterprises intended for the generation of solar energy.

Author Biography

Thiago Pereira Cunha, Federal University of Ceara

Graduating in Ecological Economics from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC and Computer Technician from E.E.E.P. Ícaro de Sousa Moreira.


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How to Cite

CUNHA, Thiago Pereira. ANALYSIS OF AREAS STRONGLY DEGRADED AND SUSCEPTIBLE TO DESERTIFICATION IN CEARÁ AND ITS VIABILITY FOR SOLAR ENERGY GENERATION. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 19, p. 188–205, 2020. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v9n19p188-205. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.