



Degraded areas, Recovery, Seedling nursery


In recent years, the search for and demand for seeds and seedlings of species native to the cerrado has grown considerably, but the lack of knowledge on how to produce seedlings and collect seeds has made it difficult to find them in existing nurseries. The objective was to carry out a survey of the collection of seeds and production of seedlings that is being carried out in the Nursery of the Éden Reforestation Institute in the municipality of Parnaguá-Piauí. A bibliographical review was carried out on reforestation and seedling nurseries, on-site visits to the seedling nursery, to observe the project and development, two interviews were carried out with five members. A diagnosis of the area and a documental analysis were also carried out, which sought to identify how the seeds for the seedlings were acquired, which species are being produced in the nursery, whether they are native or not, what else besides seedlings will be produced in the nursery, and how planting areas will be released. In document analysis, some technical issues were also raised, such as the technique for building species selection beds, breaking dormancy and description of the institute. It was verified that the seeds are collected by people who are selected through a public notice issued by IRÉ, where those interested in collecting seeds register and undergo a training course. 

Author Biographies

Raiane Oliveira de Souza, Federal Institute of Piauí

Graduated in Technology in Environmental Management and Specialist in Geoenvironmental Studies and Environmental Licensing, IFPI/Campus Corrente.

Israel Lobato Rocha, Federal Institute of Piauí

Graduated in Technology in Environmental Management, IFPI/Campus Corrente, Specialist in Environmental Management and Education, State University of Piauí, Master in Conservation of Cerrado Natural Resources, Instituto Federal Goiano

Patrine Nunes Gomes, Federal Institute of Piauí

Graduated in Technology in Environmental Management and Specialist in Geoenvironmental Studies and Environmental Licensing, IFPI/Campus Corrente.

Cecília de Souza Carvalho, Federal Institute of Piauí

Graduated in Technology in Environmental Management and Specialist in Geoenvironmental Studies and Environmental Licensing, IFPI/Campus Corrente


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How to Cite

SOUZA, Raiane Oliveira de; ROCHA, Israel Lobato; GOMES, Patrine Nunes; CARVALHO, Cecília de Souza. DIAGNOSIS OF SEED COLLECTION AND SEEDLING PRODUCTION FOR REFORESTATION ON THE SHORTS OF PARNAGUÁ LAGOA – PI. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 27, p. 127–140, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v12i27.15210. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufnt.edu.br/index.php/geografia/article/view/15210. Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.

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