Em qual região do Brasil os corredores apresentam o melhor desempenho?


  • Mabliny Thuany Faculty of Sportos
  • Thayse Natacha Gomes Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFSE




Running, Performance, Endurance


The increase in the number of running practitioners have being observed in last decades, as well as the number of running events, and the runners’ travelling around the country to take part in these events. The aim of the present study was to identify differences in performance among Brazilian road runners, by region of residence, as well as to investigate if the regions can be considered as predictor of runners’ performance of both sexes. The sample comprised 1158 road runners, of both sexes (39.6% women; 60.4% men), from all Brazilian regions. Data were collected through an online questionnaire, which provided information related to sex, age, body mass (kg), height (m), running volume/week (km), running pace (seg/km), and region of residence. The Kruskal-Wallis test (H), followed by the U-Man Whitney test (U), were computed to identify differences in the running pace between the Brazilian regions, by sex. Following, age-adjusted robust regression analyses was computed, to estimate the association between the region of residence and the performance, considering the South region as the reference one, with p<0.05. Statistically significant differences in the mean running pace were observed between women from the five regions (H=25.52; p <0.001), where those from the South region showed better performance than their peers from the Southeast (U=60.9; p=0.016), North (U=26.7; p=0.027), Midwest (U=25.3; p=0.004), and Northeast (U=93.9; p<0.001) regions. Except for the North region, female runners from the other Brazilian regions showed a decrease in performance when comparing against their peers from the South region. The highest reduction in the performance was observed in those athletes from the Midwest region (b =49.1; IC95%= 20.3 – 77.8). Among male runners, it was found an inverse and significant association between athletes from the Northeast region and the performance, with an increase of ≈17 seconds per kilometre (b=17.1; IC95%= 2.9 – 31.4). Road runners from the Brazilian South region showed the best performance, in both sexes. These results reinforce the relevance of the promotion of events and the supporting of the modality in all the regions.


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How to Cite

Thuany, M., & Gomes, T. N. (2021). Em qual região do Brasil os corredores apresentam o melhor desempenho?. Brazilian Archives of Physical Education, 4(2), 132 – 141. https://doi.org/10.20873/abef.2595-0096v4n2p132141

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