Motivação para prática de exercício físico na pandemia COVID-19 de idosos ativos


  • Vanessa Possamai Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Lucia Faria Borges UFRGS
  • Andrea Kruger Gonçalves UFRGS
  • Priscilla Cardoso da Silva UFRGS



Physical Education and Training; Motivation; Elderly; COVID-19.


Objective: To verify the association between the motivation to practice physical exercise and the level of physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample consisted of 98 older adults from a university extension program. A questionnaire with closed questions about motivation to practice physical exercise and the level of physical activity during the pandemic was applied; through an online form sent to the participants by the whatsapp application during the first semester of 2020. For statistical analysis, the chi-square test for independence was used by the IBM-SPSS Statistics Base v.20 software. (Ethics Committee-University No. 39.373). Results: The sample consisted of 93% (n=91) female and 7% (n=7) male, with a mean age of 72.19±6.30. The results show that 10% (n=10) consider themselves sedentary, 35% (n=35) little active and 54% (n=53) active. Regarding the motivation to practice physical exercise, 45% (n=45) considered that their motivation decreased, 32% (n=32) remained and 21% (n=21) increased. It was observed that there was an association between the decrease in motivation to practice physical activity and the low level of physical activity in the pandemic [X² (2)= 33.201; (p<0.000)], showing an association of 0.582 (58%) between these variables. Conclusion: Older adults with physical activity level considered sedentary were less motivated to perform physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this sample, active and less active elderly people oscillate their motivation regarding the practice of physical activity, which may limit their engagement to remain in the activity in the long term.


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How to Cite

Possamai, V., Faria Borges, L., Kruger Gonçalves, A. ., & Cardoso da Silva, P. (2021). Motivação para prática de exercício físico na pandemia COVID-19 de idosos ativos . Brazilian Archives of Physical Education, 4(2), 123–131.

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